HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 3. wEDNESDAY, JUNA' 6* 1662_,
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$1, •
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:4'4.44 ''.;$1:1 it*, 440; <s> • IV' '04 ,',0 is,04.044,
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FilV°R1. _ii.l. S ., . a
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• • , . . •
. i Save All Wax Paper 27c Prem . ...
3 c .
: 4c, 100' roll.
Save 4c, 12 oz, tin
• •
Cream Style Corn 589c
• Aylmer. Fancy, Save 9c. 15, oz. tins
Red, Seal, Salmon .; 43c
Fancy Cohoe. Save 6c, --"tins •
.Kitig Size , Surf . — - 95C
, • Save 58c, 37c off .pack, package. .
too ' . .
Hall's Red
• .. . .• ' •.•
• . .
• .
Granulated• Sugar $4.2
Save 10c, 50 pour.d.bagi.
Sunkist Oranges 3 doz. 99c
Panic:it:is• •
• • Kairshea Women's Inst. 4100.00:
. .
• • • • Hamilton Street Cornber .. .52
0.1 • Lion Convention Fines 10,83
innamonBuns r
1,, .1. Fred :& 1Viillie Armstrong 2560
ke Fund Climbs
Towards $20,000
Donations to the Artificial Ice
Fund during the past two weeks
have ,amounted to 241.50, rais-
ing the grand total to $19;5719.83.
More than the half of it was
from former residents • who con-
tinue to sUPport the fuM» gen-,
erously, • *
First phase of •the installation
work has been 'completed', with
the construction of the cement.
biock building to house the ice -
making machinery, which was
placed 'after thefoundation and
.floor was built, and which was
followed by completion • of the
• cement-Jblock work.
. Electrical installations , have
been -•"roughed in"l within the
building, ready for connection, at
a later date,
, • ••• Goderich Weston.
gegular, 3Sc., 12 to p..Kg. . Ruth Sneigrove, ',..•• 5.06
• • . • .Vancouver, , B.C. • ••
. E. W. 'Murchison, • Toronto'
'Jean & Andy . •IO.00
• .
• '•.',,j'a'Tlickoaxnr.o&l:ittN:norrrt..a. 500
T„ Henderson
Flo Lloyd ..T: • Henderson. 110,06'
RCAF,- OVerseas '• • ' •••
Duncan Farrish • '
Gagen; • London • • • '5.15
hite Food Store
4 .
• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••iporniii•••••••••••••••••••••••
. •
Tom;' Stevie' and Norma Jean of . Local nd General' (Continued iron' Page 1)
Mr. ,and. Ars. John Naylor, • •
— .
• Whitby and Miss Lorna Camp- • • lived all ,their married life and,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Percy. Of
Detroit visited lt. week witiv Where Mr. Burns has lived since
.Mr. and John .kmerson. ,coming to Lucknow as • a. lad
. • of 5 years ' from Huron Town -
Mr. and. Mrs. Angus Dickson.,
of Listowel visited /last week
'with their claughter,11VIrS. Elwin
Hall, Mr. Hall and . family.
.• bell of Toronto spent the 'Week.
end at the „home of Mrs. R. H.
ThompsOn. • ' • •' .! •
.Preibyterian. Church
,RevAtOderick MacLeod .
10:00 a.m.. Sunday School .
No. Service. Sunday 'because
of.: .Anniversary at. South.
• Kinloss.
• •- 4.4,*••••444,,4iimotpoiirmiarompul...
, . . .
Rev. Howard W.. Strapp• •
• Minister. ••
. SINDAY, JUNE 10th '
1000 a.m. Church School
1100 a.m.=Morning Worship,
• THE..
Lucknow Christian
Refprilled. Church.
.Rev.S..TerpStra, A.B., Th.B.
LiStowel, Ont.,' Pastor
10:36 a.m. in' Dutch
2:30 p.m. in. English '
• 3:30 -p.m. Sunday School
Mrs. 'Jack, MacLennan' and
son, John Paul,"Moved this week
from Lochalsh: to an apartment
in • the JOhnstone Mock. •Mr.
MacLennan is sailing. ,
• Glen' , Atkinson of Lucknow,
who is barbering in Godetich,
has .been assisting at Roy Davis'
barber ehop Ripley on- Sat-
urday evenings. • • .
Mrs. Kelso MoNay is. in 4m
proVed health , . since returning
home -.recently . from,Wingham
hospital:, • • • •
Mr. and, Mrs. iWilliarn I.annan,
Ashfield,ToWnShip, attended the
.Myles -Law Wedding :in 'London
recently. 'Mary. Joanne La* ,is
the daughter ,of Mr. and ilVIrs.
Mike Law (Monica Martin) of
London. '
Mrs. .McCroitie whO•
has .spent. . the .winter •at her
hoine in West, Wairanosh: has
returned, to Saskatoon. She flew
'west. from Malton:
. Mr. and ,Mrs.;. Wilbert Hodg-
kinson and Keith have returned
•to their home in Wingham .to,
reside. ,Mr. -Mr: 'George
Hunter will shortly be, moving to
the Hodgkinson hoarse here Which
they .have purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Percy of
Detroit were callers. in this com-
munity', last Week.
Miss MacDiarrnid of
Windsor visited with Mrs.. Neil .has 'been 'attending Western
. .
J, MacKenzie the past week, University, Mr. and Mrs. Burns
The regular ',Meeting of ' the 1114Ve. .tWin granddaughters, Jean-
Lucknow Wornen'S' Institute will. nie E,11en • •and Cathy Marie
be held on Friday, June 8th in Burns of COncord. •• .
