HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-27, Page 113.00 A Year In. Advance - $1.00.1404:.To T S.A. LIJCKNOW, ONTARIO is.wpNgsDAY, jusg. 27th, 1962: Single Copy IQe 12 Pages ounCil ,.Considers Letting , Ratepayers decide 'On. Engaging Police officer The ratepayerS• of the Village officer, plu$ car, allowances, may hold the answer as t0 whe would possibly be in the neigh- ther or• not the municipality borhood of $5,000 which • would engages. a • full time police offs-' represent roughly a 5-mi11' in- cer crease in the Village tax rate,, Last 'Week members of Coun- . A by-law is being prepared td ci1 interviewed a city police of- be submitted 'to Council, , and 'if ficer who seemed interested in passed, by the Board, would pave the prospect; of accepting.. a posi-•, the way for a plebiscite on the ton here and Who the board question : of whether or not pro - len would be well .qualified for. perty .;owners in the Village ;the Job. • wish to assume . this extra levy. The salary of a full' time police to provide police 'protection .+• • • •Graduaies `.. Grade . 8 Receive Preview Of Secondary Educat At L.D.H.S. . D . , S. LucknOW District High School auditorium was filled on Tuesday of. last week : with . Grade 8' stu- dents from the ,,Lucknow High School: Area, their parents, ele- mentary teachers, inspectors and. members of : the . Ii.D;i.w5. staff. It was a "meet.. the teachers" night; • when -those :.whowill. be commencing.' 'thei'r 'secondary ed- ucatton in September, 'received a preview of what's aheadas well as : whatis required.: of them, and ' a good deal.of: Sound advice,, .Mr. Brian ..Howlett, principal . of L:D.H S. and Mr. Arthur: Hod- gins .chairman of., the Board, With a number of obiiga there would be the `first oppor- tunity in. Bruce"for ..vocational training,' "Study the.courses and be ready to ,take. advan•tage'• •of them," Mr. Waldie said.' Drop Out Tragedy. • . • Mr. Howlett ' referred to . 'the tragedy of ' seeing 'young people' :drop out of .school. He outlined the R.obarts plan of .education, now' in three •classi•ficatio'ns ' arts and science, science techno- logy and trade+s, business .and commerce.'„,trades, •There. are four ands five year courses: -Locally the science and arts 'c of,' NO PAPER PUBLISHED. . JUL7r` 11th AND 18th Holidays' will be observed at The Sentinel Office the weeks of July 9th arid 16th; 'when the . office will 'be closed;.. • That means there will be no paper published on July • Llth and 16th. Dr, .Jack.. � McKim To Practice :Here'. .Dr.. • Jack . McKim, son of • Mr. and Mrs. A. E. •McKim of. Luck now, wilt commence as. an. . as- sociate : of Dr. M. H. Corrin of :Lucknow on :the 'first of. July. Dr.. McKim has been. associated with .•Dr. Crawford in Wingham for`• the .past, 11/2 years. after having interned at St. Josep'h's and �Westriminster Hospitals, Lon- don.. Dr, and •:Mrs.' McKim' and ` lit- tle girl will reside in. the .resi- lions 11111 `�►�d, .l��d �r�ss Provide; ; Transporation To Swimming Classes Lucknow' and District Lions Club has come to; the aid. Of the local, branch of ' the Red Cross' Society, by sharing 50=501 in the cost of providing, transportation. to . the' • 'srwimming • instruction. classes at •the • Teeswater Pool,. The Red Cross has been ;. tr'Saft ro pro- moting the- ' Water 'Safety p g' ram for• several years, but, :the, 'response to, • the campaign . for funds this spring . was not suf- ficient to permit bearing. the ex- pence. of two abuses' on their twice weekly. trips. . • The• announcement to this. ef- fect in last. week's Sentinel creat- ed some; consternation locally, & resulted in ways and means be ing considered to continue -the, project. . Register: Friday 'and;. Saturday With transporation settled, the next •thing: was registration. TYis• will be held on Friday and Sat- urday of this week, in the.va de.nce of Mrs. James Smith,' cant. • building, adjoining ' Sander - east. .'