HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-06, Page 1fro 't00 ► Year In -Advance -- $1,00; Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6th, 1962, . , Single Copy 10c 16. Pages fir, and Mrs. 1:h.,$... H. Burns Obsetved dding Anniversary Saturdu • Mr, and Mrs. Thomas.' H. Burns ousness , and thrift, . they found of Lucknow • quietly observed.. .their 65th wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 2nd; It ' is* an -anniversary: that few are 'spared: to enjoy, .and it.• couldn't have . happened to a finer couple, "Throughout their life.tirrie* they . have been; beloved' and exempl- ary citizens, • whose home and family and dhurch were theirs. chief 'interests,. In this :devotion' and . the pioneer ` characteristk^s of hospitality, honesty,.. industri Grade 8 To Meet LDHS Teachers -. Grade 8 students who will be attending. Lucknow pistrict. ilig.h ;School.. next terra, . and • their parents, are invited to a. meet -the -teacher night .,before the term's • end, Plans have. been Made for.; the gathering -at L t the High Sch000n. Tuesday,.' evening; June`"''' 19th, • when • the .Hugh Siehool teachers and Public. ` ,School "`Inspectors; K. Waldiie and J, 'H,. Kinkead will also be present. Pupils and parents *ill tour • the;. school with Grade \ nine stu- dents as "guides. Purpose ,of, the gathering is , to. familiarize them With: the school, Meetthe teachers; and.' hear the 'ex ana tion of courses under the new Robart plan. The evening will conclude with a question and : answer *period and .,,,a `cup' of . ,tea," deep. and abiding happine^ss,, and h ade a host of friends; who hold' them in the highest esteem. Both are 94 years" of age , and. had birthdays this past Month— kr. Burns on May " 2nd and, Mrs:. Burns on May 26th;' Mr; and Mrs. Burns had. many. callers at the week -end to. ex- tend • congratulations and best wishes, which Were. supplement'. ed .by cards. and other.remem- trances. While . not so active' as they, ,once "were, they still look ..after their .own needs in their` `Com- fortable and well -kept home on Ludgard Street. 'There 'they have (Continued on Page 3)- ••. Joanne Alton • i, Dairy Princess' Miss Joanne Alton of Ashfield has been 'chosen- as Huron. Cour ty s. Dairy. Princess," and Will represent the "•County at the C.N.E. Competitions in late stun - mer for the Ontario ; Queen crown.: , T'oanne, ' 18, is the' .: daughter Mr. :and Mrs. Bert Alton and 'V1 ., is a Grade 1.3 student >at. , Luck - now. District High .School • where she was • voted ,Sc'hooa': Queen a few 'weeks • a'g;0: Joanne won <.the Huron hon- our at the Spring Fair at Clin- ton on Saturday: There were .hree other • contestants and 'a milking competition was a .fac- for :.in. the award, Ir, and Mrs. Joh�t Reid Celeb. rated .50th �nnirer�ary, Open House At Hclyrood Mr, and Mrs;.. John 'Reid of Pine Rive., observed their 5•Oth: wedding' anniversary on Satur-' day'when open house •was 'held ,, at e h t ome of their 'daughter, •M4.11aynard Ackert of Holyrood,. As evidence of the 'respect' esteem in which Mr, and. Mrs, Reid- are' held, • over 300 ,Per: sons called • to extend their con- gratulation" sand best wishes. The anniversary of their mar- riage is actually June 7th, and °n Thursday a family dinner is. g held at the Bruce Inn, Kin-' Ca `dine, •p 14; Beginners At Holyr�od School There will (be fourteen begin- ners in Grade 1 at Kinloss, Cen- tral School at Holyrood ' in; Sep ternber. The, teacher is. Mrs„ Nancy . MacIntyre, • The fourteen prospective (be «inners are: Kevin Ackert, son of Mr; • and Mrs,: John Ackert; Nancy deBoer, daughter • of Mr. and Mrs: ,Peter. deBoer; Karen. Elliott;' daughter of Mr, and Mrs.. • •Qrville Elliott; James Graham, son bf Mr, and.r Mrs, Allan Graham; James Han-' na, son of Mr. and 1Vfrs. Ernest Hanna; Paddy Hedley, son of Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Hedley; Fern Kragt, daughter '' of Mr. •and. Mrs. Hendrick Kragt; Mary MacKinnon,,' daughter , of . Mr. `Mrs. •Fraser, MacKinnon; •; -Kevin' Murray, •.son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray; ' Joanne Thompson, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank • Thompson; Wayne Weber,: son of Mr^" and Mrs. Louis Weber;' Rus- sell Young, son , of Mr•and Mrs. '. Clifford .Young; Wilfred Guse, son of Mr. 