HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-09, Page 2t .! • • L" t • oi • ,SOMEN !N •••*a•••••q•••N•••• 9.®•10•••t + - is THE LUCKNOW SENTIi o LUCKNOW. ONTARIO wRigoNES.DAt MAX 2nd:, 104 iE,ft rance Sule Of All ,tidies', Teenagers" and Children's' SPRING COATS • • We need the space for onr Spring & Summer . • ,. • i•' • . •. •: . • • • lo • . • • I• Dresses ' so we are offering Dicounts from iO% to 5Q% AGENT FOR KINCARDINE. CLEANERS . gree Pick.Up and Deliverr:.Monday and Thursda • • .• • Ladies' and 'Men's. Wear --• 'Luclmow .• • •••••••••••N••••naN•anNnu•au•••u•••••ti LF MEMBERS WELCOMED! ngham GoIf Club Invite ucknow and Area Golfers To Join Their Club A .Wonderful:: Form Of .Outdoor •Recreation ENJOY : IT WITH , ;YOUR FRIENDS. Very' .Attractive' Rates ,Fpr ; Non Resident: Golfers Beginners , • 'Contact;' .LLOYD~ HALL, Lucknow Membership ;Representative -�r RequestB�ys, Parent.s Aftend;..CubF.ack Organizational Meefing Next ; Tuesday; • The Lucknow; ' Boy Scout Committee meeting' has obtained the consent . of '•iMr. Fred Pierce, the .manager: of the Co=op, to be :..Cub. Leader,. and • it •'is . hoped .:that he will' .be'. ,assisted by -Mr. Dion Dennis, a . teacher of ':the. LDHS, in • this proposed ;venture: • Mr. Pierce has had previous ex .er_ encu in_ li _field , . ' an pointed out; that to suiccessfully. organize and •conduct Cub activi- ties it .was . necessary that more help be • available, thus the suc-` cess of this-' project . depe�nds:. to a great extent 'upon what help will. -be .given by •parents, es- pecially. the mothers .Of the boys: To this ' :end an. organizational. meeting willbe held .on Tues- day, May/ 8th at '1,:30. p.m, in the . Town. 'Hall . to organize boys. of 9, years to 12 . years inclusive. Boys of ' this, age group and • their parents.. who `.are anxious to do form :a Cub pack should a -- tend tend thismeeting, and ficient . help is forthcoming, en roilinent, .and-possiblyr induction of the Cubs would take, :place 'at this . time. •{ Gr • CLEANING iED FREE ....Of CHARGE During ,The Month Of Max,; By.'. Bruce Cleaners, Kincardine: Save Up To $1.00 per Garment ON .:THIS : SPECIAL' OFFER AGENTS: Sanderson's,. Lucknow Phone 85 For Free Pick -Up And Delivery D A ,`. MacLennan, Lc�chal�h " Cities S�rrr��e station, Whitechurch �anw�Ni ,:timort.mio•Hoommosimmorsioromisorsomiliiikiiiiottlikirt$11,40.1114 By sentinel THAT •work commenced • . this week on construction of . the . building to house the artifi- cial ' ice making machinery at the south west end of, the arena,' THAT- .Art . Breckles was down town on foot. on Monday;: just three weeks after undergoing 'surgery for remo41' of .a, .brain tumor. Art has amazed'. the doctors by his speedy recovery;: which ' permitted him to return home ' last Wednesday.. TWAT the 11th. ; annual spring sale of the Huron Hereford.: Association will be ' held at the Clinton fair. grounds 'on Tues.:- day, ues-day, May 8tth . •. Twenty.. -four head of registered and.: tested. 'Herefords are being; consigned. ,by ..Huron County breeders. THAT there will he ;'special in- terest at. the : Community Sales Barn next Monday on the oc casion of the' spring consign- ment stocker : sale: of cattle, - with—accommodation for some 500 'head; u•c Ni n Fruit Marl T TO YOUR.• -=BAN• & -POST OFFICE Pohns�n's Klear Paste ax.' ipecial 8c off .Label . Deal. Bargains Pound.: Toilet. Tissue Sale T. 4 roll Pak 49c White. Swan's, Super Soft Tissue. Save 8c Choice 'Tomatoes on Sale 5 tins $1. Bright's . 28, oz. Size.- A Real Bargain.. Super: Cookie ";Sale 3 . Any,'39c Pkg. Your. Choice. Save :17c Si P.E.1. CERTIFIED .SEED POTATOES . Irish Cobbler, .Sebago, Katandin. 75 pound Bags Headquarters, For All Fresh Fruits Seeds; And.. Vegetables; Garden Seeds; . . Grass Seed, . Vigoro And 'Potting Soil Values: Effective We. Sell For Less May 3, 4, 5 Phone 119, Luck:row;. .THAT two little cousins .were ,baptized in. the United Church on Sunday . morning by' Rev. H. '. W,' . Strapp They were Yvonne' • Lynne 'Gardner," THAT the trout season opened.' daughter. ,of ' Mr. and Mrs:` Jas: officially on Saturday, wvth, IR . Gardner, ; and Sandra Lee, ideal • weather: favoring ; the. success from Gardner; ; da'ughuter, of Mr.: & fishermen who- reported vagi- Mrs_ Eugenie! Gardner. poor to . good:` THAT . ' the "Lucknow District.. High .School spring formal will