HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-13, Page 1.3.00 A Yean In.Advance — $1.00 Extra To U.S.A, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th, 1962 4 • ti • • • Single Copy l'Oc 20 Pages small .Increase.. l's Indicated JR -Village; Will Be Wed 50 ., , . ., Levtl; .Tox •Rtite.'Not 7(..01 Been Set Yeqrs. On 'Monday . Although the 1902 village tax- Fifty years ago on June 16th . . ., :1912; Mr, 'and Mts. Robert 4 G. rate has • not yet been set, it • •••••. . was ladicate, at the June meet- Require. .TuitIon Douglas of Ottawa were .united an ine•rease .. . ,. . , . ...; •• , in marriage ;by the Rey., J, S.', ing that there may be .; 11. ees Iii Advance . in. t.),is year's municipal levy of im '. . .. cpbe-euxre,cahri:of 141d:chow Presbyterian one: or two • mills. . • ... .. . • . • -., . The ceremony we./ performed • The' two mill• increase will . . • pWublic School Board Meeting) • at the •home fof Mr. , and. Mrs. ermit budgeting . for a • surplus the year's operation Materials. have been ordered on.. • ' The •auditors' report was re- 'for the installation of new win - viewed at the, June session held dews and this work is expected on Tuesday evening.of last week, to begin as soon as Possible af- revealing a deficit of $1,70,429. ter the end of the month; Final. Reeve George Joint reviewed plans weremade in this••con- briefly some of, the accomplish- nectiOn• at the meeting . merits during the•past five years Tuition feeaccounts ampunt- and felt that .for . the amount Cor ing to ' $2,012.00 for the 1961-62 .1.110115 'Flan Ju.ly, f • work done over the five years. school terrn were mailed the end • . ..,.; . • the 'current deficit was .."erily of.May. At the ..beginning of Gardeit.Part ‘. eanuts1962-63 term in September, tui., ." ' • " .. ,. tion fees are payable in advance The debenture debt , WaS re- • Estimated accounts for June,.,Ii1:1,1raincsf.' •Lioirontlecineit,cskil, jcv‘Vule an vieived also. and the general fin_ inunfei.. anuinting. to $2,927.84, were ap- , ancial standing, of the week -end celebratior were out- 'pelity was regarded as excellent. proved paid,,, • ' . • ' ;Miss Ada Webster •has been'lined, at the•regula: meeting on The proposed tax /increase, ifMonday evening. ' • - . upped two mills, would take the supply teacher in Grade 1,. !There will be, a Sunday • eVen7 - eare • Of theGrace Johnston is pre - L . deficit and provide .a$ Mrs: seritly. in Wingham Hospital: i ing band concert' by ,the ti..ck- a year-end surptu.s. ,, ••• . :now and .Atwbod•• bands and a • • Council recommended a I1/4" • ".• ' • midnight dance. 'On.' Monday it pi;PO to. give.. :adequate water • : 4:30 'there will be 'a parade , , • volume.and pressure at Pinecrest headed, by the Lucknow band Manor Nursing • Herne:. Council Dedicate- .Parish. ' ., and featuring ..ehildren's. classes. will have to go Under., or through • • I. • F011!*iiik . this there . wild, be• • • (Continued on Page 13)' - • . .. • ganized ,ari directed. by wives Hall This 'friday ,... a..'. the road from the . main- to the a garden party •• in the arena, Or- To.: -..Hold 'Official. , . . • , • . • • .1 • • The.Right. Reverend .G.•*.,N. Lux, 15tle: the Lord 13ishop, Of 'Huron, On Friday of* this week, June of Lions Club members, with the Lon s "taking orders' from the ladies in • helping with ' the cet•- ering.• • , . • ‘tore.•D.Di,.'L.L.D., will :dedieateThere; . will. be e .prOgrain by, School Opening., .... St: Peter's Memorial Parish 'Hall iCKNX •telent prior to th•e,garnes and. also a. Processional .Cross. . and. bingo..Which • get underWay .The official opening of. North 1 Insiderk the• front door. of the, eight*. &Clock v:rith I:lancing ; Ashfield Central School at "Hem. Perish Hall is a memorial Plaque. slated for : later in• `the 'evening lock City" on Concession 12, Ash- w.itli,,the .names of • past Sunday •to music b the CKNX •grottli. •.'' field . will Y be officially opened, Schoolleaders,Mr. E. V...Holmes,. . • • , • .• • ,... on Friday evening of this week. ..M•t, Mobrehousey 'Mitchell, Miss .The Board of Trustees of Ash- Clara MCLean, 1V114s• Ethel .M9- field •School • Area. No. 2 • took .,Leen, Mrs.' E: D..' Hassell' and 'mi.... 4, ffice.on January lst, 1961,, and R. H. Mcquillin..