HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-09, Page 12AGE' 4110 'Imo i W Stifilltim, LtuCitiloW,, . orrr luo ferrs aout S SU tiC Aliaaya keep ' your Hospital Insurance Certificate handy. Killer INSUREDS Separate; premiums. are ,required for your insurance fpgrireiton. Obtain appliction form at, a bank, a hos* pital ar the Commission. KEEP INSUREDS' The.Family premium mustbe paid to cover husband anti wife.. Tell .your group OR, if ybu paY, your premiums; direct, notify the Cofmission., KEiEP:INRIUREDI•`' Follow carefully the instructions on the back, of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, which your 'employer is re quired to give yon. . OhROR10 NOSPITALSERVICES COMMISSION: • 218s PONCE STREET TOROIi7`0.7i ONTARIO:' X11.. ST. H..ELENS. Twenty-three ladies, and: four children were in attendance at the May W.I. meeting • on- ,-Thurs-day, ay 3•rd . in the hall. Mrs. Ross Gammie, the new president, was • in ' the chair.. A donation. was voted to the Parish Hall far the 4-H• club. work 'meetings held there.. .Mrs. `Frank.' :McQuil lin' and Mrs. Jim ..Aitchison ,were appointed -delegates to the'Dis- trict • Annual in 'Clinton: on may .' llth. The 4-H club Achievement 'Day will •be held in `Wingham. High School on May' `12th' to which 'everyone is invited. Mrs. .Gordan Struthers, . Mrs. Bob Ait- chison, ison, :. Mrs. Allan'Cranston, Mrs. Ross iErrington 'and Mrs... Peter Campbell were .a commit- tee .appointed to plan a pot luck supper in thenear future. ; The flower beds around the: hall' are to be planted this Spring. Mrs. Bailbour introduced the ;'guest' .y 11 out Artifidal lce MacLean ..Johnstone, London "Enclosed find a. cheque for ten dollars, as a small contri- bution. towards, Lucknow and: district Lion's Club artificial iced fund. I am glad the Lions Club have nearly reached their, objective. I shall always re- member the ,good times, I had skating and playing hockey in the old rink and w ll always remember the boys. that played in. my time 'Wishing -the Lions. Club every siuccess.:' * *. !Mrs. • Margaret Black (nee Mac !Frierson), Ottawa •"P, lease., l find enclosed two cheques, one for renewal of • my subscription to the home town paper. I would certainly Miss not getting it ev- ery week; • also " a much delayed cheque • for theartificial ice cause. I have Many fondmem. oaries of pleasant evenings spent. in the., arena during my high. school 'years since I hardly ever misseda skating night or a lioc'key. :game, Mrs. Dorothy Stein, Galt "Find` " enclosed $2.00 to help pu ' the Artificial - •Ice Fund over the top. Beit' of luck " • ,* * * .' Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie and Miss Katharine MacKenie, Toronto -. ."Please find :.enclosed our dona- tion to the Artificial Ice : Fund — a worthwhile : proJect. The response -.has been' Most'. grat- ifying so• far •has it not?We do hope for its ,success:" **�k , Hattie ..Roach,. , Goderich "•Good luck •• to the:, Lions - C1ub and : all who are • working. to. pro- vide'. artificial. ice in ..the : Lusk- now .Arena." ' • * * • .Tena: and Simpson ,'West, El- bow, Sask. : "Enclosed find our cheque, to help ',along your 'artificial ice `fund and wish you every success; It was in the .old rink we ' had our first. skating dates and now have celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary" • "Public • 'Relations." • Mrs. : Mc Innes gave a very informative and .interesting.' address and Mrs: ;Gammie , thanked the , speaker & presented:. her 'with 'a gift. The motto,. "Your Expression is, '. the most: Important , Thing You 'Wear." was given by. Mrs. Frank McQullin., Musical ntimibers were given by Mrs. Ross, ,.Gam- mie and.' Loree. and ':Urs. 'E, W. Rice. Lunch -was;; served by Mrs. Peter, Campbell, and Mrs. Ross Gammie: . Mr..' and -Mrs. Callum cattle :ron : of Detroit were;, Sunday.'yis- iters with 'Mr. , and. Mrs.: John • Cameron BORN 1-L• to.Mr. and Ml's. Wm. McPherson on' May 2nd,'`a ..son, a : brother for° Beverley, Gail, 'Janet and Margie., Congratula- tions,. .Mr. and Mrs. Ray: Laidlaw & Jimmie ,of Wingham spent' Sun- day with her ''parent, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Todd, Mrs MVlclnnes from speaker, .. . •Whitechurch who was substitute Dad doesn't exactly like • ing.5for Mrs.Victor Emerson who wife . to get things on time, Was. sick. 'She chose as 'her topic cept his, meals. his ex - NE GOT THE MAN We can furnish you with ALL the necessary printing that you ' will need for . your Wed- ding: • N. • Many Styles To Choose from WEDDEN & WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS THANK -YOU NOTES NAPKINS PLACE CARDS The UCKNOW SENTINEL PHONE 35 CAMPBELL STS ! LUCKNO" Graee A. ' Switzer . and Mrs. Helen And'erson;; London "Please find enclosed- a cheque for '$10' 00 for,. the Artificial Ice • Fund. Mother 'and I wish . you every success with. the- project. I,11' never forget the fun - we ,used' to have on the. old pond,"'. * * * Irene and Gordon Johnston; Scarborough"Enclosed .is a'. small• contra n "for the ice fund Best' rwishes . for success in:: the project." ** • / Mrs. Raynard Ackert, Sec. treas:, Holyroad W.I. "The Holyrood.: Women's • Institute' would be . happy to have 'you accept this • cheque as Our do- nation to the ' Artificial' lee'. Fund..: Our best : wishes • go :with it".; • *:** ,• ,Mrs, 'Margaret . MacPherson,,, ,1Viilvertori "Just: a .line to you with my 'donation to Artificial Ice Fund' for Lucknow. T have a very pleasant. -memory of. Luck now and the friendly, people • of 'your` town, and that area. Please accept my, little donation, wish ing - you every :success in 'ybur enterprise."' John Kilpatrick; Arkona ndOsed "'is our : ' conffl u: ion to the Ice Fund. We wish the very best of luck' and hope you. have as good hockey • . on the artificial ice 'as *e had on . the` natural ice," i • *'•* Mrs. Rose Chin Commends 'Artificial lce • Plan 304 Glen Rd,, 'Toronto Ont: Dear Campbell, Very pleased to learn .that' Lucknow plans . ibr artificial • icer My family found greatest satisfaction and recreation down at the local arena. I recommend the sports and encourage every-. one . to participate in Making , the project materialize,. • Sincerely, Rose Chin, WED�NESDA", MAY 9th, 1962 ANOTHER E • Q DI ,.VEpmEHT : . Preserves fuel quality... saves money! help Your Co-op, constantly workingto members reap more profits from their farms,; now introduces the new Fuel -Saver rill Cap, adaptable to fit any fuelstorage tank. This.. simple device lowers the percentage of evaporation logs and checks fuel deterioration in your Farm. Storage_ Tanks. Recently " invented by .. a Co-op member, it :. has been thoroughly tested • for effective results and is now exclusive with Co-operatives in Ontario. Actual scale tests have shown that a farmer using 1,200 gallons of gasoline a year lost 67 gallons a' year through evaporation—When using the Fuel -Saver Fill Cap, this was reduced to only 17 gallons! This is another "extra" Co-op service. For :addedvalue, place your confidence the. fine line of top quality .petroleuir products that give you the best possible performance— CO-OP Heavy Duty Oil, CO-OP. Cofax,• CO-OP Lubco (Multi-Purpose)grease, and top ualit CO-OP Gasolines. for fast` dependable Farm Service, rely on your Co-opd CO-OP PETROLEUM PRODUCTS lJc stric' Phone Margot, & Be.a Parker,' Luck now and . ' Tororiito -- ` "For the Artifi.eial Ince Project,' with our, R best •wishes for your: success '•'' a+' u L. oc a * Mildred & Meff Johnson, Rip- ley -' "Please • accept. this cheek. for the artificial ice ; fund. Best: wishes to the Lions Club with their project." *•* *. Mary & Graham Pickney, Ajax — "We wish you every: success in your project." ►Myrtle &' Elliot Fells, Whitby' — • "We want to congratulate Youon your Artificial Ice Cam- paign. We are all proud/ of. our Home Town and we wish you, every success." . • Reg. Laois; London -- - '"Best Of ' luck." ' Mercury Photo Service, Tor- onto' "Referring. to ---your Lion's, Club Campaign ..we are enclosing • herewith our chequ towards your rink , fund: Wish- ing" you the . best of luck." Register Forms Carbon Snapout Forms Gas and Oil Truck .For ns Continuoxia' Business Porins' Counter Check Books. _Resta rant rads LUCKNOW. SENTINEL MONUMENTS. For sound counsel and a. fair price on a monument correctly =' designed • from • quality material, rely SKELTON MEMORIALS .. ,O'Hagan, Prop: Established '.Over. Sixty Years r. Walkerton Phofe On on ario