HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-16, Page 2f,`
• 5
3�pt.isn: Sunday At
Anyone who has read about the dozen'
or so children who°"lost their eyesight last,
year, the .scores .of fires caused by prank-
eters throwing firecrackers into doorways
and windows, or the • 4 -year old- . lad who.
died of
burns when firecracker powder,
saturated his clothing,: cannot, but be con
cerned ° with, the practice of igniting ex-
plosives in .commemoration, of Queen.- Vic
toria's .. birthday:. '
Aside , from the'annual sacrificeof hu-
man flesh caused by' •_allowing ,/these ;so-
called toys' to be sold to children, .the
Ontario Safety League says •property dam-
age each year over the May: 24th week-
end runs into many thousands of dollars.
One such fire in. London last; year resulted
when children stuffed firecrackers around
a railing -shed door.. and lighted them. ,Al-
though damage was estimated at $250;000,
it could . have . been far Worse, for flames,
Fame within inches ofsetting- off a box
car loaded with dynamite., �.
lea time... we faced the fact, • that by any
other ,name, fireworks are still explosives,
and weare allowing children to play with
these: , as though:' they were toys. Many •
Ontario communities. have already passed
municipal legislation . restricting: their sale ,
to varying degrees,
Some community Fire Departments. and
Safety Councils, deserve highestcredit for
taking the initiative and arranging public
firewdrksdisplays, with firefighting eqip-
ment ' at, hand. Not only are such displays
' ;safer than the "do-it-yourself" kind, they
also provide more dazzling types of fire-
works than the . average child .could • buy,.
and therefore a more spectacular enter-
taini n.ent,
Let's not be so blinded to danger -by
sentimental, memories of .our chlidhood
freedom !with fireworks, ; thatwe, permit
widespread injury and death in the name
of`' fun. The potential . destructive power
of these "toys" has "-been proved .,many
times over. Children are simply not cap-
able of handling fireworks safely: If eyes,•
limbs,, lifeand property are the price of a..,
few .thrills on the holiday weekend, : we
commit a felony in continuing to pay that
price, •;
Meld .Shower for
Fire .Victims
On Saturday, May 12th, _ friends
of : Mr.' :and Mrs. Fred.Martin of
Paramount met at . the 'home of
Mr.'and Mrs. • Donald McIntyre,
2nd.,Con., Kinloss, to present Mrs.
Martin, with a number ' of useful
articles to . help . ; start' .. house-
keeping' •after, '. t'he'' recent loss
by fire of ' their home : as.' well . as
the -complete loss' of all. contents..
Friends were present from To-
ronto, Wingham, , Lurgan, • Luck-
iiow, and Ripley. A short prog-
ranine. consisted of community
singing; readings by ' Marion
Lowry, Mary Fisher, Joan:' Fisher;
piano duet . by` Shearon Mowbray
and Janet Carruthers; ,;two solo's
by Doris Fisher.
.A tree contest was 'supplied
by . Mrs. J T. :Carrut'hers' • and
was won : by : Mrs. George, 'Fisher.
Mrs. Fisher-- acted' as MC,.
Mrs. ` Martin . made a ..fitting re-
ply and gall enjoyed- a very lovely
lunch served by thy hostess. •
Three Now In FieId'
Huron Riding
• The nomination of Carl
in1�.Y. W a as.'. Ne '' ' Demoncratic•
Candidate in Huron' Riding, places:.
a: third man In t'he: field in the
June ,18th election: ,
Mr. Hemingway withdrew as.
feldman•' .for the' Huron County
Federation ''of Agriculture to. ac
cept the no ination, .at a con,
venition •held m Goderieh last
Donald C. MacDonald, . Ontario::
leader.. • of the N:D.P,: , addressed
the : meeting,'
Harold Stewart of Goderich &
formeriyr of. Lucknow, is acting
president of the Huron County
N D:P. Association. .
Mr. Hemingway .is a ,,director
of Ontario FAME, elder. of the
Brussels: United :Church, and for-
mer suiperintendent.arid 'Sunday
School teacher fpr, 15 ,:years. He=.
is, • married and .has four sons
and ,four daughters.
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IUIac�Cenzie furniture Store`.
PlsOzr'e 181., Litcknow
Baptism ::' Sunday
At. Whitechurch
Mr. and,'Mrs: Elroy Laidlaw'
Visited ' On ' Sunday with Mr.: Jas.
Laidlaw' ' who is a patient in
I dOderich General Hospital.
Mr'. and Mrs. Melvin'.McClen:-
aghan and Michael, and . Paul
Geiger . of : Waterloo spent Sat-.
at -
urday at the hcine of Mr. and
Mrs, • Ben Moblenaghan.
Mr. Athol Purdon; and Douglas
Of ' Sarnia spent' Sundaywith
relatives in'" the community;.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and
family visited on' Sunday at the.
home •of Mr. and Mrs. Robert,
Chambers in Harriston.
-Miss . Whirred Farrier of To-
ronto spent . the week -end' at •-the
home of her parents, •Mr; and..
Mrs- W. R. Farrier.
Mr.°.. and Mrs:: 'Clayton Schdltz
and ,family of Goderichh spent,
Saturday at the home di -Mr. &
Mrs. Ezra ' Scloltz; ' '
Mr, ' and Mrs, :Jahn L., Dir=
stein, Marie" and Jackie.' of Hai
over.' visited on . Sunday at the
Home of Mr. and Mrs.. .Russel
Gaunt. ' Mr. and ,=Mrs. Donald
Dirstein of Brantford '. spent . the
week -end . at the . Gaunt
Margaret : iColleen Adams,
daug ter of Mr.. and Mrs. Robert
Adams; 'Bradley, James ;,and
Ronald Robert Solomon,: sons : of
Mr. and 'MTS.' Robert . Solomon,
Debbra A,n.ne ' Coultes, , daughter
of. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Coulter
were baptized . in the. • White
church United Chitrch on. Sundays
Attending the,baptism of Debibra
Anne •Coulter were I r. ~ and Mrs.
