HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-27, Page 4•• • t 10 It 1,74 t; ^' • j•g • • PAGE. Tom • • • r • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY: JUNE. 2t1 1)62 • • • , • t'.x..1.X.....•(.0.,••:•;•:. • ..0*. . CLASSIMD ADVERTISING RATES - First Insertion 2c .... per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat ,Insertions, 1 1/2 c per word, minimum 40c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Eventa, minimum 75c. In Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for repli'es to The Sentinel. Billing charge , of 1 Oc for each bill, rendered. , - . FORSALE: :WANTED..' • PROPERTY POMSALE. -- seven WANTED - used pressUre room house On %-acre lOtin stein. John Carter, R,R, 6, Luck- Lucknow, Apply \ jack ,Stuart, now. • ./ phone 334, Luoknow. • HAY FOR SALE., 15 acres of • standing hay. Lorne Luther, phone 65-r-i1t4, Dungannon. ' , HAY FOR. SALE - Apply Ste- wart phone 27-10, Ripley. , • . FOR SALE . Holstein • ibred Heiefs,.. due soon. Donald Far, • rish,R. 7, •Lucknow, phone 82-r- 6, Dungannon. • . WORK SHOE Special Continues SIEGRIST STORE • • . FOR. SALE ••-• 30 -feet television antenna with rotar,in A-1 'shape. Art Breckles, Lucknew. .',FOR. 10 Holstein cows', 6 of them fresh, •4 due. to calve. . , in 2-3 weeks, also 20 acre mix- ed hay." ...Took McGuire, R.R.• 6 Lucknow, phone 167-r-30, • Rip- ley. • • , , • • 'FOR 'SALE -- Feed grain pried reasonable, also all kinds • of • . hard and soft body, or "limb wood. Order your fall wood now. Apply to Robert Purves, • R.R. now. • , , ' 2, Luck- j3irsir1.PRiosis:..iri tractor tires, Fresh cement m stock •-ot• all times, gOod....:dispeurits on 'large:I orders. Formosa No::•1.h.OrdWOod.' slatbs in truckload. leta.. Bruce • gaotainatii.Likluisr..- • ••• . . .Kfflitirip•PrUILIOTS TIOR :Witt ;White' lighOrn and other • . ' • Drilling.... breeds,•.,five months •and over, • ready' for .deliveri.. Whitney I I • k '0 a ntario , Hatchery, ,agent 1V1oPherson,,,.- • L phone • Teeswater 1.sc4.-10: • ' -:..‘ 0 • . • • , . • . 011trt-L0SALtre Jr28 .acres of COT'IIAGE WANTED for the. last week of ,July or the ..first week of August, sleep five, Bruce Beach 'preferred or' ether. good sandy beach. ,Mrs. r. A. Leish- man, Box 212 Markham, Ont.. SALES HELP WANTED MALE. WANTEDReliable *man .as dealer in Bruce County. Experi- ence not necessary. A fine op- portunity to step into old pro- fitable business where Rawleigh Products 'have ,been sold. for years. Big Profits, Products fur- nished on credit Write RaW- leigh'S, PePt. F-2171-163, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. ' , . HOUSE WANTED in Luck - now, modern house, will pay cash for the right property 413 - ply ..by letter only to Box Sf Lucknow Sentinel. AF'PLICATIONS APPLICATIONS. -Will be received by the 'Undersigned to June 30th for supply teacher for North Ashfield School. Duties to • com- mence September 4th. , • Roy 1VlacKay, : ' • R.- 3, Goderich.. .1111111.11.MIRINIIIMMU.NO■ii ater Well • , '• .41*- ' • • • mixed standing hay. Thomas A: MacDonald, Con. 6 Huron, •phone. All Welts :'Guaranteed • Ripley 28-24. • ill.1111011111011181111111111111.11811111.1, • STILL A GOOD SELECTION of • • ShoWer and wedding gifts, avail -1 SERVICES able at savings of •25% off, at,. Finlay !. . Decorators, •Lucknow, I • ; ,,* • • - . Phone 218. ••• •• • • • 1 • • AUCTION SALE • .• , Allan MacIntyie ' • •• FOR- RENT , LiCensed Auctioneer • Lucknow . • Phone 209-r-41 F RENT T - •• RA () ••, o trailer. '7' 3i15% ;fully equipped, sleeps . four and crib, axle hiteh .and wiring .supplied; • $25. per week and could .be used •as a cottage. T • C. Anderson, ' • • phone 02-r-22, Durigannon. • 1- CONSTRUCT UPRIGHT - 1 CONCRETE SILOS . • any height te snit customer., .• • Contact • • ARNOLD HUGILL • • 92 Cambria. Road, Croderich, I Tei. JAckson 4-9437 collect. BRECKOW'S Medical Massage STEAM SAUNA •:(Bath) And • HIGH COMICS 113. Anglesea St, (Off Victoria)' ' • 'Goderich; Ontario, ' Phones Office, JA, 4-8281 Residence, • FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service, BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, • . Phone 'Henson. 