HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 17WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11i, 1962
! I■AAI■SRN■/N*■�I NlllMINN/A/ Nmu N•ma ntnesi ■ murines . �■: A O.�N • p■s■i
Procedures In, An Election Teat WWII
Ct$iO Million And Engage 154,000
ii n, summary of
Thi to "owl. g' s Y ■,■
_ ... •
Final revisio•of Voters' lists; ■ N
What is involved in the June 18 n ■
general election, brings •out a must be completed 16. -days .be- ■
number •of r~nteresting .and little-
fore the election, .which means Li ■
known, aspects of the Canadian by June 2 this year, ■
The returning
g officer in every ■'
system of parliamentary repre-
sentation. It is • reproduced from constituency des'ignates'the loco, • ■
the Bank of Montreal Business tions: of the polling stations, In '■
the last election the •num,ber, of
Review, for May. ■'
The process employed to pro- ' polling stations • within each rid- ■
gide a nation, with government ing ranged. from 27 to 451a, and �: ■ •
hosed en' 'free' .choice • by the the number 'of voters who cast ■ ■■
citizens differs widely'ameng the their ballots in each station was. ,.�; _ I ■
¢nar y democracies in•existence between 2 and 350. Each dep- ■, Y ` °' � ■
today. Canada'was the first• of uty returning officer and his•
these to adopt iparliamentary goy-- poll. clerk .supervise the conduct' ■ •
ernment, as derived from Great of ,the polling, on. election d.ay, ■ v o sof tf n■
Britain, to a federal system 'de-, under' the, scrutiny of two agents ■ x� ■ • .
to ed in Order , to conduct for ' each candidate. •After the ■; ,<%% •■
efficiently the affairs of a people 'poll is closed, the ballotsare s ■•
with varied ethnic backgrounds taunted by the deputy 'returning ■to
s y
in a country •with• distinct gee- officer in, . the• presence •of the
.... A
graphic and economic areas: poll clerk and 'party scrutineers, 1 `'� `fr � 3% a
Under ■
. this federal :parliament- and .the ballots, locked in th yj '
ballot box,y j
are forwarded to th ■0.
dry .system the Canadian, voters . ■ f n•. "
returning Although i�Y icy,: �, # £{ Hr a.
are'..asked''from time .to time g ' gh
to, indicate' their choice of. the' results, ,of the ,election are us- .■ ■'y' �{ ■
representatiVes,' 'who . will' •be: • re. ually Made. 'public on election;� Kz . .;
night; the l offi.cial . addition of ■.. F'
sponsible ■
for governing the•„ria■
tion. Such• a choice is' • to. • be votes for all of the: polling. div- •i ` � k,Y,
.rsions in the constituency is - Made N ..;. �` '
• made on• June 18, 196L:� � ■
by, the returning officer who ■ ,. ■
There is a distinction, • some, ■;■
times overlooked; between "shoos- declaration. °:
subsequently issues a ■
ing parliamentary representatives of election in favour ” of the •■ ■; ':f, .•
and choosing a.: government, 'This'candidate who obtained a pier- �.
ahty, that is, more votes 'than''.'
dual .choice is, achieved by .a ■:IN
dual process, abased .partly. on law
any other candidate, .(In case of '
a tie, • the returning ' officer •:who 1
rid partly•on' custom. The•' .ur- '
a P is not.: of erwise ■
pose :of this. Review is to out Aermitte:cl to•
vote May cast the deciding: ba.l- ■ .' ■
line, the Major. procedures:.161- ■
lowed. to determine' Membership
lot).: This' candidate' wial'beeome ■ ■
th.e parliamentary representative ■
in the House •of •Commons arid to for the • Constituency. ' :■'
set'' up •a •'.government which •is In federal elections ins •
responsible to • this 'House of Granada
the 'ballot bears,; iri alphabetical; ■,
Comi'iions,. with . power'' and. au= ■
order, the 'the ' name, '.address and
thority be5towed.'by, the elector- Ernie 'Fisher .,'has been mayor of Goderiich •' far, the
occupation of , each• `candidate for■
ate.past 5 .,years' • and.. was .also. on' County • Council. for three•
the,. House of Commons in.the
The, executive authority . of constituency, fine, party affiliation
such a government is . legally • of the .:candidate is not given.
vested .in •the Crown, represented ,(.There • is a story ;that one'
in Canada'•by the•Governor. Gen- .prime..minister in'.the:early days•
eral who ,acts : as chief of ,state.
The : Governor; General, however,
customarily ,acts only. on the. ad':
vice of thosemembers, of the
Privy Council ,appointed to the.,
• cabinet of. the day.
One : pf : the • members of this
'cabinet the t h
Iiste l..his occupation as `•`cabinet- •.
maker"!.). .
