HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-05-09, Page 11
. p.of. A. year�In Advance -- $1.00 Extra To ZJ;
Bishop Cody To Confirm Hitlass
pt St. Mary's Church Thursdy Evening
On Thursday .evening of this
Week, May .10th, His Excellency
Most Reverend J. C. Cody,, D.D„
Bishop. of London, 'will
make his fist official visit to
Bishop Cody will 'confer the
Sacrament of Corufirm,ation ori a
class. of 30 candidates •frorn the
St: Augustine-Lucknow 'area, In.
an impressive: ; ceremony that
ill commence, at. .7:30 p.m,.
The candidates are: Michael
Boyle; Peter Chisholm, Billy
Chisholm,';Joseph ;Joseph ' De B,, ruyn,
Joseph. Eckengwiller, Con, For-
an,' Frank Foran, Terry • Foran,
John Hickey, Jimmy Hickey,
Bobby Kinahan, Danny •Leddy,
Donnie MacKinnon; Bobby •Mac-
Millan, Tommy O'Donnell, Mich-
ael Ritchie, .Linda r ' Chisholm,
Margo De. Bruyn, Faye Eckens :
wilier, Lois Eck'enswiller, Mar-
lene 'Finleon, ' Connie Hickey,
Barbara. Huber, . Elizabeth Leddy,
Linda O'Donnell, Rose Ellen
O'Donnell,' Rdbert Currie, ..Myrtle.,
Brow •, Olive .Chishohin,. Cathe-�
rine Leddy,.
After the ,ceretnony: there. will
`be.'a reception in the Town Hall,
• at which the officials;: of the Vil-
Mage. will, be. present;
Sol :48O..CattIe
pt Sale Monday:
The' §^ ing,' cnsi�n*nent sale ' of.
cattle held at the Lucknow ; Com-
munity Sales 'Barn on : Monday
was as big as it .has .ever been,
with:'a capacity consignment , of
'00 .head of cattle
- :Sales manager Boob .MacIn,tosh
reports a _very good sale. Good
seeding weather cult the crowd
somewhat. 'brut many ,of •°those in
attendance were .:there "for :.busi-
The top. -steers were consi' need
by Tom Anderson and'. were sold
for 24.70 t� Ralph Adamson of
Teeswater; .:•
Murdoch :McLeod;', R'ipley:,,. con-:
signed the , top "heifers, which'
brought; 23c, 'The buyer .was El-
don Ritchie. . .
Ice fUfld. .1F�a
•.Now $19,219.20
Eleven donations received last.
week — all but one: -from... for-
mer residents amounted to
$77..00 and .sent. the' grand total,'
as . of Saturday to $19,2.1920,.
Mr, & Mrs, Elmo Pritchard •$X0,00
Dr.. Jack McKim, Wingham 10:00
Thos, McInnes, Gorri.e 2.00
J. A. Nixon • ,10.00.
Lakeland, Florida .
Louise MacDonald, Windsor 5.00
'Alma Haller, 'Waterloo .: )10.00'
Archie Graham, London 5.00;
Mrs. Evelyn (Spindler) , ••
Marks, Port Stanley ..,,;
Geor :Book, B�. _. .5,00:
Loreburn, Sask, .
George. and Joan McKinnon 10.00
Naughton, .Ont. ;
Lakeside Leaguer 5.00
Room In Ashfield
Increasing enrollment,. at the
new Ashfield. North 'Public
School, requires' the opening of,
a fourth ' classrootn. and', the hi�r
in'g of an additional :teacher,` ef-
fective with •:'the' start of the
fall term.
The starting enrollrnent- 'when..
the school' was Opened. last fall
was around 112. This has increas-
ed a around
to. 119. aver in
.t •present ; ag g.
40 pupil's,• to. ..a ; room, : The • Sep-
temiber enrollment is expectedto
be 130
Mrs: ,Sandy . (Peggy-• )` • Ma•cChar
leswho .has 'been- Supply teacher
during the current term, has;
been' engaged. as the 4th teacher,
for: school opening in September,
Other menilbers' of the staff
have.'' e.en, re-engaged. They are:
Mr. Gene Martin, principal Mrs.
Lois' •Farrish. and, Mrs. Margaret
The -new Ashfield School .on
the: 12th Concession `.south-west
of 'Ashfield Presbyterian Church,:
Will be officially. opened. in .June.
.(By Wm, M, Buckingham)
Tradition sets this day apart,.
A day that touc'-': es every heart,.
Tine charm of.mo`aer's ki::d;;a flace.
That made ,her home :, saintly,,
We think' about the. r ,,be touch,
Of the 'worn hands we loved, so
The hands that 'cared for .,us: when
The cradle song§ she often, sung;
The handsthat soothed .eachache
and pain,. • ,
Revived our courage once again
The':hands. that hold us tenderly,
Hands that in memory still we
The hands that wiped tear drops
And pointed out. the • beter way;
The hands` that krnt•our fittle•hose
'Washed and mended our small
Talose toil worn hands may be at'
rest,: ;
In all the ' •wor,itd they were the
Hein us to 'keep herJmernory,•' true,:
Gods :greatest gift on., earth. •to.
