HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 10r' •
This. is *nu.
in, as real .a sense . as in
the Billy Graharn hour.
You have; nothing to vote
for but debt, more debt,
taxes and more taxes,
with its, increasing Sta.,
tism, Socialism and even-
tuaI ` -(even imminent)
Communism - UNLESS
These columns the .past
three, ` weeks have en-
- deavored to alert you• to:
the .extent of our present
debt and danger and that
.the average Canadian
family pays ' visible and.
invisible tax of ' .2.1 hun-
dred dollars per ` . year.
Social Credit is the :ON-
N-L Y 'Political Party ded-
icated to pay-as-you-go.
The. other 'three (troika)
are based on debt.
has ' the answers. It . is,
not just some vague
theory, (but has given 37
years of. sound.: Govern-
ment and . a buoyant
economyto . Alberta ',Sr
B.C.. has.. paid off'.
their provincial debt and
in Alta has built up re-
serves of . over 400 mall-
dons ' of ' dollars. .•
It ' can do the s.ame,
for ''all Canada.
Proven Performance
and .Efficiency Will:..
Board Discusses.
Cemetery Upkeep.
West Wawanosh Township
Council held their regular meet-
ing; on June •6th,' ,All members
1 were present. • This meeting was
1 held . a week earlier than usual
because County 'Council is • in
session the following • week,
sed for payment on a motion Eby
Cauns. Durnin and, Smyth..
Larne • Ivers, salary, $511.00;.
Norman; Mc onald,, - operating
grader, 102.0; Norman McDon=
ald, hauling gravel and culverts,
2$;00; Pana'da culvert Co: Ltd.;
steel culverts, 309,52; • • ,Pedlar
People Ltd., steel, culverts, 358.-
80 •Imperial Oil Ltd., -fuel and
tax, 127.344 Grant Chishoalxn,
motor .oil and tax, 10.44; Cairns
Aitchison, dismantling! snow
fence, 55'.25; Lloyd Phillips,
mantling snow fence, 5245; Luck -
now S'entine'l, stop s$gxis and
snow plow, tenders, 9 5a.,
Council adjourned to meet on
July 10th, 1962.
• • J. F. IFORAN, Top, 'Clerk.
-W .DNESDAY,...J THE 13th
;..-1.s82m _..
The Palmerston., Branch ,off. the
Canadian Cancer Society has
raised .4 total of $1,61.31 during, '
the past six months.
Dr. and Mrs ,. B. Tindall of
Ripley :are spending t.he•_month/ •
of June in the ,British. Isles. They
flew from; Malton to New York
and,'by Irish Airlines to .Shannon,:
The Minutes: or the, May meet-
ing were adopted as read on a
motion by • Couns., McPhee and
Mr. E, G; Cochrane, Cemetery
Inspector from the. Provincial
Department . of 'Health, metwith
Township.' Council. ' An interest-
ing :discussion followed regard -
I ing thetaking over, tnm
and maintenance of a cemetery
'considered to . ,be abandoned. "
Mr: Victor Errington, 1962.
• IWarble iFly rnspeCtOr was pre:
sent and turned in the accounts
for this ,past. . season's warble,
fly,. campaign. Mr. Errington
reports another successful sea-
son's • spraying operation. The
Clerk Was instructed• to apply
for the. .statnatory grana per-
taining to , warble fly spraying.
On a• motion by. Coons Mc-
;" Phee and Jefferson, Township
Council •'agreed to .accept a• ipeti-
tion for .drainage work from
Ray 'Hanna (Concession 5) and
Iothers.. Mr, James A. Howes,.
1D.L.S., .iListow'el was authorized
to make an examination and sur
Vey in• 'regards to this: drainage
project.: Motion Hca vied.
• The Treasurer reported 'that a
little over $8,000 • in 1901 taxes
is still :outstanding. •
(Council • Wast advised that the
fox bounty . of $4.00 still applies
to fox pups:;
A. discussion/ took place in
regards to -work to be done .on,
township: roads this . sumher
On a' motion.lby • C91 -ins. Smyth.
and . Jefferson, the following' -ac-
counts were,passed for, payment:
Geraldine• Lippert, 2 sheep
Clain-Ls,$91100; Andrew Gaunt,
2 -livestock inspections, 5.00; ,,Bert
i Moss, • 3 fox ;bounties Qa •$4 :ed.,.
12.00;. Harold 'Errington ':16'' fox
pup. ;bounties, 04.00; Pinecrest,
Manor Ltd., indigent patients (2)
accts.; •160.75; Ierber•.t k'inni-:
gan, .1 Sheep claim,. 15.000; 'Tho-
mas McPhee; 1 'livestock ,in
spection; 2.50; Louis Blake, Brns-:
sols, -1002 W,F. spraying acct.,
:921.00; Victor Errington, :'salary,
1962 W.F. Ins9pector,, X2152.00; J. F.
Foran, :part salary, township
Clerk, , 200.00; Howard. Sproul,
time and mnaterial at Twp. Hall,,
20,00; Pannabecker's. Store, paint
for Twp. Hall; 58.87; Mrs. Doris
Moss, painting' Twp Hall interior,
30:00; Mrs. Isabel Foran, painting
T.vp; Hall interior, 30.00; .Luck
now ,District Co -Op, 2,650 lbs ..of
coal for : welfare, '37.40; Village
of Lucknow, fire department calls
('3;), • •50.00; Lundy MacKay,
payment of debenture, No. '7, 1,-
009:00; Lundy Mac Kay,: payment
of • debenture interest; ':•.40.00;'
W. B. Anderson; Lucknow, pay-.
anent of .debenture interest, 80.00;
J. - K. Scott, Ab,burn, allowance.
•Assessor's school; 20.00; John
Inglis, Fordwi'ch, payment re
Hamilton ' Municipal. - drain,
794415. . .
The road accounts were pas-
For: Your
Children's Saj
In ,Bruce ' Vote
Saiidy i nacDonalci
"What has been doneis proof
of what yet can be accomplishZ
stateme t t0: tk e people • Of +Omar o corn
Arne Minster John\ D1efenbaker,
. P
"Five years ago the Canadian people gave " - and my colleagues a mandate to
• endthe years• of inde ioand neglect ' of Liberal�rule and 'Wake a: start in :the
' �. cis n
New National Policy which we pat before the Canadianpeople in,1957.You
gave us a renewal of your mandate in. 1958.
"In the succeeding four years We carried on thatpolicy and as a direct resultof the
manybold and even revolutionary measures which :we undertook the recession
of 1957 has been superseded by the boom of 1961 and 1962.
"Our energetic, trade ; policies have
produced the first favorable balance.
of trade in nine years.
"Farm cash income has reached an
all-time record high. Prices are now
supported on 223 farm products:
"Old Age Pensions and Old Age Assist-
ance have been increased from $46 to
$65.. Other pensions have kept. pace.:.
"Ontario received $607 million in fed-
eral payments this year, a huge in-
crease over 195Ts $215 million.
"Canada stands todaat the commencement of a great new era of progress and
prosperity—first as a result of the action we have taken -second, on the neves.
sary 'condition that the plans we have made and announced for the next five
years are carried into effective action:
• ive years from now 'Can$da will be celebrating the: 100th Anniv rsalry Of
Confederation. Our plans for the future are lalready five years along the road to
and they can, will and must be realized between -now and' 1967. What
has been done in five years is proof of what yet can be accomplished in the next
five years."
VOTE Progressive Conservative JUNE 18