HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-16, Page 3WE1VESDAY, MAY 16th, : 1962 THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCIINOW, ONTARIO P OA WW1. • ?tiii•••••$e*se ilim lollesesso ogeo, r• .0.••••i0®ie p eppepe ••••••••d••••••/: •: ., a b . •• . - .. . , - • • • • ♦ % v. w ♦� �®®i ♦t v , • .4 t •' 1fP♦i♦•/ ►♦♦, Off!LA0I P+�i �0�®/ *41. 1 ►4®i kt®�/I 0 •' tea/ .:,.'A .. 04.0 ®®�4 • '4 ° • • •• Winner .of free draw for budgie bird and; : : - cage, Mrs. Fred• Gilchrist., Cake Mixes 4 for $-1.. Robin. Hood, Deluxe. Assorted, . Save 48c . •' Sweet Mixed Pickles 27c • Rose Brand, Save 6c, 16 oz.jar' MiIko Skim Powder 89c s' to Instant, Save' 14c, 3 ` lb.. pkg. • 1 ,Instant, c "•• : Tuna Fish 2 for 79c 7 •Corree 99c Clover Leaf, Solid. White Meat,". Instant Save .11c, 7 oz.i Red & White, ' •Save 15c, . 8 oa ' jar •' e •• '''! Gem Margarine 4 for. 85c w R 33 k •• Save 9c,. 1 lb.:pkgs. iTea Bags 77c. . Mother . Parker's, Save 8c,.pkg. of 60 • • • • 1 • 1 DATE .& NUT COOKIES eston, Reg. 3c; 10 to p g. GOLDEN HOUR CANDIES, 2 Full ibs..59. • Orange & Lemon Slices,.„ , Peppermint • .Bullseye; • • • (Combination Pack . ---: 78c Value). • •, • •• • • • • • • • • ■ ■' [l •' • Il's Red and White Food Store 'PHONE. 26 ' FREE 'DELIVERY, ••••a••,ea•••••io••o :•••• • oi••••••••io•a• n.•o•••••na••••• o 1 Mrs. M. Sproule. attended the:— Mr: and. Mrs. ,Larry Brockle- funeral ;of her niece, Mrs,. .'Jim bank and Luanne of Windsor Nlaclntyre, , at . Goderich' on • Sat- were. Sunday callers. with Mr: & NIrs YT.nv ;Houston:• LocaI an d General... Mr ad m 'Blue , of Detroit were week -end 'visitors • with her mother, Mrs J. D. Anderson; ' Miss Jennie Pierce 'is a patient ' 1 having Winglam• ,Hospita , in h v suffered, ' a •fractured rib in a fall in"her%Ca ripbell St. apart-; n ent Mr. and Mrs:.. William .Arnold; 'and Marianne • of . Sarnia: • vis= ited last Saturday with 'Mr.. and: ..Mrs Cameron ,MacDonald _arid Mr. W. W. HiDL:. U. • ,. r � 1 LVcKNOw': i NID CHURCH' • Rev. HowardW,.Stra P,' Minister SUNDAY,., MAY 20th • I. 10:00. a.m.Church School ` '11:00. .00. a.m-= Morrill` Wors h'i' `. GUEST MINISTER ' ; 1 As -first inssCientennal :Visitor REV; DR.• T R: DAVIES ; 1 M.0:, M.A., .'• B:D., DD.. i. 02.. Wes ' � ale td, United Church,' rc h ' Hamilton • ...,moiiiimpais.e.su ., ...I* THE -: Lucknow Christian eformed Church: •urday. Miss • Lorna ' :Campbell: of.. To- ronto spent the .week -end at ;the home' ,of her sister, Mrs: •R. H. Thompson. ' Doug , Harton, who was hospit=: alined at Winghait for some' time, is now. at •Pinecrest ;skirt- ing Horne Doug lost his ''eye sight about .a" year'' ago: Mrs:.: Maud Sherwood took suddenly ill .last' week ana ; was• taken` to Wingham • hospital end later.'to:Victdria :Hospital,' Lon- don: : Mr and. Mrs., Clayton Hodgins of 'Clin''ton and Mr...and Mrs;, Mel- vin ` Hodgins and Jimmy of . Lon- don,' •Mr.'• and : Mrs. Carl Griffith. of Wingham spent :Sunday, with Mr.. and Mrs.: Oscar' Hodgins and -family: Y •. Mother's Day is an occasion fr ffor.many visitations . to,. and om , the community. " 'The Sentinel Welcomes, these 'personal ' items,, but for .,the sake of..'accuraccy must have them phoned, sent orbrought in.' The fact .that we May "have seen sorneone Was home, ' isn't, sufficient: • .basis. for ` writing a Personal xtein.: ...*.e :need' Yo ur co operatioi, • BIRTHS MacPHERSON: At ' •Wingharn 'General Hospital, on: Wednesday, May 2nd, 1962, to• Mr. and Mrs. William MacPherson, 'R:R: 1, Lucknow :a son.' •SI'MPSON—At Wingham Gener al H,ospibal, ,bit Saturday; May 5ith; Rev. S. Ter Mr.. •and Mrs, Donalld Th Astra,: A.B.,. .B; 1'9fi�, � to . Listowel, Ont., Pastor 1 Simpson,: ICintail, a , son. SERVICES 1 10:30 a,m; • in Dutch, , 2;30- p.m. in English.' 