•you. •
The regular • monthly meeting
of the Lucknow Women's Insti•
tutewill be held in the'' Town
Hall on Friday; 'VMS ' llth' at .8•
pa�Ki• , • •
d Arm Broken
in ��Car .Mishap.
Mrs: Robert (Birdie) :Button,; is
a patient.:` in Wingliam hospitral
with ;a .broken. arm ..at, the shoul
der,' and suffering, from shock
and bruises ..
• The injuries were suffered in
a - car.''accident' last. Thursday on
Con: 4,••K.inioss' Township,:::
Jack :. Button was.towing his.
,mot.her'.s. car. to : start it and
*hen it started it went out of
conntiol', into the -ditch striking a
bridge • abutment. • The •car was
badly. damaged,
Mrs.; Button` is recovering sat-
sat'isfactorily•'and is 'able. to be up.
but;. will be ;confined to the hos-
pital ..for; a time..
And Kin
firing ;Formal
The Spring Formal an annual'
social .highlight• of the ,Lucknow
High School , Student.
, Y, Was held on 'on Frida night,
la the y g , .
school auditorium,: which
Was attractively decorated for.
occaSion, A Hawaiian setting
Was. the motif of thisyear's de-
Joanne Afton, hit, a Grade ,e 13 .stun .
and 18 -year-old daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, B .
field ert Alton of . Ash
was elected Queen. and the
Oi6son, a Grade 13 studeent to n eOre
was crowned just three • days
b•eforet his 19th birthday. George,
is .the zt.on of .Mr.' and Mrs. Sam
Gibson of Ashfield. •
The• election results were an
nouneed by Mrs, Laura] Hewitt,
who from „point cif service is the
,senior 'member of the , High.
School staff.
Thinners up for 'the honours
•were . Nancy Forster and Teii'y_
The • Queen was crowned by
Patricia Thompson, Who receiv-
ed the, honour last year, Nand
Doug', Schmid, last year's King
crowned his. •successor.
Flanking King Gorge and
Queen Joanne, in thq,above . plc-•
tore after the crdw:iing, are
standing left, Nancy . Forster;
ri ht Terry Wilson. Seated left,
Patricia hopson; right Doug
Schmid., _............
This ."dress up" occasion at.
which .Students,, teachers, parents
' 'and guests were present, won
plat~Slits, as. a • delightful, well-
ell-Ma iered. evening.
--Sentinel Photo
AY 9th, 1062_
Single Copy 10e • ; '14 Pages: •
Fire- Razed Martin Dome At Poiramount
While Family Was Absent I.. Toronto
The farin home. -of Fred. Martin
in Huron . Township was Com-
pletely. destroyed /by fire about
7 a,m. Monday while Fred, his
wife and sister_.in-law drove . to •
Toronto completely unaware of
the misfortune .that .had befallen
them.. , t • •
The Martin farm is located 4
miles west of Lucknow• on, the •
north •side of Highway, 86' and
has. been in this family ,since
Fre:d's grandfather took , it up
from the crown..It contains 275'
acres.' The 'former Paramount
cheese factory was. located just
to the' east of; the Martin home
when in operation... '
Mr. and Mrs: Martin '(the for-
mer Lillian Mitchell) and Mrs
Martin's ; Sister,' •Mrs. Howard
Kotmere (the former. Alicia Mit=
shell). left .quite • early Monday
;morning' for Toronto. The ladies
are • twin sisters and 'Mrs. • Kot-
here has been residing Wiith ; Mr:
and Mrs: •Martin.
At a meeting last Wednesday
evening, , the. Village Council 'en-
gaged Hugh MacMillan as .:assist
ant :to Town Foreman Alex Ha'-
a-vens. Starting salary ;wi-11 be
$2,800.: Hugh'. has been employed
by the ;Township of" Kinloss ' and
is . an •experienced grader opera-
tor: •
Eleven .Baptize
• 'First. 'to notice the , fire was
Mrs, Florence MacKenzie of.
.Lophaish on. her way to work
at Wingham Hospital, Mrs: Mac-
Kenzie noticed the house . blaz-
ing at the eve • on the' east side.
Finding the ,. gate locked,. she
tried to get through the fence,,
but barb • wire prevented' this:
She started for help and. about.
Arthur McInnes' place 'met Grant
;Fairish who had noticed..: the
smoke, 'They returned and
ran .in the' long' lane and broke •
down a ..door of the.. house. By
this 'time the house was blazing
(Continued,' on Page 11)
Tk•New SchooIe
$oUthin . �.
Another central schaol in Ash-
fie"ld Township appears to be a I,
definite possibility . Within . a
couple of years ,or. so.
It would be to 'serve the more
southerly and easterly- part of
the township The, north-west
section of the township is served
by' a new school .built last year:
at "Hemlock City.:
Location of this : second central
school hag been suggested on • a
sit site-a-ccross-from. ,th.e Dungannon
Agricultural Hall.
