HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 7WEDNESDAY,, Al -UNE .6th, 1962.
The death of Archie Somers
of Blythoccurred in `Westmin-
ster Veterans, . ,Hospital in Lon-
don .on •IViay 28th. He was an;
uncle of Hugh. Curring ,of London
and --..f mer1. _. of . Lucknow, _.
Miss Donna Nicholson has been
appointed Bruce County • home
y economist, succeeding Miss Selma:
Wil.ixns; who .has, been transferred
to. Vineland, in • Lincoln, County.
During the first week of op-
eration, parking meters' in Sea-
forth produced 14p8,7,1, Half the
'proceeds -are applied to the cost
of the meters — $140, each —
which • will be paid for in • three
years. 'The other .half goes into
the town's genera. •.revenu. e.
Due to lack of interest .on the.
part Of the members and the,
public, the Seaforth 'Highlanders
Band, is, to suspend operations..
k'. C: .J. Sills who has been in.
the band, for 83 years, "hates to
see it stop;" but has called in
instruments and uniforms.
What the° riding of : Huron deeds is young aggressive representation: and this
is exactly what '.you.. will get if you vote and . elect Ernie Fisher, your Liberal
During the five ;years that Ernie. has . been Mayor of. Goderich he has worked
to the limit ` of time . and endurance, to further the progress of that ' town.
This is precisely what he will do if he is, fortunate to successfully contest..
this riding ,of Huron; V .
In' the time. that Ernie' .has 'headed, u .. the .Goderich ' Municipal Govern-,
s•P � P.
menthe has made several •trips. to Ottawa: and set up mgny...inter-departmental •
meetings in Goderich with. government ,officials. This work was all relative •. •
to the removal ofship island`. which is now . underway. •
In` his representation, ` Ernie Fisher constantlypointed out -that the removal
.• of this ` shipping hazardwas vital tothe continued. prosperity, .'of both"-
Goderich and 'Huron County.
With the island removed Ernie saw possibilities to facilitate, the • ;storage
of much . more grain at . the harbour. This in . turn, would ,mean that trucking:
could be •used - more broadly ; with a resultant, `savings of at -.least .12c per
iushel;,, to. Huron County "fa ers •
Without being' your Fed al representative, Ernie ' has ` already done much
on. behalf :' of the riding;..o f . Huron.
• • During the '.year,.:Ernie : attended' close to,•300 meetings .each. of which
constitut,ed.a speaking ..engagement.
He has .made many,. many ,trips o various cities in an effort to obtain
industry for the town he represents..,.
A He also "made many, trips' on matters that required the attention of
either,,: the Provincial Governmelrt' or the. Federal. Government. Keeping
things constantly i •
tly .tri front of right people is the way that things have .been .
attained for Goderich and this is the : way Ernie . intends to represent you .
the people of 'Huron:
• Vote `for young. 'aggressiverepresentation on June 18
you may be asking, yourself: What can . an • opposition
member do for a riding? (Assuming- the Conservatives
are returned) . °
Huron' Was represented by an •opposition .member during
1.7' years' of Liberal Administration:'
See Hear Ernie
CKNX-TV, Channel 8 June 8 and June •14 6:10 p.m.
On Ji ne..l'8 Vofie
�t "TI'ey.
Box 1,81 -Winona, Qnt,.
.118 February.
Dear Campbell, . .• .
Please find.' enclosed my cheque
to help with your project, name-
ly Lucknow and ,District Lions
Club Artificial Ice Fund. It
was nice to hear of it and I
am glad you asked me.. , °.
The 'other day while driving
up 'to Wingham with any bro-
ther, Ronald Armstrong; I men-
tioned 'it and. I believe he was
missed front, your list. He did
not get a.. notice. By the• way,
we went to Visit Grande Ar+rn=
strong formerly of Gorrie (Mrs..
J.axnes• • Armstrong) She was 98.
My, best• wishes: for the .town
project. •
Sincerely; • • . '
(Mrs.) Eris Sperling..
