HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-16, Page 15- y
wEDLIMpAT., M.....X .6th, 1962;
Of The United Nations;
i.Igrirnage dor YQut
"sponsored. ;By 17ipley Lodge No, 287.• I.O.O,.F,.
Friday; Moy 18Th
eovn'saacHEsr n.
The winner; to be 'chosen. from 7 contestants
who have written. ' essays on the Unite. d Nations, will'
receive a sixeday trip to New York including a visit
to the .United .Nations.
ctogenarian Has.Acclamatuon For
raided $59 Rugs- Huron Member
Mr. and.M'rs. W. A. Culbert and.:
son' Bill; visited•:. on Sunday with
Mr., and.. Mrs: Leonard Crawford
of Wingham; •
Miss Grace Crawford, Gode-
1ich, is/ visiting a,. few • days at
;the home: of her brother in-law:,
Mr R., J.' Durnin,
Mr and Mrs T. C ;Anderson
•spent"the week -end' .in Torolito'`
;visiting Mrs: Anderson's mother,
Mrs: Lucy Babaian and he sis:-
ter,: Mrs. Arto',.Al-tberk, Mr. Alt-
berkand daughter; Arpi, and Mr.
Anderson's sister,, Mrs. • George
' Whitianz . Mr. Wh:itl am.. and .. fa-
mily. . • '.
Beverley' l McNay, ernployed at •
the farm.: of `'Mr. W.A Cu:1•bert,
spent; tht week -end with;' his par-:,
ens, ,Mr. and. Mrs: • Icelso Mc-
Nay at Paramount.
Miss ~Flora : Durnin of Markdale'•
was home' on Sunday With her
father, Mr,.: R. J. 'Durnin and,
aunt; Miss Grace Crawford.
Mrs.: John Falls, ernployed' at
the Durnin residence,.' enjdyed,' ;a.
genie with her, fainily on' Sun
` lay•at• Formosa. They were`•her
i two ,sons; Jack and Ormond;
their wives and 'families and: her.
daughter; Mr's.. Wilbert Hopkins
and husband of ' London. acclamation Wednesday night • of
Mr, and 'Mrs' Steve • Halesic.. of last week at' ..'.from'. a
Goderioh Visited. Sunday: with her convention :.gathering .Clinton"whish, ov=
mother, Mrs . Frank 'Jones.,.'
erflowed the:Clnton Legion Iiah:
'Visitors on Sunday' with , Mr • .Mr. Cardiff w•as• nominated by.
and Mrs.' Ben Mole, Walter and James Donnelly.. of Goderich, 'week -end with friends i•n,. Wood
Nancy were Miss',' Jeanette':with Mrs. Mae• Mooney, 'of the stock.
Mole; Owen: Sound; • Mrs. W.'13,.. Lakeside town seconding • the Congratulations to
Mrs. Abr{er•
Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Robert nomination - •M 'r i 'wnho. on Friday . observed
ANTED. — Experienced'.
operator • Wanted.
dump truck; op
Apply lo, '-..,Tack,. Farrish, phone,
286,Lucknow. .
Presented With
Mrs. Mary Jane Webster was
:.honoured . on Saturday evening
with.; a Certificate of Merit in
recognition of many years of
faithful service ,to the Lucknow
Agricultural Society. r -
•The, award was presented •by
Stuart 'Robertson, a past presi-
dent and veteran metriber of !the
SQociety. -
Mrs, Webster,Who is nearing.'
her 84th birthday,' made a neat
reply, and later became the
first person to renew •their .'1962.
Membership' in the. Society. .
The meeting was, presided. over
byPresidentIlan-.Miller, . and:
a good deal was accomplished in'.
making plans, and • finalizing
plans 'For the 19'62 fall Fair.
The group displays open ' to
all • women'. organizations,' .will
this year be confined. to one dis-
play with all ladies groups• eli-
gible. Prize money • will be in-
creased sharply to $1i5., $1Q., $7.,.
:Revision .to the ladies' depart-
trent; made recently, were. ap-
proved . at Saturday's meeting,
The development of area,
schools has Created a bit of a
probherri as . to:..school; parade;
song -and yell competitions. This
• year each . room in' the' area
school, and in . Lucknow . Public
•School will be :considered as a
•"siehool." This. will ..permit the.
Lucknow :classrooms to corn-
pete; for the first time:
To.: ,classify the • schools . seem-
ed a • bit -too . complicated and I
would prolong' the. competitions
too greatly. • • •
Irn the public school livestock.
: competitions• the dairy calf ,must
be a " heifer.and • the .'beef class
either steer or heifer.• i -H calves
'are not eligible:
'he Pair Board will again„
sponsor. the Ethel Brant 'Montiire,
,•.essay,: contest. •`The subject :is
' "The school program .. , at our
fair, and must be written be-
fore , the Mend.. of, the term, 'and
certified :by•
•.the teacher as solely
the Work .,of the :.student.,
Oil' painting 'by numbers is a,
new class'in handicrafts which.
