HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 4• • PAGE; VP. DAY, JUNE. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 2c. per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat. Insertions, 11/2c per word, minimum .40c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum 75c. In 'Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies, to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c for each bill rendered. 'FOR SA!: FOR SALE — 60 acres 'Red 'Clo WANTED--AAquantity of ' used ver hay. Lorne Luther, ' R.R. 3, pipe. Allan Miller,, -phone Luck - WANTED Lucknow, phone Dungannon 65- now 87.4.. . r-14. FOR SALE - set lady's . bowls, set, .men's bowils',, and •'a Piano. 'Apply Mr's.;; Austin, . Soaonio. n, Lucknow, phone a 88. • \ • FOR QUICK' SALE — 1956 In- ternational ,panel' truck, . new motor, good tires, complete. with 1962 licence. plates; Priced • eight. Elmer 'Foran, R.R. 2, Luckr}ow,• phgine 45-r-23. FOR SALE — .1937 Chev with extra good : motor. R. J. Kaake, . WANTED live poultry; also RJR. 4, . Kincardine, phone' 2474, new and, ,...used duck and • goose Bervie feathers, and • used. bags and ice FOR SALE -- quantity", of stand bdoor. Phoagging:pBest e or' vsrprrites At Broy,wnour, Ing hay,: Lots . 25. 'and .26., Con- 18.1 Kincardine. cession 5 and 6, 'Kinloss .Town - WANTED - electric cream se- parabor, must • be in good .'condi- ,tion. Russ Johnston, ' 'R R. 7, Lucknow. • ., / SALES;' HELP WANTED MALE' WANTED Man, forsteady travel among consumers , in . Bruce. County.•' Permanent •eonnection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write today:, ' Rawleigh's, Dept' F-271- 131, 4005 Richelieu, (Montreal. ship, Parish Moffat phoria' Wingr ham 740. STILL .A GOOD'SELECTION ,of. shower and wedding gifts avail- SPECIALS THIS WEEK -END. able at savings of 25% off :at ' Men's twill' work ' • trousers, . in Finlay Decorators, Lucknow, ' forest . green and silver ' grey, phone 218. inquire prices week -,end' Also Work Glove 'Special in leather HOUSE FOR SALE in Luck- faced.work gloves, °several types; now,' insulated ''kitchen , with- '' WorkiSlloe special • Sti],l On; built-in cupboards,living room, 'Boys' Suits, 11.15' years. Watch. O Business briefs COMING EVENTS CASH .BINGO A Cash. Bingo will be held in. the Lucknow Legion . Hall on. ,Thursday,. -June . 7th, at• 8:45' p.m. 12; regular games: for '$10., 3 share -the -wealth. $50 Special, game must, go. ' COMMUNITY PICNIC Kinloss Township Community Picnic, sponsored by the 1st Kinloss Scout. Troop, will be : held at the Scout Hall. grounds, Holy - rood, on Saturday, June '..9th at. 1:30 •.p,m. Basket lunch, 'bever- age supplied, games and 'contests .for all ages,. SALE OF BAKING The Lady Foresters will hold' a sale of baking in the Hedley building, • .next to Sanderson's Ladies'. and Men's. Wear on Fri- day .evening, June ' 22.nd com- mencing :at 8.:00 o'clock. WEBSTER ; PICNIC The annual Webster picnic will. be held at Harbour;. •Park, God-• erich, on Saturday, June 16th .at. two : o'clock'. Supper 'served at 5p.m. All . members;of the 'clan are invited to be Present. BAKE SALE 'The . W.A.. of . the Anglican Church will hold .a .bake ;'sale an Saturday, June 9th at 2 P.m; in the.:former Atkinson barber shop., NOTICE 3 sbedrooms, bathroom., Apply: this space' for `,weekly Specials—. ESSAY • 'COMPETITION. • J. C ,.rmstrong, Sox 193, phone +"SIEGRISTS STORE ". .:Public..school` ,�pupv,s interest 2517-J Lucknow: ed in •' competing in� the Ethel VE MONEY; ' on. R g .. WANT•. T.O,' SA Brant .Monture essay contest on our, urek�ase..of .fertilizer, Gem -o:,,,. LOST the subect.,"the school 'prorann ent. and ;•tractor.tires? If:To, in- at: our... fair",." ' to• be • written. ' -in vesti atebefore .'• you invest. LOST" key ring ' with 'three albout 3100 words, may receive Contact Bruce .MacMillan, -Luck- keys,' in beige leather ease, , Mrs. more •.information .from the sec - now. Fresh cement:• in stock: Clarke Finlayson, Phone. 142-J, retary of the Lucknow Fair, Mrs:, Lucknow. Fred: 1VteQuilini ,. 