HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-11, Page 7• 4 PAG,_; i2 r• th m fig ►n k• er" • in re he 3 ng er lid in, st, ng he :rs he y.' Of m• las .he el. ire '. ol: its;, 1st' nd,;: lid, two ••. or~' ion in sed by WEDNESDAY, ARM /Oh, .1962. OLIVET NEWS better part which ,shall not be taken away from her," Mrs. • • Sandy MacCharles and Mrs, held White played: a piano & A ,euchre.. party was held in violin' ' duet Mrs.. MacTavish the school.. on Friday 'evening. read the Easter Story in verse.' Ten tables were 'in play and. Mrs Alex MacTavish led, in a high score : prizes p. were won by discussion and referred .to Mrs. Mrs, Al Hamilton *and Sandy ,puterbridge',s message.. Miss' MacCharles, , low :or were ,Mary Rcrulston was at the plan?, Miss Dianna Anger; and HerbThe busi for the closing hymn. • Clayton. Junior prizes: were won ness was conducted by the pis -'g Ruth White, Joanne Hamel dent, Mrs. White. Roll call was' ton, ,. Marilyn • Brooks. and' Mich- answered' ' by "My favourite ael • Hamilton., 'Lunch was sere Easter, , .Hymn." ' Mrs• h ,otic: fo Dunlop ed by Mr. and Mrs.,.'Herb., Clay thanked .,the society, their ton,• Mr. and Mrs 'Sandy Mac- part in , the • "Bon' . Voyage" gift Charles and . Mr. • and Mrs.. Ray, when .she' visited her home in Hamilton., Ireland , recently Mrs. Oliver ' Miss Donna Osborne of 'Tor- MacCharles . was, present and re - onto• spent the week -end. at her ported :on the' recent executive' . home here. meetingand' answered' . several r• eCharles open- uesti ns. 'Mrs. Ai Hamilton Mrs. Sandy . aVf aq , . . ,ed .; her home . for the •. United' was : appointed`- delegate to Mc- • Church Women's meeting on Master University, Hamilton in Thursday evening, with an at- "May, representing Ripley, Clark;. tendanee of twenty-three,mem- and Olivet. Mrs; Geert Guikema bers and six. visitors. Mrs. D:om ald MacTavish'', led. in ,the wor- ship shi service opening with "An. Faster Message," The scripture was read. 'by' Mrs,.: Orville Fire layson followed'. by meditation by Mrs: Al Hamilton. Mrs. ,Sandy. • MacCharles' led : in, prayer.: Mrs., MacTavish ,introduced the • spear`Ever time -you get caught up ker, Mrs, L: Outerbridge of. Rip- y 1ne •y, who .spoke, on Martha, and with the Joneses, they up and re • Mary. "Mary .'Bath chosen \that', finance everything. • rs. a Mie Pres, St. HeIens1WI (ST. HELENS NEWS) The annual meeting of ' the W.I, was held on April 5.th with 33 ladies and 11 ' children pres-' ent. The •roll call- • was .paying of :fees.and suggestions -for the .com • ing year with several new mem-' bers 'joining the institute, The course for , the Leaders' = Training School chosen was •"143 lbs. of Meat". A • donation was, voted , to the. Lucknow Agricultural' Soci- ety as : well..as as. a discussion on the institute display ; for the fair. - .for its sof the sta nd- continue his 'studies, a A card party planned McQurllin• Repo was April 13th, with -proceeds for the ing' 'com'mittees weregiven iby .Prize 'winners at S:S No, 3 Lucknow' Artificial Ice Fund, Mrs: Harold. Gaunt, Mrs. Jim. Shoot.' party on. Wednesday ev- Plans were made for .a. ••SunshineAitchison,Mrs. Tom Todd, Mrs ening were .Lorne Forster and , Sister Banquet on April 17th at � Bar -Murray Wilson with • con- • 'q •Charlie McDonald and Nfrs,. Mrs.: Mu . Hackett United Church. 