HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 10•
Blokes Host To Regional Meeting NEWS BRIEFS
Of U.C. Women, Marion Hodgins Spoke FROM NEARBY
• The first regional meeting of I.
the West Huron Presbyterial
United Church Women was held
Rubber -soled shoes were creel.
'Red with saving the life of Mrs.
in slakes United •Church. en Douglas George when ixghtning..
Tuesday, 'may 29th. The theme. 2nd BROWNIE PACK - y str ck their
in theme at .i Hanover.
for • the day being "The L.ght. The 2nd Pack Brownies metbasement doing
Shines. Qn," . : on Tuesday afternoon 'and open- the laundry at• the time, and
The regional president,. Mrs, ed their meeting with two games flames shot' from almost every
' vision: Su- electrical outlet " and • did con-
Alton: of Iiacketis, opened. under Packie s supervision:
. themeeting. with hymn 534. san Manto was Toadstool Fairy siderable ;damage. a
Mrs. Jim :Soak ' presided .at the and prepared for Fairy' Ring
* * *
organ; . which. ,was follo*ed by Inspec- Hanover 'District .High School
Mrs. Hunter and Mrs, iF'ree- tion and Parry Gold. The work Board has a meeting with. On-
man from Leoburn. had. charge period. was spent .in • sewing• on tario Premier John Robarts,
of the morning worship service, plain and shank :„buttons,: " Ropes minister of 'Education, in con-
Rev. .G, W • Kaiser..of 'the' Ash-
field, ciricuitwelcomed. the ladies
to IBlakes Church and told .;thein
what an 'honor it- was for Blakes
to act as hostess to' the first
annual meeting of ' .the United
Church women.
Mrs, Allan McTaggart gave
the 'treasurers .amort in the
absence of Mrs. Olde,' •
.141rs. 'G._ 'W. 'Tiffin read the
supply report, . for . Mrs. Mitchie,.
who was unable to 'be present...
• The Literature. Secretary, .:Mrs.
:Beecroft,.. gave a full report on
available .literature,"
The roll,, call was answered by
fourteen. societies. .
A solo by. Mrs.. E. Dunsiriuir
accompanied by .Mrs. W. Ritchie
much •yen o ed�.
dfferin :
was The
j Y_
was :receive, (by: ]Yrs :McTa'ggart•
and Mrs. C. Kilpatriick. Mrs,
Reid from Dungannon .offered.
Prayer. Mrs. 'Harrison reported
•on,, Westrninater .College and • ask=
•'ed 'for •donations. ' ,for this fund:.
Hymi ' 377:, Was sung.
Mrs. Tiffin .. introduced. the
::guest speaker 'for the morning,
Mrs: Moore. She. chose ,as her:
'pie "What ' Shall I. Give.".• " We
;are asked to ,give net. only mon-
ey but tinne, " talent . and abili-
ties. St. :Paid said; I" have a
stewardship entrusted: to me,
what 'shall: +I render' .unto•• the.
Mrs. Alton ; • dismissed , the
morning session :With' ,prayer.
• Blakes •ladies . served noon
luncheon in the Church hall:,.'
There ..was, a. short •T•group dis
.cussion before. ' the • afternoon
"session. Mrs. Tiffin Met, With the.
Presidents,. 'Mrs; rBeeeroft' . with
the Literature ' 'Secretary and
'Mrs.Anderson `with the ';Chris.t-
ian .•;'and' .Missionary' 'Education
The •afternoon service ,opened
with hytmn; .3'514. lVfrs, 'Gamble &
Mrs. Blair . . of . Westfield had
charge of the .devotional period.
A violin solo Eby':Mrs. Driver of
;Goderich North (Street, :was
much enjoyed. The "offering'wa.s''
received and the 'dedicatory
prayer was' given . by Mrs. • Alek,
Hackett.. 7
Mrs. Alton told of :tile .SIchpol'.
for Leaders at,. Alma College `, in
August and of ,the opportunities
at Five Oaks in J.urie.