•of the. United. Church. • . son's Store, Lloyd Ashton Takes Aver • Lions: GaYel -Frank Thompson .Ends Momentous Year The Lucknow • and District r• s nurse as, o - Lions Club 106%2-63 *slate of . of- TRANSFORMER TROUBLE corned' the. gathering, Mr.. How- :tory. subjects and some o tions. P. lett' pointed out .that the Pur-..;' In his welcome to the incoming pose •, was basically to' explore class, Mr:. Howlett • said. in ..part: what courses. are • offered and'' to , "It ins..m y 'hope • tha • ou • 1l advise 'students and parents so: • . ' y r t y w� fend your • ye:ars :in ;Nigh school. they 'could �become” familiar with ,to be.a rewarding and construc- tive experience " Brochures were distributed' to the -students `.deal-, ing in'• detail with s'ich phases /of ,.schodl life . as: punctuality, readiness, ' manners,. the school: itself, the student's contribution,: text books, and' the 'first: day at; harmony on the part' of, teachers, school. board members, . parents and 'pu 'Mr.. Howlett stated he. would': prls: Their task is . to. make their school the best; because of • what it will d. ' for- the student. He•... pp H ad;'vised the Grade�8. stud- ents tud ents that the way to. suceeed was to start ' their secondary 'educa.- the :preparation ::for, :secondary education r. H. Kinkead, I,P.5 , of Gode rich, • felt:. such : a' *meeting was important'and he ,• h:ad• been an- xious to have it, He 'stressed the • .importance of • co=operation and • j ' A. flash. fire at the farm 'of •' •' . Gordon •Sm th 6th •' • •• e 3f concession of •' West %Vawanosh,, last .Thursday. • : morning, damaged a tractorbe- • longing • to Donald Murrayf • •• WestY • Wawanosh Township; • George Smyth was 'doing; some • welding on • the tractor when a • 'spark apparently ignited the as. • .tank . n .. , .. instant g i. to a d in , a, instant was :on re, The tractor was in a tool •" r• shed, quite close' 'to• o the Smyth •, bl and was removed while •. azing. The . •` Of the tractor and ceiling shed were extinguished •. by a bucket brigade '• now rbefore Luck- • re. ' Department arrived: Tiremeny { • water finished the ,job with. On the fire truck. be'. at the ,school ..the last -two - two. weeks;` of August to meet person all'Y with students . and parents. , Mr::. Madill, principal •. of Wing liam. .District High.School. had. been invited. to +be.. preserit, `and• • tion with a • goal and .not with spo'kc briefly un vocatibnal :the idea .they would "try' it :, for courses which. Wingham would` be 'ane.:or'`two-Years." •He •reminded able. to offer. He als `'referred them • to, always remember.. their' . to: a ''two ear occu. a Tonal �ro- Y .P .►P, elenentary; teacher, as , al friend gram.-'ava(ilable to. students w io and go back to them for:, help for are riot promoted from Grade :8. • your. public school teacher knows ;It: is' designed . to . offer, remedial your albili�ty: and your` strong & and sho • 'work 'to help the frus p 'P., t ` •.weak points:" :rated. ' Need ' Education Today A uestion and answer period q T. K. Waldie,:.I:P S`, of Wal- was conducted• by Mr. Kinkead: . kerion,_pointed'• out that 70% of Grade 9 Students. acted as e . e guides today's • unemployed stopped for • a tour of the' school, . and the• school. at :or before Grade 8.To..meeting concluded • wit 'refr h- g h es day 'we.have to• have "knowledge: 'ments:. beyond ,our environnient,'he said. • He stressed that.. on 'entering High School students should avoid putting off : work : until to -morrow, and keep up to a daily schedule with home work.. Abuild up of neglected • work leaves students . unprepared •• for • classes:. or. examinations Ice ' Fu Climbs:, To AImo $20,0,00 Since the last list of, Artificial Ice Fund donations was .publish•- fivers ;was insta e a a res Night on Monday in the• :L.egion.