696-r-2 VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and 'Service Repairs and bags for all models of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned machines of all Makes for sale. • BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, ' Phone Hensall 696-r-2 AUTOMOTIVE _comiNG. EVENTS cAsti, BINGO A :Cash B..ingo will be eld. the Lucknow. Legion Hall. on Thursday, June 26,th, At' 8:45 p.m. 12 regular games for $10., 3 'sharp,the-wealth,. .$50 Speciol. game ,must gb, 4.0.040,044001,w444,..4004,004.04.00,,, MILDM4Y ROTARY Mechanical and body repairs, Wheel alignment and balance, Window replacement, Radiator repairs. Protect against rust with Undaspray • DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No, t 8, Hwy. • Phone JA 4-7231 ' Goderich, Ontario CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quantity, Custom butchering in Government licensed. abattoir, Pigs, every Tuesday. .'Beef from Moiiday through Thursday. , BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED ' Septic tanks, ,cess pools, etc, pumped and Cleaned with mod- ern equipment, All Work guar- anteed, LOttis Blake, R., 2 Brus- sels, phone, 442-W-6,..' Bingo .in Prizes:. Mildmay Community Centre TONIGHT WEDNESDAY, JIJNE 27th $500.00 Sl'ECIAlli .MUST GO' • ' 'Begins 900 pan, • AUCTION SALE TENDERS TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be' received for the construction and materials for a building 2.2ft. 'x 6ft. in the Village: of Dungannon, Tenders to be at the Huron and Kinloss Municipal Telephone Business Offibe Ripley 'by 8 P.m. June 28, 1902. Specificationsmaybe seen at the above mentioned Office, or by 'calling Clayton Nicholson, phone 32R or 70 Rip- ley. • • • .MARKED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned to June 30th for caretaker for North 'Ashfield School, Duties to com- mence September , :list, salary $1,000,00. . • J. Roy MacKay • , R. 3 Goderich,. Notice To Creditors IN JITHEAMESESATAAMDTE ALL PERSONS haying ,clair's • CLEARING „ against the estate of the above • •• • Mentioned, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the .County of Huron Retired Farther, whodied on the sixth day. of June; AD.• 1902, arerequired to 'file proof Of same with . the undersigned. on or before. the 28th Clay of July, A.D., -,After .4 that date the . executors Will 'proceed . to distribute the Of iiaance Co. Repossessions Bankrupt ,Stock, Bailiff , Seizures. and Personal -iensignments of Modern Household .Furniture; Televisions, Appliances 8; Brand New •Clothing on • • , SATURDAY, . JUNE 30th At .1i30iorlieuSIA:Pilan 4B1u:vieivltsle, East of winghani • .On NO. 86 Highway., • • Demisting of the •following 2 5 -piece bedroom suites CoMplece with bookcase beds; ',hexiprings and mattresses, 2 .397 continental beds; 2 2 -piece davenport' suites, 2 -piece foam. rubk,erzippered cushion chesterfield suite; large console model chord organ, large chest freeier; 6, TV. sets; Com- . • bination radio and record player, 3 refrigerators; 2 electric ranges, conventional. ,washer; automatic washer ' and dryer; 3. chroirie kitchen suites; coffee and. step tables; tri -dight and table lamps; hostess and arm chairs; ipiattorni rockers; other odd ,pieces of :fur- niture; .quantity of brand. new clothing, plus mtany more items which will . be released (before sale day but not available for publiCatienat this. time: TERMS Cash on day of sale, 3% sales tax in effect. Cheques accepted. NOTE is an outstand- ing sale of new and nearly new nierehandise. • ' • , Franklin Bttuck,' Auctioneer. NOTICE •NOTICE EL • ;flog Shipping of . the holiday on Monday, July 2nd, hogs will be shipped :from Lucknow on • ' TUESDAY, JULY 3rd • .4', from 8:00 a.m to 4:G.p.m. JOE FORAM • #0.•••••;,••••4••••••"•••••••••••~0.....•,:,.........