ELSTON `CARDI•FF; "will be open to women '65 or
Elston Cardiff, Brussels district Twist ..Contest . .
farmer; who hhas'represented, the . The : pony tail, 'and' freckles"
riding at Ottawa 'for '22' `years,, contests Will..be. eliminated this.
has:' again, been nominated as' year and "replaced by a.: public,
.Progressive -Conservative; candi- school "twist' contest."
date ;in the, fgrthcoming 'J;une el
He received the nomination by
More Meat For Your Meat DoHar {
Choice Home Killed; •
;f and 'Pork
Hind' Quarters .Beef, 125 lb..ay., t . .
Front, uarters Beef, 125 lb, :ay. ..,
Sides Of Pork (1/2 . Pig). 75 +lb.. ay.: „ ,.
This. Includes Cutting And: Wrapping,
. Charges,
', 36c lb.
35c. ib.
No Extra
Weekend, :Beef Specials
Round, Sirloin, T -Bone ' Steaks . ,:.. , „ :; .. 79;
Boneless 'RumpRoast, , .:.. , , .. 69c lb.
Prime Rib. Roast (short cut) . .: , . ,:.,• 65c lb.
4 7c lb.
Lean Ground Beef - 21b; . , . , , .1 .. 79c.
Lean Stewing Beef 21b. . , ....' , :. ,. 99c.
Blade Roast Of Beef . ,.
Park: �Necia s
Shoulder ' Roast Of Pork . , . , , , 39c .lb..
Fresh3 Hams Whole . or Halves. . , ..... , .. , . 49c' 1b.
Loin or Rib Pork. Chops ...'. , ," .: . . . : . 5% lb..
Shoulder Butt Chops. . ; .' .: 49c . lb.
Made Daily Home Made Sausage- 3 'lb. 99c.
Hogs Monday's, Cattle Monday Thru'' Fridays
Phone 100
ice,-' i..ii,� iii •
'One entry from each school.
(or.: room in area and public
schools) is permitted. • and must
be ,a couple boy and girl. s
The Lucknow' District High
:S'chool. Band is .to be engaged.
The:Photographic 'Cont'est -ini-
ini-tiated last year will. be repeated
with: four 'classes and `prizes of
$2.: and '$1 in each Glass:..
•, r?The' Society is to provide pens
.for, sheep and swine.
The :collectors this .year are
Lorne. Woods. and Bob Lyons.
Colin FingIari,d, • lay • minister,
:gave: an, ' appropriate address.
The; choir sang an 'anthem'
"Mother." The church was fil-
led: ,
il-led;:. to capacity. :
Mr.. neither, Maize spent the.
Mole; Billy and. : - ' .. • . • ' 0 85�th�.•birthda
viol y nd Joanne ' of the Guest speaker. was . Hon. Geo: her y. Since coaling
age and - Mr. and Mrs.. Don
Wgden, Victoria . and, Monty of
'Kincardine•• and Mr.' :Larry
Ier; ;Owen'. Sound,
-We are• pleased to know Mrs.
Thomas • Webster,' Who was 'con-
valescing, at the home of -' her
,cousin, Miss Rena Stevenson of
•liensall 'for .:a week,' came at
the end of the,. week to the
.home of her 'daughter, Mrs. Bill
Bradley, Goderioh.
Vinitors''With' Mrs.
'were ... Robert •Bere
Mr, `and Mrs. 'Harvey Cul-
bert' an!d family, ,Gaderich , Mr.
and Mrs,. Eldon Culbert and Bon-
Mrs. Eva." Elliott of `Ingleside;:
'rho is. Mrs. Hugh 1VIeWhinney's
mother; has greatly :improved &
lback in her ovv+n' home after a
stliybiness this past winter.
Mr n Friday, May.11th" to
and 1Virs. Franklin, E. "..Stin-
gel•(bee .Sandra . Gleiser) of
SWsn Bills,'' Alta, a son, 6 • l'bs. '
S oz,, at Westlocit Hospital.
•The 4-H Home Making Club
(The Dungannon Sew and So's)
to"s be dellin, thein & skirts
p t blebmothey have. just con
siitute"at the next Women's In -
p.m, inmeheting, May 3:lst at 8:30
y School United
Mrs. C` ester
Albert Henry, , . Cooke ., passed.
away in North /Bay on'Monday
of last week :following a lengthy
illness. He' .was in;his 73rd year.
Mrs.'Tom ''(Doris) MacKenzie
of Lucknow 'is.'a daughter. Mrs..
MacKenzie flew from Toronto"
to 'the parental.hosn�e.. The fun-'
•eral. service: was held on. Wed -
Mr and Mrs Cooke visited '
#requenily',in this .community
were . very fond of Lucknowv.'
Besides his widow. and daugh- ,
ter Doris; he .is survived byEa'
son Wes of West' Ferris and a •
daughter,. Mrs.J. Armstrong
(Gladys)., of Michigan City.:
nesday ,cnduicted by Rev. C, F.