'pONihES FOR SALE' one three- • ear -old " black Shetland: gelding, 'DUPLICATOR supplies,,, bond .. , The, . annual meeting " of the well broken, single :.and double; ,paper;: 'mimeo paper, typewriter Lochalsh Cemetery. Board will 'one -year -Old' black Shetland .filly, 'paper :in pads and quantity, ":ink be- held Thursday;evening, June Gordon Kirkland,.RR 3, Luck -for Gestetner' machines; • stencils 7th at 8pari. at, the Cemetery now, phone Dungannon 69-01...and master ''` sheets, :; duplicator grounds. All :plot owners • and fluid; hectograph machines` end .those. interested are•. requested to 'supplies, it we don't .: stook your attend.. /' requirements, we • will .be.. glad ;Gordon'. Finlayson, Sec.-Treas.. toyorder for you, The Lucknow' . i ' . Theregular meeting ..of .Maple e. Grove, L.O.L.. will. .be held in Hall all this Thursday night, June 7th. • ' '• : HOUSES IN LUCKNOW FOR SALE '. 3-4BEDROOM 11.. 'storey house, 3 -piece ' bath, oil ` furnace,. close Sentinel, phone 35, ' Lucknow. Full price ' to Public .$School, good repair.S,300000.. • 6=ROONVN HOUSE, nicely decor- ated, •3 -,piece • 'bath, new cup- boards, close to Public School.. Full price • •$5,800.00, 10. ACRES . at edge of Lucknow, SERVICES AUCTION SALE Aran Maclntyre • brick house, : smalll' barn,:. •, good • ' Licensed Auctioneer , land. Priced to. sell.. ' Lucknow Other 'houses in Lucknow; also 1 farms .: in the District ranging, • from 50 to 200 . acnes. • Contact: WILLIAM •S, • REED Real. Estate Broker FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, Varna,' Ontario, Phone Hensall 6.96-r-2 • Phone .29v4'{ Wingliain VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service 'Repairs and bags for all •models; of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Water Well Reconditioned machines of all Drilling. Lakelet, ,Ontario' R. Hr G'ADKE R.R.. 1, Clifford All Wells 'Guaranteed BARLEY' CONTRACTS AVAILABLE NOTICE The Annual Meeting of. South Kinloss Cemetery Corporation will, be held ' at South Kinloss C'hur'ch. on* ,Wednesday, . June 20 at 8:30 pm. All. lot 'holders 'are requested to be present., Lloyd :McDougall., Secretary. - TENDERS For Nesting Sealed tenders submitted on forma .supplied will •be received by• the undersigned until 5:00p.m. Friday, June 22, • 196'2 for the following:' • 1• 1. Bunker "C" Fuel Oil, for Huronviewf Clinton. 2.' No. 2 Light Industrial Fuel Oil, for the Huron County *Court House, Goderieh. �3. Stove Anthracite' Coal(su- pply , specifications of anr alysis), for, the Huron: Coun ty Jail, 'Goderich Contract •'to be for, two-year period. Lowest or. , any '•tender not . necessarily accepted. .Each ,tender 'mustbe submitted sep arately: on forms secured from the un'der'signed. JQHN G. BERRY, Clerk Treasurer, County ,of Huron, ,Court • House,' iGoderich,, Ontario. ARD Of THANKS We . wish to: 'eirpress• our• sin- cere thanks, and appreciation for the many. .:kind ;acts and expres- � :� pronid• owner. ' of ' this 351/2 ' : ,■ •:acre property with .the ■ i .• Lucknow River running full • ■ ' length and providing plen- ▪ ty len ty of good fishin`g. There ■ ''• ■ is also some• saleable cedar • on the farm as'well as' a - ■ very sceni�e . area:• suitable 'for picnic grounds near ■ a the road.: As well there is ; L • ample groom for ',building a ■ • house Or 'cot'tage with a i' ■ ■ good sized yard. No. 2493. ENGAGE Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bannerinan . of .tWnghamn wish to• announce' the engagement, of their • daugh- ter, Muriel Elaine, to Mr. Ebner William McFarlan,, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MJFanlan of Holyrood. The . wedding win, take place on June 9th at 2 p:,,m, at 'Salem Uniteld ',Church. • ST..HELENS. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Thompson . • , and 'family of Kincardine :spent ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Al- . bert Taylor and . family of West W awanosh.. • CARD OF THANKS Mrs. ,Kelso MacNay .wishess to sincerely thank all who were so kind while she was. in Wing ham Hospital-ith: cards, gifts • and -visits. . Their thoughtfulness -- Was. deeply appreciated, Special thanks to !Jr:. M. H. Corrin and nurses: '. • s n a •r a. ■ .. 