HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 20tt
' - • �
W'EDESI?AY,, JUNE 13th, 1962
Son Of Former Residents Elected:Safely
before Jet Crashes, Sprained Ankle
The pilot of.a. OF -10+4 +Starfi.,gh-
ter aircraft parachuted to safety
. recently 'just. before the Cana..
dian-built .supersonic Oet crashed
and burned in a farm field near
PTarnao Air Base, J.0 miles 'north,
of Edmonton.'
Flt..' Lt. J. G. Aiken, alone in
the aircraft, used his plane's
automatic ejector when the air --
craft was about 500 feet above
the .ground. •
The former Kingston pilot suf
feted only a sprained ankle.
Aiken attended . KOVI and
married '•the. ,former • .Lorraine
Hunt of Napariee, His wife is a
graduate of the Hotel . Dieu
Hospital. • His parents live in
Newboro, near Kingston, •
They are . Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Aiken, Mrs. Aiken • was the for-
mer Laverne < Greer, daughter of.
the ,late Mr. and Mrs.. George A.
Greer. ' ,• .
Wreckage of the aircraft •was
•strewnover. a distance of about
a mile, most •;if it badly ',burned.
RCAF officials, icordoned off • the•.
area • immediately . and pieces 'of
the aircraft were being packed
in, cartons; for • removal • '
An .RrCAF;.spokeaman said 'the
"engine on the aircraft' apparently
failed just 'after" the. aircraft • took
off from. the air base on a-t3ain-.
ing flight. He said the pilot tried
' to turn' : back to `the base but
could not maintain "altitude.'
The B,COAF received • its first
£F -X104 from ::Canadair .iI ignited
of 1Vi:oatreal a few weeks. ago.,
Training of pilots in the 1,500-
mile=an-hour :.jets was started ' at
Cold Lake . Air Force . Base, ':150
miles• northeast of „Edmonton,
but 'was switched t,o •Namao for
two months while runways *ere
being repaired at Cold Lake. •
Members of No: 6 reconnais-
:'sailed Operational Training Unit
were flying the `Starfighters;
slated to 'replace Sabrejets now
being • used. by ".the•: RCAF . on
NAT'O, duty.
boards and bristois` has all col
•ours; and all prices!' from 1Oe, a
sheet to 20c. a sheet. The Luck
now Sentinel,, phone . 35; . Luck -
I.us.t O.bey.Scho.
Bus Signal. Lights
Starting•' ' June 1, motorists in
:Ontario Must'. now ' . take their
cue• from the flashing; lights
when., following or apiproaching
school buses:
Amendments to the • Highway:
Traffic Act, ' •;which went :•into.
effect that ,day, place the onus -
ora , the driver of the school veh-
joie toactuate his`'. signal .17ghts
'when discharging or picking up;
school children.
•Buses or vehicles .used. . strictly
for the transportation of school
children on . roads •which permit
speeds . in excess of. 35 m.p.h.
must after June�/ 1 • be marked
• •on the rear end 'with the words
• "do not pass when signals , flash'-
ing." •
. When a • school bus • stops .on
a road' errnitt ii speeds' in ex-'
, P g
cess of • ' 3+5 m.p.h. •and begins
flashing; its •, lights, motorists
following must stop and .,must
not pass until the lights have
been extinguished by the .oper-,
Holding Hearing
In FireaSe . .
Two experts testified in Mag-
istrate's court at .Exeter -that. a
Petroleum product—♦probably, ker-
osene or • coal; .oil --was found in
the charred' floor • of • the •Silco
store at .Hensall which was dam-
aged ' by fire• April 5. '
• They gave. evidence at a ,pre-
liminary hearing o n the charge
of arson against the shore's' own
er, Nathan ;Silver, Toronto: 1VIr.
Silver operated the Sligo store
in Lucknow for a time; after
purchasing ' the remaining stock
of the Market. Store, operated
by ',Neiman . Welwood
The ,ah -day • session .Was term='
inated after. only six of 'the 14
crown witnesses had +been, called
and the , matter has •been
adjourned .Until June 15. Silver ■
was remanded out " of custody on'
$5,000.0.01. property bail.. i`
Testifying before Magistrate: '■
Glenn Hays, QC, Robert. Kauf-•
man, an . inspector With .the. On- •
tario Fire Marshal's office stated. ,_
that there were definite •signs ■
on the floor where an inflam-
rriable fluid had burned- in. a i
distinct "pattern ■
He reported the fire had .start, ..
ed at floor level and there ,was •
nothing in.the area that : would
ordinarily ,.start • a fire; ; •
It' appear2d, as: � though. quite ■ .
a 'quantity of 'liquid had .been :
■ :
pored. on . the' floor", it 'was stat-
tat ed; by P.C'.. Murray ;Peer. ■.
He reportedthe fire had been ■
centred ;' in. a 10'41' • 'area near • •.
the . stairway on. 'the second floor
of the • building and , there was ■
no wiring nearthe source of
the. ° fire
Kaufman said he had no' way. ,•�
of knowing ;how long ' the liquid :■ '.
had. been on•'the floor prior 'to •
the fire,but said the substance. 1■
would` have evaporated before . a
Month and •would not burn with`.
such a distinct pattern:.
D. M., Lucas, a : chemist with
The Attorney . General's ; labora
m ` Voting dor
Senor Citizen
"Andy voted to increase my Old Age Pen-
sion from m $46 to $65 a month.
• "Andy voted' to increase, my War Veterans`
Allowance' 20 percent. 'on" two different -occasions,•,''•
"Andy voted for the Agricultural Stabiliza-. q'
tion Act 'which' guarantees' me against a severe
drop in my, farm prices. a.