• '. . • touncill ,IsReplace Engine At . Puinphouse„ Make Other Improvements At the June session. the Vil- Pull No. 3 •Well ll lage Council gave consideration No. 3 PurnP in the 42 -foot we . to replacement, repair and inain- at the Flax Mill --hasn't been tenance projects in connection pulled for seven years, and It is with the • the miunicipal water" ser- considered this should be done stem. • . and inspected. At the. same time 1 • The stationery engine in the the well would be' .agitated to • No. 1 pumphouse, installed when clear "the. silt from the 'graVel, packing around the ,casing. Prior to the development of the NO. 4 well at Victoria Park on .l.lakre- leek St., the No, 3 ' had, been pumped to capacity to sup- ply, the system, with. the result- . obtainable, and with this auxil- ing drawing. in 'of silt, iary equipment in, this condition, Cement work repairs are' re- insurance rateS. Might be af- quired at the standpipe base .gc fected. . • ,4 rust formation attended to. Purpose of the • engine is to The' financial surplus in the eS increase Prsure from the con_e. water system was used 'to help stant 55 potinds, to.. about 100 develop the No. '4 well,'arid,CaPi'• pounds in case of , fire • tal expenditure now planned . Council approved the purchase could be consolidated: and debere'- of a diesel unit.at a cost of close tUred with the siclewalk.issue, • to. $5,000. • • Thomas • H. Burns of Lucknow the system .was originated over who recently recently were 66 years, mar- three decades ago, is no longer ried. , • • . • ' . safe or dependable --, in fact is .. , . Mrs. Douglas, (nee Kate Bea- stated to be a- carbon monoxide . ton) •is a sister ,of Mrs. 'Burns., hazard •to• anYone in the' Pump-. • hous'e. Repairs are ,no longer: Red Cro s Dnve . . ,,,once laid plans for the new The Processional Cross will be • .• , • ... • • • School which .serves four school dedicated as a memorial to the loses This VV'Setionseek former rectors of the Parish. , • . • • • It was' opened for tuition last . The service will comnience. at Donations to the Lucknow •&- . fall -with any enrolment of 118,14 p.m. and. the Bishop will be District •Red', Cross campaign • pupils and three teachers. : the preacher •The choirs,' clergy. currently total close • to .$600., A fourth room will ,be opened and congregation Will then pro- which is well well below the - usual • next September with. a 4 -tea, ceed to the new hall for .its response, • • •, ' • cher ,staff.• ro dedication. . ;" : The Village canvass was in J. H. Kinkead, 1.113.$.; will pr- Following the service an Open, 'Charge of the local branch Of the side on Friday. The guest speak- house will be held, with refresh.: Canadian Legion; under the dir- er. be "Bis „Honour 'Judge ..Ment§ gerved ..bv the ladies of ection. of Kenneth Cameron, who e still afew wh'o ante for their Fire, Chief, above in•their lists. that received by inem'bers of the to be :closed off . Brigade. • • • , • . It. was pointed out by Council ass was. not or-Ithat thev'. had, received offieial Ian MacRae of London and a I St. Peter's Guild, •• .• . .. reports there ar , native. af Ashfield i ' ' " . . . ReV. 'Wilfred Wright and his ,. haven't ' turned Rev, F...Seott MacKenzie,: who •congregation -cordially invite all The canvass IS received his education at ,Hem- citizens ' to be 'with them on this Week.. lock City will ;also be called on: this. occesion.. • ' " ' ' A rural canv Firemen Ask More ,Fire- Insurance For Rural Calls .Retiring • Fire Chief George Whitby at- Durnin Phillips, secretary-. tended the. June meeting of the treasUrer of the West Wawarioslf • Village . Council, when, he pre- pre- Mutual Eire Insurance ".tornPariY. sented a motion pasSed. by the is retiring after .15 years .faithful members of his Fire Department service and the Board Of, Direc- asking for increased allowances tors is • currently advertising for for rural calls.i -. • .' ; a Successor'. Applications will be,. Eight firemen are perinitted• dealt with late this riaonth. Mr. to officially respond to rural calls Phillips will offigially terrhinate." and presently receive $1:50 per' his duties the end. of July. hour •time allowance.; ' Durnin was clerk. of . West The members are asking $3.09 WaWanosh Township for 31 per man for the 'first hour and 'years, •resigning fromthat ..post $2.09 for , subsequent hdurs. It • in :1953. He had been appointed: was pointed mit. that firemen are secretary of the•:insurance corn- .