HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 9NvEDNE DAY, iyisTE 6th,' 1462' THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCK'NOW', QNrARIO PAGE. NINE: -Heard A�tac Suddenly Fatal. • (AIVI:BERLEY NEWS) Th tK' community . was shocked to, learn of the sudden passing, of George• Edmonson on • Satur- .day, June 2nd. He was assisting with work on the, farm of Don- ald .Courtney, when he was stricken with a heart seizure &. passed away imxrrediately. Geo. had many .friends in the. •com rnunlity. Re was always willing • to .help and willbemissed' by everyone. A brother Charles predeceased .him in 1960. Fun- eral, --,services were -head at the Mchennan Funeral Home in Ripley on Monday., June 4th with Rev. J. C. *Hutton officiat- ing. Interment was, in Green- field Ceirnetery,, Arthur,. 1VIr. 'and Mr. s. Robert . Steele of Detroit were at their cottage at Point Clark over the Week- end. '. Mr.. Mergyn Courtney and friend, were week -end visitors with: Mr, 'Arthur Courtney. . At the morning service,at Pine' River United Church, a quartette • was heard, Taking HEAD FOR Travel and Publicity, .1 Hon.'Bryan Li Cathcart, , kiloliter ONTAR.IOTEAVEL LITERATURE` Mail to: Ontario Travel,' • A701 ParliamentBldgs, Torontor Ontario NAME :..', •.;......:: a 11.,.•.....:..',..y. • (please print), • ADDRESS..•:.. • ,.....•..000.•: ..... ••. P.O.. :.11:.1•.:1.....;.;' part were .Phylis Bradley, Es ther Gibson„Joyice---Thorburn �&- Sheila Collins, Mrs.. Donald Boyd of Buffalo visited • over the holiday with Mr,, Charles Boyd and Gordon and with other relatives in the community. Eleanor • Emmerton was saloisnt at St. Lukes Anglican Churcht Lurgan , on Sunday. Friends of Mrs. S. R. Lupton of Kincardine are .pleased to know that . ,she returned from Victoria Hospital-, London,, where she . has, been a patient, . A large ;r uiniber of friends & relatives from the ` Pine . River Community attended, "Open House" which marked . the oc— casion' of the . fiftieth wedding. anniversary• of Mr, and Mrs. 'John• Ti,eid of Pine' River.„ The 'event Was , held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.•..Raynard Ackert of Holyrood. A dinner for the family and friends is to •be held on the wedding date, .Thursday,. June 7th at the Bruce Inn, Kin card'ine..Eyeryone. enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- nard Ackert andmembers of the Reid . and 'Farrell families. Many happy anniversaries : are wished' by their many ,friends. Mr. and Mrs, Huntley Gordon of Detroit enjoyed a few days last Week ' at . their., cottage. at Amberley. Beach. ' . Mrs:: Cecil ' Holland, the new president .'of Reids •.Corners W.I.. and Mrs... Kelvin Henderson,. Secretary, presided for the May' meeting which . was held in the Community , Hall . On Thursday .of last week. • Eighteen ' ladies'. & three children attended. After the Ode and Mary ""Stewart Collect; rollcall "How can we • improve the present ',Education system," had many' interesting• responses and was. followed..bby the motto, "Edu•cation•is 'a conquest:'-= • not begiuest"/ which was :given by. r • WHAT C CREDIT FOR YOU ar A. Socia • • . • 4t•Fa 1 smuni 'ip ter- :a1 dem• ' vel. opmnent, with lower property taxes. 2 Guaranteed fair end; • ,ployxri.ent practices .for the worker. 3 • '1Vlarkets for ,abl. agri-: •• cultural . production, 4 -Health care for.•all special need,: 5 'Greaterreturn from, your 'tax dollar. R A free and prosperous • Country in debt' to no one. •.. , !our.X Opposite. "SANDY" MacDONALD Your • Credit Candidate For 1: Bruce' Hear your Social Credit .Candidate ,over CKNX radio. on June . 