HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-16, Page 8W'
uu■u■ onosoiuru•••tii _uoa•its000soa■mo:lua,ss••••r0� .
. •
That IS Whqt
..• + uberul
I' Will Work : For..
The Liberal party has,
for today's problems,.
the answers that are.
- : progressive, •realistic
and . responsible.
▪ •
Elect John Mackenzie In Bruce Riding;.
• '.. ..-44••1 �+♦ • 111.
• ■
a John himself is a rproblems.'fanner ad&vows rural life and •
■■ : .''. When . the farmer prospers,' 'everyone prospers . •
m the Daily 'Commercial News' of full=scale nuclear' power station.
$313.00 from the General to , the • '
■ I3ughwiay account In charge •of the information
centre is Chief Guide,•` Ivan
Moved by 11Vlaclntyre'' and ,Ac - ;Lloyd of :Kincardine,'and former-
kert 'that. the !Clerk: write thee ly of Lucknow. Mr.. Lloyd twill
■ Holyrood Wornen s•institutehave three students,;to. assist in
ngiven to e of improvement ;assistanceeciation for at Town= the guiding ;operation during the
• summer. •From• the university of
ships Hall. Western 'Ontario will• come
■ Moved by Bushelll and '.Mac • J, D, Rowland, `who, has • •already.
Intyre,: that the Reeve contact worked at the 'D,ouglas: joint
• our Solicitor, re indigent account, site, and is a' summer resident
Kinloss 'Seeks.
Grader Operator
Kinfloss: 1V1unicipa1. Council met
on May 7th 1902 as per adjourn
1pr� � Fir Visitors
At Doucilas Poinf
The information 'centre , at
Douglas Point Nuclear Power
Station_ w111 be •,open to• visitors
mend. All meml ers present.,
- ..
Moved by .Ackert and Bushell
daily. from: 10,00 a zn• until•
that the minutes of the last re from a s staff'
gular meeting of April. and as
read 'be approved and signed.
Moved by Evans and ,MacIntyre,`
that, we transfer the Account of
May19th. Daily.opera-
tion• of • the -centre,. with
of four guides will be ,continued
throughout the summery , Last
yeas more than 42,0Q0, people
visited the site of Canada's first
a rM�cKenzie:See andhear Ill
■ On .C.K.N.X; ''TV Friday, May 18th at 6.10 p.m.
i • A.` Liberal . Committee • . Room ' Is ' Now . Open
:,• ' ,.: hit.. Kincardine In. The Ross - Block .•
■ ■
iliished' : byBruce . Liberal Association
■ Pubh •
, u
rs. Lorne Woods ' •wel'conied '
the, • St.' Helens United . Church
Women to her ,,home on Tueslday
to' • the ' May meeting. Sixteen.
ladies.' answered the roll call
`with a verse , of '•scripture con,,
•taining "power.. The scripture
lessons were mead `.by' Mrs.. W. I.
:1VIiller. and Mrs. Toro ,Todd. , Miss
W. D. �Ruther'ford . presided and
the program was .in charge :of
Mrs:,E: W. ; • Rice:' Prayer was,-
. offered ' byMrs. B. . FL . Green•
Mrs 'Carrick ' gave . the . Bible,
Study , on a"Wan From The.
Bible" and the story "The* 2:rid
harvest" was` • read by • Mrs
Charlie •' McDonald ' The . S't.
Helens ladies are invited to Cal-
vin Brick'.!Church On May 21st:
Plans "were'' made for a June
Tea with the .: neighbouring
'Church Groups as /guests.. Lunch
was .served by Miss Annie Dur
nin and Mrs.' E. • W. Rice:
;MT. ,;and Mrs'. • William ,Selblbei
of Stratford were ;Sunday visit
• ors with Mr; W A Miller and
?Mrs. "Ross' Gainmie . attended
the "Officers" Convention of the;
W.I.. in Guelph: on Wednesday
and .,Thursday.: '
Mrs, Ken Grewar and, Nancy
of Sudbury • spent the 'past: week
With her : parents,. Mr. : ,and -Mrs.
Harvey Webb. Visitors on the
week -end • at ..the Webb • home
were "Mr. Ken Grewar .and, Mr,
and Mrs. , David Gilmour. of
Mr. artd':VIrs. Barry 1VIcQuillin
of Kitchener and Mr.:Ivan Mc-.
