HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 6PAGE six Tim LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUC] N•••..fi••.!.*.s•..•.•••si..••illn•N.i.i•e. ,-- s -- --= VA .. • IN • • • LATE . • • usti• • • .4111 � • 2 .1962 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan automatic fully •equipped !.. 5 • (one used, one new) , • • ' 1962 Pontiac Parisienne, . 4 -door hardtop, fully powered, • IF 327. V-8 ,engine. '.• • 1961 Pontiac Standard Sedan ' ' : *quipped, .•. • 1961 Pontiac Laurentian,power. steering;, • automatic, fully •, • equ pP , • • 1961 Pontiac Parisienne •, 4 -door hardtop, ' V-8,, automatic, •• • • „fully 'powered. i • • 1961 Chev Impala 4 -door o Hardtop, V-8, • automatic; , fully • •. • , ' powered. : • 1961.. Ford Fairlane . 500 Sedan, automatic and power steering •:• • 1960 Chev Belau Sedan, automatic• • 1960.Vauxhall sedan • : 1959 Pontiac ' Sedan,. automatic, fully equipped • 1958 ' Pontiac Sedan, automatic • •• ' 19557.. Pontiac Sedan, automatic / • 1957' Pontiac sedan, standard, • • 1957 Dodge. V-8 . sedan, automatic. •• • 1957 Buick Sedan,: automatic • • 1956 Ford Custom Sedan, automatic • • ' _ • e. • NUMBER OF 1955 MODELS from: ' . ▪ $350. tip • i„g,._ MANY OLDER MODELS ,•TO,: • CHOOSE FROM • • • is 11. • KY{A+ #irf i ra til fi qac ifs t• 11,4 P. r. Y ga • -TRUCKS •• •. •' 4", 1960 1/,, -ton, Chev .Panel Truck. • • • • Srussel's�� Motors 40 . '• .o • `Cities Service. Dealer . shone 173, Brussels . s. •• • , ! 01,••••••••••••••••1••••••••••'s••••••••••••••••••• 2nd, Pack ..Lucknow''Brownies . The 2nd ‚Pack Tuesday a . as g,axYie ntrodu, cod to Ring .Brownies Wind" and ng ': apJprdpri old. wa�s> tool Fairy townies we ties olden;°Bar stitch is racquet '�o M�atliers, vcrho ackie, rawne:on s ' esting,' the 'g he'� Union' ng� game vin wow • arid th with .the :'S'qu 1957 Chev Panel % arryall. W, ONTARIO. Ripley -Huron. Area • Huron Township Council met pursuant to • adjournment, with all members present. Minutes of last meeting and special, meet- ing were read and confirmed.. 'Gar'bage collection at Point •Clark Beach was let to Perrin Lowry. and Lurgan Beach north to Kincardine Boundary to Dave Moore, .: Lloyd Wylds was:. 'engaged •to cut the . grass on the Township . rdads.. beginning �o n August 7, S.S no. 2 voted in favour of joining the e . Ripley -,Huron School ar.ea' and the Council passed the• nec essary By, -laiw to take effect on January 1; . 19'63. The following. accounts: were' ordered paid; • Cemetery; Benson Hardware..,. mower : and ' tools, •$11.11.13; G. Harkness, repairs' 'to entrance posts, $12.d10;. Ivan Pollock," care, $122,40 Township Pollock Electric,. hall supplies, $�3�4 401; Doris Mac- D'onald, . care of• :hall, $1.9.00; James iVlcTavish, Warble Inipec- tor,: $11711 X50; Ernie . Irwin,: spray- ing, . $145.00.; .Benson. Hardware, repairs, ' $2,94; Graham' Cook, dozer, atL�urgan andRipley dumLp, $55,00,; D•r ' W. G. Bruce, School dental services,: $177..50; Morford McKay, 'sprayer •'repairs, •$13:65; Kincardine News, Advts.,' $12,50; Earl Tout, .1/4 salary anad pos- tage, $414.00; Post Office, unem- ploymen•t stamps, `$1044. •'• Roads Steve Irwin, S`uperin- tendent, ' $3i2i5'00, Wayne Lowry; grader, $'278,50; A,mibrose Gam- bl"e, • laibour , :$168 00; .. Turn. Mac- Kinnon,, tabour, . ' $'58i510; James i i brooks, ]jab:aux, $36 00i . 'James . McTavish, gravel, $1215.00, lage . of ..Ripley, 'gravel; $77.40 Emil Ritchie;; -,gravel ,and. poles,' $40:30; Stewart Brooks,: gravel,' ,$�2r7.&5•; Harry Coiling, , .hauling.. an -d • loading, $552615; :Coiling Bros ,• 'hauling "gravel, $5512.55; 'R. - Clarke & Son, excavating at Staivley'a creek; $140.00; .Francis 'Mitchell, snow blowing, $35.00;: Roy _ Marshall, ..hauling and load- in•g, $3.28:75;. Norm.an `'Bernard, hauling:; .asphalt,.• $40.00; GxeY- Wellington Paving Co., : asphalt, $69.83',• Harvey . B.. Thoanpson, hauling gravel,. '$154!00; : W. ; I. Shantz, .hauling.'gravel,. $.148.50~, •Bil,l . K.e�m!ptori, hauling . gravel,:' $2127.1'5; Graham Cook,:bulldozipg, : $350.06; Eldon : Stewart,:; painting and labour, "$3114.2"3, Benson,5 Hdwe.;- paint, wire ' and nails; $122.20 Pollo.ck ,Electric, tile -.arid' t`en test, .. $14964;; Frank's Gar age, repairs; - $16.78; Harvey Family Reunions HARRISON REUNION . The ':27th annual' -'reunion : of the,'Harrison- families was• :held. at Harbor : Pank, • Goderich; `on Jun+e`. 