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Remember .Mother on
With Flower s.
.n s : Greeflb�uSes.Solon�o ... .
Phone 88. Lucknow,
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Sii-Year.Oid, .ad K111e : e
Mother's Eyes When Strut e By Car
(DUNGANN.N , NEWS) and; Mr. Gary Lee all of
Friends: in this •di'str.ct, receive rich,
ed a great shock on Saturday An interesting visitor,. to these •
morning , when they learned of Parts at 'the week -lend and at-
a fatal road aceidervt that :Qccuf- tending the United Church. IT
red.' to „Mr., and Mrs, Alber: t' Riv day n1orn ng service was : Mrs.
e'tt's little- six-year-old boy, Vickerson of Bracebridge, She is.
':Michael Phillip of ' Stxatfordville, the widow of a former minister
who was crossing ,the road in the. late Rev. Vickerson and it
front of their, 'hoarseafter getting is eighteen years since theyleft
the mail and stepped out in and four' years .since her hus;-
front, of a passing car. and ,was band's death: ' -Her son, Charles
killed Apparently a•: parked car is Z1 ' years . of age 'and is em-
obstructed the view: It all hap- ploYed in Toronto. Friends were
paned before Mrs: Rivett's ;eyes, happy to meet her again:
as she w,as watching . at the : The Anglican • Church .Guild_
window for, . him to come back, met last Thursday evening at
and .made the' tragedy more grim. the':home, of Mrs: Don Paquette.
He was a :dear' little fellow After singing 'a hymn and re.;:'
they had taken into their ,home,; peating the GuildPrayer and;
when a baby and bestowed all Lord's Prayer, Mrs, ; Tom Young
the love and affection* that par- the president read the scripture
lesson. Plans were made for . a
Bake' sale and tea and White
Elephant counter on Saturday,
May 19th:. Rev'. •Wil�fred..'Wright
pronounced .the bene diction which
was. followed ,Iby a social half.
hour and lunch served" b'y ..the
hostess, . Mrs,': Paquette.
Mrs•. Harvey Anderson• and son,
Billy of Goderichvisiited .Mr. 84
Mrs. Alvin" Sherwood' and Rolbert
on Sunday... •.•
We . are glad to ' hear of: »Mrs.
ents could offer and' friends. in
this 'district were saddened for.
this' proniisin.g. life cut short, We
extend .sympathy. to Mr. and Mrs.
Albert: Rivett and their daughter
Fina. Attending. the .funeral ori
Monday' were '. Mr. and • Mrs.
Frank Pentland, and; family,, .?a
trici'a, Rodger., .Donna, Mrs.' Cecil
Blake, Mr.,. and.. Mrs. Arnold'
Rivett, i r., and Mrs. George Ri-
vett, We$ and'Jim, Mr.and Mrs.
Gordon . Bowers.
T e.4 -H Cilub Girls. "The Dun
gannnon Sew and Sos' met at'
the'„home of` Mrs.. Esther`�Rivetts
on Friday evening' with.a' full
attendance. The ' roll ty call was
answered by . , "S.ome`thing we
have. learned ahout making gar-
ments.” They worked at "sep-
arates" ,in final preparation : in
view of .Achieveanen't: Day, May
19th at 'Clinton. ,Mrs.. Hugh .Mc
Whinney and Mrs E. Rivett have.
been the leaders. .
Mr. and 'Mrs.': Ervine Eedy; Bob,
Patricia; Martha' and' Mrs: "Simon.
McKay".spent,:the week -end With
Mr. :and Mrs.. James Blair of
London • & were, guests of Mrs:
Eedy's• niece, :Miss. Sharon :Blair_
and Mr. .Gerald Ireland, •
Mr. ancLMrs. William ,Park and
family' had as'" visitors on Sun
day her.: parents;' Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Ashton, '`Marilyn . and Gail
Back To' Ashfield
for Anniversary
Dr. C. Ii Dickinson who will.
be the ,guest preacher at' Haek-'
ett's. Anniversary this Sunday,
May 131h;, is a former ''pastor of,
Ashfield, Charge,' being the first
minister to ;serve, the Charge
following union: Rev: ' Mr., Dick-
'm'soii succeeded: Rev. C.-; W. :D,
'Cosens in: Ashfield in 1925' and
in 1926;. . he was •succeeded by
I ev. ,Arthur W. Brown.
Prom*,;Ashfipeld, Mr. Dickinson.
went to Mose 'Jaw and 'then to
thee . American • Presbyterian
Church, Montreal, About ' 25
years ago' he 'was appointed
Book Steward .and has. been in
ciharge , • of the publishing work
of the ;United Church since,then,
A number of old friends will .no
doulbt welcome this opportunity
of again -meeting and ,hearing
Mr. lJickin,so.n.
It 'is eatpectecl, that 'Pr, Dick::
inson will be a guest on the
Sing'Time progr�arn 'on .CKNX
`FV on Sunday afternoon,
Otto ,Rope's. suocessfui. irecavery
lfter an„ -opera ion at-�- teach-
hospital• on Friday; April 27t.h,.
She: is expected to be able to
leave the hospital'on Tuesday of
this' ',week, and would be a con-
valescent at the home of ,her
daughter, Mrs, Brian Hallam for
a while.
onQred' On Her'
80th • Birthday,
Mrs, Sam Reid of Lucknow
celebrated her.80th birthday oa.
Sunday, May 6th 'and was guest
of -honour at a family dinner.
held .at, Tiger Dunlop • Inn, All.
members of her family, 17:.grand-
children and 4 "'great grandchild-
ren were' present -
Her sister, Mrs, W. • R, Farrier'
of Whitechurch, was also` a guest,
. There were 35 present for' this
happy occasion. Mrs. Reid has.
.a family of one son,. Milvert. of
Zion • and four daughters, Mts.
. Peter Cook (Evelyn). of Zion,
Mrs. Charles MacDonald ' (Ruby)
of St, Helens, Mrs.: W, G, Hum.
phrey (Doris): of ''St. Helens and
M;, Clipperton (Lorna) of
LondorsnRuss. -
Mr, and Mrs, Reid ; moved . to
Lucknow from their Ashfield
Township, farm some 17 years
ago. Mr. Reid passed away three
years ago. p
Parents desiring to : have a child attend
Kindergarten during'' Ithe, 1962.63. School term are
requested to register with Mrs.' Helen .'Hall, at
the Lucknow .,Public School, on. Friday, May '18th
from .2:00 to 3:30 p,m.:
Proof that the 'child' will ' be five ,'years.. of
age. before December 31st, 1962, is required and
the child ';should : accompany parent '• at time . of
Tuition'. fee -.---1$15.00,. for non-resident
dren, payable at' 'time of .'registration;
• *4-4 .'.
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