HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 7. • ! , - nr41,44.-4,46-,644,-6644 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th,, 196,2 LUCKNOW SENTMEJ.4, LIJCIe.NOW, ONTARIO • PAGE SEVEN WHITECHURCH Tvventy-01—TeTaarar-attended-th monthly meeting of the W.I. in the Whitechurch Cominunity Hall On Tuesday night. Mrs.. Wallace con gave a talk on ” current events, Mrs. Russel Ross gave federated news and Mrs. Da Tiffin gave a report of the •pre- sidents convention which was held in Guelph, 'Mrs. Claude Coffin sang Beautiful Isle oj somewhere. Plans were m,ade for a bus trip to. Toronto, -Cap- tain Newman of the SalVation, Army . in Wingharn was . guest speaker or the evening, §peak- ing on his work,: Mrs. Robert Purodon, and Mrs, David Mac- Donald were hostesses for. the evening. ; Rev, George 'Watt of Oakville, • Rev, Robert •Watt and Mr. Archie ,Watt of Toronto visited at, the home, of Rev. John Watt and also: with,. their mother; Mrs. John Watt who is a patient in. -Winglyarn General Hospital. • . Mrs. Robert Ross is a patient Mr. and Mrs. Dick De Boer in Wingham General Hospital, of Blueva.le visited on Sunday and Mrs. Carl McClenag- at the home • of, Mr. and Mrs„, h an visi e_ on -Sunday---a-t----the+John De Boer. wart in. Kitchener and also at of Mr, and Mrs. RObert Adami led in prayer °and Miss Beth - home of Mr. and1VIrs. Mac. Ste.: Little Janet -A aims, -daught- • Rouiston • 'followed by "Com- • ments' on Religion and Life" . , _ from an article by Padre Young ph _Mrs.__Alex-MacTairish- the home of Mr. and Mrs, Don- ald Stewart -in. •Thorndale. Mr. Melvin Rock of Ethel vis- ited on Thursday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Carl McC•lenaghan. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker and family of Exeter visittd on Sun- day at the hoine of Mr, and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, Mr. John Gaunt, Mr, Russel' Gaunt and Mr. and Mrs, Tom .Gaunt: of Wingham were in. London , on Saturday, Mr. Tom Gaunt remained in Victoria hospital for further treatnienit. Mr. and,,IVIrs; DuStan Beecroft attendeda convention at Sault Ste. Marie „last week. Mr. and .Mrs. Ken Currie. of Wingbarn visited on ThuridaY.af the 'horne of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Dirstein. in Brantford. returned home from, Wingham MacTavish read a poem "The General Hosrpital •after •being a Happy :Heart" Mrs. Douglas patient' there for over. a week. Dunlop presented a film., "The Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray Reason 'for Being." She also M- od' Wingham and Miss Annie ported briefly .,on the Christian. Kennedy; of Whitechurch were Education Workshop that had at London last Friday, where been, held in. Paisley that day. they visited . with his daughter, A Bible Quiz on. "Boys of the Mrs. James Wilson. • Bible" was interesting. A. brief teljort from' the McMaster Con OLIVET 'NEWS ference in Hamilton on Methods of., -Bible. Study was given by • Mrs. Alvin Hamilton4. The wor- The June meeting of the Unit- ship service closed with .a. sing- ed Church Women •Was, held at song led by Miss. Beth MacTav-. the home of Mrs, Alex. ikh. The business period, fol- Tavisly• on Thursday ' eveninglowed, led by Mrs, White,. who Mrs. :Herb Clayton and .her also dedicated the offering. The 'group were in charge of. the roll call was .answered by a worship service, with Miss Mary verse from, my school reader, ROulstorkat the piano. Mrs. Whichwas answered by twenty Clayton opened the meeting inembers,'Ythere were also four withe aPpin; "Along'Life's Way," visitors present.' Courtesy re - The scripture was read by Miss marks were,given, by Mrs. Mel- , yin Coiling. The meeting' closed. with the U.C.W. benediction & a.:social hour. was enjoyed. ,Some •from here attended the -United' Ch4gclr-Vomen's-:Rally-------4- --4n-Ripley on Monday, June .4th. Olivet people had a cheN of anniversary services to attend on • Sunday. Some went to St. And- rews in ,Ripley - while Others went to South Kinloss Presby- terian Church. Mrs., Mae Hamilton, Mrs. Al- vin' Hamilton, Mrs, Oscar White and .