The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-18, Page 9Y' e n • WEDNESDAY, APRIL "13th, 19$2.. THE LUCKNQW SENTuvE.t LUCIthQ nresT Over What HQI.YROC.I. •(Intended For Last Week) �ChOOI To'. Attend' At the Euchre party in Holy - (CULRQSS CORNERS). . On Thursday morning a flock of wild geese was seen winging its N way northward. The coin/Amity was represent- ed 0 Dpn Donaldson's: Machinery. Fair in Teeswater on. Tuesday, afternoon.. ~ : • • There is. much unrest in ' the. community these days concern - Mg. the Public School education of the children. Some want our school maintained in its usual manner while others would• like the children transpont'ed •to. Tees water, • At time of writing Tom Hod- gins. is a •,patien''t in Wingham 'Hospital On Friday, Orval Wilson joined ,the farmerswho: went • on a tour • of Dufferix. and Wellington' eoun-- ,ties to visit 'farmers who had. lest- ablished sow furrowing units, . , .Mr. and . Mrs. James Wraith, Lucknow,, spent Thursday • even- ing with ,Mr. and Mrs,' Morley'. Wah and, family. Several ladies of the commnu� nity . attended a bridal shower at. Kinlough Saturday afternoon .for, Miss .Marie . Schneller :MTs: 'Frank'Brown • and Reg vis - rood .Hall on Monday evening of this week we. had 10 tables of players, Mrs J. Mansfield . was high lady with Miss. Eva (Cul- bert and Miss Wilma Chesbro tied fo second place. Raynarii; Ackert washighan and tar vey • Houston 234 Mrs. John Reid is visiting ,with. her daughter., Mrs, Raynard Ac- kert, and farnLly. 'and :Mrs. Sain Farmer visited' Sunday ..with his mother in. Stratford.. • ' 4. Miss Esther Chesbro who is., a • patient in Victoria Hospital, London is not• improving •as fast: as her, many 'friends `would like. Mr, .and Mrs. Max. Bushell, & Brenda visited ' on. Sunday; with Mr, and:. MVirs. Perry Bushell in.. Toronto: • : Mrs, Ken Jackson,' Wroxeter, spent a few 'days with her .uncle and. • aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William. Eadie this past. week. • Mr. and Mrs.. Mel Passmore and t:farnil'y who have been liv- ing .on the Husk farm east of • Holyrood • are moving:, . to the' village.. • •,.Mrs. William' Eadie and '.Mrs. Lorne Eadie spent. Thursday in London. Mrs: P. A.M y urra , is a patient with Mrs:.: Marion I 'grin and Earl.•a• ' Mr.. and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins,' London spent the week -end with Mr. and. Mrs Mark Jahnaton• To ' Lay dans F�r Centennia.1: (ST HELENS NEWS) : The' • Easter Tharvkoffering of the United Church 'Women was. held at Mrs. W;.' I; Miller's home with .18. ladies :.tarnd ' a , children present. Miss. W. •D. Rutherford conducted ;the worship service.on, the theme "Praise ye the Lord,. for His; steadfast Love." The scripture' lesson was ,given . by Mrs. 'Lorne' Durnin, Mrs. B. • F, Green was �inrcharga of the Easter . ,. programme 'The topic pertaining to "Easter" was given ..by Mrs. Green assisted. by •Mrs. Lorne Woods and Mrs. Tom :Todd. Mrs., DeBoer . favoured with:. a solo - & readings were .given by Mrs. Car. rick,. Miss W. ' I). " !Rutherford, Mrs::: Cameron and Mrs. Mintz. ,Since; thechurch is' 'celebrating the 100th anniversary a commit tee was 'appointed to meet the official •board for ` final plans. Anniversary : plates with the church 'picture on are to be or- dered.. Gowns for. the Junior g 'in " Viii sham, Hospital • with a choir Were discussed. Lunch was ited Thursday evenin with Mr. ng and Mrs. Ezra iStanley and family foot in'tur ' . 'We hope for a speedy:; served.. by Mrs. Charles McDon- of Kinlou;gh.. Ezra is able to be Y old and '.Mrs:_ ,;McNeil... . recovery. ; ... �. owt again after- being used •Up Mr: and 1Vlrs. Oliver . Donald, On iF'riday evening, eleven tab- With a 'badly sprained• ankle • r ,d ' 1 in lay at the • shoot •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!••••••••l•llN -- D S day :visitors 1••••••••••••••!••!•••l••••••••••••r••• Mr. ;and Mrs.: Midford- Wall .& oun , PA, LIGHT yiIk..ge C.f L.i WILL GP INTO • h .THE • At •2:00 a.m;.: WILL—CONTINUE - , IN EFFECT AND_..3,. Until October 28t.h • I L.UCKNOW , MUNICIPAL .. COUNCIL party which was• sponsored by the W.I. with proceeds. for the" Luck- now •Artificial Ice fund. Prize winners were Terry 'Wilson and .Mrs. Gordon • `Struthers; with se- cond prizes going to Rae J. Wat- son and Mrs. Alex Purves. Mr. and Mrs. George Tisdale and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. :Bob 'Johnston' and family of. Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Traflet and daughter ' of South- ampton were Sunday guests of •. Mrs. Laura McNeil and Messrs Arnold • and • Elmer Woods. . Mr. and.Mrs.: David Gilmour of ,Guelph spent the week -end with her parents, Mr.: and . Mrs; Harvey • Webb. Mr.' McKenzie , Webb, : a' former resident of ' ;this community Un- derwent major surgery 3 weeks ago, although still. hospitalized ie• progressing'favourably. ' • onn3e.. Were un 1, `.. . with Mr.' :and Mrs. Tom Hackett • and :,Doug, Ashfield. .1:•• • S. Frank " `Brown and Reg .. • f . .3 . — — • — — � . • �� �� • �` `�.` � , � ice. � • • �' � � �,. ' Spent . Sunday evening with, Mr.• and Mrs. Mac Lane and '.boys; Kinlough: • • Mr, 'and Mrs. Alex Stewart family and Mr. `. and 'Mrs„ Gerald Stewart all of x ncardine::visited • Sunday with Mr. and' -Mrs. Torn Stewart and boys. .WEDDING BELLS. THOMPSON: Sheila Jean Irwin; daughter ' :af "Mr, and Mrs: • Jack :