Quillin of Elmira :spent Mother's
Day "witch Mr. and ' Mrs.' Fred;
Moved byEvans arid Bushell, of Por t Elgin. ' With Mr Rowland
that, we advertise for .a grader. Twill• .be W. D. McKee from 'Wat-
„operator at 1$1.00 .'per hour on erloo University; And L.. R; -Blond•
duty, application to be in the. from tMe' University . of Toronto.'
hands'.•af the, Road Supt. by 8uglas Point
p.m., • May',21st, 1.98122. This year the . Do
'information centre has been, ex
Moved' by Ackert and 'Bushell 'tended 1by'• the . addition• of•, an
that we 'do now adjourn Ito: mneet auditorium which will seat ' 150
':again in regular session, June people. Visitors to the .station,
•4th, , 1992. . • • • will be ,able • to see 'a' half-hour
' Special' [meeting Monday` even- :film entitled,' "Atomic Energy in.
ing, 1May. 321st 'at 8 p:m:"• . Canada, New exhibits have ,been.
• Cheques Issued . John Mc added to.the ''.Centre • to . explain_
Innis, W F 'Inspector, $1195.60;• the work which is 'going on at
E. 11. Agnew, premium Treasurer the .site
'and Collector 'bond, 19,41;. Fair-. • Douglas Point Nuclear Power
haven Nursing 'Home,. March. & Station • is ' a 200,000 kilowatt
April • care, 1181150,. , Pinecrest plant being built by,.•Atomic En
Manor, • March care, 183.00; R. ; ergy, of...Canada Limited with the
Ackert, steel toilet room, 3:20; co-operation of .Ontario .Hydro
,MacDonald,' r ie fund,
18 50 •. Haldenby'•s" .;Store, relief,
30,00 chapman's ,.Store,. relief„
60.06;- Lucknow Sentinel, adv.,'
118.9 ity o Oshawa, • charge.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th;, 1962,
Ripley Huron Branch-No,..440.
Royal Canadian Legion
:. Victorin Day.__r
Fireworks 'Display
SaturdaMay 19.
Ripley -Huron Park
In Township •Hall :: 8.30'
..Legion Auxiliary sale of f.
hom,emade baking •at 8:30
p.m. at . .the bingo; •
Fireworks At ' Dark
One admission for, the night'
$1.00 per family - 25.c each
.in ..1965;
This year visitors will" see. the.
erection of more than 2;000tons'.
of strpctural steel for the tur-
'bine . and. service buildings. On
the lake'hore, the existing cof-
ferdan • will be. extended' a fur
Vier 400 feet so that the circulat-
ing , ,water. intake .can be .com-
•leted .Later' .in the` year;Che
nuclear • reactor will be .deiijered
to the site.
Truth, has only•to change hands.'
GRANDMA •D G ell f f d The station will .be in operation a few times to• become fiction..
Wee •• boys need a.:grarid do . moo••••••o•+•••+•e•o••••S•oo•o•p••••••••o••o••••ii•
What •' Would a• "wee `.'boy..do :. . ,, .. • ..•
For cookies, nickels; peppermints' h ••-
$' G'' f h+
1 gran: r- two. • •
Without, a g o .
back relief, 2`2'70; Petrie Heating t w SCHUETT'S•:
Grandmas,. kook, 'Understandingly
Labs, oil ; , furnace installed,. • M •
• he '6 '5°4 Po11 ck ' Electric, toilet • • .
o , M�Im Furniture :Showrooms
When , Wee boys. '.make a nose, fixtures 7,618.30; Lloyd ' Johnston, • . ,••
They just 'look kindly o'er their ' •
carpenter work, 203410 Russell • ::. 35 'BEDROOM. SUITES -•. Including .Double. Dresser, •
• Bookcase Bed, ` -Chiffonier, 3' Piece Suites'. At •
is 129.00: 14300 $165.00, etc.. ,; •
•. BEDDING - 837 Coil Mattress $39:00, .Springfilled •-
' •
Select Broadloom :: At .Schuett's Carpet Bar
specs ' Swan, ;carpenter'• work, • 143:50;
And 'say,, boys .will .• be::.bQYS.. , r •: ,x , ,- e .. . , .
Arid when tlaT`e evening . shadows W111YaiPn. Kempton, load cement
gravel, : '8.00 McLennan and
- fall
Gran 'sings so <soft 'and low;
The .old . hymns she sang as
girl '
In days of .. long. . ago.. . .
