HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-20, Page 7WEDNESDAY; JUNE 'loth, I90.
DUNLOP TIRES, (Most Sizes In. Stock)
Repairs to,,All Makes of Cars and Tractors
3 Licensed Mechanics
Iignment and Balaning:
We: are sorry to ' report that
Mrs.- Kenneth "Farrish is a', patient
in Goderich . hospital.
Mrs. David Elphiek spent, Sat-
iirday " in London. '
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ' Luther
spent the week -end at •Ridgetown
with . Mr; Parney.. .
Mr. and Mrs Jack 'MacCreight:
spent a' day visiting in London:
' Everyone is ' happy to ' see Mr.
Dan Macponald home from Kin-
cardine Hospital:
Mr.. and ;Mrs. Bob; Simpson
spent Saturday in' hondon.
Mr. and. Mrs. Allan McCliarles
of Toronto' spent the week.=end
with Mr. and. 'Mrs. Oliver Mc
Charles. and' John.
Recent visitors with '•Mr. 'and
Mrs.. ; HenTy ; °MacKenzie ; . were,
••Rjev. Scott' MacKenzie of M n-
treal, ' Rae MacKenzie and Mr.
•and :Mrs. Bill' Barrett and faro-'
ily- of .Toronto;,
Mrs: Annie MacDonaid has re-
turned home. from- a wonderful
. trip to California: Visiting at the
MacDonald home for the week-
end were Sally ., and Louise Mac-
Donald of Windsor. •
• Judge Ian and ,Mrs. MacRae
and Mr.. and ° Mrs, Duncan Mac-
Rae of .London and:Mr. and Mrs.
Jim .MacRae of Toronto visited
in the community : recently and
• attended the opening of : the
North Ashfield Public School. • •
Honor Senior Folk
At Webster Picnic
The thirty-ninth' annual Web-
ster reunion was held in Har-
bour Park, Goderich,, on Satur-
day, Rine 16th. Over eighty re-
latives were' present to enjoy
the family gathering. During,the
afternoon • the sports committee
composed of .Bea Parker, Clay-
ton Alton, Gordon Kirkland and
Bill 'Hunter conducted a prog-
ramme of sports' • including a
ball game and races, for all the
active members while the. older
folk renewed • ` i~riendships and.
recalled - happy mernorieS.
' After. a )bountiful supper , the
President, •Mri Thomas Welbster
of Dungannon extended greet-
ings, Mrs. Cecil .Blake recalled
names' of twelve relatives who
had passed away within the .last
year, to whom 'silent tribute was
Mr. Watson Webster • of Tama.
on 'behalf of : the Webster- Clan,
presented seven senior members
and the 'youngest child present
with a- silver .dollar as a mom
ento ofd the occasion, the recipi
ents `being Mrs, James ; (Mary
Jane) Webster, . Lucknoyv; • Mrs.
Robert .(Jessie) Webster,. Clin-
ton; Mrs. Albert . (Lizzie)'•Alton,
'Lucknow; Mrs. Will (Ida) Bit-
ch'ie, 'Zion; .Mrs. Sam (Leitha)
Alton„ Lucknow; Mr and • Mrs.
Fred Anderson and little Joanne
Ritchie, Lucknow •
Two Scrap -book clippings. from
old Luckliow %Sentinels 'giving'
accounts of the first` and seventh
Webster Reunions' were. read by
Ada Webster. A .,sing -song and.
a 1business meeting at , which
'Thomas Webster Was reappointed
president;Fred• Anderson, 0 Sec.,
and Wellington Webster, . treas..,
brought the ' very ' pleasant af-
ternoon to a .' clo:se with `plans.
tis •Make next year's: reunion. big-
ger and • better than ever. ' •
Many friends from far and
hear attended the official open-
ing.. of ' Worth Ashfield '` Central
School on Friday evening. Judge
Ian .MacRae of :London gave the
:address and the school was. deli-_
ca"ted by Rev. MacCombie and
Rev. Hutton. ..
• •Corigraturations : to Mr. • and
Mrs. .Harold , Elphick: on the ar-
rival of a: 'baby, son. .
•A,nniv.ersary.services were held'
On. '.Sunday. at.Ashfield 'Presby-
Presby-terian . Church. Rev. F.' Scott
MacKenzie . • of Montreal• was
guest preacher.
Mr. and Mrs Williani.son of.
Wyoming' -spent the •week -end
with Mr. and Mrs:'. Ewan. Mac.
.•N a
Man ' families are
hunching themselve of into
summer of fon by financing the boat
choice •through. the ' Bank of Montreal Family. -
Finance ;Plan. This low-cost, .life -insured 'plan is
the "sensible .way to finance major purchases 'of
many kinds for all the family. Ask for full details
at any branch of "MY BANK".:
• ,,,, x.trottW :•ZZ it . • n } x r •h rr r A :: 5 h:o5:^.bwN.vn.,..,w.
h�'!!'.�+wttt•7W.41+'Ci''1:•,'+y, j'' ray"}' ,{ tk +Y j�:4 !h. L t : .L.>-44....wr.:w..
ril finance
Lucknow Branch': MILTON RAYNER, Manager
Winners of.. the races. were:
Children. under: 6. -Joan :And-
erson, Nancy Ritchie, Joan .Rit-
chie, Girls 6.9—Charlene And-
erson,':. Barbara Blake', . Audrey..:
Errington. Boys 5-9—Allan An-
drew; . !Lloyd 'Morrison,, , Barry
Morrison.: Girls .9-12 • .Nancy:
Kirkland, - . Elizabeth 'Ritchie.