'ands Mrs. Carl `Guse; Bobby M:aeGi+llivray, `son .;of Mr, and Mrs, Stewart, MacGillivr,.ay: Lifelong . residents, • of Huron. Township,, Mr. and, Mrs. Reid continue to enjoy, good"' health and sill,' participate ; in farm, church and " community activi- ties.. • Mrr Reid, one •of ' a faiy of 7, is the son of Mr, and •'Mrs:' Russell • Reid and `was born and has lived .all • his, life within a "stone's throw of Reids' Corners, • so called after a post'' • office which was once located at this intersection of Concession 4 and Highway 21,' (Continued :on rage .,1 ) Students Made Presentations: Thefinal assembly of :the. year :held at• Lucknow .:District .High School was : the beat and funniest • of the terix... But, : .it Was •snot without a touch af sad - fleas fork . it was: marked by fare- well presentations o members. of tie staff,: arid- fol prospective graduates, it was the the final student `assembly :of their schol-. asti i lives: • With Murrayunter. presiding y as ' .master ; of, ceremonies:; As- sembly opened :with The Queen and an '.amusing skit ' by• Grade 9B sounded the -keynote for an:. entertaining. program. The Glue Club, ,wrath aceerrpaniment by. Mrs. .Hewit,, and which 'has. been directed; by • Mrs Howlett, ' sang two ,numbers, "The last' time. .I saw Paris'.' and.' "Chante." .In a draw for p runes, remainingfrom the. magazine 'sailes, Ball Andrew won the poodle,. '' and Stewart Curran.. the• hug -a -bear. The; hil- arious highlight, was the "jazzed= u;p" eenactment of the assassina- tion' scene in : Julius Caesar by Jim MacDonald, Glen Cowan, Doug MacKinnon; David T'homp-. son, Terry O'Donnell and Ken Gardner, , Trio selections were played thy Bill Andrew,. trumpet; Allan.: MacDougall,, trombone & Mary A11in, piano. Marilyn Thacker•, sang .a 'solo with Sha- ron Bannerman as accompanist and for. a duet' ,by Barbara Nel- son and Cookie Gibson, the:''ac- companist - was Mary: •:Ellen Shiel;ls. Terry Rathwell • and Wallace' „Houston staged a com- ical interview.: '_ Gifts were presented to five' memc,ers of the teaching .staff who are departing' at the ;end of •.the tern and to :Mrs, J. C. Armstrong, • who has , been in charge of the school cafeteria since its inception, The presenta- tions • were made by"' George Gibson. Teachers receiving:• remem- brances were Mr. Ronald ..Kelter:- born' who has Been on the 'staff for five ,years, Miss Audrey Fiederlein with , three years'. service and Messrs Joseph Mur- ray, Frank l)esj arlais and; Robert Tutchener, ' who have,' taught. this terra. Principal `B, B How- lett spoke,' briefly following , the presentations. MAY WARM AND DRY BUT PLEASANT' MONTH May was warm and dry; hut' a very ,pleasant month, although a high of 91 degrees had the district "camplainin.g' .,of the. heat; • • There,,;,were nine days in the month with the temperature. 8Q degrees • or' more. The low was - 27 degrees, , Rainfall was a comparative scanty 2.09 inches;. which fell on the first and the last days :.of the ' month. In ' between . there' was s -scarcely enough precipita-' tion to measure... In spite of the' dryness growth has been surprising and the countryside "looks good:", GetsBruce-, • County Award Tuesday Fraser Ashton, 20 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Ashton of • Lucknow, has successfully passed :his. first year of a four year degree course in' biology at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. Fraser was awarded the $100 County hof,•Bruce Scholarship & received the ay card Tuesday 'at • 'the June session of Bruce County Council being held at Invezhur^on this . week, Fraser is. errnriloyed. at Ghats- worth for, the :summer :in a line • of work pertaining to his studies; J. R. Lane Kinloss Township Clerk. for 33 Years, Tenders Resignation • :Township ' Council at ; their June meeting.' `on:. Monday I• Kinloss received. the resignation' :of' Mr; J;'`R: Lane•. • It was• 33 years ago. in • May` of 1929 — that Mr. Lane. •was appointed ,clerk and While conteanplating retirement it -was• his: desire to cornPlete 'the 33 - year span Mr. Lane, has • en- joyed comparatively , good health until recently_ . He • was unable to attend Monday's meeting,' and it,' was • a ::disappointment to him that. he :''could not personally present his notice of retirement. John 'Rutherford Lane was 87: years of '.age. "on January. 