HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-16, Page 11„WiWESDAY, MAY 1601, 1962 1 TI • UcKNovv—sENTINT:G;-1. .4.48.wr,"1,04oraitromF4iwollooillt44.11. t11101...0111. . • MOTR;PRQOFEI). FREE • puriug. :The,Month, 'MAY*, .,,By • • .:••• Inge :Kinctiedifle'r. $00..U0 To..$1.09;.:p.ef Garment .�4J THS SEtc144.1, OFFER .• • AGENTS:.. • • Sanderson's, lucknow. Phone 85 For Free Pick -Up And Delivery D. A. MacLennan, 'Lochalsh Cities, Service Station Whitechurch KINLOUGIf. The WA: met on. Thursday at the home of Mrs., Howard Thompson with the president, Mrs. Roy Schneller' in the chair. "Breathe on Me.. breath; of God” *as the .opening hythn followed hy•the Meinbers prayer, a Special prayer for the 'prayer Partner and the Lord's Prayer. aViiss Edna Boyle read. the scripture. Mrs. George Graham gave the. meditation on portions . of ' the Lord's Prayer. Visitors Were wel- coined. Therola call was an••• swered with the word "Spirit." The :meeting ' was Closed with hymn and prayer: 'This; being a; work 'meeting, . the afternoezi was spent quilting. Mrs. George. :Graham .will be the June :hos tess: Mrs. William .Stanley of tuek- now sPent a 'few dayS with. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy. • Miss .Margaret Schneller Kitchener .and Mr. Donald' Earl' of Ingersoll spent .the Week -end: with Mr,•and 'Mrs. Roy SchrieHer, .1.1r. and Mrs. Joseph Dixon Durham visited on,. Sunday with Mr. :and Mrs. Dan McInnes. and , • , , • • . Mrs. J..W. 'Colwell: Visited on Monday -with relatives at Hari- . The Anglican • service Will, be held at 120 On Sunday next: Mr, and Mrs, Ezra. Stanley •re- turned home after an enjoyable trip to Florida. • Sunday visitors. with Mrs. W. Colwell Were Mr. :and Mrs. Walter. Forster 'and . family of .Ripley, Mr. and Mrs, Don Mc- 0)s/I and ,family' :o,f . Purple' Grove, Mr.:. and Mrs. Currie Col- well and family, 2nd don., 'arid'. Mrs. Annetta Bushell of• Luck - now. , • Auxiliary Raily To Be At Brussels The' regular meeting . of the /Ladies'. Auxiliary to; Lucknow Branch no.. 300 .Royal Canadian. Leglion, held thein regular meet- ing •on. Tuesday,: May 1st.' There ., • . • were 9 'Members present. • , The•' Rally is to. be -.held . at Brussels on Wednesday, May 23. A.111 those going, to be .atthe hall before...7 • sharp. All triernibers are .requeSted to .bring 'some, thing..to each ',Meeting for the bazaar to be held at .a :later • date;. The AUxiliary, Candidate is to be. 'picked for ' the. Con- vention. at : the June Meeting and all members requested to • I attend. 'thank • you note was read from •the , Legion, thanking; theladies farhaving them at their. birthday _party. .-, ' • ‘,1 NOW, ONTARJ C.G.I.T. HELD THEIR REAFFILIATION SERVICE On Thursday, 1Vtay 10th the Stepping Stones C.G.I.T. Group held their annual Reatfiliation Service. Also present were the .girl's , mothers and some of W.M.S. rmeinbers. Margaret, Mulr lin, president, Welcomed the gueSts.., . Mrs. ,Heril'y MacKenzie, Pres- byterial Secretary for 'Girls' or- ganizations Presented .the new members with the badges, Mrs. Philip Stuart was. Lthe guest speaker. ' • • . •• • : PAGE . FLEVEN 4 RIPLEY Custoni Butchering Mondays — Hogs, $2.00 in b3% 4:00 p. . Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pOund CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY pAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY • • We Do Curing and Smoking . Beef, Pork and. Lamb. Sold Whore, Half or Quarter. . . For Better Service, And Lower Prices — Call Ripley 100f Chas. Hir isma, Prop. Following tie •Prd'grain " the NEVVS. BRIEFS' girls served cookies and tea At) their (guests. Thii fulfilled the C.G.I:T. meetings for this year. Zion United Church Women The Zion 'United Church Wo- men Met' at the home of Mrs. Harvey Ritchie for their May meeting with 21 rnernibers arid 1 visitor present. The president, Mrs. Jim:, Hunter, opened •the: meeting. The devotional -service was taken IV Mrs. NeLson Ray- nard and Mrs. Robert read the scripture.•IVIrseorge Hunter gave the visitors 'report. The study book was taken by Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. Mrs. W: G. Hunter read a couple of 'Spring poems. Mrs Jin Hunter gave a reading 1Vlother so Hands." Mrs. Graydon Ritchie was ap- pointed to get the Program :for the Grandmother's meeting in June. 'Mrs. Bert. Alton gave.: • a report . the • "work, shop" /meeting that 'was • .held in Exe- ter. She stressed the need, of Oible ,study,groups and the most gOod Caine When it -Was •Prepared before the meeting. • The *flower fund secretary •• read a "thank you" .note and: Donna Ritchie played. an instrumehtal. Ns. Alton closed. the meeting ith prayer after which , lunch. was served ; by • the hostess assisted .by . Mrs.. Ja.meS.,,Hunter and. Mrs. Eunice Dunsmuir. • • ' -f, Kinloss The May meeting of the, Kin- ross 'United Chureh Women was held an Wednesday evening in• the Church. with Mrs.• James Hodgins as. hostess, Mrs.. Ellison. cl)orial , • • ESSO SERVICt FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES. DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock) AT REASONABLE PRICES! -Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics Wheel. Alignment and Balancing MOTORCADE DEALER Hodgins had charge of., the de- votions and. Mrs. Jirn! MeEwan had the Bible Study '.• A' chapter . from the ,stUdy boOk • by Mrs. Harold Bannerman' •was• followed by •a' group 'discussion •using questions from 'Part . 2 of the book.;"Where are We?" The roll call was answered by .Mo- ther's fayoUrite iHymn" also donation's for .the 6ale, The ent sale brought. $11.00 .and lunch was served. • ". • ' Langside W.M.S. , . •;.'The May meeting of the Lang, • side: W.M.S. was held at the home of. Mrs. Everette Whytoek.. The ..Srrieeting was ;opened :'Witli • the call to -,worship •ib,y :the Pre- sident, Mrs: Gordon. Wall. Scrip- ture lesson , was . read • by Mrs, Prr. Mr's. Lloyd Moffat . gave the. meditation ,on "AaGroup We Must' Search , for the Host Coin." Mrs,' Everette •Whytock led in praxer, Readings. „were given. by Mrs, Dave Moffat and Mrs. Wesley' YOung. The offer- ing prayer was gin by Mrs. William Evans. Plans ;Were Made for the ladies to attend, the Presbyterial in LuicknoW' on May. 16th. Mrs, Charles 'Tiffin: ' gave the message from the Study Book, , The next meeting is . to. be at the harm Of Mrs. Li,oyd Moffat on June 7th. Roll. •call to be answered with: a verse containing the Word "Salvation.". The meeting closed with hymn and the Lord's Prayerin uni- son. • • MEMORIALS Unsurpassed in Beauty and Value . • MORRIS , ' GRANITE And, MARBLE WORKS. •Representative • A. Ross MacLennan Phone 51 Kincardine 111111111ftliiiiiimiiii.