HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-16, Page 16A.
1.000000®•••• •
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. •
and DRApER1E
All Ready .To Hang In Your giving Room
w'.DIsTF15S Yx m Y -46th
You may order them,
lined "or • • .unlined,; In
lengthsmade to . your
requirements.Should you
• THAT .Lucknow Boy .Scouts will
I. stage a "bottle ' pickup" at
wish to,, make. them ,• • • homes in the community^ on
• Thursday. All cash returnable
yourself' you may 'buy bottles will be accepted with
the material • .by the yard. ;
New . Stock Just Received . In
Plastic :Drapes
Headings And •
Hooks also in stock ,
funds to 'help finance, camping
THAT anniversary • services wi11
• .be held in Lucknow Presbyter-,
ian Church on, Sunday, :with
.Rev. G. L. -1toya1 of .' Knox
Church, • Goderich, guest 'sped
ker at morning ` and evening:
MAT E. A. Agnew is convales-
cing quite satisfactorily athis
hone following surgery which
she recently underwent in Lon-
don: .
THrAT Rev. Hugh A. 'MacMillan,
M,A., Ph.D., 'a native of Kin
loss, who recently • returned
. from . long ,Service' in Formosa.,
received an honourary Doctor
.of . Divinity • degree at Knox
College convocation, Similarly
honoured • were Rev. W: • A.
Young of Guelph and '' Wing.
Commander Rev.. J. Dunn.
For Bedrooans, Kitchens; And Bathroom And;"Shower •
Sets . •
�. •,
Free .Pick-up• and Delivery Monday and .Thursday `.
, ....- .. -. .
Choice Crushed Pineapple 5 tins $1
Fortuna 20 . oz. A low, low price feature.'
Brown Bear Honey Sale: 2 ctns. 49c
No. 1, Clover: '1,6 oz. Save: up to 13c
Kernel Corn Salk 6. tins ' 99c
Quality. 1.4'. 'oz. Save 18c
York... Fancy •.. .
Highhind 'P• •nide •Coffee: 1 1
',Our Exclusive' Top Seller. Bargain.
Pnea Juicele : Sale . � • 2 tins 55c
`Super. Sale: Golden Glory.. Tail_ 48 oz. Special Feature
Ladies' 'and Men's Wear:Lucknow,
THAT Mary Lillian. ..MacKenzie:
00004•••••00004001000440040000000.00•000000001 •' only .daughter of Judge and
(COnthmed. from page. i)
rolloWhig. 'the service, A social
. gathering \vas held at the toWn
captiviatect. those in attendance
with hie warm.; friendly. manner
and :h.'s. ability to 'associate with
ease. with all those present.,along
with, his keen• interest in the
LircknoW and St. Augustine .fOr,
the. Many inipriaverpents to their
chnrehes and . thanked Father
Thomas for hia devOted service
as pastor. Father . Thomas:. called
on Donalcl MacKinnon 'who sPoke
.' half of •Lucknow„. and Cyril
Boyle .Who did the same on 'be-
half of • St.. Augtiitine Lunch
Was ,served by ladies cif both
Guests included -Mr. .aricl
Harvey, Webster and Mr. and
councillors, and arid Mrs;
Don Thoirbpson. Harvey We'bster
extended greetings on. behalf of
THAT Victor. Errington found • :a
ready demand o for his maple
syrup output this season: The
last ; two gallons went; to Pin
her' .`'Creek, Alta. ' Mrs.C.
Glass wrote .0. from the. ` West,
. halving :.seen the. Errington
label. ori • a can' • of ''syrup. They..
replied 0 advising her of the
shipping -charges, ' but Mrs:
Glass wanted . the ; syrup re-
gardless. Vic: • shipped the two
gallons .. by • express . a .. few days.
•;ago, . with' . shipping• . charges.
adding $2.00• a..can to. the, .cost
of the syrup.-
Mrs. P. S. MaicKenzie of Wal-
kerton, , has accepted, 'a : posi
.'tion for the holiday months at:
Banff Springs ,Hotel; Alberta.
She • leaves on ;Tuesday, May
29th. Miss MacKenzie, is a
• granddaughter of :'Mrs. R. V.
'MacKenzie : of Lucknow...
