HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-04-11, Page 2P4GE. TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW.,, , ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APIRTI,-i;i,th-1 a z162 French Teacher G�ii.:ig To Windsor The . •Liucknow (District High School Board is again 'advertising • for a French teacher td. succeed • Frank Desiarlais. Mr. Desjarl.ais originally ,re-. signed from the • local .staff • to accept a position .inToronto. Sub= Sequently he applied for the va• , cancy resulting from his original resignation and ' was rehired by the Board at their April. meeting :an 1Vfondayof lastweek. On' Thursday ' afternoon ?nein- 'bets of: the Board's teacher' cam- mittee met with the teaching staff at , the invitation 'of the teachers to discuss matters of mutual con- cern. Thursday evening Mr.' Desjar- lais, contacted a ' member of •.the, Board to advise them he had ac- cepted a, teaching :position, in Windsor. • • Review 'Addition Plans:• Mr. ; :M. Allison of the firm . of Salter: and Allison' met with. the • 'Board •agaih.. on. Friday of last week to discuss preliminary plans of the addition, to the •High School., Finalized : plans • will be sub- mitted next week and , pending financial approval froth the-MVMu,n= %cipal Board the project, will have • -the green ,light.. • un anon Natwe.•• g. a 100 t.s_leh (DYTNGANNON .NEWS:) . Mr: Arnold'' Stathers held a; successful auction sale On Tues- day -and is"•• moving • to' his farm adjacent to, •the'_ present, location.. Mr.. `Don .Dow�eriey, •:'Sh�ep.ardton,. has 'rented the ."house, who '. in tarn sold, his .:farm ; to • : Mr. Tal- . nay's,; Goderich The, • latter • 'having sold •their. dwelling .to' Roy' Finnigan, Auburn... • : ' 'On' Monday.: a complete • Selling Y, P g i..out of farm stock and ii nple inents, was held d 'MondaY. pax the , farm . of 'Mr. George Tuwa'mley. .We are sorry.. to. know Gegrge is • con'fined to Goderich Hospital with. a heart condition. Gordon. '' Finnigan . was .hospitalized . a week in. • Wing- ham Hospital and came home ori. Monday. Mrs. Wirinifred Widcomle, of Windsor, :Who attended a birth- day party ' for her brother; ,Mr. Bill `McClure, Elmira, spent a, few; days with her ':aunts, 1Vtisses Rebiria and 'Nellie- Sproul. Mrs,.,, Finnigan'Spent S ent a' . . few •days; last week` With her daughter,: and ',`• son-in-law; Mr.. and 'Mrs.', Bill ' •Atkinson, ' Osha= ' wa: ', ' A ' United Church service .was held :at 'Dungannon of,. the three. congregations , with Nile and• P,ort Albeit at 2 p.m. Sunday. Rev. W. J. ten ':Hooper- of North St. United Church was,' in charge Four.. babies 'Were baptized, vvho. were' Richard: Albert ,McGee son . of. Mr.. and Mrs.' Harold McGee; James Douglas. ')"Finnigan,. •soin pf Mr. and Mrs. Chester • Finnigan and , -Ann Ribey, . daughter .• of . Mr.. and Mrs. George Ribey and Timri " Dean Hodges, son of . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. Hodges; 'Sacrament of the •Lor'd's Supper Was an impressive . service tori- ducted by. 'Ren,: ten Hooper fol- lowing an address' ' •in 'accord- ance.:Rev.• Smith • of Sarnia,' who -is preaching for a call will •oc- cupy,.the pulpit net Sunday., Miss Jessie Wallace, • Goderich is :visiting ' Miss E. McMillan `,& Mrs. Jessie (lver. .Mary Lou Henry and brother, Bill Henry,, visited. Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. I•rvine H y, We were sorry .to hear of. Mrs. Thomas Webster' having to undergo surgery 'at , Victoria Hospital, Goderich this . week.. •• 'We hope her condition• improves :• andshe will be ok. Her datigh= ter, Mrs. Bill •fiEttabelle) Brad= ley, Goderich, a :registered nurse, is with her during: ' the trying time. • ,Miss ' Helen McGee is looking after. her 'ohildren in their home while le she' is. away.. ,Miss Ida Whyard is home . again. after` three months with a cousin, Mrs. Herb Curran, •of Luckn•6:w. SORRY! , .A' last minute rush of news. copy --some of which could have been ;in 'earlier -- over- taxed available' space and mechanicalcapacity to cope. With; it this week,; and has had to be omitted.:' ZION Kenneth Charles Ritchie;. son of Mr John Ritchie. and the late Mrs. 'Bitch' , christened at his home her'*''' ., , ;aturday ev- ening by Rev.. ' •on Kaiser. The. attending guests were serv- ed dinner by Miss Betty Alton, .assisted by her sister, Marjorie.. Those : froth this 'community; who appeared. 'on Sang .'Time TV.. ,on Sunday were; . Jim Hunter, Douglas Hackett,. John. Ritchie, Bill Hunter; Larry' hunter Grant Helm and .Herb Hunter:. Two. infants .were christened Sunday ,at a baptismal service in Zion '` church. ' ' Sharon • ouise, daughter of Mr: and Mrs, Lorne Cook and, Jeffery Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John:' Hunter. ' . • Fiddlers' Do Kept Floor Jumping lst HI1�TIOSS BOY ''SCOUT TROOP . The "Fiddlers'; Jamboree 'is .now history, :but, fram• the comments heard. on •every side, last Friday's dance: was • a : Wonderful night to remember.: Picture if, you:. can, 7 violiirs, 'a guitar, banjo ' 'and • piano, playing •Nelly Gray :and Red Wing. ' The ,packed 'Hall ' , didn't have • to picture. .• it • 'for .:.all night .long: the old 'times'. and ..reels kept the floor :literally jumping. Mr. & :Mrs. Ernie Xing brought,. along; Ntr;. and' Mrs. Tommy. Par- •ker to help wit4i. the music. Ern ie's banjo and 'Tomniy.'s *guitar added a great: deal,' ,as_: did their songs Some ' .of you may ,remem-' bei Tommy from. OKNX` 1 radio days: Ernie ' and Tommy ' sang several times 'each,' and Made- line .: Breckles . joined ,:Ermie for April Showers: The Scout Ladies Auxiliary served 'lunch at the counter 'downstairs, and everyone was so pleased at how , comfortable the . new. ` oil furnace • kept,' the basement. { We .: hope .we haven't ,forgot- ten anyone ' who• played Friday. night; but ' anany .thanks are due to Fiddlers Jack Wraith, Billy Houston, . 'Fraser M,dK,inn•on, Ira Dickie, '..Gordon ' :.Wall; Bill Stan- ley 'and Roy Cornish; and to callers Alphonse Murray, George Haldenby. . Peter Moffat and' 'Gerald Murray; and to , pianists' Edna ..Boyle, Enlma. Jean. _Percy, Joyce McEwen and 'Elsie Hou- ston. ou-ston.. One . other comment and we'll` 'forget the .'dance for .this year,- When 'Group. Chairman Orville: Elliott thanked .everyone , he Gadd- ed that • maybe we o•wbuld have' another : Jamboree next year. With one •'voice several •iii . ,the audience ' called out 'Why' wait till --next year?" Well, we probably will wait, but When. next . winter rolls around, A successful'' card party was held Monday night at the Orange Hall. ,Ten tables 'of euchre Were played. Winners were Mrs.. `J .