3^30: p;in• Sunday School , now,•: a . son. VAN °SCH. At Wingham' General Hospital on Monday, May 7th, 19'612,• to,. Mr and Mrsa Peter s Van. Osch, R.R, 3, Luck- Cucknow` Presbyterian Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES at 1.1:00 a.m and ,7:30 Arm. . Sunday, May 20th GUEST SPEAKER. REV. G.., L. 'ROYAL, B. A. Minister ,Of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich EVERYONE WELCOME Presented S. ; Church Awards On Mo'ther's ;Day:, R' •• On Sunday morning, Niay, .13th, the Sunday School joined with 'the' congregation" of the .Lucknow' boilerroom' was discussed, in order toreduce . the• ' fire xn surancerateas well as an addi=. tional 'safety. Measure.. Sundry May. accounts ^ amount- to $3'04,91 were approved paid: $7;500..00.' on ' account : of 196'2.•:,Legislative grant was re- ceived; a balance of . $9,01.3;05 to be forthcoming in October.; It was'dec rded" to adYertise for sale the existing windows of the e school, whiCh .will he Ile,.•" moved . daring the suminer..Any- one :.i interested many contact any Member of ."the. Board. ' FIRST' OF J SPECIAL CENTENNIAL. ;SPEAKERS REV. T. R. DAVIES The first- of a series • of Cen- tennial,. visitors who will occupy' the pulpit •of Lucknow United' Church, ' will be received this Sunday .morning, . in the person of Rev. T. R. Davies, . of West - dale United :Church, 'Hamilton. Rev. Davies is immediate past president of. Hamilton Confer- ence, on feience,and. is 'a :man Of prominence, 'in his Church,. and rn• associated. activities , • As chaplain of the Queen's Owen Cameron' Highlanders, he served, overseas : in World War II, was seve.rly wounded in Nor-. man - andre e' �dy c �ved the' Nfnlibary • Cross. . He 'holds an hbnourary Doctor of Divinity: degree from the University of Saskatchewan.., Offering school. Windows For : Sale ALl members, attended .the May :14th meeting ' of the Lucknow Public . 'School' Board: • : • The matterof fireproofing the Presbyterian. Church .for ' the re- gular Mother's., Day,, 'Service: A Mothers' choir assisted with the music <.andsang a.. numiber, "My Mother's Bible."' A scripture les- son Was read.'by Janet Carruth- ers„and "a story was.told by Dale Haldenby. • Awards earned during' 196' •were presented at this service. Si?ty ole girls and boys were awardedseals arid Certificates '& a fifty-two.. received • pins., The following received s ecial awards for . attending •a perfect. total of fifty=three Sundays:- ,oree GammieJoyce Johnston, .MP s Elr za Walker attended the Ronnie ;,Stanley, Brian' Stanley,, i graduation .exercises of. .'St.; Mich- Donald Johnston, Judy Reid,. Tony `'eel's Hospital in Toronto on Mort Johnston, Ross Forster, Brian Johnston, Brian Perrin*, Gary .Gammie: Others earning special beginners gifts were Lyal Mac - Innis, Jean Reid, Brenda John- ston; The 'Session awards for high church :attendance Were present- ed. to Janet. :Carruthers, :with 53 Sundays; and Jimmie MacDon- ald with '52 Sundays Boys: from: the 'Sunday School 'Who:ushered and took up the of- fering • were; Donnie • ;Johnston Brian Mowbray,, :Wayne: Jarii1,e- son, ;$i11 Chester. - 'Other receiving Sunday School awards were: • Sandra 'Johnston, ...Barbara Stanley,' Kathy:. Jamieson, Brea- da MacDonald, • .Mary Stanley,. Kenneth• Reid, Tommy Chester,.