HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-16, Page 6r
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:Election D.etaiis
[x:piciinedW I
The Silver Lake W11. met•• at
the home of Mrs. George Young.
on Wednesday afternoon, May
2nd for their May meeting" with
•a •good attendance. Mrs. Albert
Colrweli presided, .
• The ,'aoli call was; "A ' way ' to,
help our community:" The scrip-
ture ,was read by Mrs. Douglas
Bannerman; The President
thanked the •canvassers. and.
members for' their co-operation
in the drive for funds for can-
cer research. Safety posters are
to ' be' .distributed ' 'by• the Insti-
tute. Standing reports 'were .given;.
by Mrs. Wayne Porter on 'Agri-
culture, Mrs. George Young on,
-Current Events, Mrs. • • $$tairt,.ley.
Cooper on Hon'ie Economies, Mrs.
William Stanley' on; Health and.
Mrs. Clarence Hedley on Citi-
zenship. The delegates to •the
District Annual in Holyrood. on
May 18th: will be Mrs. Clarence
Moulton and Mrs. Win. Camp-
bell, f '
'The theme of the meeting be=
• in Public Relations,'' Mrs. Malbel
Campbell gavean'. excellent pa-
per on • the forthcoaxing 'Election.
The interest we slitould all take,;
the preparations of appointing
Returning, Officers, Enumerators
and their duties, etc. " and clearly
;pointed. • out, .:everyone'' who .can,.
vote,get out: and'. vote,, 'regard-
less of the party you uphold; on
Election Day, June 18th, •
There • was an exchange of
flowers and bulbs: The meeting
closed . with the • 'Queen. and
Grace. Lunch • was : served • by
Mrs. Mabel, Campbell and 'Mrs.,
George .Young.
Pion „Culvert Work
In Ashfield Twp.Howard and Barger, thateoun-
cil approve the minutes of the
last 'regular meeting .of Ashfield
Township Council.
Wed and Howard, that clerk
Day • which is June '• 2nd. • The
meeting was. opened by the 'pre-
sident, (Marlene Gawley, Roll
call was. answered. ,by bringing
2 labels. off canned goods. The
different qualities of these were
discussed.. Creamed potato soup,/
parsnips, car i1iflower •and Varie-
ties of sandwiches were made
.and served later' by 'the' hostess
and- her daughter, , Katherine.'
Mrs: Frank. 'Dore and' Dianne
visited Mr., and Mrs. Lawrence
Visitors of 'Mr. and Mrs.. Gor-
don IViacDonald were Miss Ann
Crawford, :Goderich. oxi Satur-
day and Mr: Cecil Dore, -Friday.
• Mrs. William. Hughes visited
'Mrs. Aurett Armstrong. •
Miss. 'Hilda 'Emerson, London
spent the week -end' with Mr. &
Mrs. Sam Emerson: .
Mx.'and Mrs–Ben Scott visited,
Mrs. Clayton :Watke and daugh-
ter, in Walkerton . Hospital. .•
Rev.. ,:Benson Cox • and Mrs.
William:'Cox. visited , Mr. Lorne
Culbert . and Miss ' Eva. Culbert:
1\'Irs. .William S. Eadie;, Mrs.
Lorne Eadie, Mrs.., Currie Cola
• well' .and . Betty, Mrs.. Marion
Harris, Miss Eya Culbert attelnd-
ed "'a; shower/for ; Miss Shirley
Bain • at Mrs. Harold Harris's 'in'
Kincardine on Saturday evening.'.
call for tenders 'for three .con-
crete culverts and a a repair to.
two, subject to the .approval. of
the. Department of Highways,
Barger and' Howard, that A the
Reeve and Clerk be appointed to
represent the Township . in the
Emergency • Measures • Organiza-
Reed and Boyd, that council
aeeept petition for drainage work
presented by Warren Wyles and
R. West • and appoint the Town-
ownship. engineer to make. •a survey
'af °the area, and report to conn
Boyd. and Howard,, to pay the
following • accounts.. ' •
,Road. Accounts—Richard West,
Road Suplterintendent,
'John Nicholson, 'grader operator,
269.42; Cliff Menary, .Road Work,
3,60; :,Theo.- Van Diepen,' road
work, 4.05; Bob Helm, road, work,
6.00; Reg. Broome, road work,
36.00; John. Hunter, ' road, work,.