1 1 ■ ▪ "We Sell 'Rural Ontario"` '• i. ■ ' 1. ■ • $1,500.00 will . make you the ;■ sions of `. sympathy ,extended• to, us at the time of the sudden death' of our brother. • The Johnstone. Family; . Mr,' Austin Solomori. wishes ..to • sincerely . thank those: whore- membered% . him while 'he wase hospitalized in Winghamn. Special thanks- to Dr: M. H.. Corrin ' and Staff. • We wish 'to sincerely'. thank' all our neighbours and friends for their. help at . the. 'time and since the loss of:.our° ome: 'Their' kind acts . are gr•eatly. ; appreci- ated: Lillian; and . Fred Martin THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL 'FIRE INSURANCE CO.. Head 'Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD QF DIRECTORS `• President, .frown Smyth, -R. 2, Auburn; Vice -Pres., ,Berson Ir - wing .Belgrave; "''Directors, Paul g Caesar, R..1, ,Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich Ross Mc- `Phee R. 3, Auburn; D onald" MacKay, Ripley;' John Lerman, • R.. 3, Goderich; Frank Thompson,' R..1, Holyrood; Wm,. Wiggins, R, 3, Auburn. For information on , your in; surance,' call your nearest 'direc- tor who .1# also an agent, or' the secretary, . Durnin Phillips, Dun- lannon, phone Dungannon 48. 11 APPLICATIONS A. PPI:,TCATFONS for the position of• Clerk ` of the Township 'of Kinloss will be received by ' the Reeve, Mr.' P. A..., Murray, Holy-• rood, R.R.if .until Friday,:Jiixie makes ' for sale: •15th atk.8:30 o,m, Duties to . corn- ,' BOB •PECK, . Varna, 'Ontario, mence irnmediately. Salary coin- !, • Phone Hensall'°'696-r-2mensurate' with y.uaiifications. Applications to be marked AUTOMOTIVE "Clerk." Mechanical and .,body "repairs, 'Have You Renewed 'Your Sub- Wheel alignment and balance, scription? ' Window: replacement,' Radiator • For Sale CLOVER AND GRASS • SEEDS Seeds• mixed, if. desired. ELLIOTT'S SEIII 1VIIL; L'uckndw`, Phone 154J, ',55 repairs. Protect against rust With Jndaspray: 1114►11fI111I1�N�1N1,.►NL�� DAVIDSON'S • Texaco ,Service Hwy'. Phone . JA 4-7231 Goderich, Ontario CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef ' and pork sold in any quantity: Custom, butchering in. Government' licensed abattoir, Pigs every Tuesday.: Beef franl Monday through Thursday. ' BUTTON'S 'MEAT MARKET SEPTIC' TANKS CLEANED Septic -tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with rnod- • ern equipment;. All »work : guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus- sels, phone. 442-w-8.,•• Dead Stack removal . Serice • We are licensed to remove. your dead or crippled farm animals for •sanitarydisposal. Old horses 4c' per pound GORDON TAYLOR Ph Collect .44=r-24,' Luck -mow R.R. 2 Lucknow 24-ho1jw, service Licence No. - 173C62 • ,eIII NNt•141NN/N' H I LRAY FARM'S ABATTOI R' HOLYROOD The home of chbice meats, all GOVERNMENT INSPECTED . and APPROVED` Schneider's Cured ' Meats' WE ALSO DO CUSTOM- , USTOM Kih.LI vo and hang your meat in modern coolers as long as desired. Pigs on Tuesdays and Cattle every day. No appointment necessary. 'RA3WARD ACKERT' 1tl1-r-1°3;' Lucknow ■ •• 100 Acres onHighwiray 86. ■ ' Wonderful location, for .a.a: 'Golf .sand' "•Country Club. 'a• ■' Large attractive• Stone :house in ;• good state .of re- ■. ■` pair,.almost completely re- ■ , novated, a new small barn,. : . ■ a drive shed "and* brooder in house make up the rest o€-■ • the buildings.• 7. acres' of ■ Mixed . bush, balance of • ''land workable, very prof ■■I .diuctive and only slightly N .' rolling. With a •fa'rm:. pond's • §:' :and some landscaping work'. i ■ between 'the ' house. and • ■ highway this wot�;ld be one a of the most attractive pro ■ 1 parties' in Western Ontario. ■ No. '2;-440. •1." • , A completely renovated i • 'brick . home near Lake Hui' ▪ ron. 'Excellent' guest home-, ,1 ■ with 110 , 'spacious bright •.:rooms,'•3 piece bath upstairs, a. ■ .toilet . and basin downstairs:1.. Full basement,, oil .furnace, ti ■ electric water heater, hard 'i • 'and soft water pressure syr• ▪ stern.. New garage, several,: i ■ •building lots. Large gar ■ den ' with raspberries and i � - dwarf fruit trees,, Full • 'price $9,000.60 with 3&60.00 r ■ down. ,No. 2-534 'si I. EVERETT PENNINGTON 1 ■ Phone 392-6064, •Teeswater,,• .• • ■ ▪ • Local Agent' fol PAUL' S. STARR & • . >: LTD.,. i ■ Hatnover Phone 81:;;10!'y ■ Sto serve you' ■ ic offices ■ . better--- 'Orangeville, Hen- ■ octet, Owen Sound. Flesh' ertoei, Guelph & Sram:ptor.. ■ ■ ■■■