•C. Maize and .Mr's; John. Falls: The. men's prizes •were won 'by Tom Culbert and Arthur Young. ,We expect soon. to have pre- pared re pa •red an. interesting out line " of, Mr. and Mrs. Ti C. ' 'Andersoh's trip west and south. We .might mention • at this time—congratu- lations to their aunt whore they visited; who• this April .10;th is observing her •.ioOth birthday. She is Mrs. Anna Berry, •resid- ing in Laguna Anna Home in Sari 'Fransico, `.,California, While her sight and • heari'ng " is some what impaired, hers memory was, quite good. She was • born one mile north, of Dungannon,' April '10th, 1862, the 6th child 'of the late Mr `ahhd• :Mrs. Thomas :An- derson, She remembered :Gavin, Green, Goderich, just two days' .older, Mr. and' Mrs.. '1'. C;. Ariy' derson visited Mr, Green •at the hospital Before they left Form Registerei.J.'. Nurses` Chapter . On April 5th, the registered nurses of Huron and Bruce held a ,second meeting in the Wing- ham town ball in Connection with. the fprmation of a chap, ter. .Mrs. Ensingberger of • Gode- rich opened the meeting and ., introduuced Miss Eileen Minty; DDirector. of Nursing; Brantford General Hospital; who .explain— ed • the irnporlante; .of forming chapters. Miss Irene 'Lawson, Field Se eretary from the Registered Nur ses Association of: Ontario, with, head •office in Toronto, explain- ed: the lune ions of a chapter & Stressed. the ':reading of R.N.AO, news bulletins and; of the . Can- adian ;•Nurses' Journal.' Chapters. are formed pat the request of nurses within, the area,, not •by• :the • association;.• ' Chapters; mustwork, think i• & develop leadership and 'use par- liamentary procedure an •conduct ing meetings. There are twelve' districts in Ontario, each hav- ing one or 'more chapters mak- ing a. total of 43 ehaptens. A number of „nurses from they Lucknow area attended; Thurs ,d'ay . night's meeting.. The ap pointment . .of officers. ' of, .the new' chapter, will be finalized at the .May, .meeting.;' / those .wonderful' fiddles will 'just have, to he tuned up again.'. * * * The annual salvage- drive . is slated for this . Saturday,, so.: when the trucks'.and Scouts: come' your way , around .the Township', ' .we hope you have your baskets; bot- tles .and ;batteries ready. We do need and appreciate your PURPLE NEEDS CROSS BLITZ Will , • Be Held IN LUCKNOW Tuesday; April 1 lth Conducted . `BY Members : Of The .q Lucknow Branch. Of The Royal CanadianLegion 0 GIVE .TILL 'IT ,.HELPS!. homes. .. . ' ' ' Mr. Robert McCosh returned ;Mrs.: Francis Boyle and Mrs ' oto • his home in Ripley after- Helen,.Swann • spent Thursday in • spending the . winter with. Mr, & .. MTs. Wiltiarn Arnold ,. Oinien' Souxnd; • . • Miss Marilyn Smith and Miss Mr...and. Mrs. Victor Gawley; Caroline Forster• spent ': the .Mr, and 'Mrs. -Claude' Dore were week -end with .Mr and 'Mrs. Friday evening guests of, Mrs,.& Gordon Patterson. ' . Mrs:, Russel' Hewitt. Edburt iBushell :Miss Miss Hilda Emerson,•. London' Mrs. , Margaret :. Robertson;.. Mrs.. 'Don spent the week end with; Mr::& MccCosh Mrs, ,Herb f ''Far ell, Mrs 344...