11, at' ' 11:40 a.m. "rneeting - is- toy -be held= aF-the , •home :of Mrs: William : Pa'ce, iSusan; 'Marie,- daughter ..of • Mr. and Mrs: ; Ivan Cook *as baptiz= ed at Pipe. River United 'Church on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. John Swan of Bervie • arid ' Mr. • and Mrs Mervyn • 4Funston .Minch'- Mrs. Peter Caok and .Elaine of thought . was given to this • nvbtto. Ashfield were guests of :Mr.' and and was enjoyed,by :all .present. Mics. IVan .'"Cook`• on Sunday. •Mrs. Alfred Pollock gave' the `morning report of the . District Annual which was held at Holy rood and • Mrs,- James• Farrell' re; ported for' the afternoon .meet- ing. Mrs.•'Johii; Reid, who was' a delegate was unable : to •'be pre- sent' 'fora- the meeting. Comenu-_' nity singling was ,followed.: with • an interesting topic `Cominer tial Art" by Mrs. Noriss Mes senger Who is an Artist in this field and' gave.: ori informative resume' of her work. Mrs. WM., ' Ferguson was convener ..'for ' the program "Citizenship and Edu- eation. liostesses: at;, the , lunch: hour .were Mrs. EldbnIowry"and' Mrs.. Donald Courtney:The June rt'! ime to celebrate all the good dairy foods `` J • •• -ate'}4Jf rLf. that nature so -bountifully, provides �G . ' all' year 'round. Enjoy:.them:often make dairy foods daily 'foods! Free 'A complete set of delicious dairy food recipe booklets • from Marie Fraser. 44f ,yt • r.Yp.' Write todayl 16X1!! 4.2••!•!•:•,,,.* y. A Jam• 1V �/ ''Y.i, rf%•�•rr �y4 fS, Y a Y 4a 3 fh ICE �M1r!ifX•'3, CHEESE J .w,,,-• BUTTER ,. rf v!! y 9 f•• .§ .1." t"'i' •fit ""j *� icor . A:di,iston.of • DAIRY FARMERS;AF CANADA t .,147 Davenport Road, TOtonto 5 REAM. 'Yir••x . i , :� :r��tirr�n. sia'���rrrrr• 'r�rr1 I. . Fpirs'$pposor-. Essay CQmp�tition .. The • Ethel Brant Monture pro- vincial essay ;competition will be held in association • :with the Lucknaw Fall Fair: this year: Winners will .. be picked• an a local. district : and provincial. basis Pupils. up to .and inciuding. grade 8 will • write' on the sub= jec't, "The school; .progr'alm at our fair".in about. 300 words. Essays must 'be .''certified ,by a teacher that it is' the. "Work of the . pupil.. Mrs. Ethel' ` :Brant • 1VIonture; honorary ,.'president' of the wom-. en's` section of ' the Ontario As- sociation of •AgriciiLtural Socie- ties, has ..offered ;a cash prize' for the 'best essay written. Five other ,prizes will be awarded.' Pupils interested in' writing the essay may obtain morein.: formation ' • fraiu the secretary,. ' Mits. 'F'red McQuillin. ` .'Dungannon Contest Dungannon:, Fall. Fair is, also sponsoring this essay contest on the sarne subject. The Dungan- non cOntest ungan-non`'contest • is open to schools in Ashfiseld, West. iWawan.osh ` & _Colborne Teacliers ' n.ahe•,var ous schools in that. district have been , provide.:dwith: information about• the competition. •gas• well as details' of a writing contest, Entries must be completed by the • end of June.. Mrs, W. A Ste,vvart is ,theAirector in .charge Have You Renewed Your Sub- . Su da •S ,. .f He .shoo: a. Picnic Saturday Despite cool weather that ham- ` pered those who .wiished to swim, . a very successful Sunday 'School picnic washeld by the, Luck-. now :United. ; Church ori ' Satur : day. 'at.',Gaderich summer school grounds, about three miles north of Giaderich -on - Lake: Iduron. A picnic .supper was held ' in the hall that is equipped with all modern conveniences. Elwin H'all, had charge ofi racing events. during . the '.•aterndon with win- ners asfollows:: five and .un- • ' der, girls, ... Barbara . Ha'miltonn, .Nancy. Ritchie,. boys; Ian. Mont- gomery, ':Marvin Morrison; six and Seven, : girls, Coralyn Hen-' ' derson, Elizabeth Ritchie, boys, Billy Hall, . •Bruce Johnston; eight, and nine, girls, ,Mary Jar dine, Carol Campbell, boys, Allan -Andrew, Brian Jardiine;. ten and eleven, : girls, Nan.•cy Corrin, ,Nan= , cy;. Kirkland, boys,. : eleven :