Mervin. Pipe of Brussels, 1VIr &
Mrs. Albert Coultes grandpar-
ents and. Mr. and Mrs: Edward
Pollard '. of 'Brussels andi . Mr. &
Mrs. , George ' Coultes, '' great
grandparents of Debbie.'
The Whitechurch' 'United
Church Anniversary. service ;has
been changed. to June 17th, and
Rev. •Harold Anderson ' of . Bel
grave Will be ,in charge of the
The• Whitechurch Presbyterian
Church Will hold their anniver-
sary • on • June 27th and Rev..
Morrison of. Brussels will be in
charge ;of the service
Mr. Roddy Inglis •and boys
vsiited ;on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs...Robert Adams,
Mr. Nat ;Thomson' of Lucknow
is installing the water System in
the Whitechurch Cor nun•ity,Ha11
this :week.
Mr: and Mrs. Wes, Tiffin, Mrs,
William • ,Dawson; Mrs. Cassie
Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Purcton visited tion Sunday. at the
home .of Mr, and Mitts Hugh Mac-.
Millan at Holyrood,
Dr. Arthur' Watt Of London
visited on Saturdayat the home
of'his parent's, Rev. • and. Mrs.
John Watt. Mr.'and Mrs. George
Thompson and fainly of Fever
sham spent the week -end at the
Famil y Service
There was a• very large con-
gregation at the Family pay
Service in the United Church
on. Sunday morning, when Rev.
H, ' W. ,Strapp performed •the
Sacrament of Baptism, and de-
livered a timely sermon on the
importance • and responsibilities
of the home, taking as• his theme
"Protective Love."
' Clarence Greer was soloist &
the choir rendered the anthem
"Seek Ye, The Lord." ' .
Infants• 'baptized ' were:. Char-
lotte Joan Hamilton, daughter .of'
Alvin and Gladys Hamilton; Paul
Gordon • Hamilton, son of Don-
ald . and Dorothy Hamilton; Gail
Elizabeth . Hackett; .daughter of
Allan and. Margaret Hackett;
Barbara. Ann Henderson, daugh-
ter of Ross and Irma Henderson;,
Pamela Ann McIntosh, daughter
of • •Robert and • Lois McIntosh;
Susan Beverley Thompson,
daughter of Donald and Bever,-
ever-ley. Thompson.
Baptismal certificates were
WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th,; Imo;
presented by Kai° M'cll 'gay, re,.
presenting the Sessign, •
Honor Newlyweds
At Open How
Many friends called on Satur-
day afternoon and • evening at
"Qlrnar" the farm 1 .me of Mr,
and . .Mrs. Oliver McCharles
where open' house was-, held in
honour of Allan and jean Me.
Charles who were recently Mar-
A purse of money and many
lovely'. giftswere presented to
the . young couple, with best
wishes. • '
The home was decorated with
spring flowers 'and the tea table
was spread with a madeira cloth,
and adorned • with candles and, •
spring flowers. -
Mrs. Harold ' I'Anson of Oak..
ville, ;Mrs. Bert Mason of Kin.
cardine, . Mrs. 'Ruth Brooks, Mrs;.
Norval. Stewart and Mrs. Elliott
Sandy of 'Lucknow ,poured te;.
Mrs. Lorne' Luther and Mrs. Til-
lie, Smith served, while other as;
sisted in the ,kitchen.
New !:1.4 cu. ft.
With. Completely Automatic .. Defrosting And 7,5 Lb
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o knobs to `turn! •No ice
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• Never -D -Frost: completely automatic defrosting,
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e Deep Hendidoor, separate compartments
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Twin porcelain : (not plastic) crispers.
.;Plus features:' 2 glide -out shelves' with safety
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NowOpbIy $299:40
Plus Trade
Drop In 'And See` The Moffat Line'
nstone. an
Phone 76, Lucknow
home. of. Rev.. ancLMrs. Watt.
Mr: James. Wilson of London
spent the week -end with .Mr.
Garry: :Chapman. '
' Mr. and . Mrs.' .Kenneth Dick-
son of Belanore visited on Stun
day -at the :home of Mr.• and
Mrs., Archie Purdori. .
Mr. and' Mrs. Ross Henry, Mrs.
Irvine Henry of • Dungannon,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Curran of St.'
Helens and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Rintoul of Whitechurch attended
a ' family gathering on S'unday'.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs .Ro-
bert Purdon' 'to visit with Mrs.
Pardon's niece, Mrs. Kenneth
Luttrell of Prince George, • B.C,
Mr. and Mrs: Robert Purdon &
Mrs. Luttred'1 also visited on•
Monday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Bott in B`ellewood,
Mr. and . Mrs. John • L.• Curr'e
visited •on Sunday at :the home
'of 'Mrs. William Orr,
Mrs: Irene Patterson' and, Uri
and Mrs Gordon' Montgomery.
of .Toronto spent the weekend
at the . horse ,of .„Mr. Charlie
Taylor. - • •
'M'r :and Mrs. -Paul Groskorth
of Torontospent the week -end, at
the home -of Mr. and MrV1
s. ”
wood Groskorth. '
• Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert :SchWicti
'tenberg of • Southampton spent,
the week end. at the home of Al"
and . ,Mrs: Aubert Courtesy