•Mr. Bert Eaton visited on ' Sunday. with Mrs. Annie Mac- ' Intyre of Kinloss. ' Mr, William lVICGuire of Rip- • ley, formerly 'of Olivet under- went surgery ,in Kincardine Hos- pital recently. His condition was not very, good at time of writing. • After a trial period.. of , one month •in the observance of "closed all day Monday,". Arthur merchants.have reverted to their . cuStbmary Wednesday half holi- day. . • iii•••••••mammmumpiimmeiimenimijimmommammmimmamimmomimmmemimmimmmmammilmemimmommilimeimmmmummimmimmmummammommiii• memmummmimaimmollIONIC. BRUCE. NEEDS A YOUNG MAN OF ACTION •„ , • • . . • • - I ' • VOTE HON. ,L. B. PEARSON Leader of the Liberal - •Party of Canada • A New Kind of Leadership The Kind of Government We Need at Ottawa . • • Since. this will be the last issue before the election on . • June' 18, it is necessary' that you know' the true facts in certain instances: , . • . There has been much said by the -ConServative • ▪ - • Cancli- date in connection with the Douglas Point Atomic • Energy Electric Plant. The true 'facts about this Plant • , ,• are The Atomic Energy Commission and the Ontario 3 • • , Hydro • Electric COrrimission built . the .pilot .Nuclear .11 • ' . • 'Plant at' Chalk Riverundpr the Liberal regime The A Ontario 'Hydro Electric Commission , chose the site for the Douglas Point Nuclear Plant and • purchased the land. The Atomic EnergY. Commission is paying for IIII • • .. the constructionof the .building. This whole scheme • was arrange during the term of the Liberal Govern- ment, no member had any knowledge.' of *here. this. • plant wait! be located. It was through ,the co-operation of John MacKenzie the Liberal 'candidate and •his' Council that the construction of .the plant 18 advanced to its present state. Roads and streets had to be closed • and old_ plans removed ‘before anything could be done. 1 quote from an. article. in the Kincardine News of the . • 14th day .of February,. 1962, from a speech made : by Andrew Robinson, the then Conservative member : "A • , short •while ago. the Atornic Energy. Board of Canada • . along with the Hydro Electric, Power Commission' of • • Ontario , agreed to erect an atomic, :power plant in the County of Bruce, Why they chose Bruce 1 am not' too • ' john' -1. MacKenzie .is faMiliar with the DouglaS, Point • Power Plant •and has a full, layman's knowledge of the • 1,ilierttl Vote For MucKenzie 114006is Progress For Bruce • „• ' • 1 -: • • •:••••Xey,s, .se*SS ----.434e0MAS;;• • .., JOHN MacKENZIE ; • Bruce ...Liberal Candidate, • , plant and its potential. He will promote Industrial De- velopment • immediately on being elected. He will not wait until Election time. The Riding of Bruce is now ready for development. but it must have a young man to promote and fight for the same. John H.'1VlacKenzie .. • It must be pointed out that the Conservative Govern- ment reduced the National Debt in the following years, ' namely : .1871, . 1882, 1912, 1913. The Liberal Gov-. ernment between 1945 and 195 7 reduced the National 'Debt, Two Billion Dollars. The Conservative •Govern - Merit increased the National Debt Two Billion, Dollars • from 1957.to. 1962.' We can not afford to permit: this to happen ag4in. • • . • John H, MacKenzie will promote loans' for small . businesses, Small towns 'are , the backbone • of Bruce • * riding and should have assistance: MacKenzie Will work • It is quite apparent that Lester B. PearsOn will be ,our next -Prime Minister and we must have a Liberal Mem- . • • bet froin' Bruce. Vote John H. 'MacKenzie., • 6. Your Bruce :Liberal, John MacKenzie, will serve •you well . at Ottawa because: He • as his •grass roots , in the • • . ' Heart of Bruce. As a son of the soil,his integrity', his intelligence,• his ability to -learn and . grow .has earned him positions of responsibility in themunicipal field climaied, by :the wardenship of • Bruce, As heis ten-, ' scientiousry carrying on his duties as warden this year, so, he •will carry out the responsibilities as your rnenriber. • ac e zit . . , Published by Bruee Liberal AssociatiOn • '1111Mimiltiiiimio•■•■■■■■••■•••■••••••liiiimiiiiii•••••••••■•■■•••••••••••••••■•■!•■■■■•■■■•••■■■•■■•••••••••••••••••■•■■■••••■■••■■C • —• • ■ .1111 ■• • • ■ ■ IN • ▪ • • • a . of • „ . ■ • me • • • • a, ▪ • 01 • • ' .• 4 • • ,. • •' .• ' 4. • '4,„ ' • - •.;."" , ; •• "'t • : • • • •, ,444, • • 4 ' .4* . AA . .• ,