•... Dead: Stock. Removcil Service We are licensed to ,reinove your dead or crippled, farm animals for sanitary disposal, Old horses 4c iier GORDON TAYLOR Ph, Collect 44-r-24, Lucknow R.R. Lucknow 244kbui,seivice Licende No, 173C62 estate having regard only to .the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at •Wingliarn, this 25th day of July, A.D., 1962. • . • • 17, ANKS I would' like to express m sincere' thanks to. my relatives . and friends who visited me and all who' remembered me With beautiful flowers:, gifts, get -welt cards and letters of encourage7 rnent while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London,. Your thought- • fulness. is deeply appreciated,' Mrs. (Fred) Margaret Beryl Moivibray wishes to thank her ,friends and neighbours, for' so kindly remembering her in. varieus ways, while •she was in hospital ....and since returning' home.: • Mrs. Allan Miller wishes to ••express her sincere thanks to all who remembered her and Lynn •while in the " hosPital. Their • thoughtfulness i's appreciated. Mrs. Oscar Hodgins wishes: to thank' all those who sent cards . and 'gifts while in hospital with special 'thanks' to the hospital staff and to Dr. .Mel and Bern Corrin. •• .111r." LloYd lVfcNoll Wishes to thank an his friends for rerneni-: laering him with cards, gifts and: •visits.while•a patient rn Victoria Hdspital. , • • 3oismnimilmommilm00100MW • usIJI ILL e o w i 0 to a 1 • ■ is a • a w w • a w • , .. Cwria.n.wfg.HANOVER i joarmd,..ancondtaHreioth? !ringto.n, El .a ••.. N • , . Solicitors, for Executors. ■ • ' -. . • /. gm • to' • . ■ "W -- Rural Ontario" I. • • s sr IN EMORIA 'RITCHIE - Iri memory. of 'Mrs. Jack Ritchie, 'who. passed away* One year ago, July 3rd, :1961. • A year has passed since that sad • day, • ." • The one we 'loved was called away;• , : God took' herhome, it was Itis ;wit). • . • But in our hearts she •liveth still. Always remembered, !by Husband and Family., • Atircw In memory of R. E., Alton, who passed away June 22nd, 1958 Not dead to. uswholoved' him, Not lost, but gone 'before; He lives with us in memory And will forever 'mere. Ever -remembered by family. and grandchildren. • RITCHIE - In loving memory of Agnes Ritchie (nee 4a -wk - wood) who passed away- July 3rd, 1901. • Ever remem.bered by mother, brothers and sisters. DUPLICATOR supplies, bond paper; mimeo paper, typewriter paper in pads and quantity, ink for destetner machines, 'stencils And master sheets, 'duplicator 'fluid, hectograph machines and - supplies, if we don't stock your requirements, :we will •be glad to order for you. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, Lucknow, HILRAY FARMS 'ABATTOIR HOLYROOD' The home of choke Meats, ali • GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ,and APPROVED. , Schneider's Cured Meats' WE. ALSO, DO CUSTOM KILLING • and hang -yourmeat in .modern 'coolers as' icing its desired, Pigs on Tuesdays and cattle every day: No appointment necessary. ititiNARD ACKERT . 104.4g, Lucknow .44,4,•44.#4,44•4•44,44.,44,64,44,44 . • . 200 ACRES, OF' LEVEL is ■ • _;OF • ■ ,STONEFREE LAND. sOuth- *eat. of Lucknow,195 aCreS.,1• 1 . g workable,. extensively tile g drained, good frame 'barn !. • . with loose stabling, • drive- .; shed 24 x 35, 8'5 gooni white.' brick house,: g •ntornpletely modernized.with '111. aluminlim tprnt windows • .and doors, 'all round. new .1. s garage. 'Full price • $20,000,• - • ' No. 62-562. I. • s• • MODERN. 6 -ROOM RANCH TYPE HOME in Kincardine, 41 a • large, lot with young fruit ,/ • • • • g trees; several shade trees,. • ' spacious lawns, combina- • • ■ •• • g tion fa garage and. workshop.: III Taxes only $56.0O per year, • • $5,500 with terms g • •No. 2-461.,• ■ ' ▪ 150 ACRES NEAR WRITE- 5 CHURCH; approximately • 100 acres workable, meal - um •loam natural ,drainage, a 1½ storey house completely 'modernized. "T" shapeds 11 bank 'barn in good cond- ; tion, drilled well and drive 0 SI ▪ shed 9 school bus service at • gate, excellent trout stream. a • all for $1'1,004J. No.. 2-427. '5 • •We have all'types of pro- s perty in all Price ranges, 0 is if you wish ':to (buy Real • Estate enquire' now no ■ • obligation. , • , • • • Is ▪ I. EVERETT PENNINGT01!1 ■ ▪ Phone 392-6064, Teeswater, • Local Agent. for; PAUL 'S . LTD., tR, & • ▪ Hanover . Phone, 870, • Six offices to serve better - Orangeville,14an- • oVar,' Owen Sound, '111 ▪ etion, :lph. Bramptorc •