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R. A.. Grunt Presented 111!'i# -Year Motorist Claims
Membership -Pin.... By -.fid LJgit Lodge Main St. Q Hazard
R. A. Grant 'of, Goderich, and
formerly of Ashfield; joined a
select •group Last Thursday ev-
eningwhen- he receiveda jewel'
emblematic' of sixty years; mem,
bership in the Masonic Order. '
"Rowlly" as he. is: widely an:dd
popularly known, joined Old
Light Lodge on May • 2nd, 1902,
when Dr. D. M. Gprd1on was
•master, Dr,' Ger-don practised in
Lucknow for many years,
The only living member of
Old . Light: Lodge with longer
membership than Mr. Grant is
Dr. J. -K. M. Gordon of Ottawa,.
brother of the late Dr. D.; M.
Gordon. Two other members of y
The death of Mrs., George
Lane, formerly of Ashfield, oc-
curred at. the ' home a%. her
daughter, Mrs. Norton Heard of
Islington .o' Sunday. The fun-
eral service • .was , conducted .by
Rev. ' G. W. Kaiser at the Mae -
,Kenzie Memorial, 'Chapel on
Wednesday with burial,. in
Greenhill , Cemetery.-, .
Old: Light, the .Maeln�tyre bre-'. •
thers, Allan and .D, D. •'were re-
e-cently: sent their 60 year pins.
Just a , year behind Mr. (rant
is: W. W. ,Hill of Lueknaw. He
' has been a Mason for .59. 'years,
joining, in Mitchell in 1903, short-
ly before •. coming to Lucknow..
•-1 Mr. Hill was at Thursday's , meet-
ing , to share• ,long . membership
honours withMr. ' Grant, •
Mr. Hill ' Will be 86 on ' July
6th and Mr. Grant 85 on,'August
3rd. '
The pin was presented by
•. T. J. Salkeld, secretary of ,Old
Light and. was affixed' o. the.
ribbon: of his '5 i Year jewel.
Those 'present took their turn to
• extend.' , their . personal congrat-
This unique. meeting was . pre-
sided over. by Jack . MacDonald,.
• Master of Old Light.
5atsln"58 Vote
Historic BigChurch
•Anniversa'iy services were held.
I on Sunday, morning' and evening,
r at Historic • South Kinios�s Pres-
' church. with Rev. Hugh
Jamieson of the Faith Mission
in Hamilton. as guest -speaker. It
was the. '1100th , anniversary for
the', congregation at the .."Big
Church" and, Rev. Rod H. •Mac •
Leod, , , minister, assisted •. the
guest speaker.
Rev. Mr. . Jamieson .' name `to
Canada from Ireland •four years
ago: , He Was associated with the
Faith. :Mission' • in Ireland. and
has `'continued. in this work in
Canada. In' his work he :travels
extensively conducting •preach .
ing • missions and from tiine to.
time,' he said, he .is privileged
to . speak . in his "own ehuroh "
'Rev: ' Jamieson is a' inenirber of.
the ,Presbyterian. Church in Ha-
He spoke 'of deplorable •condi
tions. within . our land that are
leading to steady spiritual ' de�
cline. ; "The • church "has become
• crowded , into.• the corner of
people's rives," he said
,..Special music. was. presented
morning and . evening. ' The choir
sang two numbers, and' in the
morning,: a trio . by Frank Mac-
Kenzie, .Phillip' Steer and Gordon
Wall was•heard; and: in the ev-
ening Frank MacKenzie . sang a
solo.: Organist is Mrs. Herb
Buckton • .
106th: Zion '- 'nniversary
It is a• coincidence that •on'
Sunday the ,10th ann •wersdary. of
.59, Zion United . Church was •also..
:g4 : oibserved. ••
In the early fifties, well 'over`
a , century ago circuit riders •first
came to the Zion community to
hold .,.:seryice, .The first church
at . Zion. '.a log structure with
pews •, of:, .plank was ' built:. in
14 1856and opened in January of
1857. during the ministry of:Rev.
AVM.' Birks. The present church
was .built in 1876.
On Sunday the guest preacher
Was , Rev. Richard, Martin of
-• Maundaur in. .• .
:Here.. are the :' figures of the
distribution of seats ,. by prov- °
• inces - in: ;the Progressive Con-
servative ` election sweep in 1958:
Progressive&Conservative 2
Prince , Edwards island.