When `'a person wishes to be-
co�me a` candidate fpr election
to the House of Commons he
'must take certain' : 'formal. steps
in ; order .to :have •his name ■' :F
appear 'on the ballot. '• To 'assure g
his•i candidacy :any elector (that. . ■•
is, a• person 21' years. of age or'I
i a' ria man ci -°• ■
izen, .or 'other, British . stibject
who 'has been' resident in.Canada' ■
for the preceding twelve oriths)'
us i e nomina mon 'PaPers en=',•
dossed by, 25 other electors;
and,, inake:a` •deposit of SW., 'with ■
t e returning . officer for the
constituency within the' time. pre it
In. • this' time I e. •'has shad : many 'citizens ask . him for
.'assistance. ., f -le has never „asked .them.: whether•'' they were,
Christian; J:ew, ' •Liberal ' or. Conservative. ,
Regardless of. •party,''. color or .creed ."ERNIE 'FISHER
THIS IS indicative of how... he will work iiia, Ottawa
for YOU, the people of'.'Huron.
w •.
, ' e , prime minis er, w • o,, ■ '. ` ■
is the. leader' of the political par-'
ty with the ,.highest number of:
' ■
seats in the House of Commons; aver who s C d t '•
is. the" active head of ggvernrnent � ■ .
and spokesman for the nation. h' b , ■
His powers, however, are purely, ■
traditional; legally.. speaking,; he . m t f 1 t � � �',•
is -just is erlir e
dust. one ,of the 265 rnerrkbers. .. ,
of the House of Convrnons:.:Like _
all others, .he.owes his seat to' h ■ / w
s ■ •
• the voters l'of the parliamentary a ■
constituency which' he represents. scribed :in • the Elections .Act .It a
One • .
..candidate to: ■ •
of the• most irri�portant is pos�ible for � a.• •:,A.. MEMBER. O.F .THE PEARSQN • .TEANI ; � ■
powers exercised' by the prime seek:`election in..a constituency"' ■
:minister is. 'the right., to, ask.: that in which he .does not reside. The' !'■
the Governor General .dissolve..dPe osit of each:' candidate is re= • •' THIS ADVERTISEMENT AUTHORIZED BYY HCRON LIBERAL .ASSOCIATION m..
Parliament and give orders 'that funded cif• he"•polls at, least .,half
Writs: of :.election 'be • issued. :the number of votes of the
Accordingly,.' on April '19 ' ofthis•,
year' 'the writs of election" :'were•
issued . for'. a poll to. be " held on
in■■■r\w■■■v■■wm■■smomo■■■nammemu■■m■■■■iww■witrml■tw' re■■■ommorm■m■mi■■■■tea
wining candidate; f less, a didate '.' the, executive of members:' By'. doing .so. they. are each. ,'Canadian voterwho, on t v.
winning , i. the c n by � � i.'
deposit .is forfeitedto theCrown. voting not .only direct'y . for election day, ,gives his mandate
P � W P Y.
their own' member, but indirect- to the. House, Of 'Corrimens. The
In' the 1958. 'elect`ion such; forfeit -or by a party. g
wires totalled some d'7 00Q
In this. manner the machinery
for conducting ' a general election
° in, Canada :is' put in. motion. On
,instructions from, the 'cove• r-
in=Council(in other, t
Words, . the
cabinet) the :Chief, electoral Off-
ice* an independent ' official
,chosen; by the House of. Comb -1,611S,
issues the :•writs. of. election.' to
the returni•ng., offi.cer..' in each
.constituency, or riding,' These
officers direct the preparation
of Voters' ' lists, , appoint deputy
returning officers for each 'poll-
ing ubdivision in the .consult-
uericy, 'receive , n.aininations. of
candidates and
printing Providie ' .for the:
g of ballots.
The voters" lists, are .conipfled
by' the enumeration Y
'tors ' '� � anon of the elec�
which begins 49" days be-
fore the election, Two enurner-
s,tors representing .
r epresenting the two
the local art riding. association,
,'meetin at which
an elector may Vote.'It.,'is •ex-
ly' for ,:the prime 'minister 'and .ir'nportance. of .each cast is un-.
In'. the first..two' elections of pected that nearly 1;000 candi-cabinet:. • . derlined by the fact',that, in
date's Will be. nominated, this .. The leader of the group which the .last two general elections,.
186? and 1872, nomination` rne•et-. da 1 ,,,
June 4,when'. nomina : has the ; Largest number ef- :its 17 per cent: of the.constituencies
in s were usually , held' in the year • by. .
open. air, any' . elector could tions close. • .• ,candidates elected to. the House were carried by •a plurality . of
attend and name . a candidate, The ' campaign , which' follows is.; traditionally invited ' by. the less than 1,0�0�0 votes,: and • in
`thiss t announcement; that an elec Governor • General to' form ' a several , seats the' ma4rgin of
aloud .and in ,public.' During the. a . � � and
earlyPeriod the' secret ballot wi11W. be held usually', lasts ,government, and to' take . the votes was less than fifty:
p, ' w office of ' rime=naanister;_ Usually_ ',Every voter�in. Canada walL •
was-notyet 7i�s` common rade and' .for -a -month to six Weeks. Thep
elections facilities airtransport, ,tele, 'the party which forrns the' gay- 'have' the . opportunity• 'and 'the •
were extended over facilities of T?, , . ,
. i n. and radio have done little 'ernme..nt ,has a majority of the duty to exercise the privilege of
several . weeks, . permitting the vision.
