HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 18If It r rr • s; F; a PAGE EIG -IITVE'iN T)lE' LUCKNOW SFN.>,I ' I, LUCKNOW, -ONTARIO SIJPERI� b /�tT,NJA�JRt�NA'•I%�4�.'WeiR/Q We buy twine by the carload. Because we save, • money we pass the saving. on to you. SUPERIOR is'' top qual- ity . twine, : 'rodent and. insect 'treated.. Bruce Raised $9.O,000,: Heads Province In FAME Drive, Land Option Near Preston The ,regular 'meeting ..:of the . Brune•,. County coman'ittee for' FAME was held in the A,'gricul- ture building, Walkerton; June • 1st with Jack MacGillivray: as chairm,an.'' . Allan Halliday was nominated by Ernie Beirnes to :act as sec- retary due. to the ' absence of W. . P. Oswald. .• The chairman welcomed the members of the' County Cornmit- tee . with a. very special welcome to :the' chairman of the Provincial` 'Board fore. FA1VIE; Mr. Charles 1VIcInnis,• :Mr; .MacGillivray reported on the, local' . activities .;of FLAME. Bruce has contributed more than • any other . county, with $90,000 raised to • date. . �Mr. ' MaInnas gave a 'very. in •forunative report on Provincial activities: / FAME'. has. placed an option on:: land in the Preston area and- :plans. for sewage disposal, are know in the. hands ;of the Ontario' Water • Resources Commission. These plans have paSsed the Pri- mary inspection office of the Commission and :forwarded: for. further . investigation, .., and ap proval FAKE engineers have .:almost coniple ed the plans for • all • 7 ;processing pants ',leaving them. fully., prepared forbuilding as soon as, the . • 0 W,R'C. gives ., ap • proval for: the .plans, new , in its office. Mr. McInnis also stated the r,. gl!ant 'for . Grey and Bruce .must be built as soon as possible, pre- ferably at 'the same time as the •main ..plant. • Mr: McGillivray • thanked Mr, IVIcInnis for his remarks•and the meeting was opened • for discus - Sion which was very interesting. The sincere. 'enthusiasm shown by this Bruce .group was most. gratifying to .Mr: lVlotnnis: : I Held Showers For June Bride -Elect >' DUNGANNON FAIR HAS WHIRLWIND COLLECTORS Collectors for the':, lungan- non Agriculturai •'Society's. annual fall;: fair are .Gordon Saunders, ,president, Marvin' Durnin,, secretary -treasurer, , ..`and Ralph Godfrey. And the are a, pretty effective trio, havingcollected close to $7010. already this. 'year They're 'calling Rlph. God frey' "Mr.••Speedy." .Recently,.•'. Ny, with *Gordon Saunders act' : ' ing . as chauffeur, Mr. ,God- frey made 38. calls ;in one= day on'' 'behalf . of,, the, iDun •annon Society. S' ociet . Y. ... ,. A number of. friends • attended. a 'shower Saturday night at, the -home • of Mrs. Ross • Durnin, St: Helens, held in •honour of Miss • Patsy Foran..Contests were con- ducted. After being presented with gifts, Patsy .thanked the. hostess and' everyone present St. invited them' to a trousseau tea to be 'held in her honour` on Thursday, June 21st. • ' On Thursday evening, ' former associates of Patsy when 'she was employed in ;Lucknow;; and neighbors': gathered ;at the home 'of Mrs. Cliff Crawford, to' hon- our the„ bride -elect with a mis- cellaneous shower of lovely gvfts. "We11,7'you can't- say. T made any noise corning in ,last,' "No, •but your pais . carrying you in did." >is 'Four Subscription Renewed?' Rescued After 3 Hours Adrift After •three fours adrift en Lake • Huron off Pine. River beach, Durnin Phillips of ' Dun- gannon and Chester Durnin of Irwin, Pennsylvania, were res- cued as darkness settled Taking -off for some fishing in a motor boat, they ran into: trouble when a pin was sheared on the motor shaft. •In endeavor-• ing to ,make repairs they lost the propellers and -had only a couple of paddles aboard., With a southeast wind blowing they' Weren't making any headway getting to shore, and in spite of their paddling, the ..boat: drifted about threemiles nortlwaard,•.off Bruce Beach. Mr. Phillips . • said they probably could have drop ped 'anchor and rode ,out the increasing wind, ' • ,However, one Of the paddles with a shirt 'attached, lnacle ,an'''; effective distress signal and tliey were . spotted on • shore. From the . home of Gordon ' Enmerton, help was sought from. Kincardine. Provincial Constable A1 'Sheldon got B'ob Johnslton of the Kincardine IGA :Store with his boat and they. lost no. time SEouts Tribute To ,Don Jo�instone: -Since the sudden death of Dori Johnstone . of. Kitchener,' '..arid formerly of. , Lucknow,;the fol- lowing ,,letter. appeared .,in the Kitchener -Waterloo 'Record: Helping Hand TO The Editor:. • . The sudden passing of Don Johnstone,; owner' of. :Hi -Way Furniture; .was :„a great . sorrow to several' Scout troops in this area . Although Mr. Johnistone was not.. ' directly , : connected • with Scouting; he, in his own way, was able to help many Scouts. to earn 'all 'or ..part. of : their summer camp fees for the ,past: sial years;' iby providing.. distribu- tion. tion. work. ' • • Mr. Johnstone believed in boys working for some of the highlights in ' 'their, growing -up period : - an :,,instructive. method to make responsible citizens. for. the. future. Mr. Johnstone was proud' of • •oudr. . Scout movement and stressed many times that outdoor camping •was• the • ideal environment for •growing. boys, 'Their', 'nearness to nature , as only God can make it -their fel- 1 awship in working together as a. group their friendship and buddies that are •,inga,de•. 