9th 'with 'an attendance :of 88 and with .Mr, and''Mrs. Keith.. Harrison• 'of 'Calgary, Coming the farthest distance; - .••- 'Y Dinner •wase served _at 1 p.tn During.:the ''afternoon,. a prrogram;. of sports .was; entjoyed. . T'he election'' of officers .took • place. following.. the evening • meal resulting'•as .follows:., President, iV1rs. Ninian• ...Heard;. `Secretary -Treasurer,`. Mrs. Cliff Hackett; Directors, -.Mr.. and Mrs." 'Percy . H arrison, Mr, .and Mrs: Chester Hackett;'. Sports, Mr....:& Lorne Hackett, . ,Mr. and • Mrs.:, Albert' Taylor, 1Vtiis. Betty Altoxi.. The •next reunion• to be held at Hartbar.�• Park: on the 2nd;' -Sa- turday ' in . June, . 1916;3. • BROWNIE NEVUS NI • 'The - Sune »6th meeting began' with : skipping games:played: out- side until it was time to . go r --to sixCorners for Inspection, . conducted •by Tawny �OOwl. •Then' -Barbara Wilkins prepared •the. Toadstool for. Fairy Ring. ' The Brownies who •are working. for the Golden ,Bar 'continued the work they ; had . b'egun the week bbefore an' the darning stitch•` with Tawny .' Owl, while` • the older group reviewed the Path- finder Badge. Then they' :went outside. with. Packie to practise Sernaiphore. ' , :In Pow -wow, 'Carol -Browrn, ' ,'•second, of :theGnome six, , read the :Gnome story,Mary, Elizalbeth Heinders"on ` passed, -a very inter e.stin g starrip' around thecircle. • g ' It was• a stamp from . Australia, issued in .1960 to• comm-emorate: the •Golden•- Jibilee - of°Girl Guiding.. •On "•it were pictures of Lord Baden. -Powell Wand a Girl Guide. • The meeting closed with Pray- er and iChimes and dismissed through. the magic tunnel' • • Seven older .Brownies then went to Brown Owl garden•, where they • planted ptnzn,pkin seed. •If , the crop is successful; the pack plans to sell pumpkinu in ,the fall, for 5"ozne worthy cause. Eight 'Brownies ' wr`�ote' tests for 'pathfinder • .Badge Saturday morning... 'The, •results will be made knowwn at the next. meet- ing.. • Brownies met on'afternoon with Ellen O'DonnellToadstogd. Fairy: , 'A new"Magic Mirror" was, '' open the meeting. Fairywas: entered,' with.` therepresenting 'the " "Rain". and g sing-• iappropriate songs .'.,Fairy. G collected by the Toad- s in a'. 'basket. The, B re inspected • for neatand reef knots. The G Brownies learned the darning•by weaving a -ten- nig n cardboard., . Betty was filling in: for P tutored the Golden Hand B ernaphore Work.. A. game"Windstorm" 'was,played t iris' knowledge ,o'n t Jack, , crosses. A sit- ting as layed . in ,Pow- e' meeting. closed eeze and Prayer. • ., WEDNESDAY, JUNE' 113th, 1962 EALYMATTR-ES! Regular $59.50. On S :ale $39.9:5 Other . Leading Manufacturers, Such As morns : Sleepmaster at Big Savings ,.r There will be a greet saving for you on ALL MATTRESSES and SPRINGS BY. BUy1NG NOW �d(ENZJEHphonF 1 ITURE STORE Luckno* Thornpsoti, : grading, $4.50; R:.D. • G. • M•acDonald,i •fue.l, '. oil;' $1:77.00 'G.; W. -Crothers, , grader:. repairs; $273.83; Imperial' Oil, ;gas,, .$72.60;` L. . N. Howe,.. calcium, - `, $12.00, Racey-McCallum, .survey at Bell's . bridge, $28.22;. ;Wayne Lowry,. mileage to Toronto, $30.06; James. Reid, mower repairs;.S3.1.09;ow= ard. Hodge;. - repairs, $1/0.21;, Frank Cowan . CO.,' Insurance' adjustment, - •$2.28.. • i Coun'l; ad'urned until "Jul c. J y. •3rd, Earl Tout, Clerk: • •Elderslie Tcwnship Council has • declined to . pay a share of an auxiliary.punl'per which Pais ley' council. had . proposed .chas'in'g," Eldersl a .councillors:. in turning down t:herequest sug- gested that • chemical fire 'fight- ing. fight-ing' equipinert • would., the more effective. • EJ-ston Cardif o iefenbaker ie Man' For HLJRON' Ruing e Iglu `F r:. 'ALL , :Canada issued` by the . Progressive Conservative'- Party n'. Andy Robinson The Man For .BRUCE. Riding • •1