e ressures `on the seats in . the House:' of Commons. casting , his or ' her ballot. on:
results ••of • the .,open. voting • in to reduce, 'the p
e But,: in: point of fact, as may June .1.8, ' 19'62.
be seen • in ' a accompanying
table,., there have been four. oc- THE POINT,, OF • VIEW
c'asions sitee Confederation, in The',College Professor —• Such,
One apart •of the' '�couritry to In-
fluence those areas which voted..
later: • In 1874 legislation .was.
passed' which ,abolished puiblic•
norninations.; instituting " voting
by ; .secret ballot, and. • pr'ovided,
with' some `exception`s, for elec-.
tions to •' be 'held throughout the
country .-n the, ame da ing thousands of people, making the.House, In these. circtims�tan-' Ooocl hear'en:s! What Crudity!
c rn y o e• S y:
Another sten. not required bycount es,s ' appearances on ,plat- ccs; the governirrent fUnetinns as The bust's a fool! Th'e • fault, 'of
law, which f i.. •
farms and before the press,'con- a.• minority government: • . course is in the -public school.
.�lw,. but which for obvious rca ,
i _ " suiting with their canmpaign man- General eleetion"s must be held, i''ub.lic School Teacher-.- From.
sons is usually taken by the. a t` ., .,� ,.stupidity ,., i.
Posing .poli ' candidate ger" . and 'advtsers and. perform- .in Canada at lea:,t once in, five •'such . tupidity •mav I he 'spared!,
received ,8 p itical .interests that candidate, is to secure the .sup, ag s ' P• . r �
Ceived theins multitudinous. other .duties, .Sears: During .he ,present elec- TheY', sena them up to; me so
vet highest number• of port'of a political party, Although �, ,F �,.
es iii the constituency t'.h:i's htis no. legal . effect, it .,:is All, electioneering must end tion the. Chief Electoral Officers �,iin.pi"epared,
prec '- •' .r . • n Y to the .. " .� • . " . .., , , ; : Primary y.�Y , ' Y '
�dinn election, make door- olitically practical to• have the two days before • election day 1I.f.quirements for '§taff and sup l Piii ary Teacher, Kinder-
to- a e a •p ,. p
or list. of urban •voters:..Only
nurneiator is, required • in
rural ridings;, Preliminary lists
of, ele •
etor, are posted in public
places, such as on telephone.poles,
so that anY' • .
the " ny voter may protest
ria Iielusior7 or o'rriission -of any
mer The official list Of eligible
votor.5 must g
be to fled at •least'
contestants; ori, the con.trary,,,th y
are subjected to increased de-
mands for their .ipreaence. The'
leading 'members of the various.
'parties are presented with sched= 1921, 19(25, 1926 and 195)7; when rawness in .a student is a shame!
'ales' well nigh; impossible . to the party winning, the largest Lack of preparation in the high
meet' as they 'cross 'and 're -cross. ,number of seats still had less 'school, is to .blame.
ie country, givingspeeches,. meet than half the . total number in The High School • Teacher
assistance and support' of enthu-,
siastie` and nun -serous party, wor-
kers, Nowadays the most ;pop -
tiler method of choosing a pol-
itical 'cancliidate is by nonilnat-
"rang convention,' attended' by local
party supporters chosen as dela
egates for the purpose:• However,
P House of . Corn-
oilier meth used by political membets to •the'. , .::. , � Y Y r- . ,
days• before the 'election date, parties 'include the choice ed. a mans) tvil"1 eleot a. fetal of 265 democratic process rests with l fathers people .a -re• all the` sanie.
lies. may involve at' estimated ;erten blockhead! 'And they nail
This year •close , to 10;,000,00;0. p y y
Canadians •will beg iven tlie•j expenditure of ;Sly :tm l'lion . and I That preparation! Worse than,
opportunity to 'choose "the pa-' the services of ever •150,000:, per i none 'at. all! '
pP Yr
tion's ajil; a•zne tart' , repr'esent- sons: This", i; entirely apart from Kindergarten Teacher -- Sul:"l1
atives and . the' voters ;hi�eaclh• the work ; acne. by the olitical .lack of training neVei� did 7. see;;
of: the 23 constituencies (two' parties themselves in order »to. Whet kind :of worn n must his
of which -=' Oueen's, P>.F I,, .and I perform: their ro9e of Informing mother, be; ' '
Halifax N.S; '— each send two, the voters. But" the ultimate re-- The Mother — . Poor helpless'
,spons•ibilty• for the result of this child — hes., :to blame. His -