28.00;.. We•bste'r, and. MacKinnon,
ticket • 'punch, 66c Everett. Br
ringlton, welding and' bolts, 12.10
Murray Johnston, fill ,and 'bull
dozing, 41.70; Charles Rivett, , fill;
4:00; K. K. Dawson, bracie wire,
4.90; 'Guenther Tuckey, road'
signs, 2.29; Dominion Road Mach-
inery,' ,grader • repairs, 1137.42
Canada' Culvert, signs, culverts,
posts, ,1,847,19; Webster and .Mac-:
Kinnon, paint, 2 83; Robert Sto,
thers,;,,tire repair and mileage,
6;.00;. • : Listowel • Transport ' Lines,
freight, ..21.60; Imperial' Oil Ltd.,
diesel fuel and 'tax,. 127.88....
'General Accounts 'Pirieerest
Manor, Miss `:'Zirwin 'and . Mrs.
Bickel,. $214.715; W. J • McDonald,
postage stamps; ' 5.00; .Connie Ho-
gan, Warble Flay Inspector, 2312.00;
Hector Tigert, stock • claim,: dog
WEDNESDAY, MAY • 16th, 1962
even your La�
• has to
And when: the time- rA
comes, make sure you
get anefficient, hard
working Esso oil
-Furnace, tie••furnace
that stays younger 'so
much longer ! `
Up . To Five Years To Pay ..
Plumbing. And Heating- Phone 73 Lucknow
bounty, 86;00; Village: of TJtick
now,. Hogan :`and' ; •Blake fires,
37'5..001; Huron County Municipal.
Officer..'• Assoc., , fee, 20.00; K. K
Dawson, rell.ief,'Srriith,' 87.89;' Ed-
wards. Coal Co., . relief,; Smith,
25;50; • Irvin Eedy,', relief, Ander-
son, '5,0.01; .Merman :Phillips,:'re
lief , Officer, stock valuer, ,11.00;.
Victor Black, ` fence :viewer, 5:00;
Bert. McWhinney,.; fence'" viewer,:
X5.010; Gordon ' Co11gram, fence
viewer, 5.00..
• Howard :and 'Reed, adjourn ' till
Monday, 'June 4th ,at S p.m. •
• DONAILD'. SIMP'SO'N,' Clerk.:
`N1rs Helen : Swaim spent ' a
couple of•, days in. London. 0
Miss •'Kaye . David, Belleville; &.
Miss Mary Anne . McCosh, ' Tor-
onto spent the Week -end with
Mr. and' Mrs. Donald McCosh, 1'
Mr, 'and ''Mrs., Donald Chad-,
bourne visited Ml. and: ` Mrs.
Victor Cawley. •
Mr. :and' Mrs. 'Wilfred Traher,
Larry, Allan; Mary. Ellen' and
Carol, Ann visited'' Mr. Norval
Mrs Donald McCosh. 'spent
Monday with '. Mr. and Mrs.
Clarina Rdbinson, 'Durham , and ' ,
Thursday with . Mrs. Ardill ,Via-
son.' 1 .
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDon-
ald and Mary Helen 'v'isited, Mr..
and, . Mrs.:: Lloyd McClure, :Pais-
ley. Mr. Lorne McAllister of Brit-
ish' Columbia ' also. visited in` the
me' :'htayn4. .
• Mr.nd Mr's, Don
a slid• McCosh, .
Mary Anne and .Richard, Miss
Raye David, Belleville, Mr. • aiid
Mrs. Gordon Patterson,` Mr, and
Mrs., Walter Forster and family
were Mother's Day visitors of
Mr JW. Colwell, J. W Knloug'h..
Mr., and Mrs. Burton Collins,
`John, Sandra and .Margaret visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs.; Andrew Patter
Soil. '
'Some folks attended the re-.•
ception for • Mr.. and Mrs. R•6rald '
Thompsoh in Lucknow On .Sat
Mr .and.. Mrs..
Victor' Gawiley •
and . Marlene and Gladys . Mr., yiz
Mrs. Donald Chadbourne , "were
Sunday guests • of Misses _Ada,
' Lettie and Ethel Gawley.
1V1r. and.' 1VIrs.. Gordon Mac-
Donald, Mary Helen, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Gilchrist, . Luck -
now, oh ' Sunday. •
, Mr. Richard McCosh and Mr.
Gordon Arnold visitedri
f l.ends in
• Sirmeoe on Wednesday.
, •The'• •4-H Tractor 'Clulb• held
their 1st meeting .ori Wednesday,
evening. 'at the home of Mr, and
'Mrs. Francis Boyle. Mr, Wallace
Pollock is leader.