• - at times roused frotheir beds p.eny on August 1st, 1947, and• to.ansWer these calls, 'and it is carried on, the dual chities of common . to / have clothes •dry- township clerk, and insurance cleaned or replacement costs out secretary for some six/ years.. of proportion to the fee received. . Mr., Phillips succeeded Mrt. It. was'. also asked' that the Cecil TreleaVen in the, insurance car driver carrying •the firemen poSition,..she having 'carried on receive.. $1.00 fpr gas. . 'these duties for three. years'. The increase coincides, 'the .following ,the death of her hus- Chief pointed out, with the in- band ' ' ' • creased fire, protection .fee •• to 'Murnie," a§ he is ;popularly adjacent •TO*pships. ' ' known, • has ..ltad, the " helP of • At a previous Council meeting Mrs Phillips in condueting the • this Year, a ,committee from the. instratice office and in 15 years Fire •Departrrient asked' Council • has • :seen •the CornperlYs risk for an • additional annual allow-: increase frorn.$16,000,009..to• over $37,000,090. . Upon retirement 'Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will spend More', time - at their Pine RiVer. Cpttage, & could be, might .join the sputh-; • wayd trek to watmer, climate came Winter. ' •- • , . • • ganized, which may :be a factor confirrriation frorh • only one in' the returns being lower this Township, in respect 'to 'accepting ' ea • , . 1 the new fire protection service' Federd .Btilloting. Set 'For :•Mandciy‘• 'Y r' • . . .' . Anyone in the country or vil fee, and that as soon as erten e . . lage. who wishes to contribute .1 merits with the adjoining muni- NVoted. At Advdnce. Poll .Here. •• may leave their ,ctonation atthecipalities are finalized 'the . Fire me ' Bank of Montreal or 'Unibach's I,Department's The Federal eleCtion reqUests will .be is•tolling to a 'climax, with voters LiOht Presented going to the polis on Monday to express their personal wishes: : ; : ' , ' • ()Id • 11- • A Grant rth.6 ,04ea'r Pin Paneling Lucknow will be in the following . places: No. 1, TowW/Hall; 'No. 2,' Anglican Par-. lah Rail; No. 3, Legion flail.: Despite • ftnir candidates in 'both the 'Huron and. Bruce rid - :ng, campaigning •eampaigning While energe-. ,has not developed any of "'the' "fire" 'that has marked the exchanges of the .party leaders, Drug Store, ' . dealt With; • ObserlietS in this district go along ,generally with • the, con, dusion that the deeision is be- . tween ,the "old" parties,. .41,-• though not discotinting the fact • that the. New.' Democratic and Sotial Credit candidates make the. issue the more uncertain. Some predicf the support they receive may be suprising. In an event. Monday night's :returns • will be, awaited ,witb interest, and the election fever mounts ' as time runs out, . In the 1957' vole, Andy Rob- , iNon, Progressive -Conservative had. a .'majority of ;,175 and in, 1958 he Stretched this t� 4,656 in the across -Canada sweep... • liuron, which has ldng, been • l'oPresented. 'by Elston Carcliff, ..(COntinued on Page 13) • R. A. Grant is howe herd receiVinga hand 'shake from T, J. SaIkeld,, secretarY of 'Old Light Lodge who had just pre- sented Mr. Grant 'with his 60 year' Mernbetship pin, • • • To right Of Mr., Grant is W.' Hill who has been a Mason for 59 years: On 'the, left of Mr. i Salkeld is George Stuart, who was welcomed back to •Lodge after. a long absence due no.vS,' George. is a 4i -year inem- bor and for 24 consecutive Years conducted the 'installation of 1 eaffibers.'.• • —Sentinel, Photo 44 • Are Moderiii;tng. Murray's- School Na 9 Kinloss, known as : 1Vlurray'S' School, on the • Second Concession is , slated • for mod- ernizing. • ' • 'A .furnade room ' will be, ex- cavated under the building .to accommodate ,a new oil furnace. Corlract for • the cement work has been let to Bruce MacDon- ald ••of Wu:44am. The furnace room will be 1:81/2 x 8 feet and 7 feet hLgh; • • ' New toilets Will be ' installed , in the,anti-roore over the furn- ace room. ' Contract for the oil furnace, and plumbing has 'been 'let to Heiwatcl Fuller of Wing - ham. . ' • .It planed to nnence the, ex-. pencliture by a ,debentere 4issue., 'A special meeting of the rate- payers. of 'the section will be held on Friday, j , Members of the • Bard are Mel Morrison, cliairtnan: Ed.• MeQuillin and Etigere „Conley.' Russell Gaunt is secretary-treaS- The• concession road.' hill: at No. 9 was cut dpwn recently & the excavated material used •for fir in the low lying rart.of the school 'gretinds to the west "et the school, • , •. a. 4:••°. • • • . • • , • , ' •• 1 • •••.. , • • •• ' • . , . • ' 4 9.. " • It • 5 4. 4