Progressive -Conservative 4
Nova Scotia , • `. `;'
Progressive-'C'onservative `12
New Brunswick
•L� berate , . ;. * .
• Queb'ee .. , •
Progress'i e 'C'onservative
Progressive -Conservative 611.
Liberal 15(
C CF 3
P r og ressive-Con servat ive
• Saskatchewan
Progressive -Conservative . 16.
C.C.F.1 .
Alberta ' . •
Progressive -Conservative :.17
BritishColumbia •
Progressive -Conservative . 18
C„CF 4
Yukon . •
Progressive" -Conservative 1
District of MacKenzie
Liberal. 1
Rabies are 'pre.v,alent in(Wal-
kerton • and district. ` Nine'resi-
dents' of the 'Comity Tow•n'`are
reported to' be taking anti-
rabies shots because of possible
• contact with an infected, dog.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy of
Kiniough ,announce the ' engage-
ment of their daughter, Erkna
Jean to Mr. Glen- Haldenby,, son
of Mr. Roy Haldenby of Green-
ock ' Township and the late Mrs:
Haldenby. •The wedding , will
take place on July' 7th in 'Kin-
lough Presbyterian Church.
St, Peter's Anglican
Church Of Canada
Dedication Service Of
Memorial Parish. Hall.
6Y the
Friday, :Je' 15th a
owh,g the Service There Will ' Be
• • Fell ;, .:. . ,
OPEN HOUSE' at the Parish • Hall an' are • invited
The Department of Highways
has beenadvised by a Listowel:
minister that traffic conditions -
on Lucknow's Main St. '(Carnp
bell St.) .create 'a hazard.
Rev. Lloyd G. Stapleton. •of
Listowel United 'Church,' *rote
to :the Department of Highways
to 'this effect, •and the Depart
ment so informed the Village
Council, by letter .at the June
meetings '
The Department ' of Highways
made a traffic survey of the
•entire village some time ago, 84
made certain recornanendations
pertaining • to various. aspects of
traffic " control including park-
ing; on main street. which forms:
part of Highway 86'. •
Mr. Stapleton's letter is as•
follows; * • • • •
Ontario Department of Highways
Dear Sirs:
Quite . often in the last few
years it has . been my:• custom' to;
drive through . the town, of 'Luck-
no'w'.. Iwould. like to report' that,
in , my, opinion, the practice of
diagonal parking on •both sides.
of the .highway .in the area,.of the
's'tores in. this. : town is a hazard
, to through traffic:
;Several times when I' .have.
been driving through Lucknow,
I have had to • stop for on -con-
•ing traffic 'because of a '. truck
being parked on one -side of
the highway ,and another extra
long vehicle on the other side,.
'which . prohibits, two-way traf=
fic' through • this business . area..
iI send •,this opinion .'because • I
'believe' there is' a hazard to the
motoring public. ' .
Lloyd G. Stapleton:`
Kinloss ' School
Holds Open House
Open ';Hou a for parents 'and
friendis:.was 'largely attended at
•the Kinloss Central' . Public
School . on Friday :night. Those
attending 'were "'given the- oppor-
tunity .•to'.view the work • of the..
children during- the' year. Tea
chers at the schoo are.
pal, John •,Bushel ,
:Mrs,, Lou
Parker; ' Mrs Allan: , MacIntyre,
Mrs. Donald'Ma.cIntyre who is
completing the. ,term' for. Mrs.
Ron Irwin. -
, A program was : presented. at
8:30 and, again at 9:30, so : that.
everyone.• Might' have the op
portunity . to • hear and ,see it.
Fraser .MacKinnon, chairdiri.an ""of'
the school board, .acted as ' chair-
man ..for :the: Iperfor^mance•, The '
program included, primary songs
by grades 1, 2; 2; ,Scottish danc-
ing by Heather= 'and • Connie
Mackenzie, rhythmband selec-`
tions conducted by Sandra Keith;
number .by . grades 4; 5t' '64 . The
Lord's m:y Shepherd; piano 'duet
by Rod and Connie 'MacKenzie;
bagpipe' selection, Ian MacKen-
zie;‘ step • danc'ingby„ . Garry Car-
ruthersaccompanied iby his fa-
ther Elliott ori : the riddle; 'songs”
by ,grad. 8; piano solo by .'Maw
donna . Graham. Mrs; William
Scott accompanied' at the piano,
for the.: program.'
Observed 45th
WEDNDAY; • JUNE 13th , 1962,
$IMJJIIU H.111 tr,1!