Boys 9-43 —.Murray: :Morrison,
Brian ,Gardner; .Girls . over •112-:
Laurine Morrison. Ladies race—.
Mrs.....Clakton Alton, .(Mrs. Robt.
Irwin, Mrs ;Leonard'Ritchie), t.ie$.
Boys 114`' and .over—Billy Blake.
Men's '.race—•Clayton: Alton; (aGor
.don Kirkland, Cecil Blake); ties..
Kick. the Siipp'er--Norma " Mc-•
Donagh, Flora :Webster. Ladies'
Walking race-; Mrs. Elgin Mc-"
Kinley, Mrs. Elmer Webster,.
Mrs: 'Will Ritchie. 3'-1egged•"race=
Barbara and Billy Blake,. Clay-
ton Alton and Laurine Morrison,
Cecil Blake and J.ess'.ie Kirkland.
Wheelbarrow .race -. Murray
Morrison and Billy.. .Blake, Allan
Gardner and Allan Andrew.;
FROM NEARYPaisley's :.tax rate
is „p ••5.
m -ills this. year to X69 mills' for
residential property and .73.6' for
-commercial. •
* *.*:
• Mrs. Jack Reavie has been
appointed ' teacher of the Re-
t dd
etardd , Cla7ilren's 'School at
* * * •
Zurich • has adopted' a two- •
hour parking, limit in the busi-
ness section,as a result Of •coir-
plaints that .working • people
park •their cars on th •
e • ma ri
street all 'day long.
* :y : *
Hanover has ' purchased 171
parking': meters at: a cost of
$10,9,52. to be • paid out of park-
ing revenue.:
Hanover . proposes• t� build an
agricultural °coliseum compris-.
ing a' ,.community centre and
arena ata cost i.ose to $250,000.
as * *
Beaver 'Lumber Corrtpany of
Wingharn. has been ,awarded. the
.contract for construction , of`
'rink at Ripley with'.ei-
dale Wier.
We buy twine by the
carload.; Because wesave
money' we pass the
saving on . to. you.
SUPERIOR is top quail
•••TRELE:A1.11111 ..MILLINO.' -01)...
Phone 9, Lucknow
ther three or fotir- sheets. Cost
will .be o around $10,0010,.
, ice installation would be
. :A Kitchener .firm, had the
lowest price Of $7,517,0(33 for the
Walkerton 'District fHigh 'School
vodational. wing.
'Bryce County, jail -at Walker-
ton' Will 'now have the name
spelled as above, • ClOing away
'with the use of •the• old English
Twenty graduate nurses Of
Goderich ' hospital staff have
"Adopted" 'Elilabeth, Kaidatzi' of
Greece and pay $1.5.00. a month
toward her support under the
FOster parents' Plan. As a 're-
sult , of -the. , devaluated dollar
they 'now will pay ..$16.00 monthlY.
;Congratulations to "1V1r. and
Mrs. 'Steve 'Wolosehuk (nee
en Thompson) Winnipeg, on the!
birth of a daughter.
, congratulations' ',are also in.!.
.order for Martin. tenedict on 'his I,
investiture as Trdop Leader: in '
the •Kinioss ;Boy, SCouts,-. which
means ,Boy Leader. Of -the. TrooP.
Stroughton; Sask., are visiting
Mr. and,' Mrs., John ROSS. Oh
family and their guests °Were
guesti• at the wedding of their
grandson, Wayne:Brewer, in the
United Church, Kitchener., .Way-
ne's mother is the former Gertie
Ross of ,this community. , ,
Mr. and,: Mrs, jamea Wraith,
Lucknow, sPent Tuesday. even.-
ing at Browns. :
sented at :the. school in Kin,
lough :On Saturday afternoOn for
' Many children • 'are wearing
relieved looks, the reason;—exarns
are ,over :for this school 'year.
However, it.is still a strain wait-
ing for. the results. •
Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall
and Donnie• spent 'Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. ,ROY Currie, Milton.
The leaders Of the KinlOso•
and second PatrOls spent' the
week -end under canvass at the
,Lake. North of 'Kineardine. In
attendance from' here were Mar -
Benedict,. Donnie Wall.: and
Bolo Wall.
Maybe yOur old furnace does
'not perform the waY it should?
,.Let us look overyour equipment
before you decide to,buy.a.new
furnace. Chances are that all
you need is a tiew, efficient
tsso Oil burner.
Pluinbing and Heating
Sales and Service
• Mrs. • Arnold Wilkie, /Kincar-
dine, spent . Thursday . afternoon
Tom 'Stewart while .. Mrs. , Mac.
McPherSon' and family, •8th con.
spent Friday afternoon at •' the
same home.
'Salem United ,church met• Wed-, "
nesday afternoon at the home •
of ,Mrso,-Alex .Whytock with an
attendance of 14,
Sunday viSitors With 'Mr, 'and
Mr.s,'Aiex Whytock,were Mr. and
Mrs, William •Stanley, KinloSs,
Mrs: Michael • Trescherr and
Mr. and Mrs. •Carrhan WhytOtk
For sound counsel and a fair price . on a mdnument
Correctly designed from quality Material, rely "on
Established Over Sixty Years
Phone 638-w