HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 6PAGE stx
States. • He' •was predeceased • by
TAdebelie-};-Mrs Ezra--- _,Sitter,
Greenock; (Margaret) Mrs. El-
liott, Detroit. and William, .of
North Bay.. We extend DIN
Donald ,Saunders wasinvested.
into • the , troop this week -end • &
in, ' the :absence of his, Patrol Lea-:
der was welcomed into the Tiger.
Fatzol by Second Bob Wall.
Several more recruits are, an-
ticipated, this sutnaner' anal • as. our
:atrols •are. now over -strength,.
the Court of Honour decided last
Friday night to re -organize from
4 to .5 Patrols, t7iis. 'wok.- '
• The .work bee staged ion"Sat-• .
'uxdray by the. Group C oMmittee
• :and the Fathers .'and. siorne Scouts
resulted in enough Wood piled
.up at the Snout' Hall to last for.
2 .or 3: winters, also .the Scout
Hall is . s sarlcling white — in a
new coact.., of whitewash. A new
plywood floor had been : laid,
some eleotri+cal .plugs have been
installed' to 'accommodate' hot,
.-pliates •in the kitchen.;area, • and.
• .thee .pot holes in the grounds are
:all. filled.: It was a .hard days
:Work. and ; some had ..to •aorne
`back .on Monday to., finish the
floor in=the Hall. We would like'
' to :• thank these Fathers , , and
Scouts . very • much.. 'Your: work
• The Community, Picnic 'is • this
Saturday art i;30 .on .the ,.Scout
Hall•grounds so. we; hioPe to 'see'
•a11;: our friends •and.' neighibours
out for 'a really: good time' See
you; "there..
Mr. • and Mrs. W. T Roulston
are spending this . week in Ha-
milton, 'guests guests. of Mrs. Jenny
Frid. On Saturday they attend-
ed a 'tea and reception ,in hon-
our of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cutter
on the' occasion. of their golden
wedding . anniversary. •
Miss RuthBlack completed
her, training in Kitchener-Wa•ter-'
loo Hospital. Friends 'attending
the graduation exercises on; .
urday •included; Misses: Donna
Osborne, Marilyn Finlayson and
Mary . Roulston, her. , aunt and,
uncle, Mr. 'and • Mrs. Alex, Mac
Tavish and 'her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ross ,' Black. • •
Misses • Phyllis.. Clayton anal
Congratulations. to Sharon
Hodgins' on receiving :her cap ,at
the capping exercises at Wing-'
ha'm. Hospital
' Congratulations, . • to Kendra
Donaldson, Who Celebrated . her,
7th birthday on Tuesday, May
' :2i9tl: She had. a party ; : after
school :
Mr. aricV Mrs. Morley : Wall.
visited Mr. ,and, ..Mrs: James
Wraith at Luckrow 'ori Wednes=
day • .evening
• 1VIembers of 'the 4-H Clubs •'&
their leaders attended; Achieve -
Merit Day in the'. Kincardine
District High 'School on Satur-
day. Barbara . •Haldenfby .Won
Provincial honours having • corn-.
pleted twelve prej:ects.
Charlie Edgar, ''whois now
employed on one of Maus 'farms,
Called on Reg' Brown. Thursday.
evening. ' •
• The Scouts ;held a work bee,
at their hail on Saturday when
the ' fathers turned out . to help
the ':boys with ..wood cutting,
whitewashing, ,laying, ' a new
floor., etc... ,
,Mr. 'Ed' Mogan*,and Clar-
ence and Mrs: •May • Jac: l son, of
' Wroxeter,' spent Sunday with
Mrs, Frank', Brown, and 'Reg.
Floyd Stanley has been en; -
gaged Oto •teach; the young frys•
in: the school on Highway'. 4,,
South of, .T'eeswater.
Mrs Earle Hodgins was a
wuest at the Whytock-Wilson
edding which'. teak ' place on
Saturdaynear Sti,athroy. -
Mrs: Eva ' Stanley, London,
Spent. a few' days iwith Mr.' and
Mrs. Ezra Stanley and'; family.
She is now • a patient • in Kion-
cardine Hospital, '
'Mr. Charlie ' Stanley, a former
• residenit of the. 14th . of Culross
pasted away early Friday morn-
ing, May 25th, at his home ''at
North Bay. The • funeral was"
IVfonday, ,May .28th. Charlie• was
62 years old ,and is isurvived by
his 'wife and ' twelve . children,
also: •s'everM brothers and sisters.
Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Stanley •and
other relatives attended the fun-
era].. Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Stanley
and Mrs, Harvey ' Hodgins /Of
Kinlougn, stayed with Mr.. and
Mrs, Jack Thompson. lie 'is Sur-
vived by sisters, Jeannie,'' Detroit,
(Tillie); Mrs.' Morris McKinnon,
Teeswater,. • Mrs. l'Aaretta Hod-
odgins, Kinlough : and.' •Mrs, Evia
Stanley, London, Broth'er.s, Sam,
Kinloss; Ezra, Kin1ough; ' Everett,,
Detroit and 'Leonard in 'the
Mary , NI bite• were pleasantly
.surprised when the United
Church- ahbir gathered--in__their
honour on- Wednesday evening.