'Read- r• Mrs. Harold Gaunt presrd solation prizes going to Zeta ou ings were given lay Miss W. D. ed for the election of officers for Redmond and Ken Taylor, Nine' thanked the' hostess,' the speaker, Rutherford . Mrs.. Frank McQuil- _6. Mrs. Harvey Webb read tables were in Play; and all. who 'contributed to the,._he lin and Mrs, Cooper. Mrs. E. w. the regort of the. nominating . • ' • _.. •, �. Mrs; ' Gordon., - . McPherson is success of. .the meetm. After Rice read• .an•• article on The committee The officers for visiting in Ottawa'. with •her; the L'I.C.W. Benediction, a dainty Founder of the Women's Inst- - ., .. 1982 �63, ares' as .follows;' •'. Fast. daughter; :Mrs. Keith Black, Mr. lunch was. served by rs..Mac-• tute." The annual report 'of the .presid nt, Mrs. 'Charlie McDon Black and sons. secretary -treasurer was given y aid• President,' Mrs; Ross Gam Mr, and Mrs. �Ro Hawley of Mrs. Ernest Gaunt showing; a . •res. Mrs. Harold mie; ' 1st vice Oshawa •'were.. week -end visitors ��• balance .of .$229.57: The auditors Gaunt; 2nd vi - pres.,Mrs. Jim. with . herY parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Aitchison; sec.t teas. .rs..ErnestLorne •Woods. f : L Gaunt; ' assist sec.-treas., Mrs. • Mr. A. G. , Webib, who has been Frank ,McQuil n;, district direc- '1 '• • a1-• a patient - in• ` Wngham .'Hospital•.• for rlie McDona d, for several months, has •not been... nate director,' Mrs. '''Andre* aunt; pianists; : Mrs. William 'as well these, past • few • weeks Rutherford, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt; .' a past few but has improved th auditors, Mrs. .Cooper and Mrs.. ' days.., .E. W. Rice. 'Standing Committees 7, -Citizenship 'and Education, Mrs. 'Harold-, Gaunt; Agriculture and Canadian Industries,, Mrs. Jim Aitchison; Home. Economics • & Health, Mrs. ;Toni Todd; Hist.. • TIMBER TIPS orcal -Research >and ';:Current Congratulations g.o: to the Bea.,;. Events, Mrs.. Lorne' Woods; .Re= ,vers' who ended the play-offs in" Solutions,, • Miss' Mary Murray; top position. • The Tigers : failed Public Relations, ' Mrs. Allan to vizi', .a‘ game.,Bud Thompson Miller.., Mrs. " Charlie.. McDonald scored 625 plus .66 ;handicap : for as retiring '.president expressed 681 . and .' the MacDonald. duo her appreciation •;for • the . co - Came ; up with . a total of 1331 operation: during, the past 'four for the Beavers' top ,bowlers..Bill Years.: and Mrs. ,Rice expressed" Stewart was high .for the losers.• thanks • to Mrs. McDonaldfor the 4... The Zebras took -3 'points. from , leadership, given to ` the 'W,1 on the . Gophers. :Bill Hall With 684• :behalf of the W.I. Lunch was and' Stuart Jamieson had 679for served by Mrs;' )Wilharn . Purdon• the Zebras high efforts Bryce and Mrs. Chester T ylor.: Elliott and Clarence Greer scor- Congratulations to Mr. Archie ed ..667 and.` 610, repectively. • . •Roy 'Finlayson • with '. a ' flat McQuillan who was.. one of the, score of :636 and. Bill 'Button & . 50,' Western Ontario recipients o'f, Gladys ' Hamilton :: both •. rolling the National Research :Council close to. the 60'60 mark •were. big p factors ' in the, .Squirrels 3 • .to .1 scholarshi 3 for 1962-63. Archie win `over t'he.''Cubs. Noreen Parks. is . the son of Mr.. d Mrs •• W�V'il� was .the top.. 