THAT,the• students choir of be held ' in the' school auditor Knox College, ;• Toronto; . and Toronto, this Friday eYening, .fes-' Presbyterian College, Montreal, ,turfing the crowning of' ' the will beheard• in the Lucknaw, :. School Queen and King., Ano - Presbyterian. "Church this Fri- day ther • papular`'annual event in evening. ' the offing ' s I he' fashion. show - to be held • � Thursday May THAT Fred Taylor, formerly. w ' .p. 7,th. wlIth the Kincardine Co-op, co menced work 'last,' , week :' F,IAT Chas. Bristow n's 'associa ;with the •,Lucknow District Co, tion with the Beatty Ladder pop on truck deliveries. He s•uc firm has: been terminated.: Mr:. .ceeds Elsner MacKenzie: Mr. Bristow has been .with the. Taylor is Married , with two firm. for 22 ..years, going to children. Fergus from •Elmira . wherehe had. been associated with the' Elmira Furniture , ; Company. • Mr. Bristow has been : in. charge • • of the . Beatty plant ' here which was• opened '.a few years 'ago .for the manufacture of lad- ders, after' being closed far ..a decade Mr. and Mrs. Bristow's ,immediate plans are .uncertain. They; can continue' to . 'occupy. the --company-owned-- residence - until . August; As- this .'is rose- moving time, they . are offer- ing : their noses for sale, and those-unsold.will be moved to their' : garden lot, ., north • of Gough Street. THAT Robertannister .,,,14 .ear • old, son Of Mfr, and Mrs: Jack Bannister ' of Zurich,, ` scored . a coveted • hole -in -one at • :the: Grand Bend -golf course 'on Easter Monday. THAT Percy Barr, native of Kiniougl, has, quit his . ,position: -- with the �At_lantic Coast Coli= per ,Corporation :.Limited, at, Springdale, • Newfoundland,' : & is . naw ' with the enigirieering. firm. of .De. LeuW, ,Catlier , and; Company of. •.Canada .Limited, consulting .professional engin- eers, On road construction : at • Cartbonear, . Newfoundland. • THAT cars : driven . by Peter Guikema. of: RM. 6, Lucknow,. 'and Henry•' T. Wilcox Jr. . of Syracuse, New . York, were in a minor collision in front„ of • Al's Fina Service` last 3hurs- day evening. •Mr. ` Wilcox, '• a• grandson of • Mr. and .Mrs. Au'- • st Solomon, was .accompan- 5t ' d by ; his ,mother. ;Mr. Guike- ma: was accompanied,' by three small children. No one, was ,in- lured Provincial constable td McPhail of Kincardine' investit gated: ; THAT repairs . have been' made' to the ' amber ' protective ''win- dow that was. installed/ over the large circular . stained- . glass window ;in the United Church: At the time the am- ber window was repaired and reinforced the sections' iri ,the, main. window were re -leaded.. The amber glass, installed riot • long ago, developed cracks & "in ohe ' pane a hole occurred, There was conjecture as to the cause of this condition,,''One' theory • (being that ' it might have resulted from 'an •air ' craft breaking. the sound bar- rier. THAT -hundreds of Red •Dover tulips,. p l.anted' `by C. R.. Bris- tow, are ` now ' in colorful bloom 'along . the frontof the Beatty 'Ladder. Factory. The Horticultural •- .'Society 'flower. '.bed ' at the north' -east corner '. of the arena is another` beauty spot with Red Emperortulips in full .bloom: • Edward: •"They average : girl needs more beauty than: brains Edna "That's 'because the av- erage : man can see (better than he can think."' SPRINGS PROMISE Once more the miracle of spring. Has : come ,.to : us • . again, Green shoots ;and snow drops eryiwhere The .;gentle early 'rain , The winter's 'cold has• •iven way 'To (balmy sprirbg Pike' days, The'birds are aback "„with us again Tosin their sweetest says. • g. God sends spring, after winter. storms • 'To cheer, and :t� renew, ., ' • To nourish and to:.: strengt'hsn us In all.: • the. things '•we do. 'For we each have a task ,!in To play, our own small part, To 'spread the miracle ,of • � Srin.g - To' keep spring in the heart. Wm. ,;M: 'Buckingham. 1N1 "FOAM' SOLE CASUAL In Laced Or Slip on . Styles. The• Ideal Summer Shoe For Work Or Play, A Large Selection To Choose From, •In Leather, •,Suede Or Washable Brushed .'Fig skin '. • : • A . VARIETY OF COLOURS Black, Burnt ..Olive, Brown And . Green Pricid q1'.$ WE ALSO HAVE: Hush $8.95 - Puppies For Ladies IN PALEFACE AND 'RIVERBED. MEN'S In Loden ' Green, Slipon Or Laced.. ladies' T$8.95 Beaver .And Ho111dd0g Men's $9.95. RATH,WELL SHOE STORE I.ieknow, PFome” 149