THAT the Ladies' Wednesday
•Night bowling league ' at .Wing-
' ham .;' concluded the . season's
activities, with a banquet..` Mrs:.
• Wil+bert. • (Grace) 'Hodgkinson
was a xnembef of the . champ=
ionship team who received 'in-
dividival' 'trophies., . Miss 'Kay
Macintosh, Lucknow, received a
trophy for. the • most improved
.player. '
the Kairshea W.1..is':holding - :a
dance on Friday for the Artifi-
cial. Ice'' Fund. •
Elwin;. ,Hall :offered to .try ''to.
arrange : 'a Friday evening , band •
concert on' • May :25th :.• of the
Lucknow. and Atwoo'"d bandsmen,
who will be taking part in the•,
Lions' parade •at Hamilton with
the Atwood Club. :
Headquarters For .Everything' That Grows
Certified P.E.1. Seed Potatoes
Spy . Apples, • Pineapples, Garden Seeds,Etc:
Values Effective We Sell : For, Less
May .1.7, . 18,..19. Phone 119,• L ck row
THAT 'a new 'million and 'a half THAT Miss Miry Struthers of
• dollar, hospitalhas been of-. Toronto suffered • a 'fractured •
ficially opened at• Stra'throy:, hip in :a fall a few weeks• ago.
Mrs. William' Reid, 'formerly, of .. She was hospitalized for 'a
iZ ucknow, is assistant director; time and is no* at St. ' Bern-
of nursing at the. hospital. ard _.Convalescent' home.
T'JI•AT the 'Kairshea Women's In-
stitute . is sponsoring. a: •dance
in the .Legion '' Hall, Lucknow,
:.this Friday: evening, May 18th,,
in...aid. ; of the Artificial Ice
THAT W. G. Findlater, Sr , of
Harbor Q Springs, ' Mich., . and
a native: of . Lucknow, doesn't
like to miss the • sr/1d town
paper: The May 2nd. issue
went ,astray, somewhere . and
Mr: Findlater wrote :.• for" a
• copy. He concluded .his' letter
this way: ",I was. glad to :see
by the " April 25th : 'issue .that
the. ice fund has done so well.;
Good luck .for the ' rest of the
THAT :a.; "'children for `adoption"
advertisement appears in this
issue,' that' merits :close strut
THAT Elwin Hall;: a' member of
the. Lucknow. ` District High
.S.chool, staff, has,•purc.liased' the
Stauffer' St. residence •of Dr.
D. R. Finlayson. The Hall fa-
milt' will obtain possession in
July. Theyare presently re-'
:siding in the residence 'of .the
late ' Mrs:' L Con•gram. ' •
THAT Listowel residents •have.
been lucky twice in a row at
the Legion's weekly bingo'. The
wife won ' .thejackpot last,
Thursday evening, and the pre-
' =vious week her • husband :. won
HAAT ' Mrs. Ken Mowbray surf
fered a fall ' on the stairs at
the home' of'Mr. and Mrs. H. D.,
Thompson, early 'last Friday
.evening resulting , in • a . fract-.
• • ured wrist, which will prevent
her from carrying on her hair
dressing duties • for . a• ' time.
Beryl ;also suffered damage to
• her teethand•:a mouth ---injury,
in the fall. She :was taken to
Wingham hospital. '
• Bishop ' Cody's . visit to Luck-
' now. is believed to be only the
second visit of a Bishop in: the
history "of the ebarch. The first.
• was, 63 years agog twb years of
ter the church. 'was blessed as
a ; Catholic "Church.' .It •is believed'
that Joe Carroll of .. Goderich
" Mrs.' Pat Hogan of Hanover 'were
• confirmed at that . tune:
. (Continued froth page 1)
before the terrn's end.
Rae Watson was .named chair-
, Man '.of the July fst 'holiday
celebration. Tentatively planned
is. a Sunday night, band concert
• • and' a. midnight dance: Monday
will feature:a parade, barbecue,
games and dancing,
Ernest Ackert and. Elwin Hall
played 'a trombone duet
' 'accompaniment by.. Mrs, Cum -
Doug *Harton, Who had been
hospitalized was welcomed to
The nect,' regular meeting was
cancelled as' it falls on' conven-
were urged to attend the Sun-
- da parade.
inOr ball activities were 4dis,-.
cusSed and planned.