The choir leader, Mrs. -John Mac -
Charles presented each with a
glass candy dish in token of.
appreciation of their work
the choir. ,Both girls will be
working for' the summer, then
Phyllis will .enter the Stratford
General 'Hospital school of nur-
sing .in' September, and *Mary,
the nurses' aid training !course
in •Wingham General Hospital,
also in September. .
Mrs. Alvin B. Hamilton spent'
Friday, and Saturda. y „in Toronto.
when the freighter "Douglas.
Howton docked. •Mr. Hamilton
is ,a member of the crrew..
Miss Alice :Harrington of Rip-
ley visited ' with ,Mr. and .M.:s
Walter Black and of ei
on Saturday. • "
Visitors at the homes of Mie
and Mrs: John MacCharles•.. and
Mr: and Mrs. Sandy MacChat-
les on ' Sunday • were: Mr. ' and
Mrs; Ernest Gaunt .and Karen,
of St. Helens, Mrs. James Slater
and Mrs. Fred Darrow of 'Toronto.
aridiss- -Jessie . Maarles of
• Misses Marie and Janet Hann^
Ilton sang "Ivory Palaces". as a
duet during the United Church
service on Sunday. Service will
be suspended next Sunday in
Olivet for the anniversary ,:er-
vices ,in St. Andrews church,
• Anniversa'r'y Services will be
,held in South IK'rr ltiss 'Presby-
terian 'Church -on Sunday, Julie
•10th, at 11' am. 'and 7.34• ,p.m.
Rev. Jamieson.of Hamilton is
to be the special anniversary
minister; '
• Mr.•' and; Mrs, .Ross Gay,. Miss
Audrey :Cox and • Mr. L. B,
Buckley, of Orono spent the
week -end with •the girls grand-
mother,' Mrs. John MacDougall
and . w'ith M. and Mrs. Leonard
MaeInnes and family.
Mr. Currie Colwell is enjoy-
ing a week's fishing. trip to'
41g!onquin_Park. .
Mr. and 1V1rs, Chislett, Marney
.and Bili of Toronto visited over
the week -end with the former's
parents., Mr. and. Mrs. Sam
Chislett., ' a . •
The ,Kairshea 4Hgirls under
the ' leadership of Mrs. Harold
Campbell and Mrs. ,Cliff Raul.-
ston were at• the Achievement
Bay in' Kincardine on Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs. Mike Verchimak
of Flint were week -end guests
With Mr., and Mrs. Ted Collyer.
• Mrs. J. DeJong is a patient
in Wingham Hospital. She suff-
ered a 'painful back injury ,in
a fall in her home."
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacInnes
of Toronto visited Saturday with:
Mr. and . Mrs. Leonard' Maclnnes,.,
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p. �.
■ s.■
■ •'
• ■, ■
111 II
■ ■.
• 1.
III■ .To Represent Riding / .e
■ .
, • ruce• Liberal'Candidatea
If You Elect John MacKenzie asyour : Member : he wallaii
■ ■_
E1`. Make 'hs .voice lheard "in the.' House ,. of Kende:'will romote :ever means . Y possibleit
■ • Commons on ` behalf of Bruce during'. the and will by . special' , concessions ,,have 'sessions and will .promote and actively" :. industry located in the. County of Bruce.' ■
Y ■
- ▪ •' . take' partain . ;drafting. Legislation' " for ` the The ''Bruce . County ..is • ready to •..develop ■'
i' benefit of ' ••Eastern Farmer • who ':has s ` a actionl its • i,`
■, e the and. require , iminediat y ■,
■ been .'.forgotten by ' 'the' Conservative member '-to attain, this objective.,. ., ■
la . Government ;.: ` ,
■. r 16. The . Liberal' Government set up,. ;and. ' .
■ 2. He ,•will promote Legislation 'to assist : the : • • P assed . the Legislation.. � ^for . • he.' Veterans .'
. • small' business man in our Towns -and of `both: World War •.1 and 2 in .1945 . a
• 'Vllages, so., that they' may obtain loans 'DO 'not , forget that the • Veterans : Of 'a
■ on ' a, low rate . of interest. World War •,;1' : /were forgotten • by ` the ..
Conservative' Government, in :1919:: John . �
He will promote and actively draft ° MacKenzie , will:• promote and • support • a
Legislation for the . Veterans ' and their ' ■
• • Legislation ' to assist' our,.' fishermen • so _wives to receive .Old° • Age Pension at ' • ■ '
E that the lakes will be ' properly stocked" g a'
• •■ with fish, wherebythe 'Comercio • 65'• 'years of ,age, without ; a' means test. a
■ J i 1 Fish
They lost five years'.' of: their life through' :