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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-09, Page 15
NESDAY,, 11IAY 9th,. 19,6,2 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Erflie C: FiSher, -Nay Impressive Retord' IA Idp#e, ;Reprinted From. The Goderich Signal -:Star (Advertisement) Eleven terms: of office on Goderich 'Town . Council, includ rang three terms on Huron Coun- ty Council and, five consecutive terms, as • lyfay.or of the Town. of Goderich.• . a Tothis impressive record of. legislative service, add an earn- est desire to give each individ- ual 'voter a more realistic 'repre- sentation representation in the Dominion, Par- liament. 'These are the top qualifications of Ernest C. Fish- er, 42, Liberal candidate ' for .guron. ,in the forthcoming June. 18thFederal Election,. Talking • with "Ernie" Flusher ;is a: lesson in humble honesty and quiet • dedication There are no .grandiose statements, no expansive promises, :ng verbally, dexterous equivocations, only a ,forthright determination: to db his level, best. at all/ times: 'This has.: to be a busy campaign:," •he said. There • are. , 4.8,000 people 'in.Huron, each: one. an ianportant part of oiir great "county. If elected, I plan to visit and '_ re-' visit . all ridings in the district, to learn ` more about'' the. prod- lams.: of: those People, and . to help find the solutions." In .transferring his. talents to the. federal field, ,Ernie remains dedicated. to the ,interests. of the* electorate in• his .home constitti- ency. He ..is a three -generation. Huronite. .His . • . grandfather,. Henry Fisher, operated; a farm in Colborne Township, near Ben - miller, and, it was there'. that. Ernie's father, 4Riehard, ; . was born.. Ernie . himself. was' learn.' on. the farm "in Ttickersi-nith' Township, .' two • rriila§ ''east of At the age Of -six, he came to Goderich, and,' shortly after; started hus Schooling at• Victoria; • Public School, continuing on into G©ctericli : Collegiate ; Institute: At this ..time he was active in • such sports as hockeyand abase- ball, he `recalled :a six' week layoff with ; abroken ankle sus- tained duriri ..a' game with Drys- d' ale p axed. in St.: Joseph.. • With: RCAF • During 1941, • Brn'i enlisted with . the RCAF and :trained, as a wireless `operator air -gunner Later:, he • was transferred, •to R.A,F Transport Command; !at: Goose, Bay,' and .served' as. navi gator 'ori the big Catalina 33'611.05- ers engaged' bom•b-ers..ergaged' in coastal • patrol. During this period, while serv- ing.•'with the els't '.Squadron; his coinman.ding • officer. wws Wing: ,Comniander .J. K,: Sully; :who: now, is viae -president and generale 'manager 'Of ' I oniinion;• wh Road Machinery • C'ornpany, ere. Ernie: is presently em-. played ..;bR,McO :has granter .two months' leave of .absence .to facilitate •Ernie's° " 'election 'cam:= •paign, Upon termination ` of 'his • war • service, in; .1945,• ' heentered; Ryerson Institute a£' Techiiioilog'y,, • Toronto, `for .:a two-year course• in, industrial electronics. Gradu atirLg in 1947, he became asaoci=' ated with. radio .station ' fFPL, London,• as transmitter 'technic - las, Six ' months': later,. a vac ancy at I/HM,CO ibr.ought Ernie • back to Godericj arid_ Jiis Ore sent position ,with the, 'company' as chief' electrician, • His- political career ,began in 1952 with his election to. Gode- rich .Town Council; Continu- ing in that••.capacity since • that* 'tltne, he was elected to •the de- fluty reeves,hp, in 1955.and •,1956, le''vated tb reeve in 1067, • and in 1958 'began his :current five tents ag Mayor .of the ,Town • of Ooderich, `As deputy reeve; and later • reeve,: he served, on vert ions committees 'with ;Huron. CountY Cd'uncil for three years, Helped On Farm • The aspiring Liberal candi- date. is marriicl to Lue'1la the 4QI'mer and Bedard; of Drysdale, is the father of • three, child= • • rvice ERNIE . C. FISHER:, , :ren: Rickey, nine; Brenda, ' seven, .and another daughter,. Auleen., who is teacher. at .the new St.' Mary's School, in CGoderich, Mrs. Fisher's father, Mr. . Albert Bedard,: is . known as a highly respected. and 'succesafu:l farmer •in` the, Drysdale • district.. It ,• w:as •custonta.ry, during earlier - years,' for Ernie to. arrange his summer` vacations so that he could 'assist With , grain. Harvesting" on his father-in-law's tfarm. He' .still claims . a measure of proficiency at rnilkin•g,. hoeing ''and'. other farm chores,• - p Candidate Fisher is a member., of Royal Canadian Legion, B"ranch. :109, and, is the, holder *of a citation fromAir ',„'Marshal Leckie, of the RCAF:. The.