HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-20, Page 12PAGE .TWE7 XE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO', ' FOR CAMP OR VACATION CAPERS MOTHERS let Ashton: help you choose the clothes. your boy or girl needs for Vacation or ummer Camp. Check . this , list. of necessities; `, . Shorts, -Heavy• Jackets Pop -Tops Slims Deck Pants . Leather Belts Sweaters Sweat Shirts Cotton -Knit) Shirts Flannel Shirts (' (long• , sleeves) Warm,: Bathrobe TA Socks Handkerchiefs Sport . •Hats • Anklets Bathing • Suits Woollen or Corduroy Trousers Blue Jeans Warm Pajamas Swim Trunks Raincoat Underwear AGENT FOR KINCARDINE .CLEANERS `ree Pick -Up void Delivery Monday and Thursday' Ladies' and: Men's Wear - Lucknow', THAT . an 18-mari;th=old toddler, Robert : James • Babcock was killed when he strayed onto ;the tracks' of . the>;Neva York Central •near 'Aylmer and was struck by the speeding train. A passenger on the train was Jack McQuillin,' son,,of' Mr. Mrs. Dick Mc Quil'lin' ..of Kin- -loss. Jack who is. sailing was on ' -his way: roe •++ iii • sor his . home at Ste Cath cines: • 4 wl kt 'i tY1'tA 's 1c t: RA:i wY:Plda k ix kik A n, 'attt fH . t -.t ,. f.� it 0 Rev. W. J, ten laooperi of Mirth .St. United 'Church, Goderic h,. re- ceived'word w.hite attending" Conference at North Bay,, that his father was. critically ill in Holland. He; returned to Gode- ri • ' by a%r; 'was' joined •tby .his "wife and two children, and ,flew back to ' 'Melton, where" they • boarded.a KLVplane that afer- noon';and •within ' seven hours ' were enroute overseas. '. ' THAT the June meeting' of the Lucknow and , District Horti- 1• `cultural Society will, be held this . Thursday . evening, rather than on Friday.:. THAT`,•Cliff 'Crawford ,who ' has been sailing on the lake boats, commenced. Work • for Bud .Hamilton of Lucknow on. Tues- day. THAT Mrs.. Ross Cumming and her niece; Judith Ann .Lindsay. • •of Walkerton, left on Sunday for Seattle to vis:i.t . Mrs. Cum- ming's cousin, Catherine ' Wal- lace. They will make. the . trip ,by bus and. planned to go, the /An1erican, route, . and . home. through Canada.. The trip • in- eludes ; a . visit to the world's 'fair `at Seattle. THAT the .week -end accidents and nocturnal disturbances lo- Cally, __again, raise •the .question of .po'licin,g.. It looks as if', a minor group of. •irresponsible ",Performers" : may force.:' an Otherwise unnecessary ' tax burden on .local 'residents, in Providing ;adequate policing which` won't come cheaply. THAT., -Mrs. Win. MacCrostie of West 'Wawanosh is a patient in University, hospital in Sask- . atoon, having `:suffered a frac- tured Pelvis gin: a` fall a week ago fast, "Sunday.'a. Mrs." Mac= iCrostie :had just recently ;re-. •+turned. ,to the West. 4 .,THATT.: Mrs., James' McNaughton and, her'•:•son' Jim,. leave on Sunday for' a visit, to her home-. `land Scotland. They will fly 'TCA fro7n,.'London to Mal- ton where 'they will 'board .'a BOAC aircraft. at ''Malton for- ' a flight to Prestwirck Airport Scotland. They plan . to , re- turn' ,on September. 7+th:. 'Miss Marjorie Stuart • of Waw - Began, Ill..returned to her. home after .visiting ' two weeks ''with iss erine egor, ' r. and Mrs. George Stuart and'Mr. Joe Stuart. Other visitors 'during; the Pest P _ t .week were Dr:: and Mrs: .White of Chicago, Mr. &: Mrs. , ..David MacDonald: ••'of Del= ;borne; Alberta and Mrs, Colin MacGregor . of . Kintail THAT..' Dan MacDonald, return-. ed . to his home at : Lochalsh 'on Friday after being,' a , pat- ient in Kincardine hospital for the .'•past few months as the result of a . 'fractured, hip he suffered, in a fall in 'the. win- .' ter. The 'venerable octogenar- ian is able to get about with the •aid of a cane. , .THAT Billy MacLennan, son 'of aMr. and Mrs. 'Ross MacLen- nan of Kincardine waS'in'col- like with a ' car last week, suffering) 'head; injuries and lacerations Which fortunately weren't serious. Mrs., . MacLen nan • is ' the fo.riiaer.. Shirley Johnston .of Lucknow. ` . THAT Miss .;,E eanor ums ee English teacher at :Clinton District' Collegiate Institute has tendered • her resignation. ' Miss Plumsteel plans 'to teach at Lucknow. .next term.. THAT, Mary. Allin of town "was one of 6 contestants in 'Listowel •'Kin. Carnival contest. for "Miss District of Listowel": 'The. win- ner. was. Pauline . Thompson` of Atwood who will advance into - the Ontario final' of the Miss Canada . pageant:: OPPORTUNITY As A Sanitariae the Pobl'w Heakli F'bld The Bruce County Health Unit' will consider sport- soring ,a candidate for ' the Ontario 'Sanitary Inspectors Training Course.. An applicant .passing the screening test would be provided with practical' field work under. supervision and a ` formal course of one ,year given, by .the Provincial Department' of Health at .Ryerson. Inst' tute of TechnoiOgy A substantial bursary is available. ° Applicants MUST, have•' a, mini num of Oral e. XII•' in the .General Course (with the two'; sciences), must possess 'sound . health, and good character. PLEASE DJRECT ENQUIRIES TO.: �e'Bruce 'Health CountyHealth I!nit R. 