Pete Bissonnette df Ripley, &
g memlier 'of the local. club was
congratulated on' his election as
.IVIerni3erS were reminded that
Plan Curling
Rink At . ..........Ripley
Serious "consideration: is being
given to building: a three -pad
artificial , ice .. curling rink . in
R'igley: , •
Plans' are being studied. ` by .a'
building committeeComposed. of
Clayton . ' Nicholson, •Howard
'Hodge, Wallace Pollock, Donald-
MacTavish, Mervyn. Furiston and
Jack Stott, A, final decision will.
be 'made 'shortly and it is hoped
that construction can. be started
by mid -summer.
Keen interest in curling • has
been• revived in Ripley, and'. this
has spread .out into a wide .rur-
al area, with many ,farmers tak-
ing upthe sport, and .'adding
incentive and, impetus ' to the
progressive projeet currently be.
Bing considered, • •
• The finance committee is com-
posed of Bob Love, Darwin Pol-
lock, Morgan Johnston, Carl Fun-
stun, ' Mel Pollock and. Kenneth
MacKenzie. This group .are pres-
ently making a survey ' of all
club, members, and other pros-
pective membefs, to assist in the
Walter Lock has beenappoint
ed . treasurer for the building
fund, Don McLa-y is president of
the Ripley club and Lloyd Wylds
Your. Subscription Renewed?
THAT Charlie MacLean , : of
Brussels and' formerly of the
Lanesville' district in :Ashfield;
dropped': into The, Sentinel Of-
• lice 'on Monday, with a /$10.00
donation for the '`ice fund
THAT Mrs. Fred Gilchristwon, a
:lbudgie bird and cage in a free
'.draw at . H IYs Red: and White
Store last 'Week -end.
THAT "pipes on fire" was the
•:'cause of a Sunday afternoon
,fire call t� . the farm of Milvert
Reid, Ashfield '• Township, 'a
mile "south -West of Lucknow.
,Paint in both the' upstairs, and
downsrtairs:• of thehouse was
•blistered': by. the .heat.
THAT Virden Mowbray had` a,
miniature" "horseshoe" cut into
his forehead on Monday, which
narrowly missed costing him
•an ' eye : at least. Virden was
letting cattle out when one of
the animals 'stampeded; through.
a :closed .door flinging' it back
with 'great, force.. The :e, -' of
.a ..piece of . inch -pipe 'affixed to
the door smashed,into. Virden's
forehead just. above the eye,
His .' glasses were ' knocked off
but not . broken. ' •
puN ..THE 'SUN
Choose From°, Our Range. et, Warna Weather Foof-
• wear . Far All The FarOy
Dominion., ..'"Kedlettes" and
,Kaufilion: "'fount Tr
Fully Washable ,A VarietY •StYles .And CO101.5.
THAT Miss • Annie . MacKay was
expected home on :.Wednesdday.
Miss MacKay ,has ;been 'hos-
hos,pitalized in "London • • since De-
cepybefth, where she under-
went ;surgery for a leg ampu-..
THAT , Harvey Treleaven of
•• London and formerly of Luck-
,. now:°suffered :a severe heart
.attack on •Tuesday : of last week.
Latest report is. that he.. is 'put •
of the oxygen tent and ' im-.
proving: Harvey is in Victoria
Hospital. •
THAT George Book of Loreburl,"
Sask., arid' well known. here,
to• 'hockey • fans •cIf . an older
:generation, serids• along $5.00'
to the ice fund,: George; a
wheat, farmer, says the• mois-
ture' 'situation., is just fair,but
considerably better than . in
some areas: They recently built
a big •rink,1O5xl'0 feet at
Loreburn and he says they
still have the job . of shingling
to Ido which'W'i12 : take quite.
a . crew. He concludes the note
with; "May be. down that way
this suimer," Mrs.. Book is
the former• Margaret ,Beaton,
Pricedliom $2.95 -
Laced And Slip -On, n Styles
Priced from..99 $2.69.
n Laced Or Slip -On Styles. Foam Rubber Soles,
ight In Weight For Perfect Coinfort.
Priced from $7.95 - $9.95
. ph... 149 ,