HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 2• . roKIE %Iwo LI 3 • • 4" • ow.s14 xxcimow, anduao 414.4546.4,11"..."4••••".4,43..... .• •• • WEDN4SPAY, TON4 6th, 1962 THIS SUMMER The Canadian Red Cross has chosen this, week as "National Water Safety 'Week". The warm weather' is with u4 • again, school will be 'out soon, and Can- adians will be getting -back to the Nation's lakes and rivets Ito enjoy the pleasures of water .recreation, ,„. • Out •of the millions who will be onioY. • ingthese °pleasures, it is probable that nearly a ,thousand will not enjoy thein for very long. They are the. ones who . are destined to die the .horrible • •death of • drowning, Their pleasure 'suddenly ,be interrupted when they find themselves in the predicament of not being able to, get • that 1..)dly nedeil breath of air. They will be horrified by the thought that they • have. no ,choice but to breathe. in the very substance which ther thought to be. their source of enjoyment a few seconds before. Their lungs won't hold out any longer. They will be fl: the helpless state Of knowing that ther are going to die and'. not heing . able to do .anything. about . not long before they are mercifully made )unconscious by the. -lack of �xygen. BE Wi‘TEk WISE! . It's .human nature, to assume 'Olga this •--'could -never happen. •• to. one's self, but there's no sense in hiding hem the honor' of drowning by. saying,,."Oh, it could „ • never happ to me e should face the facts --that it - has happened to many thousands of Canadians,. and that there is a ‘possibility of it happening to every • individnar that goes anywhere near the 'water. • The Canadia9 , Red 'Cross does its best to inform Cartaldians of the hazards in- . volved water recreation. BLit Water safety, . to all intents and purpose, is a very personal 'affair, for it is only through the individual's response to water safety' ,knowledge that the drowning, statistics can be cut down.- ..• Over -confidence inwater, and -fear of the water are ..the .two 'extremes of ap- proach. Somewhere in between. is ..the corree's one. , It''s a level-headed approach that is...sornewhat of a ,mixture of the tWQ extremes but is distinct in itself, It amounts •, to facing the water with confidence. but, at the same time giving it its 'dile"-respect. • This summer --- 113E WATER WISE! CG.171. Group Banquet At At Riple . . Members of ',the. C.G,T.T: of Kriox PreSbyterian ChurCh at Ripley —arid their leader, Mrs. • David 'Murray entertained the mothers and grandinothers at a banquet on Thursday evening of last week. ' , •, 'The tables were centred with anarrangement of pansies from • Mrs. John A. McDonald's' garden Ripley., • • . • A fine dinner Was served by .rneMbers of. the C 0.1 T, assist- ed by Mrs. George Sutherland, Mirs Lovell riluston,* Mrs. Dave' Murray and Mrs, J. A. MacDon- - dent ;of the 'Cal:E., Margie Hc- kett, wasalso toast mistress for the program whiCh followed. • After Atte 'Natidnal• Antherni, a Toast: was Proposed to the health of tile Queen: : Mrs.. Murray, introduced the. mothers,. grariclinothers and grand &ugh- ' • ters. A sing song led by, Mrs. John,C. 1VlacDoriald with Corrine . •MacDOnald at -the :piano' was • enjoyed.' • . •' Katherine Culbert proposed a toast to the churth which was • 'ably responded- to by Mrs. Allan ,MleAilley• after Which. a toast to the 'mothers, proposed by Linda Martin; was responded to by 'Mrs. Allister .ivrecay.. Dianna 1VICAuley proposed a toast to the grand mothers. and guess which. was responded to• ' -by Mrs. S.. Bowers. In conclusion' • she quoted: the poeni:. 'know • soinething good, about YOU:" • • Mrs.' .Henry NICKenzie "of • the • • ,A.shfield congregation, who ' .is secretary of the 'girls' groups, proposed a toast:to the: girls of, the With . Joan Mc14e0 'responding. • • • • A highlight of the program •. ,.was the address by 'Mrs. Outer,' ..bridge. Her theme was ,•"God is Light and am 'is ,love.". Timely adviCe was given to C.G.I.T. ADVANCE POLL HERE — mernberS as she fedirbirlided .them There will be an advance poll to alWays • stand for what is. in Lucknow. on •SaturdaY and right and true. She also related Monday, • June :9th. and 11th, but at press time we did not have the location officially Veri, tied., - ". '.. • • . • Bluevale •Wedcling. Of .Local i • Interest' MCGA.VIN '-', JOHNSTON toaiA woeiddeeingat oaf-0•lood,a0i,e• joinekterect •Saturday, ,,Tune 2nd in •Bluevale- United Church when Ruth Marie Johnston •became the ,bride of Gordon. Neil •McQavin: ' --: • .The,bride :is the. daughter :of - Mr. ad Mrs. Carl :Johnston' of Bluevale, - who is : the 'former 1F orence McQuillin Of„St.•1101ns; J1V1rs. Henry. McKenzie of 'As- • and, the groom is the • son of peld.'