,Large of .the. Anglican Church
of St,: John the Divine of .•which.
he Was a member. Mr:. Cooke
was `a life member . of, Golden
Beaver,, Masonic Lodge at Tim-
•;Barn at Birmingham,. . Engl'and,
•:on J'uly-' 29th, 1&80, Mr., Cooke.
came to :Canada, in ::1:9;10. and 'on
September 2ind • 19912, at ' Cobalt,
•married Mary C Price.
They had lived at'. Timmins,
and Schumacher prior to retir-
ing to. West Ferris 'at North Bay..
Prior to. his' 'retirement,‘. Mr.
Cooke was • chief accountant' at
• We • were.• • sorry to, hear 'Mr.;
Henry :Gardner •• is in Wingham•'
Mr and Mrs Marvin Scott .
boy's .visited' "iviith'' Mr. and Mrs.. /
'Lorne', H- ackett. ;on `Sunday:
Mr: and Mrs. George Hunter
Visited ,Sunday with Mr.. and
1VIrs Chester'•:Hackett ".;
Mr."and Mrs.Bill Hunter and .
.Larry• Visited _with Mr. and Mis..:
Alex .Hackett on Sunday." •
Mr. and Mrs,• Donald , Murray
and Mr. :arid Mrs. Russel 'Irvin
and ° .families visited: with Mr.. -8'4
Nelson Raynard . `on . Suit
day: •
Mr..' and Mrs.. Jim:. Smith and
family; 'and Mrs: Jean' Papernick
:Larry; arry; ' Mrs. /Robert : Irvin,.
,Mr.and. Mrs. Elmer Wall visited:
with. Mr....and 'Mrs. Will Ritchie.
Sunday;': School is at.: 10 and
''clikirch at 11 ,for. the, .month of'
Mr, . and Mrs: D. A. 'Hackett,:
'Joan and Lori ,(visited Sunday
with Mr.. and Mrs. ' Alex Leaver,
On theroad, •as in : a •baseball
game, it is; the number of times'
you . reach horne safely thalt
Dees, MSP, for : Toronto .Broad to the ,village seventeen :years the ` 1VI'aeItit re -Pore • ine. ; Mines Where all . think like•
y tip a•_ - on one
VieW Canadian Minister' of Trade ago,' she -las .completed; making rn` Schurriacher:; thinks ver` much:
•860 braided_rugs. She ,.had made
and Commeri e;Y
Mr Cardiff , spoke . brie�fl ' and 38' before coming:. to the;.village,.:
with �confid,ence"I haven'tya fear. but has made all the rest. She
of losing in this riding, When you ,:says' it has, been her hobby buf
'1dok after your constituents Pro- not •always easy, as.. during that 1
•perly, you ; don't have to ask for- time she has . broken both her
votes, -If 'anybody thinks there' but.is still 'going strong.
isn't any fight inthese 'old bones, Those from - a disatance, who
„ ' dropped • in' to see .her were Mr.::
they'll. find out differently," as and Mrs, Tassel Cotter, Detroit,.
Chairman. of the rriee in w
John Durnin 'of West Wawanosh,.
president of the . Huron County
Progressive -Conservative Associ—
Finnigan convener of Horne Eco-
nornics' will have as guest
speaker, ..Miss Isabel Gilchrist,
Horne Economist with •the De-
partment of Agriculture: All are
Welcome, especially the mothers
of 4-H girls' •andd' prospective 4-11
girls and their mothers. • •
Family • Dayr,, was observed .at
the : Dungannon United Church •
Sunday morning. --Sunday school,
teachors and their scholars as-
sei•n!bied and at in the centre
row of 'seats, David Dawson led
the service.and Lynda Blake led his bike 'on the. way home, from,
in the responsive readings and school, breaking' his' right arrrt,-
told` thechildren's story.Mr. gust a little above the elbow.
. Mr .Robert• Hayden, Mr. and 1VIrs.
A.riiersdn Mugford, . London, Mr.
Lee Potter, Detroit, • Mr: and Mrs.
Douglas Freeman, _Clinton-, Mr -
and Mrs. 'Ken Morris and•. Brad;
Vanstone, • Benrin•iiler • and :.Bev.
Colin McLean, • London
• Viaitors On Saturday with Mrs.;
Mathew Shackleton were' her
/brothers,Mr.. Lawrence Gray of
Belleville and Mr. Willard Gray,
San Francisco, Cal,, and sister,
Mrs:, Howard' 'Durnin, • Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott
spent the week -end• with their
daughter, Mrs..Oscar Cuthill, •Mr.
Cuth.l1 olid son Paul of Walton:
. 'We were sorry to hear of little
Johnny Young; second soh of Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Young, falling' off
A Meeting Will Be .Held. In The
Township Hall,'Holyr�o4
onlay, MOY:2lSt at 9 p.m.
For The Purpose. Of Re -or anizatilon And To
Meet the Candidat�;Jqhn McKenzie
Sponsored >`3► .'The. Bruce Liberal . Association
• � � . 0 . 0 • .- -tea.-� s � ► ��.. � �+.. � + � y� + ►