A • boy needs grandma's prayers
•'' at • night' •. •
What." wrnild 'a wee . boy do,
Why he just, , c ouldn',t.' get along.
Without a gran • •or. two;". '
MacKenzie,. supplies: at• hall; 41487;
Mrs. '",Mansfield, -caretaker, , 30.29.;-
'0 29,
.Harold Stanley,.' W.F..' operator,
950.00. P.. A. .Murray, : ,council •
fees, 30.00; A. 1VIacImt re council • Kroehler Chesterfields
y ' • New '• And Used Pianos
fees, ': 3,0:0Q. J.: Ackert, . ;council ...
fees, .30.0:; Wil�li'am•Evans,. coun 111/ • `':
cil. fees, 30:00; Ed Bushell, .coun-
cil fees, • 30.00; 3. R.. Lane,' on �.
account Clerks, 100;00, `Frank
• ..,Mattress `Special $19.50
.Phone Orders Accepted
Wm, 1VL ' Buckingham' Thompson; on account Treasurer Phone. Endicott 7-`2308 Mitday Ontario 1'
and Collector; 1150.00;' Frank'
• •
Thompson, 'postage, 5.00.. • ,• iii••••••/••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1•101.1
Highway cheques . Car- :••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
ruthers, Road Supt an•d • mg iles e• '
$90.510~ J. McGillivray. labor; •••
: Visitors • with Mx and Mrs: 18.00;
John 1ViacR,ae ,and "family were John �Mclnnis, " labor, :2 70; •
1VIr and Mrs Baird and f airiy MEdcVThlampgrsoane r, floap'beora, t or9; 425�6,�5.0H0.;
• .IN.
of Flint 1VLihigan. J. ,:Tiffin; tractor grader, 3':3.00• ••
Mr. and Mrs h:an Wyl,ds ,spent '�'�
a feW days with. Mr. and Mrs,.
John .' Cowan .at• Coruma: ;
Mrs. '' Mary H. Marty[ of R'ip-
.ley .. Visited with . Mrs • ..David
MacMurchy during • ,the week.
The affiliation service, for the.
0. Tiffin,. tractor 'grader., 12...00;. •` '
Don Gillespie, loading and draw- ' I MODEL
ink gravel, '209:00.; Cities Service, •
fuel. •'and' oil,. :1$3.00; Dominion
Road Machinery ' Co.; . repairs,
25.541; R.:. Ackert, bull •dozing, • •
17.75; T. J: Mansfield, fuel and :•.
G G.I.T: girls was •_held : on 'Tues- ..•
day evening in Ashfield .Presby, oil for sprayer; 4.2.83; ' 'Carman, N. 1962 Pontiac Standard Sedan terian Church, • ' Whytock,: fence bonus, 20.00; • ,1962 Pontiac', Laurentian. � n
•` ' • �• .Sedan..
Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Johnstone Cecil Dore, fence' bonus,' 40:0.0 • 1961• Pontiac" Standard Sedan
of . Detroit are spending • a . few
;holidays with• Mr. and. Mrs.
Duncan Farrish -and :boys.
Angus Cline of., Trepton spent
°the / week -end with his parents,'
40 'o n�l1 U�t, 11 11�ti tl:n ,firm,m'ii tt�,�1 0a tl�f- illmi inott,
Huron County Tuberculosis
Dominion Hotel,. Zurich
Thursdtiv, Mary 3lst at 6:45 p.m.
r•••••••(•••i•••••••• •••n•••••••••••••••••••f
Dr, : I. B. R. Duncan, Assistant Professor of Bacter-
iology University of Western'' Ontario, Will Speak Ori
The Subject:• �.
"Antibiotics and Infectious Disease"
' �,ni�rllaiwiiwri"i�►Yf+�i�ii�i11+•Yrs,psi,viiia►,i�ciNr�2lj�u�b�tieYi�lw►t��tyi�►„s,���Qi
• 1
automatic fully equipped
John E. ..Hodgins, fence bonus, ' •• .1961 Pontiac Laurentianpower steering, aµtomatic, • rally ••
.45.00; +DominionRoad ,Mach. Co., • ;�:
equipped. •
grader '• overhaul, 4,6i99:76, J R.' • •
• • 1961 Pontiac Pari$ienne 4 -door hardtop,. V-8, , automat>Ic, •
Lane, • unernployrnen�t stamps; , • ;