•the ^Asse,i-nbly Ro�m at:2:3o p.m,. Mr. and Mrs. Burns have twice
Report of. the District. Annual been sadly !bereaved, Their soh
Elliott 'died in :California 15
years ago, and seven years ago
• For 52 years he was 'an ern7'
ployee of the Lucknow. Table
Cornpany, and before and after
his long. day's. work' six 'days,
a week . he 'would tend his
large garden and .look after his
stock -generally keeping a Couple
Of: cows and on occasions some
:pigs and•paultfy‘,
Mrs: Burns ' . the :former..
Mary. Ann Beaton, clfanghter of
the late Mr. and Mit., Angus:
Beaton. of Paramount where she
w,as ,born.: As a young WomanMrs.
Mrs.. Burns worked for s:a time
in:Detroit and then returned: to
LiicknOw to clerk in Cameron
and 1ViurdOch's' store,a position
she resigned:,. to marry: "Tone
Burns on June 2nd, 1897.. .
• Mrs. Burs now rarelY leaves.
her. home, but she is' still adept
at hdusekeeping •and has a keen,
memory. This ,iS the 'first ,year,
that ,Mr.: Burns. 'has not planted
large: garden. When The Sen-.
publisher . and Mrs. sllhomP7
Son called on. Saturday' they dis-
covered that' Mr. Burns was: at
the moment SuPerviSing the: re2
moval. of ,one' of the stile' lAve•-:
stock buildings on' his property.
They also discovered that,
'hadn't made the: long Walk
dcyvvn street "since] Thursclay.".
Mr. and Mrs. Biirris have. twO
sons, Harold . of Toronto • and
Stanley of• St. Thomas. They
have'tw'o grandson's, Torn, of
Concord, California,' where ;he
fs a mathetnatics teacher and.
David, Burns of ' Toronto, who
The Presbyterian Church
Rev R. 1V1aCLeOd Minister • ••
P.. Mrs.,.Herb"'BuCkton '-oL.•••-" Organist • .t
Sunday, Oth, 1962
Morning Service — 11 a.M. • . .
Evening Service — 7.30 P•mi. ' .'
GUEST PREAHialtirni-l--to n:,R98I:atiTiG 14, jAMIES". .1.1
Evetihody Welcome. . .
, . . • ,
No Sei4vice in the Lucknow Church' :on June 10..
. ,
Zion United Church
106th Anniversary
'Sunday,. June .10th
Services: 11 00 a m 8t04
Guest Preacher
f Maundaumin
Special music at both servicles.
a es wp Job 22
Years With Count
.Dick Mcquillin • of Concession
Kinloss was recently appoint-
ed as. Township, grader operator.
He succeeds Itgghie 'MacMillan
Who resigned tp accept the posi-
tion as assistant to the village
foreman Lucknow. •
Diok is. especially Well
fiir the job, having • been
employed for 22 years by Bruce
County Highways ConmiJte,c..
ttended Atwood
Mr. and Mrs. ,Elwin Hall of
Lucknow attended the 'ordina•
tion Wallace • Little. Of At-'
wOod .1aSt.,Thufsd'ay night. .Mr.
Little, who ia,. graduate Of
Knox 'College,. Toronto, was or-
dained into the: Presbyterian
ministry and pians to cOrnmence
his work, in Winnipeg, in a new'
•area that presently has no church.,
'Mr. Little:1s 'married to a
niece" of Mrs. Hall's. He is also
the .first pupil in nineteen years.
of teaching that Elwin Hall: has
had go into: the ministry; Elwin
taught Wallace Little. at ',Atwood.
their -'on, . Stewart died in De-
troit. . .
. . . HEAR . • .
arl Hemingway
•New Democratic
Party Candidate
Huron Riding
June' 8 .11.25 • Fern.,
.June 9 -7- 7. P.in.
June, 1:3 7.25 .a.m..
June: 15 L-4-- 11.55 a.nr.
Published by the Huron New •
Democratic Party 'Association. • • .
• •
GOderiCh, Highway 8
Wed., Thurs, Fri., June 6, 7, 8.
Vincent Price, John Kerr
Featurette -- Short & Cartoon'
Adult Entertainment --,
Sat., Mon., Tues., June 2, 11, 12:
Allan Freed, Johnny.. Clanton
...Also% a great arena AttraCtion.: •
. •=•• •
--- In Color /.•
Wed, Thur, Fri4 Arne, 13, 14,15.
• Marlon Brand°, Katy Jurado."
'Technicolor •
• Entertainment —
'Cartoon --"Hound About That?"; •
.rirst , Show at dusk.
Children in cars free. •
. , .
The Air -
For Comfort &
Now—June 7, 8, 9–. -Richard Todd, Ann Aubrey
In "THE HELLIONS" — Also "Queen of the Pirates"
In Technicolor, with Maria Canale
Mon., Tues., Wed., June 11,:
SUZIE 'WONG't0"rovga`"4"
In Technicolor —
Nancy Kwan Willian Holden'—Sylvia Sims .8t
• ' Michael
From the controversial noVel by Richard Mason.
Filmed in Hong Kong, an 'angelic Chinese prostitute
and an American painter face a problem.
— New Special. Attraction
John Wayne, hunes Stewart, Lee Marvin, Vera Miles I
A terrific caSt. in a terrific western adventure story
'The Man/Who Shot tiberty Valance
Coming — "Satan Never Steeps", with France Nuyen
— Adult Entertainment
• ••
• ,
• •
4. 41
• :6
f# ;
• ' • 4 *'
• • •
• 44
•• „
4 '
' • ".