,Some folks attended. the nip-
` ley : ,High School spring Dance'
•on 'Friday, evening.
Beanie Evening Auxiliary' met
at' the horrie'•of 1Virs. Glenn Mc=
Lolland on' Wednesday 'evening.
• The . Seven ' Kitchen 'Queens
met at Mrs. Edburt Bushen
home on Saturday for their •
seventh •meeting. The leaders
Mrs. Bushell' and Mrs. Frank
Dore disctis'sed, Achiev'ement
Many suitable older and 'handicappedchildren
are available for adoption. Happily married
couples' who are interested htany of the boys
and girls below should apply to the Minister of
Public Welfare, Parliament Buildings, Toronto.
..'Illi •il:, `II 1111::1.
r_ or
Ae:;u, -R;z2z,,k
e majority' of Children's Aid ' Societies. are
makinga. determined effort to ' provide erma.
'nent homes for some of their wards. Every
attention will be given to requests for 'these.
or other children.
RODNEY is a healthy . affectionate 3''.
year old Protestantboy of English. origin.
He is of average intelligence, heap stocky'
• build with blue eyes and blond hair.
Itodney'has a hair lip which has received
treatment. A Protestant home is .desired
' • where parents will be contented with the
knowledge that surgical treatment and
speech therapy, will ' be :necessary... in, the
future. Rodney wants to be with 1u'§'adopt
i ng parents when facing up to this ordeal.
• • D$ NNIS is 2 years old' and his racial
ori is Danish, and Negro. He is a sturdy
, well develoPed baby with blue:eyes, blond
hair, light bro*n complexionand negroid
features. He responds well and is a placid
• and happy' baby. Dennis would be happy
with white. or: coloured Protestant parents,
JEANETTE. is' a.healthy '' 10 year old
n.. Protestant girl of Ukrainian and English •,
origin., She is of, slight physique with
brown eyes and black hair. • Jeanette is
looking for warm; understanding Protes-
tant parents who will not expect too much
, from her academically. ' • •
.* * 4
EDGAR: is an active 7 year old Roman
,Catholic✓ boy of French and English origin
and is bilingual. He has an'averag physi-
with. blue eyes and. blond hair. This ,
well-mannered, agreeable lad has high 1
average intelligence and is in excellent.
health. , Edgar/ needs a home where he
• could get emotional stimulation and be
guided according to his ability.•
are Protes-
tant half-brothers
who have .never' been
' separated and wish to remain'together.
Wendall is a well-built 2t i year old with
b ue eyes, light . brown /
l •, Y g b own hair, turned up'
nose and fair complexion—a happy
friendly c
and mischievous wee ,laddie of
Scottish and English descent. Warren is a
likeable pleasing41/2 year old who quickly
comprehends .a situation, accepts discip-
line and is anxious to please. He is'taika- a
tive, inquisitive'and•protective of.Wendall.
His ancestry is French-Canadian and'
English. `Warren had club ;feet, but has
received goodcorrection. These boys will
,be ltappiest. with Protestant parents who
willhave real pleasure bringing up two sons. •
LISA is a sweet natured, 10 year old
Roman Catholic girl of 'Fren'ch; Canadian
and Indian background. This pretty girl'
has ,a sturdy• physique 'with brown eyes
and dark ,brown •hair: Lisa is, in good
health and would be a charming daughter
¶or•older Roman Catholic. parents.
LANNY is a horn •leader. He is a hand-
some boy, well mannered and'doing
excellent work at school. 'Lanny. is
interested in music and takes piano,
• lessons. He gets along well with :boys. his.
. own, age and is'a normal Protestant lad of
11 years and of North American Indian
heritage. Older Protestant parents could'.
open up thefuture for this boy by welcom.
• in him ino their '
g m th ,hues andaccepting him
as their son... ; * .
KAY has not had any real childhood ildhoodin
her 13 yearn of life due to great family
responsibility. She hasfair complexion,
brown eyes and light brown hair. Kay it
healthy, has a •placid disposition but.
speaks rapidly and has a slight butat-
tractive stammer. This girl is behind. in
• well.
School but is now progressingis
an. Anglo-Saxon Protestant in need of
parents,, with patience and understanding
who will accept her poor past school.
achievement and love and cgcourage her
—giving her some fun and toy which she'
Yet to experience. •,,.