Publishers Note'. .Ronald
`Tete" Armstrong also • sent
along a donation, •wiith the nota-
tion, • "How . come you • forgot
me?" •
Welland, .Ontario..
Mr. K:. ' C: Murdie,.
Lucknow, Ontario.
Dear Ken,
Please, find enclosed. , a small
cheque, .040 toward• your arta
ficial ice fund, wish it was more.
It isan oversight on my part,
that this ';matter Was not 'attend -
.ed to before. I• wish 'your .Com-
mittee,. every.. ;s_uecess in, • their
undertaking. '
How are..you, Mrs. Murdie &
family keeping? I. guess • ,your
children .are:: 'all grown. uP be-
fore. new. Our :two daughters
are happily married, and have
three. children :each. Bert,' has'
been •teaching, for `' about ;eight:
years, 'IOW:kind of an hard boiled
bachelor. ,
We dike this part of ' Ontario,.
and enjoying it very much. If
you: ever happen this- <Way,' %b'e,
glad to . have you look us up.
Yours islbincerertely...,
Publisher's. Note — Rev. ' Mr.
Howse is r a former pastor of.
the. Ashfield Circuit and is ,now
~serving as assistant minister at
Central United •Church,. 'Welland:
Elmira Ontario
May 7th, 1962,'
The Lions' Cltb, `.
Dear Sirs;
From 0, the time,.I'' received
your letter regarding the Arti
ficial Ice . fund ' for the arena,
• where I' ortee skated,' I have
planned- to send this small .don-
ation, but weekly neglected.. do-
ing so.
oi•ng.so. •
I : trust there will be sufficient
skating time to permit children
to learn to skate and that .child-;
reri,, young folk` andthose w'ho:
are older,': but wish to stayyoung,
mriiay have an 'o(pportun+ity to en-
j.oy. this ,healthful 'exercise. Also
°' • that young hockey . enthusiasts
will have an :opportunity . to
practice. • •
• I also :trust •that you will 'be`
.lucky, enough to obtain an''. op-
erator, so skilled in the -opera-
tion of your ; ice making . equip-
went .that your operating . costs
will be' low... When. there are
breakdowns .in' . this equipment,
It 'can . be very expensive.
Ha.ye been . amazed at ,the
number .of former residents,
who have . contributed. to your
fund. Think L will look kip the
back numbers' of the 'Sentinel.
and clip. the .lists and printed
extracts from letter's. of Comment
and • make' a scrap book Then.
I will underline • in • red the
names of non-residents . and lin
Imagination think 'of all • the
places' where the praises
Lucknow and, • its ,activities 'are
being recited.
Alter sixteen. years absence, I
sornetiines find myself referring I..
to Lucknow and thenwonder, if•
Elmirans may think my •corn-
parison unfair.. Best of Luck.'
Yours truly,
• • Viola Kerry,
lout A�ti�c�al ��
• ° 370 Eglinton Ave E.►
" Toronto 12, C►nt.
Dear . Campbell,
It is' with pleasure that I en-
close a donation for the Lions
Cilub Artificial, Ince Fund. Skat-
Ing at, the 'Lucknow rink :brings
a host of pleasant memories..
' With, figure skates, instruebors
and ..good ice. always • available,,
it will be different but, let ups,
hope, Still' as ,much• fun..
All good wishes to the Lions
Club • in their worthwhile pro-
Sincerely . .
° > .Mary. Haslam.
Dave Barkvwell, 'Quebec
"Here's' hoping we're not. too.
late with- o.ur donation- to your . y
very, worthwhj le' project; . Many
tinies. I prayed for artificial' ice
in the ' old rink • while helping •
"Pelt'i� IVIoCoy f lood'er in . the.
wee small hours.' of the morning"•
Best of . luck. •
Mrs. ' Lorne Durnin is a • pa-
. in Wingham Hospital this '
past week • where she is un'de r
observation; ;
Mr, Fred .McQuillin• visited Mrs.
McQuillin: in. • Victoria' Hospital,
London on Sundays where she
underwent. :surgery last. Monday. •
:She • is ' progressing,' favourably.'
Just a • reminder of the
meeting ' at :