HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-27, Page 3WEDNESI ', 41. =_ 217th,_ :,•, f tY � A. -2•1'e� �h HE, LUCKNOW SENTINEL,- .LUCKNoW,..oNrA RI . - PAGE THRZ* ••••••••••00410A0N 1 1000 D0 “•••••••••••0.000..99 ••099.0. 000041all •0i• ®1 •1• 40 ..: ,. ►r.♦,�r.• r • , a • "A 4 0 n4, . !TES , . : • AO '1:40,'"<4.,4%-s% '44$4,4 V4 '04 0, 4P t44.441 ®i®4. . . . . • ®♦ •. 0. r :_, • • Cheese Slices : 2. for 59c *Beans in Chili Sauce. Clarke's,, save 6c, 20 oz. tins • Kraft Deluxe,. 4 varieties save 7c; 8 'ox. Sweet Relish: ,,25c Rose Brand, save 10c; .large 16 'oz. jar • •. -:a.g hett :4 for 59cSp i Libby's Cooked, save 7c, 15 oz. tins i Quality Pears 5 . for 89c • Delmonte Fancy, save 9c, 15 oz. tins Twin Pack Towels • . Kleenex,: 'save '4c, 2 roll' • . • • ••. • • •. • • • Sc 5-99c Margarine: 4 for. $1.. `.Margene Alt Veg., save. 18c; 1. lb. pkgs. • • •• • • • • • tt • E OLIDAY BISCUIT FEATURE • . SUPREME BRAND, . BISCUITS , . • 89c Giant3 Ib,, Week -end Mix, twin : cello 4 i BAKERY FEATURE .- OLD. FASHIONED COOKIES 25c • .Weston, , Reg.. •29c, .18 to package • : PREMIUM i.' FAMOUS. .CANNON BATH • .TQWELS' i $1.79 • ' . ps�ut' with °$5.00 .purchase -- • • all's Red tlWhite' .Food Stare 0 • • 0 • ''HONE' 26 - :FREE DELIVERY •• • ••a•.i>!••••••o�•••••ro••k••••n�••l>_••y�•!tl••ll�••n�•1t�••••oi••4••n�i•<I�•i�•t•t�•n�lR1aRfi •"O•••• ••••••••••: ,ii•es•• 1 miss :Fern Reid.of strathzcy • • was a, recent visitor with Miss r CHICKEN HOT ROAST' TURKEY • O Elizabeth 1Vlurdie. • And HOT ROAST BEEF — 5 to.• 7 p.m.: , . Mr ' and .'Mrs.:. R. S.' I£ellow • &'- Miss . E: Mills of Toronto were. SUNDAY MENU week -end guests of Misses Flora • .n - I and Olive' -Webster:. At Tiger` DUnIop.Infl i hwa::21,.• r Highway y " • 3. Miles� Mirth Of Goderich Dinners During The Week — Except Closed On Friday, Reservations' Appreciated 'Phonie Carlow 2406 Catering Mrs. C. Kaitting /� • Ii11�11�f/�1�11�11�0�1�11�1NNOO�(�//�/�I�f.MQ�0�1�0C • Local '.aGen.er�'Irid, Mrs: Lloyd • Hall underwent surgery in Victoria Hospital 'last • week, and is convalescing quite well,• . • , .The; 'Lucknow Women's Insti " jute will hold their annual pic- nic ' at Goderich: :'on '.'Thursday,. wn Hall at 2 • p"m. Bring your'. own • dishes. Miss 'Gertrude.. Treleaven of London spent : the:., week=end at. the.home .of Mrs. narold Trelea_ • ven. • IMr. and.: Mrs. Dennis 'teddy and family Kitchener, spent Sunday '.with the Raymond. Ledd- dy family. Mr" Wand•. Mrs:: Dan 'Rose: • `aria soli iravi• •were'visi orsere over the y week -end, :after ;attending the Barnet• -Hatt wedding• Lions 'Head. Mr. and ''Mrs: Robert .:Bell' Of. Sarnia. were visitors' ,last. week' with .her .parents,.'M•r:, and• Mrs. William A Porteous. Mr: and Mrs. R:, A. 'Thompson and sons, J :John and Hobert of. -W=indsor, . spent' • a -few .days - at, the home . of . his mother; Mrs: ..Thompson. Russell Barr of Toronto sends along his . subscription renewal .to cover "another '• year's enjoy- ment of the: news from home," with special mention: • of Sthiley's column. Mrs:.' R D. ' MacDonald of Sarn- ia leaves today for an extended visit' to Western' Canada:.MVr: arid Mrs, . Roy Havens, Roddy and Ashfield 'Lady Laid ToRest MRS: GEORGE • LANE' Death as the result of a ..stroke; came to Mrs. George. Lane of Ashfield- at the home of - her daughter, Mrs, Norton Heard of Islington on Sunday, June 10th, The funeral service was held. oil. Wednesday June 13th , a • the MacKenzie. Memorial ,Chapel, Lucknow, conducted' by Rey., G. W Kaiser . of, ' Ashfield. . Inter- merit was in Greenhill cem- etery, with Clayrton Alton, Al - yip. •Alton, D. , A. Hackett; Don- ald Hackett, Warren Zinn ' and Russell Alton acting as pall bearers. ' Mrs. Lane was the forrrier Lieuetta Isabel Cunningham of Port A1bert;: where she was born. She;• was a daughter of . Francis. Cunningham, a' native of . Coun- ty Tyrone, Ireland, and; 'Esther Hamilton of • ' York Township, whose forbears.. were United Empire Loyalists from Pennsyl vania.. • Prior.. to her , .marriage, Mrs. Lane- taught ,school, first ' at Grand Bend with .00, .on the toll. and then at Cedar Valley, .