Pensioner . s
"Andy :voted: to'. increase my .War Pension
20. percent on two different • occasions.
• 0
■ ..
"Andy knew the '.'advantages of.,Bruce and
'helped bring CANDU . to. ' its' present: world , fam-
•'ous location. • .
t . Andy" .. has the.experience . to handle my�
affairs at'Ottawa I. place my ;confidence in him
on his past record ' and. because he is; always i
You and 1
■ .
■ :
Issued . by Bruce Conservative Association •
•UI.i■■■a1■■s■a•ahi0mmmomitia.a i■ mmommii.i.i■.■aaii■iaaaiiia■aiii.0 i.iii
■11.11,■ *. -
two minutes after'. the siren had
sounded and the :fire truck was,
already there `and -several .men
d started to la ' •• ut..the hoses.
tory in Toronto, reported. that a He' stated he ; went into the
same le. '°of the charred' floor: -iv, building and 'Went up thee stairs'
en:. ,to him, by ' Kaufman carried• to.the second floor ' with .. ;Wainer.
.the odor ..of petroleum and he .. Ferguson. where they were con-
wasin area
' able to isolate a trace' .: of fronted with the fire an
a petroleum product. in two tests he described.' as ' 10' in diameter'
ha y
Recent ';visitors with . Mr. and
Mrs, Dan. Wylds were Mr..: and
Mrs John. Cowan of "Corunna.
Mrs.. Kenny and Mrs.; .Bradford
Detroit . .
The : Kintail • Womens Institute
coriducted •ori' ;the 'material:' just : to the 'left' of • the steps. • . members ••entertained the 4.4H
•B Y, . dstillin the...znatenalsThe tw : in '' ' - o e `'returne • to the 'Club. 'girls '•on Tuesday evening:
g . ni n d
a beaker. of water he said he street and .dragged a hose up:, the
was able to, determine that the 'stairs to battle : the blaze.. ..
product , was probably ; kerosene Siegal, :Whose, client had •criti-
or coal oil. cited firemen . for the amount ' of
Thechemist also performed : water poured On' • • the !blaze;.
.tests on. ' five •. bottles of liquids questioned Kyle "if he had tried
using : any of the• ' hand ..exting-
uishers or the COI's on 'the blaze.
"1, 'didn't. think they were. big
enough to fight the .fire," • Kyle
"They " . p ut out burningair-
planes with CO2,". Siegal point
'ed' : out. . •
Siegal carried on the same`
supplied by Kaufman 'and re-
ported that two , of thesubstan-
ees could be the ones present in
the charred debris. .. '• •
Qne was a vinegar bottle. con-
taining an amount of stove oil
or kerosene th'a:t• was taken from
the . blinding, thy ..I'aufman' and
the other was a small. sample
of oil taken from the oil heat- .type. of questioning later when
et' in,•' the building, • y fire inspector°.. 'Kaufman was : in
• • The other three jars contained the:stand and asked if he thought
samples of the fabric, shoe clean- the fire could have been put
er,, a fly. -Spray and: moth spray: out with 'hand •exitiriguishers:
' Jack. Drysdale, . Hensall report- "There was terrific burning to
, P g
ed •he spotted the smoke Coming.
out , 'of the Silco store • shortly
after• :6:00', pm..
Fire chief Byron Kyle: report=
the ceiling and .it was.. a „very
severe fire," Kaufman stated. "I'
wouldn't agree that . the fire
could have been put out •with.
ed e •he arrived on the scene ' about hand 'mu�s
t" h s "
an. exger
The girls displayed th4ir skirts
and blouses and.. presented . their
leaders with gifts: Mr. and. Mrs.
Walter Dexter showed a.lndes ' of
their trip to England last suin-
mer..Mr. Dexter.. also sang a . solio.
•Mr . and Mrs. Ewan. MacLean
and Mr: and .Mrs. Dan MacLean
spent Sunday in Collingwood
with, -Mr, and Mrs. Allan Mac-
Lean, and family:
The Annual meeting of 'Loch-
alsh Cemetery Board. was held
onr.Thursday' evening ,at the ce-
metery. •
Mr• . and Mrs: David •Elphick
and Donna' were guests at the.
Smyth -Weaver wedding ` at Dun-
gannon on Saturday..
In the absence . of Rev. 'Mac-
Com'bie, who °is at • Conference
'in Toronto, Rev Scott of Kin-
cardine was in charge of servi-.
ccs at Ashfield: Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. •
The Explorer ;group met at
record of.
n sound
On June 18
Authorized` by Huron. /RC
the church on• Friday after
school. •
Mrs,. Emile '•,MacLe:iinan and.
•I r. and Mrs Finlay MacLennan`
were in' Mallon, on Sunday.
,Congratulations to' Bambara
Finlayson::• in. .obtaining second
class -honors in her second year
at MacDonald' Institute,•
Mr. • and Mrs. 110k. Layne and'.
family of Cape Canaveral',' Flor-
ida, are • holidaying with •her.
parents, Mr; > and Mrs: :Duncan
MacKenzie. ' A ,.family. gathering
was • held.at • 'the MaCKenzie.
home. on Sunday.
WE : SAY,,, "BLESS . 'EM"
British. Columbia school trust-
eessay newspaper reporters
'.should be made welcome -at.
board. Meetings. A report to ,the
western conference of school
trustee's' associations in' Winni-
peg said that comfortable chairs,
desks and tables' should be ,'put
:at' their disposal. ' •
`" The B.C. report also .suggest-
ed• reporters have copies of any
reports given to the trustee
"If there is anything in such
;reports that the .rep'orter should-
houldn't. see,it should not be, said/ In
public anyhow, Nand .should not
therefore ibe brought forward at
an • open board meeting," is said,