'Allen, . M.D., D.P.H., . Director anti Kali.Bruce County Health Unit.' • THAT the Gordon Elliott family. of Amlberley lost their Chihira- :' 'h a pup last week. "Bud" Mia= milton found the little dog at the' beach anti-tdok it "under his ' .wing." By: the time Bud found out a couple of days later 'who: the 'owners were,' the Hamilton household had become so attached to : the pup, that 'Bud decided . to get 'a little •Chihuahua• :of; their Own, and they . aren't for free.. THAT the .final 'transformation to. the 'grounds around the new 'Bell " Telephone . dial . office, came quickly last week. Shrub- bery had • been previously set out. On Wednesday noon •a load of roiled ,sods. arrived & before the afternoon was, pas- sed;, a ' lovely greenswarth was being; :watered, Stone slabs had been previously laid as terrace ' along. the ' west side. of the property which • iS to sated directly across front the Carnegie: "Hall, and • provides quite a' striking addition ' to Campbell. Street. t•••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••! •. iv... . t. ' ,LIJCKNOW and.., DISTRICT 'LIONS CLUB: : to : • • • • CHILDREN'S PARADE .. atne Luckno wp,I4F4SDAY., J' ' '2Qth, 1962 ui x NEAREST TO YOUR BANK. &• POS 'OFFICE e • Kleenex Tissue Sale ' . 6 . pkgs. 98c. Regular or chubby. Save to. 19c. Bargain.. T • Nescafe, Instant Coffee. • Jor. $1.40 Large ".10 oz. jar. Save to 30c. Feature ' Tomato Juice Sale ' 3.stins - 79c Hunt's . tall .48 Qz Choice.: ` Bargain. Toilet Soap DeaL 6 bar pk. 35c:, Sterling. perfumed.. Hand 'size. Save to 4c. P�anUI Butter S�Ie. Jar 35c McLarens homogenized, 16. oz.. size.. Save 6c. HEADQUARTERS ' FOR FRESH STRAWBERRIES CASE LOTS SPECIALLY 'PRICED. BUY NOW: GET YOUR FANCY SPYS HERE } Any Quantity Values Effective We Sell ' For ' Less June 21, 22, '.2 3. Phone 119, Luck -now THAT striking. truck 'drivers will_ T HAT Ronnie and Brian Stan find` that • they can't tie up business completely. A Paper Wholesaler " " in Toronto ; made ,deliveries in th'is, area last week,:. with . their . own city delivery truck. And its :an`'ill . wind the railways are having a bids iness•. boom. • THAT' Ian.-)1VIacKenzie, •14 -year- • . old son of M. and. Mrs'•:Frank. MacKenzie of :Kinloss found a .lizard type small animal un_ • der •a logon the farm. Clyde, Reid. of London, who •was, visiting ; at the IVIacKenZie. farin, along with Ian attempted to identirfy. the :' blunt, nosed; long 'tailed: species which Clyde: believed .not tobe a lizard: • THiAT: the "punch:.line" . Item in the Lucknow Fruit: Market's ad last week should have list- • ed 'brooms at .79c -. n t Sorry ' Cyril; but ' maytbe. we could blame it on :the election.. whirl: Guess .the bifocals .were getting a ' bit hazy: when that root—,was—checked to ` go.t,::::a press run rolling: at midnight, • last Tuesday. ;Cone to . think • ' of it thotigh,, its our first price mistake that, we : recall in all the yea s that Cyril has been advertising, ley, children 'hof . Mr,'' and 'MS's. George' `.Stanley "threw a couple of birthday parties re cently.:Brian was, 10 'last week and Ronnie was .1.1: the: week before::' ' '' THAT Al Irwin, Who has' • been . employed '. by • ; 'W. A. ``Bud" fiarnilton, local :cities Service ; distributor, has :,accepted a' • •position with •Imperial Oil• at Sarnia •and 'commences work next •:Monday.' THAT a meeting of :Lions • Club .., .'members wives was held' on: Friday .•evening.to make/ init• ial plans' 'for the garden party on July 2nd... The , :ladies will be in charge. of provfdirig' and, handling the •food.; :with•. Club :• members doing the, serving. THAT Mrs. Robert Hamilton' was recently presented ',With a mernento, by nurses with whom She had been :' associated at '•. Winghaini:. General 'Hospital: Mrs. :Hamilton 'had :been :em- ploye•. a "leg am sine• September, ` until this/ spring , when' she resigned to join with , Mrs: Phillip MacMillan in. op- ening, the Double `,S ':Drive In Restaurant ;on Cani,pbell .Street,/ East. •.. •• •'. i • • • 5,. •. 8. • • 6. • s• • ,Plan. , to degora'te 'your toc the boast your business and y p • • , Prizes .-=- ` $3.00 and $200 • • ALL OTHER, FLOATS WELCOME • N06•••••••••••••••a•••••••wi•••••••••a•44ee0e+i ,•. $onday'-Jul 2nd: .:: :• LUduioW District , High :$°!!• • • :q. • •. • :. 4':30 'p.m. Starling, At ' . Prizes Best . decorated Pony and Cart, Best . decorated" Pony and Saddle. Best decorated Horse and Rider. Best' decorated Fancy Bicycle, :Wagon or Doll, Carriage: :• Best Fancy` Dressed Costume. • Best Comic Dressed ; Costume., • Beste' Animal Costumer• • :Most Attractive Pet, '. n • • • Prizes, , $1.00, .75t ands 80c. •• • .. ••. Best Decorated Car. , a'