• di'ta- tion mentions his ” .efficiency and •' quick thinkingduring an emergency , occureice at a relief 'flying..field near Uplands Airport near the war's :end. A. Harvard training;' plane., with an instructor..and' a'',student' aboard, ran..low. on fuel 'during a night training, flight. With no:•,ti'rne•'•to light a. flare path, Ernie organiz- ede:mer.Y. enc. ; l_i hts's fret station g g. ,automobiles and. Ve.rey :'•pistols, and • afterrriwch;; rushing •a:rou� was: aihle to light the ield scuff .: g . f j ficient]y • for; .the °Harvard.. to •land • 'without . ` .casualties.` The plane was w i hoot fuel when : it -touched down. •With .characteristic. energy & thoroug' .hness ` :Ma +or ' Fi' 'her 'al- ready $ ready- h'as visited .all 2:2 muni- cipalities in the electoral dis- trict of :Huron,, setting up Li;b' eral•, . organizations for the. .131 palls: I.e: has endeavoured, -to meet,' individually, as •many vat-: ers 'as .passible and will Con- tinue this. .. personal ' contact. throughput his, campaign., .Under. the .direction of..his • campaign manager, , Joseph 'Gunn, of Crediton, '• he. is . devoting 14 hours 'daily :to the varied de- _mands of . a political caii paign. As side inter fs•ts, Mayor Fish''=. er isa past, president •,of' 'the Goderich ' Trades • and Labor Counca1, past preeident of: Local 18&63, , International .'Association, of Machinists'. 'and a' charter member of, the- G•oderich' Rotary Club. His working associates., in the :Goderich ' Liberal ' Associa-.• tion include J.;K..Hunter, vice- president and Dan 3. Murphy, treasurer, . •. Working . ;from• his campaign Fresh Eggs NQt_ _ salmonella Cause; (Federation ,of Agriculture Report) • Ontario egg producers. 'have taken exception to..a statement that appeared in a Torontio , daily paper today dealing 'w.i.th the current investigation of certain food • :products by the Federal Food and , Dr -ug, Directorate., 'The story carried ,the . opinions. of rep- resentatives of several, leading cake mix manufacturers after the ;Food, ,and Drug Directorate had announced• plane,.to, implement regulations recquiring .these cot panties to use • only pastuerized egg products in their mixes ' and frozen 'desserts.' The. ,Directorof, quality -control' for one, of these companies is quoted by this daily as saying; "the problem goes right back to the egg producers. If they de .sure• all eggs sold. were as eriee there would. e p d o d.b rio : salmonella." 'This roan is 1ther misquoted or badly misinforri ed',' .said - Torn Robson of Leamington, ''president; of ' the *Ontario •, 'Egg Producers Association • today.", Ontarioegg producers 'market •`their, eggs _ in shell' form, acid we know of :r}e. way that shell eggs can be •pas-- tuerized. The • pastuerization pro= cess'' takes place •after the eggs have been • broken by '.the pro- cessor w.her turns this product' into, powdered or frozen form Thus. 'thegentleman is obviously referring: to : these firing ' who manufacture such products the . ; baking , and confectionary. :trades,. This. 'flurry of publicity . has. magnified' the :;problem far be.- gond : its truesignificance, and it, ''could'•. have . adverse. ; effects• upon the sale of •eggs, ` said : ;Mr Robson. ..Down through the years .c-pra •d•erable.:research ' and • blood testing of ' breeding flocks in: Canada., has led to ;almost com- plete extinction of the Salmon- elia Pullorm,, •virtually, the :only. way thins `.bacte la could be trans rnitted from the producer's flock "Just yesterday", . Mr. Robson. said, •"Dr. C. A. Morrell, head of. ° the Food and. • Drug ; Direc- torate, in. Ottawa :is. quotedas ,say`ing `S:alrnonella alriiost : nev-: er ` :occurs : in .fresh .egg':" "The. Food and • :Drug people have. ' in- d?cated•'that .they intend. to bring in regulations requiring ,a11 pro, cessors of egg.s to pastue:rize the product. He.: .went ' on; e ; as egg. 'produces approve :whole- hearted:ly_ with -.this. proposal in' the. int'�res'•s of 'protecting: the general' public, 'but .we • resent being cast as the' villain of the. piece when it.: is 'quite :clear that. any danger t� -consumers through • { headquarters,.. on the. : Sgunre, near East street; . Mayor Ernie Fisher 'promises an active ' and vigorous' seven. Weeks of care paigning• in his effort tb repre-'i sena 4uron County in the next Dominion Parliament. He, will continue his duties as ' Mayor of Goderich until the' completion of his . present :terra. BERTHS STfiPSON --- at Alexandra ' arid Maririt. Hospital, Gode,rich, on Wednesday, ,Aptril 25th to Mr,' and Mrs. Duncan Simpsol, Kiri- tail, a sr,n, &ian Thomas .Col- lins, Col-fins, a brother for ' John, Flora Ma'ga,ret and .David, • only quite remote, hut. almost non-existent." . ' the course . 'of defending . ,. their own 'position' it appears that some people' have, perhaps, irradvertan•tlyj• cast their asper skins On. the: fine quality "Of Ontario eggs." .said .Mr. Rcl.son. FIREMEN MADE: RUN TO JACK ALTON'S ..,:TH.114SD4 Lucknow Fire Department re- sponded to a fire calf, at , the farm of. Jack Alton, Just south. of Belfast, on the .Lucknow Dunganr on mad„ last Thursday, afternoon. • " Mrs. Alton And children were alone in the .house, .and upon noticing puffs- of ,smoke in the downstairs, found the:. upstairs full of smoke.. and, the pipes red!. hot. , • The Alton house is heated 'by oil, but Occasionally a wood stove is •used in the kitchen, ` Firemen and •neighbours, with the aidof an extinguisher, , succeeded` in putting the fire• out and cooling the eiipes, • . OPEN HOUSE:. Mr. and Mrs' Oliver Me ,Charles. willhold open house - in honour of Allan and •.'Jean 1VIcCharles, recent newlywed's•, at their home, Highway' 86 at Rip- ley Road, Saturday,. May 12th,, afternoon and evening. Teachers Take In -Service Course ' • :Ninety eight teachers. from "the'. Bruce r and I>ZI Inspectorates met in °the.,.C..G. Huston 'Public School, . South.ampton, S•aturday;: May 4th. The :Federated Women Teachers', 'Association ^vias hold ing the : second of. the In -Service. Training Courses. • provided. dur- :ing .the :1961-19'6.2• ... schoal year for.', the teachers., in there in= spectorates • The topic, which •was Art; was •: very Capably handled by . 'Mr.. .Sherman . Miller" ,of' '..Stratford'' • Teachers' College. His lecture ;8i .demonstration was followed by ,..period , of. practical ; work .far : the teachers: ,.• • Attendance at • these courses On •a v'oluntary basis. ,They are given solely' :for the self -improve 'Pent of thy.. teacher :• andthe, certificates given. ` do .:.not : r arise' the .standard of a `teaching cert• i• ficate .nor. the category for • -sal aries. Those in.. attendance .from the LLckno'w• staff" were Mrs Cr•ac Johnston, Mrs.. James MaCTax-. ish, Mrs.' Norman. Taylor, Mrs Helen. 1 hempSon• arid M133 Webb 114- .•. 'A rE THIRTEENr KINLOSS Mrs:, Jennie iVlills of London visited last week With her 'Os- ter,: Mrs. George Lockhart and mire Lockhart. Harvey Welsh, son' of Mr. &' Mrs. Eldon Welsh returned to school this week on crutches,. He. underwent an operation on his. foot in Londorf . in Easter Holi. days, • • • Bill Buckton has finished his. year at Toronto University . and. commenced work in the . Engin- eering Department at. Dominion Road : Machinery ' Co. Ltd. at Goderich on• Monday Mr. Bernd Waschke, 2nd, Con., is, still' • a patient in London, where ' he underwent . an eraser- gency operation. some- .weeks ago. Mrs. • Allan Graham 'and fam- ily and. Miss ,Donna Hawke vis- ited Friday evening with Mr. -&; Mrs Gordon MacDonald and ins fent daughter. Mr, and. 'Mrs,; Nelson ' Howe, Douglas and Mary of Paisley, were visitors on Sunday with;,,,.,,.. Mr. , and Mr's. Harvey Houston Eight and one-half ri1 es c lastic: piping have been Paid: ,. wy tne..Canad,ian 1'ce- .Co vias the .Port. Elgin_ ,Arena to cower .•the 80' 'x 18.0' •sur;face. Metal Spacers hold the .1.80 -font ;lengths. .which are joined ,:by end connections. 'w:Te reinfforcernent 'covers the pla:�t'cand the pipes 'wilt ;be fit - ed with water before the .ce inent :floor is poured.', . 'Mitchell will. shortly .mark the• official •opening' of a new, Water, pollution' control system and an :expanded -water system at a Cost of -,very 'close toa half,: million dollars, ; Is Your 'Subscription Renewed?. Fire Desfroys.M.crrin BrOte...:i:Field0190 Liberal' Nominee WILLIAM OSWALt :.. William P. Oswald, of, Chesley,.: field :men with the .Bruce County Federation Qf .'Agriculture, `list week wa's nominated as Liberal candidate ; for the Grey -Bruce'' riding` in the' June 'Lath rfederal: 1Vfr.' :Oswald defeated. George : I'T nnerow, :a :Bentick Township farm e'r ,and fo mer Grey .County 'warden.. There were', se/Ven nom- inated .om inated�fo : Li candidacy the, beral .and da'cy but!only o.nly. Mr. Man:nero.w and Mr.. Oswald. agreed . to stand. • An estimated; 300 persons At- tended the rally, ,Guest speakers included Walter Harris, former •finance ministerin the 'St. Lau- rent t.bvernment,' Farquhar. Oli-.. :ver,: •MPP,' Grey South :and Ross Whicher of Wiarton, MPP :Bruce. Malcolm Findlay, of ' Eden Grove, president • of . the irey- Bruce'•. Liberal Association was cha.irinan:' Mme At r :.