The guest speaker :.for the afl
• ternoon,' ''Miss• ,,Marion ' 'Hodgins•.
• was:.. introduced by her sister-in-
l.aw; Mrs;, C. •.'Hodgins •of Wing-:
ham.; Miss Hodgins; ' formerly of
• . Iinloss is now. serving with the:
Western • Home ''M'issions 'in ,A1-'.
bert'a. She showed slides, ' and
told . of ' nany`• ' interesting . hap-
P ,�.
penings in connection with her
work • in • ..both Northern and •
Southern Alberta, Urs, Alton
Ythanked Miss r Hodgins for her
very' 'informative talk. • •
An. invitatio was' .extended
from. 'Benmilier for . next . years
Annual meeting.
Mrs. 'Tiffin then answered. the
questions from the question 'box.
• . Mrs..` Clarke .gave the courtesy
remarks, ,thanking• .the . • Blake's
ladies .for luncheon, the ,.guest
speakers, those supplying special
• tnusic. and alit others who'' had
helped . niake the first annual
Meeting .so •• worth while:
Hymn 348 was sung and. Mrs.
Alton' closed the meeting • with
were distributed to: :.:the newer nection with their bid to locate
Brownies and Packies• instructeda vocatonal school there,`
them on 'how. to whip the. ropes * . *
for carrying •.on their ' uniforms.
In Pow -+wow • the Brownies • re -
Ported on the "progress •of the
nasturtium seeds planted.A
Magistrate Otto McClevis
warned •. in Walkerton„• Police
Court that he intends, to crack
down on people ''charged with
story was�read by .Brown Owl.•
and the meeting cloned • with having liquor . in a :place .other
than their residence..
the Squeeze and •Prayer. Y
• 'Port Elgin is issuing de
Then she asked. one of the pu- tures for $1.09,000 to•finance the
pil's to write on the `board • this balance of their new arena and.
sentence: "The chairman of • the
board says the teacher is •a fool."
i"N:ow", .she. continued, "put a
comma after `board' and another
after' `teacher' "
'Community • ' centre which will
cost about '$240)000.
° In theelection campaign,
"top brass" aren't getting •
,Unsurpassed in. Beauty and Value:
Ross N,'aciennan
special treatment, " When, Hon;.
Alvin Hamilton, minister of •ag-
riculture visited Wingharn,, the
water pitcher . 'on the speaker's
table •was a quart . milk .'bottle
and when Prime Minister John
Diefenbaker attended •a banquet
in Chesley, he .ate from a paper
plate; the same as the rest of
the gathering. '
Mr. Donald W.[Simpson, who
has been ' ' Inspector of° Public
Schools 'for Bruce No.'' 1 since
September, IMO, • has resigned:
his .position... with the Ontario
Department of Education . to be-
come. Co-ordinator
e-come•Co-ordinator of !School Ser -
Vices with the Education ' 'Divi-
sion :of the Department of North,
ern ". Affairs:' and, . National.. Re-;
sources . at Ottawa.
• • • Kincardine •
SharonHod ins of .}Iolyroo
g o yd
was one' of twenty-one certified
nursing students who:• recently
received . their caps at Wingharn
General ' Hospital,
During the . sessions of the
annual conference of the Evans-..
elical United ' BrethrenChurch at
Pelham ' Centre, EUIB Church,
Ridgeville, last week, .it was; re-
commended that the plan for' the
'development of Silver Lake camp
site at Kinloss • be approved, and
that a can*, for children be held'
there next year.
It Was , reported during the
sess1ions that the current. capital
funds -campaign has reached' two- •
thirds ;of: its 'objective.
A pupil having trouble with
.punctuation was beingcalled
down by the teacher: "Never
mind; sonny,",said the visiting
School."' board chairman consols
ingly,• "it's foolish to bother with
eomnias. They don't amountto,
much anyway."
"Don't they?" replied the' tea
ocher' turning to the chairman.
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