'roller for the . Cubs With 664., . feed McQuillan and his student . shirc is valued . at $2,404.00.. He Thursday• night the Pole • Cats' , has graduated from Universi-ty- cinched. lst placcee`Jin_ -Group--8"af — Westirri -Ont ra io '. and w'ill when they split the points with 'the Lions.: D. Hamilton and bob 1Vlclntosh were . the: Pole Cats, best; 'bowlers and Freda Er rington • and Marina ' Parks rolled 'over the 600 mark for 'the Lions:'•. The. .ChipmYznlcs and .Kangar=' oos took 2 points each..Mae Hun= ter led. the 'Chipmunks 'with 5.53 andSandie: Steeves arid Ron •Thompson had! 594 and' 5;92 for the. Kangaroos,: • 'The Coons took 3 points from t�the . short handed Wolverines. Team ' effort helped ' the'C•o s who had .four; bowlers with over. the '500 Mark flat • spores. Barry McDonagh rolled "0;526flat• for (0*i Butchering 4 Mondays Hogs, $2.00 in by .400 p.m.'' •2c ,round tutting; and WrapP�'r� �P d CATTLE, CALVES and. LAMBS' EVERY DAY, EXCEPT $,ATURDAY We Do Curing and .Smoking ...:Beef, Pork and. Lamb. Sold Whole, Half or °Quarter ... For Better Service, • And Lower: Prices ---- Cell Ripley ti1O0, Chas. Hooisms,5 Prop. report.: was given by, Mrs.' E. W, Rice andthe assistant secretary's report was given `by 'Mrs. Frank ombte: our: home= rows ' rains with w 3t t, s, ;ful N'TRTE :the freshmix', with the meat meal'. base! Recipe for any chick's favorite menu—your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with National 'Chick 'Mix Concentrate. It's rich' in meat meal protein,, so it forms a perfect balance with the vegetable nutrients' you supply! Whetheryou have our own' rains or we supply. theme y g we can custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy right here at the miff... using National Concentrate, of course.• P.P.. New from National -20% Chick Starter Crumbles, either plain or medicated! .' *A PRODUCT O.F., • CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED ,« • D. R. FINLAYSON Phone 91, Lucknow i • • his teams .,top scores'; • Group "A" ,r Beavers. 14, Cubs 12, Gophers 11, Squirrels 11, : Zebras 7,., Tigers Group • "B" Pole Cats 13, Kangaroos '11,. Coons 11,: Chipmunks 10 'Lions 10 Wolverines 5. '• NEWS BRIEFS FROM NEARBY . , . ls`ire Chief of ifensall•' has an- nounced that .he will request the Fire, 'Marshall's office to• nvesti- ga e a fire which badly damag- ed . the interior ;of the Silco Store in 'Hensel,' last week: Three fire departments fought • the blaze which started shortly. after the store closed for' the • day. The Silo store, . which was purchas- ed • two years ago, was •bei.ng. closed out at the -:tithe of the fire,, A. branch of the Silco store operated in the "lVlark.et store location herefor a 'tinle; HEATING. OILS- GASOLINE OTHER.. FARM PRODUCTS Doctcrs . BilOs� Pail NOW - : NO AGE. LIMIT Physicians and surgeons coverage : at .home,, office • or in hospital to individuals or" • families, available • in Lucknow and area. Past health no longer means you. are deprived of this vital protection. Far , further information, and enrol- merit fill out coupon and mail to:•• (Healthguard) E. T. Beck, Agy •, ;,129 Hollywood "Ave., Willowdale, Ont NAMiE Address ................. ..,. .. .�.... .... AGE • ESSO SERVICE FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS''BATTERIE& DUN OP . TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock). AT REASONABLE PRICES! Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors: • 3 Licensed Mechanics heel Alignment and Balancing MOTORCADE. DEALER ,.