'for life in, Scouting,' were some 'of the, . comments Mr, • Johnstone made, He certainly had the true Scout spirit: Mr. Johnstone left this world suddenly on his great joutneyy —but he won't be . forgotten, A true -Scout, ;he ' gave a •helping hand to goys of today, to ' be.- come e-come 'true citizens of tomorrow, He went ahead to 'camp with the Chief Scout of all --God- -.in. paradise. WAL'PErt SCI OLTTS• ou:a 20th KitchenScertrn Scoutsster J/ w I N'.1 S1. X JUNE Mtn, 1962 An InvItatir' Is Exteh� To The General Public to 'attend .tha. OFFICIAL OPENING of North Ashfi�Id:.Central ScFooI on Pldqy, June 15th, 8:O�p,rn. The • Booard extends' a special invitation to rate- .payers; ate- a ;former • teachers and students to be .present .R Yers ' 'Present: Ashfield Township School Area Nos 2 Samuel W. Gibson,..Chairman J; Roy MacKay, See. ,Entries will be of :one or more• slides with. the, top 6 .entries to 'become the property of'the Farm Safety Council,. The ' deadline fox entries is November ,lst,'196i2. in getting to the beach, and In' The prize' money short time had reached .the drift- $6.00 and three '$4.00., : The top ing craft arid taken it and its two 6 . entries will be the entry of occupants in 'tow none the the Bruce County Farm ,Safety worse ' • of their experience, but. Council in the Provincial Com - happy happy to be ashore. • petition. :: Gary e Su#ton Firsf .For. Safety Poster The Bruce County Farm .Safe- ty Council is planning to hold foulr ,safety rallies in the County this 'month at Paisley, Walkerton and . Kincardine. • The winners .:of the Bruce County Farm Safety Council ,pos- ter and •scrap• book competition Will :ibe presented with.. their awards: at• the ' rallies in their area. ' ' ' � .. Inc In '' the open competition for ,posters Gary% Sutton of R.R. ' 2,. •Holyrpod, .placed '1st. "Overall= Reid. Kreutzweiser. . In the .scrapbook open com- petition first place was •won by Silver Lake Women's Institute-' Helen Stanley and ' Joyce Mc- Ewan, , R.R, • 4, Kincardine. They also won the overall coopetition. • :Wait 1pprOval Of School Addition (LORIS Board; Meeting) A representative :' of ` Frank Cowan .`Insurance. Company .. at tended the, meeting and 'was au- thorized to... make a'complete: survey and Submit an `iansurance. report -suggesting coverage which: was considered should be' car- ried: A incl approval hasnot yet been received ,from 'the Ontario 'Mun=` icpal Board' to issue Debentures covering. expenditure .bf t -the ad= dition' . to the Iehool. Prelirnin= •ary plans for : the two classrooms, cafeteria and kitchen, have been completed by Messrs. Salter Si Allison., . to be forwarded to the Deipartmeitof. Education for their a Pp, •u • roval receiptof Pon assurance !rein: ,the, Municipal Board:. • A, very favourable report on conditions within the .School. was received from' • Inspector Scott, onl his regent, inspection, of the School. Sundry accounts amounting to $?03.41 were approved paid. :. The: Safety - Council' ; has • been very.` active this spring distri'bu ting -implement` stickers and• posters about the County. ' •. Picture Contest, A. new competition being start- ed by the ' Safety Council is' the farm coloured • slide.. competi- tion. 'Those' . slides are to be 2 inches by 2 inches and ::will de- pict . accidents, the .'cause of ac-:, cidents or the ;result of accidents. Doctor to ., patient: 'What . really complicates: your case is the fact. you '• don't carry medical -sung ical .plan • insurance.' Police : Organize For EMO In Bruce Police .Departments •from. 15 Of: the /7 ' Departments: in •.Bruce' County • attended a. meeting in '• Port Elgin on Thursday. The Meeting', was ;calle'd• ta• organize: the police' under the Emergency Mea.aures Organiza tion , of Bruce County All police equipment •wilt be .listed : with the Central' EUIO of five. Police schools will be. held in various, parts 9'f Bruce ;County:. this:year.` Each Police'.Chief wilt: submit naives,,' of three auxiliary • police in. his area to -'assist in,. Emergencies'. and plans 'are, unr der.. wday "to have one. auxiliary. polieemlan per. 1,000 population in' Bruce County ,,The group'. strongly ''recommended: that the auxiliary police be equipped_ with distinctive uniforms .so that they :•could•:be identified as: 'EMO.,- policemen: ”' , Lloyd' Jasper of 'Walkerton; as Bruce: County Co -Ordinator; out', lined- '.the phases of. EMO work. Irwin:Lobsinfger:, R'eeve. of •Wal' kerton ; and chairman Bruce ; County EMIO .. was in Charge: of -the meetin . Police ..Chief Donald Cllchris`. f --Walkerton adand head. . o f Police. in . Bruce • County :outlined vagi.. ous proposals: `` Bruce County', has been' divided. into • areas'. ser, 'v.,:iced.' by the, various ;fire d'epart''. merits., and • key men:, will be chosen from these ,areas to ac: ;as leader's in times. of emergency, 'An economi t has stated tha' wealth. is .a .relative 'matter. Pert haps he rneans-.that 'the :wrong, relatives have it, . HURON HAS PROSPERED UNDER THE DIEFENBAKER ADMINISTRATION 4 Continue a sound record of service Re-elect Elston CARDIFF Vale PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE