HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-09, Page 11wErrieSbAYI MAY etho 1962. 002110100111111IMINNIMIONI. • THE KANGAROO, the. largest 'of the • Australian marsupials, Manlike countryside in large bands.. Although a • full:growsi ,kangaroo. it n.ins feet high . • and weighs 200'pounds,•the baby Is. only an inchlong when it is born It • stays inside its mother's pouch until . k la five or six Months old, at which. . time it weighs several Pounds and is able tTshift for itsalf. • •• • When the young kangaroo leaves. its it is ready to take its rightful . place intha World. To help your children take their rightful place 'in the world,;• there is nothing betterthan life iniUr- ince. Let ma telt you. about Sun Life's ' Educational 'Policy which Can so easily • • providefundsfortheir,coilegeedUCatiOn, •J Kinahan. _AIL 2,. Lueknow Phone. Wbghani ••717-so...4. • • ' . • SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ASHFIELD Ray MacKenzie of. Toronto was home for the •week:-encl. . Mr.• and Mrs. Charles Kitson of Thomas • visited. with Mrs. George Kitson on Sunday. There will be no -churgh ser- vice. in Ashfield . ,Presbyterian Church on May 20th wheri 'Rip- ley Church. will hold anniversary „services with. Nev. F. Cr -Olney. of -• Kincardine 'as guest speaker., 'Congratulations to • Mr. •and Mrs., Donald. • Shnpson • on • the • bifth of a son, May 6th-. Mrs, Robert 'Simpson had the misfortune 'to. fracture her ankle on SaturdaY. • • . Asign in • the. ,gift ' shop react, "For the man who has ,every- thing: a calendar to remind him when 'the payments ,are due," • 1 • . „ . ••••.••••••ft.•—••••... 4 • I • THE L CICN OW EN LINE LIS CXN OW It MIT ARK. PAGE Ashfield Native AMBER Died Suddenly E/44,WQ0D. DRENNAN William- Ellwood Drennan died suddenly on 'SaturdaY; April .2811-1 • at Kincardine. He sffered a heart seizure while down street in the Lakeside . town, and the attack proved fatal within min.-. utes, He was • 66. A ' native of .Ashfield ,Town- ship and a veteran of World War 1, Ellwood was widely known and was• popular and highly esteemed by., a host of friendt. • He was a son of Robert Dren- nan and Annie McIver of Ash- field, • where he was. :barn 'cm April,. 27th, 1896. Just prior 'to his 20th birthday, : Ellwood • en- listed in the 160th 'Bruce ,Bat- talion ,.on March 20th, 1916, and •served overseas in England and • France. . ;'At Windsor on June.. 20, 1920; Ellwood • married Isabel Mac-. Donald of Ashfield .and :they farmed 'in their native ' township •until moving to Kineardine 61/2 Years,., ago: Ellwood had been • serving: as r:lart time caretaker of the !Kincardine • Legion Hall, of -which branch he was a mem- ber. He had originally, • been a valued 'member of. tkie Lucknow. Legion, Mr. Drennan 'was also a menthe's. of Old. Light •Lodge. • and A.M., Luakhow,„ and memibers held a memorial 'Ser- vice on Monday' evening, at, the .IVICLennan -Funeral Home in Kincardine. 'Service held there on Tuesday. afternoon by Rev Fred Cromey of 'Kincardine. Presbyterian Church: interment •was in Kincardine Cemetery; with members of Kincardine 43ranch -183, Royal Canadian Le- gion, participating , and Rev. :Stanley Stott,. Legion ' Chaplain •conduating the . graveside Ser - 'vice Pallbearers were Norman ClintOn • and David Kennedy' of 'Kincardine, Kenneth • Cameron and Noble Johnston'of Lucknow, Bill- Johnston and :john Collin- son Of -Ashfield. • • • Ellwood 'is survived. by • his .Widow; three sOnS,, William with the. RCAF. in ' France; Kenneth. Of Kincardine, ..Douglas• -•on the. homestead in Ashfield and. eight grandchildren. One . of a faMily. of seven, two brothers and two sisters survive; Gordon brenrian • f A f' ldS 1 v Drennan :. Kincardine; Mrs., MacGre- gor. (Mai)„ of. Kintail and Mrs. Harold Evans •.(Pearl) • of La- combe, Alta., 'Be was predeceased by two sisters, Mrs; Douglas Harton (Mary) ',:and Mrs. Nor- man -Patterson ('Bernice. . • . • • . • ••• • • • • . • LANGSIDE . • ..... . . •-,. ••, . . . • • ' . • • , • • The farm af' Hugh MacKenzie on the fourth contesSion Was a: hive of •activity the last . two weeks, when he added 12,000 trees to his reforestation project. Hugh • returned • to Levack on Monday where he. is employed. The Ladies Aid. meeting. will • be held at the home.. of Mrs. Wesley .Young 'on Wednesday evening, ' • .The Missionarymeeting will,be held at the home •of Mrs. Everett Whytock on Thursday, May 10th. • . • Mr. and Mrs, Kelvin Hender- son and Mr, and Mrs. Donald Gillies of Ripley attended the Edmonton-Hairrilton. Memorla Cup game Saturday evening of last Week at Guelph. • Their nephew, Paul' Henderson is a tri.e.0.0•••••••••••••••••••1111•••••••:••••••... NEW DEMOCRATIC. PARTY • NOMINATION MEETING :7 .. . For ,Huron - Riding ----- . ', .' .. I...• .. . , WILL BE HELD IN • • • ' • Qmgern,ngberatruiltiotnh:. gl:milt07 team .e.• 0. McKay ., . , . • ,,, 0 •. • to Paul ont •• Hall rich -Fri , May 1 his splendid work on .the tearn •' 1 : . . - I : Co.' 1 0 e ' . • Mr, and Mrs. Donald Courtney : : ' at 8.30 ' pm. ..•• , . . • , • : DONALD. C. MicDONALD, PROVINCIAL' LEADER! ii .. Will Be Guest Speaker. — i • -; - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7 and carol and Mr. and Mrs. William Courtneyvisited with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman .Steele of Selkirk, also with, .11,ev. • lames and Mrs. Blair' and' family Of Waterford On Sunday., 'Confirmation service was held at the Church of •the Messiah in: Kineardine On -Sunday evening.' Bishop A. H. Appleyard officiat- ed. From .St. congrega- tion at Lurgan, Lois and Louise. Collins,„ James Ernmerton and Arthur Godfrey were confirmed. .• Mrs. WilliaM Steele, Mrs. Geo. McDonald and. Mrs. Donald Blue were _guests , of. Mr. and IVIrs. 1-.1...Panburn on Friday ev- ening.', ' • • . • Baptismal., service was ;held at St.. LUketAn lican -Church on . „ Sunday when DannyBruce, son Of Mr. and Mrs. ,Carl Wilkin was . • baptized: • • : • . . Mr. and Mrs.. Leonard Collyer of Goderith, visited With Mr & Mrs Norval Nesbitt.' on Sunday; The teen-age dance was well attended., on. Friday evening. The hall ...committee were chaperons for the' evening. • Mr. 'Mac McDonald and Mr; Harold Thompson visited With Mr. and .Mrs: John Ernmertim one evening last. week. • , • Joyce. Steele and. Ronnie Mc, Charles, Grade 13 Students -frOrn. Ripley High School attended a 'Play' in a Londori.Thatre . e .cently. • Mrs, Leonard. Elms •underwent surgery ,a• .London : Hospital. last Week:: , . • • Rev. John C. -Hutton visited in Toronto :part of last 'week .with.Mr.' and *Mrs. Wayne :John- ston. ,x" Mrs. Laura •MeNain and IVtiss Helen McNain visited over last. week -end. with 'Dr; and • Mrs. Stewart Sims Of Toronto. Wilfrid Steele' en e a Concert in: 'Southampton on TUes- day evening when the ,commun- ity • choir of which he, is. a Meth:- ber participated. The of ;the Presbyterian Church are holding . their . -Centennial at Southamptonnext year arid :the, concert was. held 'wards. ing funds far the occasion., • The executive of • Reids Corn- ers W.I. met at thehome of Mrs. Cecil Holland ..'s'on •Friday 'evening to make up programmes for the year 1962. • Mrs. Oliver McChaties, Mrs: Donald • Courtney • and 'Mrs. -H. Street. of Kincardine attended , an executive 'Meeting at Port Elgin on Wednesday., of :last • Week, Plans were Made for ;the United Church: _Women's Rally' to be held ,at Ripley, ' June 4th. jand Mrs: Douglas young. Or Niagara on the Lake visked last .week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell . and other relatives • in the vicinity. • •GOLF NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED! . The. .WiniWo. Golf Club Invite • Luckno*:.....'and., Area :GOlfeesH. . . To - . join' Their Club . ..• •• : . . A ,V,Vondertui Form " Of Outdoor ' Recreation' , ENJOY IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS •. • Very Atfractive 'Rates For Non Resident Golfers Or Beginners Contact, LLOYD HALL, LUcknow Membership Representative KINGSBRIDGE Mr, and Mrs:. Jos. O'Keefe,. Maryanne,' Joseph • and Nancy spent Sunday in •WoOdatock. Mrs; Nora SInn,ett_ancl non of Detroit spent the 'week- end here. • • • Dr. Gilbert and Mrs. ik-rayrie :of Gait visited the Trayne Over the week -end; Sunday visitors with '1Vfirs, Carl Riegling and family ,were Mr, and Mrs. Paul Geraux and family of 1VlacKay's Carriers: and Mr. 'and Mrs, John McCart and family of Norwocid. Mrs. , Reta Brown 8pent a few days • in Tbronto with relativei.. .• • What's Wrong„with Junior? He looks sO 'depressed, • :He wants to gt. to the drug Store down at the 'corner, but /the car 'won't start:' • • congratulate all the F'atrols • on theirfin.ewcorurkit.. • Anew ,,reis with us this, week. Donald Saunders has mov- ed into our area ,and we wel- come him! ‘into'" our Troop,. • 'A week 'ago '.at our Troop meeting we were privileged, to have a visit ficirn Mr. Gorconi • McKinnon .of Chicago anct,the Lueknow , Troop, Mr. 1VIcKinnon's Parents originally carne from. , • • this area and each year he comes over to Young Canada week at. Goderich. The boys got a kick out; of his :slides of the .Inter-.. national Boy, Scout Jamboree at Colorado Springs 'and of Disney - • lst KINLOSS BOY SCOUT • GROUP • , Scouting and • caMping go to- gether like apple pie and cheese. This week -end 31 of .our Scouts tried everything: but the pie and cheese .as they held their 2nd annual, ;spring camporee at Camp ' Martyr,. at, Inverhuron. %The Troop assembled , at 5:30. Friday evening at the :Scout Hall and six cars carried the. caravan to camp. We are thank- ful to , Leonard 1V1eInnes, Ted Burt, Harold .Hald.enby; Ron Thacker and Donald, McEwen for assisting the leaders with their' cars. • • The Week -end. had several, highlights • including church ser- vice at:, Tiverton Presbyterian Church; • an Indian Camp: Fire with tom-toms. and warpaint, & a l•ot of fine . meals planned and The' LacknoW Troop took onr the Kinloss boys in Floor Hockey and pretty well cleaned up on. us in scoring 4: to 1,• but ina next winter -we , can try again: , Just 'a reminder that the An- ' nual District Church Parade is .at Ripley this year and wild be on Sunday afternoon, '1V1iy.:27th. • . „ • • •. • , . . NEWS BRIEFS Cooked by the boyt, themselves. FROM': 'NEARBY .Each Patrol was in stiff :• , com- petition'• .championship•". • Wi*gliam's tax rate is up to Points were given for leadership; camping skills, camp' kitchen set - 'up; as well as, fot the ,usuai Scouting skills such as signalling, • Strucli-by . lightning , the barn compass directions, lifeline throw- , and 35 head of cattle owned 'by ing; and 'many others.: The vari- Stanley Ball of Hullett 'ToWn- ous events were not too 'difficult ship were, destroyed last week. to judge as there were differen- Mr.. Ball, who had :beenassiSt- ces between the boys, in 'skills, ing a neighbour seeding.; :returri7; • but 'the; totals addedup arnaz- edhome just after the outbreak, ingly .„even with the scores of His:wife:and daughters had been 109, 107 and 106.: . 1 doing the • chOres, and, were just The Golden Hawks managed'' about 26. feet from 0'10 barn to have the 'high score so will ,Whenel the belt struck. 75 mills for residential properties . . and 8177 for corinnercial. rePreSent 1St KintosS at, the. District Camporee two weeks. from noir: The GOlden Hawks. 'include R.L..Allan Corriisll, /rid Donald Bannerman, Jim SCA.riel- ler, • Barry, Haldenby;'Douglas Eadie, Douglas. ..1VIcF/Vven, Walter Bruc C 1 11 Thacker. Because • the scores: were so.. e 'we just have to , •• Wingham Council recently re-. ,. .ceived. a letter from solicitor acting for Whitney Grose, con- cerning the fact that, •Mr..Grose hoped to erect a 10-xoinn ,hotel Withrestaurant; lounge. and, bev-; erage -.Town faciljties 'on .the site • Of ,the Brunswick 'hotel: destroyed • e by fire in 1958. .". ••••44/•-••"•••-•4•,/..."1/..."••••••',../...."-•,/s•-•I. .././...../.4-•••••/.../..."-••••,.../."•••-•./...•••-.,‘ • We Carry And ,Install ALie.Of or Povver Mufflers, Tires, Batteries and Ignition Parts • To Fit Your Ca:— At The Right Price • We Also Have A Good Supply Of Bicycles, Children's-.111/640fis, TTricycles .andfis. )045Oppliej•.. • 4 TOR E WINGHANit ONTo Phone 184 • Robin E. Cairipbeli • • . . • . 4 • • -• • o . . • • r • ";" e •4, 4.o .• '; •or ` ' ' 4 • • • • • , * • • - • , . • m ••• 44t. •4 •• • . 14 4,4 ;, 4. ' • . 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