HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-16, Page 5P LIOMYELITIS CLINIC
Bruce County Health Unit
All adults And children. who 'lave not precrioualy
repented protection 'for Poliomyelitis With the Salk Vac -
One are urged .td attend: one of ,the Clinics Hated below.
••• • •. A small ..annou.nt. of thia'osyrup when fed. to'
'produce protection for 'Poliomyelitis or act
.. 44 llo'oster. for . those who have.• previously,.
;...Peiste'd • their:. series Of three neediles. of Salk ' Vaccine.'
, ,
• All Clinic Hon)* f .Fiorn. 7:30 • TO I
• 9;30 p34.:. *la Be Held At
The Sabin (oral) Vaccine
which is a pleasant tasting syrup .
will be prol/ided
wEDNBSDAY., Vale 16th„, 1962 ,
erte err* weeselierrereeteree
tBaptized 7 BabiesPlan Fireworks
. tAt. :Pine .r.River .Display At. Ripley
"spEcIAL,. mixTufE
55 c 111.
c Guild& t. Lurgan attendedRipley-Huron Memorial Park n
, • the Chancel Guild meeting which Saturday, May lath at dark une '
was held at the church of the der direction of RiPley-Huron
Messiah in Kincardine . on wed, Branch of the Royal Canadian
nesday. . • Legion.
Pine River United Church was The Legion feels that the av-
(AMBERLEY NEWS) A monster. supervised Show of
• . • fireworks. for "May 24th" cele,
• Meiniaers •of St. Lukes bration will be held in the
Mixture,. Cover
73c lb.
• Mixture, Canada:s Finest.
• With .15% Merion Blue
97c lb.
. .
; •
filled. on .Sunday morning. when.
Mother'S day Was: observed -and
baptismal service. was coThclUctoci
by Rey. J. • C: Hutton. Children'
erage family will spend two • or,
three dollars on fireworks for
the children and will not have
much of a display, but will have
Presentedi for baptism were the danger ofa child being in -
Mary Arlene; daughter of Mr. Jured from playing • and using
and ...Mrs. ,Kempton; these fireworks improperly. Un-
Lorie Denise,' daughter of Mr. der proper supervision, they Plan
and Mrs.' Ernest Gibson; Elaine °P :having a giant display • on
Emily, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Mitchell; Florence
•Gail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie. Wardell; Thomas EdvVin
Murdock, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Delbert Wilson; Kenneth James,
son of Mr. and- Mrs. Claude
Dore; Bradley John, son . of Mr,
— and Mrs. Wayne Nixon. The.
'• choir arig "LIVIy Mother's Pray -
Saturday night so children can
attend. ' •
•To .help defray the cost they
are charging $1.00 • per farnily
or • 25C each. Needless •to ,'say
anycine wishing to give- more
virill lbe given , the opportunity to
do so 'as: the Riple3r-Huron.
Branch his always lost forty to
fifty dollars. on this yearly. dis-
PlaY and would like to break
Mrs. James •Nesbitt was, host-. even. •' • ••
A r * • To make the
• • •evening corn -
Mixture, For Shaded. Areas ess fo - the Afternoon Unit a
. yv.orlss in the
shrhat) at
• last' week, 'There was an at bingo
.W. of Pine River United plete, the admission to the fire-
. • T.T.0
97c lb.'• :Church' On Tuesday afternoon of
•teridance of U. Mit Sam • Gib- 8:30 for an li°ur 1.3eftli.e. the out'
CERTIFIED , • son and Mrs George. Wightrnan door display* • '
, • •
Presided for the 'meeting which • •
ca.1, "NaMes .of fainpus' 1VIothers
•opened 'with a' passage of scrip-
ture and prayer by the ifweSident.
followed ,by hymn 252: The roll
the World and Mothers of
• Cobh' r, Kathaclin Sebago of
e ,
. , . . .
Specially Prepared For
'Lawns, Gardens, Trees And
5 Vaiieties In Bulk
9 Varieties In Bulk
Former Rector
Goes To St Thomas
the 'Bible"--LI-VY'as responded'. ,Rev.' Regina.ld Joselyn,', who
to. Mrs. John Ferguson, president .
went .te Anne's Church,.
of the ' u•C-w• dealt With the ron,. 14 'years ago wben it be..
final .preparations • for the U.C.W. ;longed ; to. ,a three-part parish
Rally to be • held in Ripley. 'on with. Lambeth and Hyde' 'Park
June '4th.: Mrs. Duncan Thai -burn, Anglican churches, Was honoured
convener for the program Which Sunday by his parishioners. :
followed, gave 'the -call, to wor: • Mr. "Soselyn leaves this week
ship With, prayer •and -hymn 239to take .over St. Hilda's Anglican
The scripture reading and medi:
Church in St. Thornas. He went
, tation ,was giVeri. by Mrs., Don-:
to Byron 'following a pastorate
aid .Courtney after, 'which'.,Mri.
here as -rector; of the St: Peter
John .Blue' led in 'prayer. 'Mrs.'
an assOciate • parishes. Since ge-
/Bklon Bradley intrOduced. the ing.to. Byron a new parish hall
new study book ‘"Signals for the
:andfrePtory were built,. and the
sixties"' 'which promises • to
Byron" church became 'single
,interesting. :An addresi on a.
chapter • froin • the neW §tudy *charge' 1
• , Ontario GroWil
Gov't Standard 1.