$.S., No: 1,0 Ashfield and at Belifast. On August 30th, 1911,1, at ' the' bride's home at Port Albert, she married George Wenwood 'Lane of Concession "1;0 ' Ashfield, and they ` took up residence ' on the family farm ' 'at Lanesville. Mrs. Lane was .•a 'member • 'of. Hackett's United . Church, ' . and'' tookpart in church work,' iri the Women's, Institute and in~ •the 'United .: Farmers . 'Organization: She was held in high: respect' in the community.... , Mrs. Lane is survived by three, daughters, Mrs; N C Heard (Romelda) ...of Islington, Mrs. To, all those, who . voted for me and sup- ported me in the recent' campaign. I. wish to ex- tend . my sincere thanks. Arnie Fisher, • Rev. J. C. 'Hutton who is- con- cluding his pastorate. at : Pine.' .. River.';washonoured by the con-. ' gregationeta-uud friends at a so cial'' gathering in • the Pine t{iver United Church on Wednesday ev .ening. G. G Winnifr Wheeler , .. • ed ( of •. Goderieh, ' Highway 8 SUNSET DRIVE-IN London, Miss H: L Inane of Ii lington: • She was 'predeceased by ., her husband, Who suffered fatal burns.` in 'a=.'barn', fire ony their farm• several .Years ago and by al son, Clifford: Cunningham 'Lane: Other survivors are . two sisters;. Mrs. James (Minnie) Laylbourne of .'River,view and•',Mrs,. E. J. H'arrnswortli. (Winnifred!) of To-: ronto and four ,grandchildren; George Wheeler,`: William :. (Bill) Wheeler, ,Ann Wheeler,,' John "CALTIK IMMORTAL, • MONSTER" Mr. and Mrs. ' Richard Gordon' and Miss Emily Pearson of To- Lucknow 'tont° visited: over the ,week -end' Presbyterian Chu�ch with' Misses Ada . and 1lazel . W'eb �. Rev. •.Roderick MacLeodd Minister SUNDAY,. JULY lst 1000. a m, Suflday School"' .11:00 a.m. Mornin �fTorshi • g .P 44,ieimmowl ella iAi1 041.16 I ,..e,.4: - Mrs..Ra'yniond Leddy spent last week, with her. ',nephew and his wife, Mr: and Mrs. Michael, Kin ahan;. London. ' • W, . *L. MaCKenzie• '. uride•rwent surgery in London: recently . and is making "a' favorable recovery. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. : John England .were Mrs. Nellie ‘Ibbotson and Mr. Eber'' 'Wilson of, ,Flint, Michigan. ' LUCKNOW , Mel Bennett, proprietor of` the Rev;; Howard : W. Strop Minister ' SUNDAY, ` JULY.. 1st • 11:00 am,. ---Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Church Sc/hodl • THE Iucknow Christian Reformed . Chq.rc S. Terpstra, Astra, A.B., Th.B. Listowel, Oht., Pastor • I 1 • SERVICES : , i 10:30 a.m. in ,Dutch . i 2:30 pm. in English 3:30' l).m. 'Sunday Sc.001 Sepoy store in Lucknow, was'- in Toronto • for. several days under' going : a complete ,check-up,: as he .has not. ,'been,, enjoying. the }Jest' of health. Mrs. ' George..Andrew of :Lon •don 'expects' .to return this week to her home herefor the'.summer, as has: been. her custom... Mr: and Mrs, Art Andrew of Kapuskas- ing visited withher and Miss Flora Andrew .last. week... . Mr. 'Bill LeddlY underwent sur- gery at Victoria Hospital, Lon don on , Tuesday 'last. Bill is re- ported to ,be feeling fine and will be home. soon, " Mrs. George' Whitby attended the firsttri-county y folk school,.., which was held at the ,Lime ',Kiln Lode 'at Inverhuron from June 22nd • to June 24th, it was for the ',comities of Lampton, Grey ,,and Bruce. Mr, • and ' Mrs. Murdock Mc- Leod and Mr. and Mrs, Normran .McLeod. of Walkerton visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Peter. Carter and family, Holyrood on .Sunday. Mr and 'Mrs. :,Lloyd Taylor, in Sarnia on Sunday.