• Hall'.. The installing officer ; was. a Lion of':long and distinguished service, Hal Meir of ,Seafo'rth. ' • The incoming. president. •`is Lloyd Ashton, who succeeds Frank Thompson, ' who turns over the . gavel after..'a 'momen tous' year in the life:; of this com paratively young. 'club; institut ed :over five years ago; The retiring president •presid ed for the meeting in'his;` : cap able fashion and a goodly; num- ber, of guests were introduced,. with J:' .R, :Gannon of the.'Bank :of :Montreal .staff,' welcomed as a new .member of'. the club, //by. transfer from Westport .He was welcomed with the Lions.. roar.. S. B. Stothers pro toast to the ladies, and: said ft 'properly . was W. L MacKenzie's job. ..;Mrs. William Wh;arry. ' • re- plied neatly. • The members of Lucknow Wo- men's '' Institute ' catered for. a turkey t an•quet: They were thanked ' by Ernie Ackert , with Mrs.. J; L. MacMillan replying.. She offered'. any equipment", the, Institute. had'.to ; help., cater to • the Lions garden party on July 2nd, and extended ,best wishes. 1 for .success, ' • ,• ,. CAUSED HYDRO HYDRO:FAILURE. When a; transformer on the: pole at '•'the arena • corner :burned, out shortly before the 'noon.' hour on ::M'onday, 'that area •'of the Village was without hydro power.: for:'a': few hours; •the'trouble -a: hydro crew from Wingliam was. - d called, and hada new trans- for=mer'..replaced by 3�15� . that • afternoon. It played "hob" at The. Sentinel Office with mech anical work at a standstill Without light, heat or power. Mrs. William Scott presided at the piano during; the supper hour. Bob McIntosh reported on plans` to continue the swimming in- struction program at Teeswater,,. and the 'Club voted to 'pay half o up to $200' of transportation costs, 'This 'Will come out of the Welfare Fund,: with the, July (Continued on; Page 9') Hepointed outthat in 19 g,3 .ed, donations of $162.00 have been ,. . • • . • ng. received, . raisi'the grand; total' LocalNurse Tractor- Fire .In Wawanosh Thurso to $19,741.83. • • Campaign expenses amounting. to $245.33, have'•• been paid out this, of the fundi and. counting,:th s �, , total donations' have' thus reach- ed' within ;less than ''$3.00' of $20,000. To . be eXact — .$;19,097:'94 Donations 'riot 'pr..eviously ack- nowledged are: ' Beatty Bros. Ltd, ....,,.. , $100.00 ',Lucknow & Fergus.. George Richards, ... 6.00. Lucknow, Jack Campbell,'10,00 R.R. 1, Kincardine. Harvey and Sheila. H irl;. ' 5,00' Detroit.. Robt. Mowbray, Kitchener :5.00 Joe Fora» .,::.................... 25:00 Norine . & Rudy Sieloff,, 5,00 Detroit. Gerald Murray, Holyrood• 2:00 Wm. Stauffer,-;.,—......„. 5.00. ,an�,ord, •, • /•. s eas TripverS • Miss Ruth: Thompson, public 'health.: nurse who is • located: in Lucknow with the Bruce County Health. Unit. is on' a ' five weeks oVer•seas trip. • She accompanied her sister,. Mss Margaret Thompson of To- ronto, who teaches German in a private •s:choor in Tp:ron.to, and' is participating, in an education al program that will take her to Germany for 'a couple of months, after Rtith'returns,home: The two sisters flew overseas; from Melton to Preswick, Scot- land:.. They , will visit 'SCot1and,. Southern• 1ngland. with a .side trip to Ireland. Fdinbur.h and. London will be main ,points 'of' interest. Registration on. Friday will be from 12 to 5 and from ' 7 to 1.0 p.rrn,. and on Saturday from 2 to '5. Registration will be in charge of Patricia Thompson and'Bruce. MacKenzie.' .Those eligible" must be 8 years of' age ibefore�January 1968. There,,'is a , $2.60 fee for the course of,- instruction and, this MUST be paid for at the.. time of registration.. Buses 'will go to Teeswater each Tuesday and Friday, and will'- leave Lucknow no later than 8:15 a.m. One bus will . go' by Holyrood. and •• the other /by 'Whitechurch, picking up children ' enroute. 