$21.00 per btt.. •
' .Phone 91 Luckriow.
0 AP
• -
AW. AY • 4••• or *
• LUCKNOW %LEGION HALL .... May: 22.,
- RIP4EY., LEGION HALL . . May; 23.
HOLYROOli -.•Kinlosa Central §chool May, 24..
, •
KINCARDINE -- W. E: Thompson
:Public School . . . . . . . . May, 25.
- -
ney and, Mrs. 'William Courtney
Visited 'on, Tliursaay with. Misses
Myrtle Blair and Myrtle
lips of LOndon. 'They also' visit-
' with Mrs, Mervyn ,F,Clgnier,,
whose condition is imprOving,
Mr. and Mrs. George
(Christine .Courtney.): of
• Scarborough visited -with Mr: &.
Mrs: „John ErnMerton, on S-unday:
, ,
Mr .• and Mrs. William Blue of
Detroit and Mr.. and Mts. Don-.
aid Blue Of Ripley Visited, with
Mr; and Mrs..john BItie son Sim,
clay. ,
Art Courtney .has. :Sold his cab-
ins to Mr. Douglas .McLerman of
book, "The' church ,•ancl• the..co Mor e than 106 persons aen tt 'ci
muziity," was well given by Mrs ed While a presentation was Made
. ,
Ross Shiells • Who stressed the in the:: parish hall. • Mrjoselyri
fact that , the church •should not was alSO • honored by presenta-
be as a social: centre.. 'A' tions /from 'a Young , people's • '
'reading was given by MrS.' .gro013..
Courtney from "Hasten • the Atthe morning service.:
Day" in Which the Story was handrail in •the church was dedi-
o d of a retired mrn,ister who cated, in appreciation of the worlc
longed tobe useful .again and he :and his wife had done -
Two '.presentations .Were. 'made.
to Mrs. Joselyna'hand 'embroid-
ered linen 'banquet ;cloth,
iShly trimmed/with.',1ta1ian lace
and 12 Matching serviettes, with:
a hYbrid corsage, .were the gifts
'of' the Women of St. Anne's.. The .
group , recently , hOnOred . Mrs.'
Joselyn, With a life • mernbership, -
in the, •NITOnian's 'Auxiliary, which
'she 'formally received at' the re-
Cent:Huron' Diocesan WA: .an-:
nual . meeting in Li London. . •
).• hand-ihoolied florll rug was
: the :gift of the, Commissioner'sRoad•group,. • ,
ho W the opportunity came with,
the opening' up of the '.nieW Sub-
divisions *here advice and help
was really-'needecl in, cormininity
life.. An' instrumental, "Bless
this house" 'was given by Mrs.
Courtney followed with
with enamel diirabili
For furniture, wood trim or walls '
• Rich hand -rubbed look
• Smart decorator colors
• Wears long, . Washes Well
• . :. .SON
• . •
hymn 41, Mrs.: Duncan Thorburn,
lave :the, courtesy remarks and
closed' the Meeting With 'prayer.
VTrs ,Nesbitt and meinbers Of the
•• lunch cOminittee serVe.d a d,ainty
tea and a, social. hour • Was.,
• joyed, •
Daffodils and • 'Forsythia
bloomed profusely at the week -
"end on the, grounds at the sum-
mer, home of IVIr:**anfl, Mit. Clare
•Cantelon of Wingham whose
. .
'cottage is at Amber.ley Beach.
This :attractive place has flow.
ets blooming , till the frost. ap-
pears. Other properties al'ong•th,e•
resort area have 'Climbing. roses
and other flowers which add to
the scenery of the road Side.
Mr. and Mrs. Don ' Holahan,,
Debbie and Bobby Of Clarkson
were Sunday visitor S• With Mrs'.
.• RObert Camplbellt and family.
• Mr, and Mrs. Art Courtney at-
tended baptismal service at Ittiox
church, Ripley on Sunday when,
their grandson, Eorn Arthur, Son
of Mr ,and Mrs, Sohn D. McKay
was baptized.
• Mr, arid . Mrs,. • 15'opald Court-.
_ _ •
. ,
VVindsor. They. were •irioved to
loth 'at Bruce Beach on Friday, ,
• Mr: and Mrs. ,Art Purney• of
Stratford :visited with Mr. and
-Mit. John. A..-Cariipbell and
with Mr.' and Mrs., 'Douglas
Young' who are currently visit-
ing in AMberley •*ith Mr. and
Mrs. J, A.. CaMpfbell:: , .
ugene •Blue of Fort,
Benning, Georgia,. spent 'Part of'
last, Week With his -ParentS,• Mr.
and Mrs.' John. Blue• ,
4Susan Cook,.. little daughter of
Mr:. and Mrs. : Ivan Cook of_Am-
berley is :ill in Kincardine •hOS-
• pital •with "pneurnor0.
"I cObldot havesunk any lower
"1 didn't want rriy bitoje"
":Everybcdy.kiked R16 around" •
Men who have ,touched the depths of poverty and
degradation; 'wOrpen facing the ordeal of unwed
•;motherhood; childien•oepharied or.inistreated, to
theseand countless others The Salvation. Army brings'
• relief and hope through its havens, hostels, homes
and hospitals. won't you help u5 tb continue this vital
'work, and in so doing knowthe joy of aiding others'?
,. •
• Local Campaign Be Conducted By
locknOw :•and District Lions .Club
• •
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