• William Stauffer. of Brantford and his• sister, ,Mrs:••A1i1 ert• ,Money. (Elizabeth)' : •also . of :Brantford, visited '• last week with' , their 'sis ,ter, Mrs.,Sam Stanley of Kinloss 'and called on other friends and' relatives.' It was their . grand= father,' Eli .Stauffer, 'who Was the original 'settler. 'in. Luck now, making the . trek from "Black- horse," '.over'. one hundred 'years ago. Their' father', was Reuben Stauffer of Kinloss. Mrs. . Edna . Munn .. of Ripley called '..on Mrs. ' William Bushell and . Mrs:. 'S. B. Stohers.. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Martin o'f S.ha•uriavon, Sask.., have , taken up residence at Newmarket, Ont. Mrs: Martin, the former' Florence '1VJacDonald, 'DMne and .Jack spent the past month. with her .parents, Mr. arid Mrs, .Bob Mac- Donald. • , On Saturday l?ri Steve Stoth- ers of ' `WTnnipeg,' 'Mr and Mrs Parker Of Guelph, were 'Kintail .and ,Lucknow visitors. Steve •was down to the A,I'.C. Convention inn Ottawa and made :a flying visit to Cooksville, Burlington,. Fergus,, Islington and Lucknow relatives. '' Lloyd • McNall: returned, home from `London. on Wednesday .;of last week after being hospital - surgery. wing ized for ' two weeks follo Visitors with 'Mr, and , Mrs. S.. B.. Stothers over. the week -end were Dr, and Mrs, C. E Stothers Islington. hwere' paned 'y Mrs GraceFitzgerald' of Vancouver, She is a native of Walkerton,. ,a ' daughter 'of Mr?: George Stothers and ' ;had not been here for Over' thirty years.. She also visited her aunt, Ida Whyard of Dungannon;. ,, ' Wed:'. Thur., Fri:, ;lune 27, 28, 29;' Jack Lenu on & Glen • Form "COWBOY" Three Special-• Shorts.' Special - -.MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday, July 1st: Richard Carlson, Susan Gordon. "THE TORMENTED" Didi: Sullivan & John Merrivale wiT.T ALILI 1t -R Y -S ----- — --_ :HANNA' LADIES• . WEAR' • .• Mr: and :Mrs.; DeWitt Miller• have completed arrangements for the ;purchase of Hanna's Ladies' Wear. Store iri Wingham .front Hanna. & • Cp.Ltd.,. the. firm which' has operated the. business for Over ''20. years. The store .was , taken' over by. the 'new owners' on Monday• of last week.: ,Mrs. Miller •'will., op- erate', the'business while. Mr. Miller will•' continue to sell .Com=' monwealth'. Mutual Funds. Mr.. and Mrs. George Stock - horn. De.troitvisited with Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie over' the week end. Sat., Mon., Tues., June 30,' July 2, . "DAVID and GOLIATH" — In • Color -- Starring Starring Orson . Welles "OPERATION CAMEL" Louis'' Renard &• ' Paul Heagan•` Wed., Thur., Fri.,July. 4; 5, '6 Howard Keel,.and-'-Tina Louise "ARMORED .COMMAND" Shorts • include Mississippi Traveller, Riviera -Revelries cartoon — First 'Show at. • dusk. Children 'in cars free. ' The' Air-nipFor Comfort & C PA onditioned .. Entertainment GODERICH ` w Playing'— Thur.,.' Fri., .Sat., June 28, 29;•• 30 '/ N ' • A `MAJORITY OF ONE"' — In (Color Starring Rosalind . Russell &. Alec Guinness Monday, • Tuesday, Wednesday , July 2,. '3, 4.;; ,• OliVia DeHavilland, Rossani Brazzi,. •Yvette, Mimeux Combine for romantic comedy . in Florence Italy, . '.Light In Tie Piazza"• Irr' Technicolor Thursday, .Friday,. Saturday, July 5, 6, 7. Bill Travers, Spike Milligan & Gregoire . Aslen British -made ' ish'=made tale of four ,hospitalized array' officers. lnvasion Q Exceptional• short 's0ibjects Coming "ALL FALL DOWN" Great .Dram.atic. Cast Adult entertainment --. .-•-.. .11.*t•i, •