'The Lions Club will assist 'with the transportatxon costs from their' welfare fund. 'Proceed's of .the July :carnival are earmarked welfare work. Finalize Pians .For Jul l st • Week end` 'At/ the Ladies' Night meeting of'the Lucknow and District Lions' Club on Moriday'evening,. reports of the July lst week -end: activities were. . given by Rae •Watson, V. A. :Mowbray,, j K. C. Murdief Bob Finlay and others, with reference • to plans ' and re-, quirernexits. As Rae 'Watson put it "everything .'i's rolling` nicely." Thea wives •of Lions •members, are• responsible for the h omemade" pies, cakes] .'•jellos; etc. and •'will. be in charge' of catering arrange- ments ' and' food handling. Mrs.' Omar' Brooks. is convener. overall and work is :assigned to various groups. It '-is planned to;. serve up;a .delicious; garden party. sap- per , and preparations , are being. made forseveral hundred people.: The' week -end will . start with' a band concert onSunday even- ing• and , a midnight dance.. On: Monday eafternoon at .4:30 there •will . be a . parade, similar. :to last, year, from the. High School to the.: Caledoni n Children's pets, and' ponies are especially featured Then• there: vyill be the "big feed". with music .by C'KNX 'tal ent while you eat.' This will be followed Iby' •bingo, carnival games,. prize draws- and dancing.. Bob. Finlay has announced a work bee for Saturday evening: to 'prepare the arena, Bob .'Maclntosh, who is in charge of the draw, would ap-,, preciate if members would leave their ticket receipts • at ..Lloyd Ashton's, Gordon '. Fisher's or Gordon Montgomery's 'prior to 'When A. M.' Havens piGordon • • chines are 'inoperative 'for Yan•::. 'hour after, such interruptions,'. while the hardened •metal• .. :remelts.: No sooner were we.:liack: ' in operation; on Monday than we learned the repairs were. • 'Only temporary . and • that., another transformer would be. installed . on Tuesday morn ing.. That • pretty, well. "shot?' the morning • and required', that'' linotype operations be. continued until the . early. hears of Tuesday morning, to offset the interruption. Monday. • Honord By Assembly.;: For Long Service In .Overseas., I�I�ssiop Fief • 'Long service in the overseas 38 ' Years . In Formosa mission field • of the, Presbyterian Dr. Mac1Vlillan'•s citation, was , Church, by former residents of received ,in person by himself this community, was recognized and Mrs.. • MaC.Millan, at the General Assembly of the It reads' as fdllows Presbyterian Church in Canada, "We take thisOpportunity ,to ntl' e eve y. i held r e in Toronto.. honour 11 Hugh A, MacMillan Honored . were Dr, . -and Mrs: on the ,completion of thirty-eight Hugh . A. 'MacMillan, who • have years of; missionary .service, ion returned to Canada . from long del" the Prestbyterian Church' in service:in Formosa, Mis. Mac -Canada, and to pay tribute to. Millan as. the former'.,Donalda his zeal arid vision aril .manifest . :MacInto'sh,•, and both were born`: achievements in the Work, of the ' and raised, in Kinloss Township, •I<ingdom in. Formosa. We give Also honored was Rev. Angus thanks to God for the long ,and • .1/iaaKay, a brother of Mrs, Alex di,stingu.shed record of this Purdon• Of town, Rev. Mr. Mae- faithful servant of the Church. Kay,'son of the 'late Mr. and Mrs. "Dr: and -Mrs, MacMillan weit Hector MacKay of Whitechurch, to• Formosa .first in 1924; over has served. at Jhansi, India since; the years Dr: MacMillan worked 1927. He was • ordained • on his consistently toward developing last furlough'. 'home. , His .'next furloughis scheduled, for 1064.. The citation honoring Rev. Mac- Iia 'was-. received b ,his sister, y y Miss„, Bertha MacKay, and establishing the Formosan Church, 'arid 'has given oit;stand- ing lvad'ership in the formation of the General Assernb.v of the (Continued on. Page 11)•