26th: He' is a.• son Of John Lane ' and Eliza Rutherford and was , born at L'anesville in Ashfield Town-. ship, but spent the greater part of his life north of ;Kinlough in I Kinloss Towrnship, He • • was appointed clerk 1929 • during the : reeveship of the late' John : Colrwell,' and upon the: retirement • of • George ' G. Mof� fat, Mr. 'Moffat Was clue: k from 1900 to 1911 and aga i from 1920 until :1923. • Kinloss 'Councilis currently advert! sing, •for a 'successor to JOHN R. LANE Mr. ; Lane;: whose long service has . been, marked by a: recogni tion of the: ` resF onsibiaities' ' of the ' position, and the; .. faithful'" performance of his - diuties.: Plan Toronto Bus Trip Next Week • .The Huron ; County Hog Pro- dubers Association, • in <co-opera- t•ion with:,. the Lucknow. •District Co-op,, are .planning ' a bus trip to Toronto on .'Thursday, June 14th, " :The bus 'or buses (depending on :' how' many go) will leave from. Lucknow andan interest- ing* day's. itinerary. is planned. The tour.; will include a ,visit to the United Co-op buildings at Weston, the Hog..selling, agency, The • Assembly • "swilhg" the school song to the tune of "This' Olid House:" The song was ori- ginally composed by the Camp- bell" Sisters ef' Amberley.-Joy ie - and Joann the:stock:. yards n, and a • packing plant. As Well,. the group won't. go hungry, : With meals' being • taken -care of by the Co-op. Total cost ''' of the outing. 'will . , :be $3.00, ' with reservations made at the Lucknow ' Co op;.:or with`' 'Raymond Finnigan or Bob Me - Allister. • It i.;' e'cessary • .to. know '.'by June 9th how' many will . be going: so :transportation arrange merits can be finalized, • • New Accountant. To Hold Hereford Arrives: At B:: of M. Dispersai Sale • Mr. J. R. • Gannon, of Westport in 'Eastern O/itario, arrived here the first' of the week; to assume liis duties as accountant : at .•the Bank •of Montreal: He succeeds Mr, Les, Ballentine who, has. been a_npoirtted manager:. of the new•, branch being 'opened at Listowel. 'Les , was • called .for jury .duty this Week; but • with . •no -cases on the docket, he reported in Toronto ".in connection with his, new managerial duties. :; ' •Mr. Gannon has - rented the new Baker house on Ross, St: south, and expects their furni- ture to arrive the 'end of the week ' Mrr and Mrs, . Gannon,' (Betty).have y))on•e son, Chris, who.' is nearing his third 'birth- day Mr^ Gannon is a native of Picton and 1VIrs,' Gannon• of Gannanoque. Neil 'McColl of lion 'Mills and. formerly on the local staff, is presently relieving: here while the • manager, Milton Rayner, is convalescing from an append- ectomy, George Kennedy is preparing for a dispersal :sale of his herd of;'.Hereford•. cattle:.., numbering sone fifty Head: Sale.' date . is' Saturday: 'June 16•th at Pine Echo .Fa.`ni's on. H:iehway. mile.- east of Lucknow: i� one. oyf..the .c.de.t esta- Hereford •her cs in Huron' County: It . was ' i.rn 1'92 j -. 42 • .ars a ci 'that Geo: *e' as. •a boy tiurehased' his f.r.Ft: pair of ou' e'' r d Lierefords, George :s.lanning • . to retire ire from farming, I -le is disrLict,•ie. presentative for:.Herbaget'm. min- eral conditioner 'for livestock,.. and h^s••territory,' which origin-• ally included part of Huron.•. , County has been. expanded •to: take in :Bruce 'County, • His .175 -acre :faun is fisted for sale•' There is widespread- interest in this dispersal sale, 'The herd has been fully accredited. since 1935 and luted and George has never had a Purebred Hereford go down • in., the' :T.B, or blood 'testy ,1 • a • P • •