;At present Dungannon s two
ro.oan sohool, with Ron • Hewitt
and Mrs. T. M. 'Durnin; as •tea
"chers, and Fort' Alibert school ,.
with, Mrs.: Stella. Crawford. -as
, are the schools operat-
ing under ..the . original'. Ashfield
Sehool- Area Board. She ardton.
u�ls'are o''.
R�=�/: - 7 _ _ Kaiser p p... being,.transported ,the
Port :Albert, where ,the • school
is taxed' 4 by 42: pupils.. Students
from, Cedar : Valley' are :.bein
transported to Dungannon.
Three . sections ••:'Crewe, 9th
•Concession... and . • Belfast, have.
The occasion was. marked'by; be en " going;t alone since;
baptism of el -en
Children at drawing. from 'the School Ar •
Ap etition was circulated' in
the Crewe seotion last fall-, and
we understand :..received •70%
support . for rejoining the area
with a central school': in mind. •
:The -9th 'and: Belfast sections
rrii.ght. .eventual:ly.. be,interested
in the Central School..plan. and'
a ; coupe of -adjacent sections in•
West 'Waiwanosh might' also .be.
Mdther's Day was .:observed. on
the Ashfield 'United .,Church
charge last 'S'unday, . because of
anniversary „services ;being held
at Hackett'§ ohurch this iSunday,.
Zion : and •Hacketts, when • these
nw• members of .thecommunity'
were received by •:baptism. 'by
Rev,' Gordon Kaiser into . the, fel-
lowship of the church,`,
At. Zion on , Sunday , morning,
Rev. .Mr.'.:Kaiser baptized:'
Lori 'Evelyn Hackett,• daughter of
Mr: • and •Mrs. D. A, ..Hackett;
Lynda Dianne . , Swan,• ,daughter
of Mr.: and ' Mrs, Russel . Swan,
Rtionda Louise Gibson,' daughter.
of. Mr: and Mrs William Gibson;
Wihranr Allen Gibson, ' :son* ofMr. and Mrs:Gibson, 'Hire Teachers For
At the afternoon service at
Ilackett's Church, seven children Distract. Schools
were presented ,for : baptism:
•Gregory, • Lorne Hackett, son of
Mr:- and Mrs, Lorne Hackett;
Beverly Anne Wilkins, daughter -of Kinloss, has been engaged as •
of ' Mr. and Mrs: llerb, . Wilkins,;,1 teacher' at S, ro 9 :.Ashfield,'
with duties to commence in.
September, . Marion ';is' a student
at Stratford . Teachers'• College, ..
Mrs: Frank xRit^hie Is presently
supplying• at S.S. No: 9:..
Miss Ann Crawford of • I uck-
now , who ' . is a merr.'ber the
Mr,' and Mrs, ' Barry Hackett; Goderich Public Schbol staff, has
Catharine • Anne Irvin,, daughter • been engaged at Kinloss Central
of Mr, and' Mrs. Wrn. J, Irwin:;Public . Schoh1, . to .succeed Mrs.
w _.. • Lois Irwin,`. with duties to' corn-:
' � y ence in Se tembei. Ann is the
Ashfield ' Couple. +.: caughtr!.r of. Mr. and ,Mrs,. Cliff
Crawford, ; . ,
y�,s arm �w da
Mks �, ...�• Tj il'1, iiol'iter•:
B uLocal Home 7f •Mr` ' and
d :Vies. Al ' Irwirin,
Boundary .West, has been 'engag-
Mr.' and :Mrs. Wilfred' .(Pete,, ed to teach; at S:S, •No.,. 3, •West •
Fai•iish of Ashfield Township W''' anosh, withduties to..,coni:
. have purchased ' the Lucknow•' mence iii September. Nancy is
residence of the • late 'Mr. and student a.t, Stiat:rd • Tcacliers'
Mrs: John Henry. • • College and 'will. succeed' Ross
Mr, and Mrs.' Fattish obtain Ei•rin ton v, ho has taught. at No,
possession at ,once but may not 3, the -Township 1-Iall. School".
occup.. the home for
y immediately,. a number of years,;
They still have their ,= fano in . Miss Elaine Shaw. at present •
attending'Teachers'• College in'
far sale. ' London has., been "engaged to
commence her ditties in Septets--
ber at S.S. N. 1 Huroti Town-
ship; (Lu*-sa), Pi.iccepclinc ?rs'
Shirley Harris, Miss.Shaw is the
Johnston; ."had resided there for daughter of Mr, and Mi . John
a tirne, Smith, R.R., 4, Ripley:
Miss :V anion Buc1- tan, daughter.
-of Mr, ;arid, Mrs..' Herb .Buckton
William Alien, . Scott, son'. ' of
Mr, anc Mrs: Marvin Scott;
Gordon Walter Alton,. -son of
Mr,' and 'Mrs. Frank . Alton,
Grace 'Penelope. Afton, daughter
of Mr, ands Mrs. Arnold Alton;
R,cibert Lane. Hackett, son of
Ashfield :wh:ich is being offered
M.r and Mrs, Henry''bought
the residence about 1.2 years
Ago froth Cecil'Sohnstc n, His
mother, the late: Mrs. Richard.