.aniclA. Mrb s.William: , Court- • Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon.' MeGayin neY of in eri ey, were guests of wairton. at . the banquet. . •:... , ,;, The candle -light ceremony [ , was -performed by Rev. G. C. TO 7 MAKE , SURVEY OF Mitchell:before the altar adorn-. • VILLAGE SIDEWALKS • ed with spirea and pink snap.: • - - • , ,---,--7- . . : dragon;: Mrs. Alex Corrigan was MeiriberS of the:Village .Cciun organist and Mr. John. Xi-id:ling.. ell plan 'to make a survey of, of Ivii"roffat,. Ontario,' . sang the sidewalks in the residential •areas Lord's prayer. and, the Wedding of the Municipality- on Thursr Hymn. • • 4 - . day evening. ' . ' . . . '. .Given in marriage by' her„..fa- 1 A program of sidewalk 1e-- i:16,6er:writ . is considered . and if proceeded with this year, Would,. l'be financed, by a deberi#Ire • sue. ' , • ••' . . some of the eXperiences., on the mission field which she arid, her husband' and family encountered. • Marion McLeod' expreesecl • thanks t� those who helped and also presented. Mrs. Outerbridge' with a gift, • • •• In closing the C..Q.1.T. giirls held a vesper Service with the -Call to. wor.ship -by Margie 'Hac- kett. followed 'with scripture reading by • Judy. McKay and prayer by. Katherine 'Culbert, A Solo "In the garden" by Corinne Viaelionald was accorri- panied. by Dianna IVIcAuley after 'Which, Joan MadLean read an interesting story; The • meeting closed with the C.G.LT. 'hymn and Taps. .• ; After singing 'grace, the presi• • • 4 • • • • COUNTY , COUNCIL . MEETS- AT INVERHIJRON • For , the. first time 'history; Bruce bounty Council is. con- vening at Inverhuro.n. for the June:session this week. The 'Vil- lage of Tiverton and the • Town- • Grade 8 student's and their parents are • requested „,to„ attend, to view the Schooland have courses ex. plained; • ° "A, Cup. of Tea :Will :13 . Served!" • 4 I " • Grade 8 Student's meet - The iTeachers Night - . 4llbeheJd*t • Lucknow District High. School Tuesday Evening, •June 19th HAVE YOUR CAR WAXED for Summer Protection at • BOB'S CAR WASHING and WAXING Limited at • tlie. West Fina Station .Give Your. Car A New ..Look INSIDE d .OUT and D1ivery Of Car PRONE 6.J,...LUCKNOW. . .• . . • ... • 'matching hat. •IThe. groom's mo- 'ther,ehsea"di'esdenb1ue: sheath silk -organta dress over taffeta. .styled with. cap sleeves' drad V-neekline, .and front divided tunic with Matching hat. . . Mr. • and MTS. McGaVin are honeymooning in' Northern. On- tario, and • will reside .at Walton. The-tbri•dets travelling costume was a *raspberry red twO-piece • suit \ with white estories - and , white • orchid corsage;. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS—we sell them ' singlyor in quantities and take 'orders for boOlcs speci-'•-• printed', to your require- ments. For prompt ,service, phone •35, The Luckno*Sentinel.. wassmiumumiussuissassailissasSisionissuissmii• iiiinimit! ther, thebride. was lovely in . a LI full-length gown of silk organza • ; over'. bridal taffeta arid hooped skirt; fashioned• with, guipure: lace. appliques • at the, neckline,. and over front of skirt The fit • - ted bodicewas outlined'by lily-' point sleeves and, full bOuffant • Ili; skirt sweeping •to a slight train.' : A crown of pearIS and crystals :us caught: her double illusion .veil..• She carried a .shower bouquet • of pink roses, stephanotis and Lorne Richards Your ships: of Kincardine and Bruce Mrs. 'William, ptinsmore of • are hosting the CounciliorS, Kitchener, sister of the groom, is . Presiding is • Warden John was .rnatron of honotir. She wore MacKenzie of Bruce, who is the a French blue ballerina -length • Liberal candidate in Bruce riding. , organza dress : over pellin tulle ; The 'session S are beirig held and taffeta; fashioned' with lace 1 at the LiMe,'Xiln Lodge ; sbiodeeifeie andand thtehn tree -quarter -bow 1:14: • headpiece. .•H r• floWers Were white 'mums and .pink rcises.. • ier three: .'bridesmaids were 1. Miss Lorna Bolt, •WaterloO; Miss II! Marlene' Walsh of waterloo and ii• Mrs. , John Moffat of Byron. Each was gowned similar ,to the, matron of honour. ' •• The:' ring bearer was . Master Kevin arirpbell Of Dublin arid E HEAR n. C. S. MacNAUGHTON ..::.:HuRoN, mo).. JUNE 11 Channel 8 : SPEAKING ON BEHALF Olr ti.ST014, • .1 CARDIFF Publieheci by 1-Itiron PC Asisn . • • • • the flower girl was Leslie Mc - Gavin. of 0wen:•Sound, piece of the grpOrri. She' wore a white' eyelet dress with Prenth blue sash: •• . • • aVIr, William Dinsmore or Kit- chener wa.s groomsman. and: the UShers, Were Mr. John::IVIcGavin of Owen Sound, brOther of the groom, Mr: Keith• Johnston of Bluevale; brother 'of the bride, and Mr Mack Sholdiee of Vial - ton ,. or the wedding clinner,at the Church parlour, .the bride's moth- er received in a ,dress of carn- ation pink Swiss embroidered organza over ' taffeta in sheath style With, short sleeves,t� ped oby three-quarter ' length plain, sheer organza. coat , and // a 111 NEW DEMOCRATIC , . ..... PARTY-. ,, . : CANDIDATE for The Party 'That. Believes: . . • • ' s 111 , THAT. EVERY-. CANADIAN has the right . to a 2' guaranteed medical health plan.. = THAT EVERY CANADIAN has the right" to a job • that will. prOvide *good standard ..of , ' 01' 4#) • THAT THE FARMER must get an equitable return , 1 ' • torn his labor. and capital investment. ,• • • a im IN AN ECONOMY 'wherein. :the small businessman • 15 a • as , la • • recognized as an inclispensible factor in the kcountry's welfare. 4". • ' I . A. VOTE , FOR' RICHARDS : : i . . IS A VOTE, FOR PROGRESS ... . - . 7.0.1....i.............,......0.......,..,.....0...."000.1101