$am Emerson: William Arnold,' Mrs. George - Mrs. ' Frank', Dore • and : Mrs, Harkness):. Mrs: tewart., Need=, William Arnold attended the' ham, o 'Mrs. Morf rd' Mackay' at- ; circuit ',meeting ofd.: ie United. 'tended' the. • 65th • anniversary church°Women at Bervie. on since the •founding of Worsens Tuesday ' at which time Mrs. Wale; 'Institutes at:.Reds Corners on ter :Farrell was,:guest speaker., •.:.Mr. and ' Mrs. Donald Mc Monday. , Mr. James Emerson •..Ontario REFILL' 'PROBLEMS SOLVED' Cosh, Mr. and- ..Mrs • ; Chester.. • �, • Emnierton;:•were in Markdale. Ton ':Veterinary College, Guelph,' ;Micro' oint. ball .point �en,re•" P .P Friday, evening attending`: Grey. spent :the_. week -end ;with ;Mr. fills solethat "does it i s y .fir roble'm for'' all . ,pens. fit. 'A number: attended.. the ' old ,Pp They • paper -mate, eversharp, `. seripto, time . Fiddler's •Programme :. m. Waterman, � sheaffer; • �tearever. Holyr'ood 'Friday , n.i%ght. . , 1 other popular, • makes, 1Vlr: and Mrs: Gordon ' Mac . and , 83, p p, 1Donaki and •` Mary. Helen .were See ' for • yourself; unconditionally' Y :Sunday. guests . of Mr, and Mrs. guaranteed, :49c.. at The Labor Bert Bert Thom 'son Teeswater. ' Sentinel,; phone •35, Lucknow,. p •Mesdarries Victor Gawdey, ' Helen 'Swann, ; Francis. ' ' ale, .+�'Y 1f Donald McCosh,' George, Emerson, (Too Late to' Class Y) AUCTION:SALE • An „Auction;, Sale of: the, corn, ,plete household effects :.of the County Tarin forum annual:ban:' and 'Mrs. ': George Emerson ,quet . at which. time the ' T. C. Cooper.' award''was presented : oto Frank Coulter, a grade 13, pupil• of .Owen Sound for'.' his work 'in A-11olullis.• Mr • 'and Mrs. Cecil . Sutton . & Rc bbae •.visited •Mr.. and'. • Mrs. George King. Miss' ' Margaret „ Robertson spent the week -end . with Miss Annie .McLeod, '':Lucknow:'• Mrs. Claude Dore' was hostess for• the annual nieeing of the Institute on Wednesday. •It'.was decided to'' canvass for • the can- cer' society. , Mrs. Frank Dore and'Dianne visited. Mrs.; Kenneth Brindley. Miss Mary Anne McC'osh. and Miss Annetta Forster of Toronto spent the . week -end at ,their Sunday and sang' one:number. ■ ■■■■■■■■luu■u■•■■■■■i ■..aauu■■aIa.■aaauum'm■mua■.■i.i ■■■■■■ ammiluuun ■ • w ■ . Stewart. Needham attended 'the - meeting' of United .Church ,Wo- mnen in .Ripley, Tuesday .: n,iglit., -',}Mrs.. Morford. •Mackay, iBill, .former residence of Miss Zo#a Allan, . Ann and Shirley, Mrs: Dickson, Wingham,'.'will be held • Burton .Collins John, Sandra & at the . 'residence on the south ; Margaret sPe. nt in side of Victoria Street 'on'Sat• , Saturday e 'Owen' :Sound. Exlor �tlyday, . April ..14th at 1:30: p.m. •Bervie Lifeby 4 Pantiques a s and . Some ' anti will be offered, ers paraded ' into the church On Norman Rintoul„, •: proprietor, G.. Bryce, .auctioneer..' ,�'. • ■ • r• ■ ..• ■ ■ ■ ■ ▪ • • ■ ■ ti LCKNOW 1 N Lucknow Business Men's . Association- Wish to ;announce that Stores n. , Lucknow :will beopen to sere Frkkiy Evenings Until 10 Starting. ; �►p and #liat they •will clflse SatUrday,at 6 Other store hourh will be Gontiriued as usual .with the • : half' holiday ' being obs/erved onThursday afternoon. Business daces .will be open• .Thursdaynight befot Good Friday. BUSINESS MEN f3 ASSOCIATION 1 '0 11. t 1 • • :0 1: t r ••r i i mums rt��r� ��rwe�rIs ig ��r■� er��ti■■■■r�w��■ ■■ ■ eee�■e�■■■miguI iIrr uu.