-: • • • • oe • "Mother," 'said, the little bOy, "will you help me with • some wards? Is it correct 'to say you 'water a horse' when he's thir- sty?" • ' •"'Yes, quite correct," •• "Then (picking up a saucer) I'm going to milk the cat." f • FROM NEARBY Warden John MacKenzie, • of Bilice County, was presented with the traditional - cane and attache case •at a• gathering in his honor' :attended by 400.o- ficials - .and friend S at Underwood. Sod will be turned the middle of this month for a new in- dustrial 'plant ori a ten acre Site across frOm. the Union Carbide factory at Walkerton. • Contract. . price of the new • vocational School to be: build at .Clinton is $1,3117.00.9.' • • A letter -Writ& tc,' the Tees - water News wants to know whY the ratepayers aren't given an' opPartimitytovote. on the Pio-. posed sewage system. e has it estiinated that the cost of the Work, interest charges and. op- erating costs, would run Well ,in excess �f a half' million dollars over the .next, .2:0 years. • "Does' your husband Under- stand. horseracing?" : - "Indeed he does. The day: be- fore -•a race ,he always knows which horse is certain. to. win, and the day' after he knows ex- actly why it • , wound up and farmers are con- centrating• on repairing 'renees in order • to get the cattle' out to grass. •• , Mr. and Mrs. Brawn and family, Clifford, have moved the vacant house •• on Morley Wall's farm. Wellcome to• the mumuWeei,c11-jetrir. • d41siltor,9'.with. Mr Mrs. Albert',/Harriaand family were Jet10-larris, London, Mr. and. Mrs.' Bdb Harris and Mi- chael, Teeswater,•,and Mr. and: Mrs. Joe Dillon and Danny, To- ronto. • Mr. and Mrs. •Tom Hackett 43c • Doug, Ashfield, spent • Sunday, with Mr. and mrs..Midford ,Wall and Donnie, . • • , 'Mrs. .Tom Stewart spent the Week -end with -Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart. Kincardine. and attended, the baptism .of her granddaughter, Cynthia Lee Stewart, •. • . Mr., and Mrs. Ronald Stanley. and farrWY, Kinloss were. Sun-. daY• visitors '.at Stewarts. , . • • .„. • • Any• Goverrunent Deficiency • Paym,ent" will .apply only.on, • properly. graded wools. • 7 Secure the utmost by patronizing the organization that rade •'Possible. SHIP COLLECT TO CULROSS ,CORNERS Our Registered Warehouse. NO. Weston, Onfario •• Obtain sacks and twine • • • The' community was repre- , without ch,ar,ge from .Sented at the 'reception for, Mr. , and. Mrs, Ronnie Thompson (Jean Irwin).'in the Leg•lon.Hall,' Luck- now,on Saturday night; • Mrs.'.Erie Hodgins has return- ed to her home here.. • Understand Jimmie McDonald 1.4 "employed' at London. • • At time of. writing, • seeding operations are 'pretty • ,well • • • , • Philip, Steer R.R. 5, Lucknovir • or ,by Writirrg to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE' •WOOL GROWERS LIMITED • 40 St. Clair Ave. East,• • ' Toronto 7, Ontario • • be 0 and kis Shadow . • • Carrying a bone in hiS mouth, a' dog crossed a river on a narrow • bridge:He sa* his own image • • reflected in the water and decided • that.it was another dog with a • 'bone larger thanhis. Consuined • with envy, he opened hit mouth to grab the other bone • and. lost his own.•• • 111 • The man who has a 'planned\ Sun Life of Canada insurance program need envy no one. For no one can better face theluture than the man who, ' through the medium of life insurance, • ' hag provided for his retirement years or, • if he should not survive, fdr his family's future seturity. „ Youwill' SUN Lift ASSURANCE 40MP ANY OF dANADA ricell nie.tatiawh'Yyrmi •• Ltie Psituronte my pi.ofesisicin and. I ant at yorli • R.R. 29' LI,ICHNOW • Phone Wingham 717--w-4 . . . . , . SUN UFE ASSRANCE. COMPANY OF .CANADA • j, • 1=',grilikii"r -41111164111?""iti, kligi;i0mage.'"ara- • • .- • 4 • 444 4 P.a. • ; • ; , . . 94 ; •• • • . • •.'`1,••• k • • , , 4,r • • .• • • if • • • .• , '