MICHAEL isa dear.wee•Catholic boy of
3 with an appeaiing'manner and extremely
bright for his age.' He has light brown
hair and grey attractively slanted eyes
which are his heritage from his grand-,
father, who is partly Chinese. Warm
understanding Catholic parents areneeded.
for this brightattractive boy.
* *
SANDY is a pretty 8 'year old Roman
Catholic Anglo-Saxon girl with fair curly
hair'and blue eyes. This little girl 'is a '
bright alert child. with above average m
telligence and is artistically gifted. Sandy
•needs:a.Roman Catholic home where she
will. be stimulated` and 'accepted. Her
parents be capable of keeping. up
withthis, determined child who has. a '
strong personality and much. charm, as
,well as certain definite emotional . and
psychological needs. Sandy likes fun and.
peoplebut needs discipline andwarm Under-
standing in a family with older children.
DEREK needs •a Dad, like all =I1 year
olds. He also needs the guidance and sure-
ness of parents' love • and. a permanent
place in a family: Derek 'la of, Polish -
English Parentage
olish-Engiish'parenta$a and has the fair .colour-
ing you would expect. He is small but in
excellent health..You would find him shy''..
on first meeting but. not.. once hegot to •
know you.. Derek is repeating Grade; IV
this year and.feels badly about it. Psycho-
logists think hiswork would likelyy im-
prove if you didn't pressure him about it.
Derek needs, Roman Catholic parents to
sive him security and affection through life.
SANDRA .needs infinitel patient Y p n adopt-,
ing parentsbecause other specialprobiems.
This healthy-looking.6 year old has poor
muscular and .motor • co-ordination' • and
there is a history of epilepsy in her family.
Sandra is very active and talkative and
: tries hard to please: She is quite -tall, fair-
haired and broWn=eyed. We're` looking
• for warm-hearted people who 'could get
happiness from watching her develop -it
will be at •a slower pace than the average •
child. Sandra 'would get along best in a•
• well -organized Roman Catholic home:
ARCHIE is a 13'year ,old Canadian.
Protestant ,boy 'with brown eyes -..light
brown hair and a fair complexion. tale is a
healthy Grade 6 student, inclined to be
passive. Archie finds it difficult to talk to
adults and becor res tense 'tiVer exauiina-
tions. This boy wants to settle down with
permanent, parents and have his own
identity. Older. Protestant, parents who
have no intellectual. pretensions, and who
can help al son to a satisfactory life, not
necessarily an academic one, will be happy
With this boy. .' * e • 4
' VICTOR' .& WILMA-Victor, 5, .and
his sister Wilma, 7, are Canadian Indians.
Each is of slim build with brown eyes and
black hair. They are healthy and; Intel-
ligent'. Victor is highlystrung`and Wilma
a placid, poised, very-prettychild with.a
pleasing -personality. Protestant parents,
capable of giving these children a loving
• home, will acquire an interesting son and
a most attractive daughter. .
DIANE & JUNE=Teenagers need a trey
• mendous amount of love and guidance as
• every adult knows. Diane and 'June are
two such youngsters—sisters'of 13 and 15
• who came into the care\of a Children's,
Aid Society as older children.' They. could
still . become a .permahent part of •youir
family through; adoption. June is a tall,
fair, athletic girl and tends,to be domineer- •,
ing but this is 'often- the case, when a ' ,
youngster isn'tcertain someone cares. •
Diane 'has blue' eyes, light brown hair and •
good, features: She tends to be quiet and •
reserved and depends a lot on June. These
children are ready to move into a Protestan t
home now. Would you be interested?
• * .+ M,
STEPHANIE needs a lot of. individua 1
attention, but she,can be a very rewarding
child. This 6 year old is sturdy, blue-eyed
and fair -complexioned. She has round,
even features and is decidedly attractive.
Stephanie needs' Roman Catholic parents
whodable lo
will be extremely 1 "anent an
understand her' deep need for affection.
She is highly/Sensitive, cries easily. and
,'finds new situations very frightening., In
allculty likelihooatscd,';hoolStephanie will have diffi-
* * *•
TODD,'is a 4 year old: Protestant boy
of Scottish and Australian,descent. He is
of slight build, hasblue eYes and light
brtcwn hair: Hisheahtrisgood `and he has
, average4yearold intelligenceboy. This affectionate wee
lad wants parents who are relaxed, easy
ggoing and capable of handling aii active ..
. '
Tltie deco • .' a
piiisseusati home with` lal lame cod wile clrtldit�aocid , leahaite sseeci�.
elsilehea dude
she �, ,
tis tie
Minister .
Depu'%y Minister