• Janet 'Cook, Lynda Stanley, Al- lan Prior; Douglas Aitchison; Mary E. Henderson; Gail Jamie- son, Margaret Chester, Joan Chester, Verna Aithhison; John MacKenzie, Ronald MacDonald, John Henderson, Melvin 'Mack - is, Jimmie • Henderson, .Murray Johnston, ,•Jimmie MacDonald, Donnie' MacDonald, Neil Taylor,: Wayne Jamieson,,Brian Mow-, bray, Bill , Chester, Carol Brown, Beverley MacDonald, Donna Mullin, Donna Forster, Wendy MacKenzie; Mary ,Finlayson, Syl-, via McLeod,' Joan MacKenzie, Kathy .. McLeod,* Janet Carruth-_ ers,, Sharon Mowbray, Peggy MacDonald, Eric Taylor, Terry Taylor, Dale • Gammie, .Jack Ait. chison, Janet Finlayson,'Elizabetlf Henderson, Dianne ,Jamieson; Edward Brown, Donald Fisher,' Jinn McNaughton„ da May 14th. She was a guest Y s y, g of Miss Lana Langdon, one of the eighty-three graduates:. Miss Langdon's mother, . the former. Marie Pollock, • is a niece of Mrs. Walker:. Charge Silo Store- Owner WithTAson Nathan ,Silver, 47 -year-old.. To- ronto - businessman, lhas been charged with setting fire to his. dry, goods' store in Hensall on .April 5th. He was arrested at his Toronto home and brought to Goderich jail .last . week. Ap- pearing before • a justice of the peace,' bail ,was set at $6.,000 cash or ${10;•000 property. Mr. . Silver is owner of the Silco Stores. He has a store which, is closed at Dresden, one at Parkhill and.. -tine fire -ruined: store at Hensall.. The fire :broke out shortly • after the .store was closed. for the day,'.. and . Mr, . Silver. Was :enroute to. Toronto. Fire Depart, • . / memts from Hensall, Zurich 8c'" Exeter ,responded, and: Mr. Sill- ver was later quite critical of': their efforts.. Mr. Silver at. one time operat- ed a. 'Silco: Store in Lucknow: He • 'bought ` the remainder. of Market Store stock from Norman Welllwood who ' wasclosing out: the -business here, .'which had been `established originally by ' the late Wm.' Hornell . • Mr: Silver ' moved• stock into ' • the store and• continued to .op- erate it for a ,time, before ',:Mov- ing nut. .. The, vacant building, owned by Mrs. Hornell, has since been/. purchased by •Cyril Brown. .: • SUNSET DRIVE -1 Goderich, Highway 8 Wed, Thurs., Fri,, May 16, 17, 18. "RATTLE AT BLOODY BEACH" ' Audie Murphy, Dolores ,Michaels.'.. also "LAST . ' PARADISE" Star 'Cast: Sunday -Midnight, •. i • , 3' g , ...May. , 20th . 12:15 'o'clock "INVI'SIBLE '.INVADERS" Starring 'John. Agar "FOUR ' SKULLS. OF JONATHAN DRAKE" Edward ; Franz, Grant. Richards. Adult Entertainment:.s Sat„ . Mon Tiles., May. 19, "21, 22 • "THE LOST ' , BATTALION Diane • Jergen, Leopold Salcado "THE STEEL CLAW” George Montgomery, Lolita; Luna • Wed., Thurs,, Fri May 23' 21, 25:• "MR: TOPAZ" Peter Sellers,' Nadia Gray :. •:THE.:.\BAT' Vincent Price, Agnes: Moorehead First-' Show, at ' •dusk. Children ,in . •cars ,free;. Fhe Airr Conditionec'n,' GODERICH. For Comfort &. Entertainment low Playing - May• 16 19 , Debbie Reynolds ' — . Andy, Griffith . — Juliet Prowse; In • a ` great rustic comedy "Second Time '• Around" In : Color Monday, . Tuesday, . Wednesday — ; May. 21; 22, 23 - Adult. Entertainment • Bob Hype and Lana. Turner with Paula:Prentiss — Janis Page — Jim Hutton; Presentiburbia,. "Bachelor In Paradise" Scope and Color Thur., , kid:, Sat., May. 24, • 25, 26 . Double ' Bill. Chubby Checker, Dion, Clay Cole,;" Vicki Spencer. A full length, feature highlighting. the new' dance craze.' Also "Twist Around The" Clock" Willaiiy Lundigan : • and Julse AcYarms'' "UNDERWATER CITY"' Coming }— TIE., ROMAN SPRING OF MRS.: STONE to PERSONS YEARS of AOI ' Olt OM A.DM1t•YAN!> RESTPIC110