HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-28, Page 12SENTINEL. .f •L 4 ..-:NOW,. otrrAR10
. •,
• .
fere is' : till time for your
be,here it time
:May'' we suggest. you order this week,
111ew. :Spring. Samples are here now
. ' . if you wear ; _ a rack
our new arrivals'at
A good variety of patterns. ,
Sizes 36 ' to 44 .... ..:, $19.95 to $39.95
WEDNESDAY, MAR. •28th,: 1962.
By Th�.:Seinir.el'
THAT, sap
's. been running pretty
freely and homemade syrup'has
1` . been for sale .during the.. past
week. •. •
• ' THAT George Whitby,; Stewart •.
• Jamieson land, Elmer MaeKen ';
zie .attended 'a Boy Scout lead
• ers' •training; course at Walker-
'• • ton on Sunday, and will attend
w asimilar course again this
' weekend. '
• •
. suit drop in, and look oder •
X39.95,$49,.95,. $64.95'•
Some of the • features of our slacks are washable
crease, resistant fabrics, ; permanent crease, some
55% terrylene and 45%2 wool.' All sizes in : stock.
See `: 'the :new
stems in
iuits - Sport Coats`'
ants � 'Windbreaker,
men s and .youths. --
'm youths'. and men's ;wear
also in stock.
• .•
: •• _
awe Pick -U
p and 'Delivery MondaY/anti Thursday
•1► LTIr"1AT.IC ••
Ladies': •and Men's Wear ' Lucknow ;. .
`4 e•u•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••40.40
(Continued From Page .1)
ill 1954.
He was` a 42: -year member of
was president of the club in,1926..
11e was', also a member., of the
the Wingham Lions Club . and
Wingham Masonic Lodge.
•,He served as mayor .Of . Wing
' ham. from. 1936, to' 1941. '
• The funeral service was • held
..in :Wingham Presbyterian Church
• 'en Monday 'afternoon,' conducted"
byhis pastor, Rev..! G. . L.. Fish;'
' ass!sted by a .fellow "memfber of
• • the Legislature, Rev. W. A. Dow-.
• tier, M.P.,P; for Dufferin-Simcoe.
Prominent . memibers.. of the
Provincial. and Dominion Govern=
ment.s attended the service; sew.
eral. being included in the list
of honorary pallbearers. "
Temporary entombment.was in
Wingham Mausoleum. Active
pallbearers were:. Harley. Craw-
ford, DeWitt -Miller; Barry Wen -
per, Clare Cantelon, J P: Mc-
Ribbon of Wingham and' George
,Joynt ,•of Lucknow;, and' :flower
bearers, R. 'B. Cousins, Brussels;;:
W. 1, Cruickshank, Wingham;
Wesley Joynt and Allister Hughes
both -of Lucknow. ;
THAT effective next Monday,
adult haircuts, in Lucknow; Will
cost $1.00, in accordance with
the fee recently decided on by
the. Western Ontario. Barbers'
Association. Locally the fee
for high school students will.
be 85c and children 00c.
(Continued From; Page. 1)
4. W.. Rice ' ' 2.00
Pannabecker's General Store 1.0.00
Isaac. Miller ,...,, ` 25.00
,Miss 'Isabel :Miller 10:00
Rev'. A', Mrs. B: ,F. Green . 5.00
Earl Durnin. .3.00
Bob' Aitchison 2.00
Chas.' ;MacDonald 2.00
George Hunter .:.. 5.00
Harold Gaunt' `• 10.00,
Bryce Elliott t, , 40.00'
Charles Bristow :., (...........,:10000.
Bristow's .Gardens : 5.00,
Dave:'MacDonald' • 5.00.'
ugh MacMillan +'' 5.00
2.etta• and Well Henderson 10.00
June Collyer ' ::, , 5,00
Donald McEwan .............,.:2.00'
,C. E. MacTavish Ltd. •.:„..:; 25.00
• Wingham . .
t MacDonald, Kincardine 5.00
Ray Richards, . Flesherton ,.... 5,00'.
Hattie Roach, Goderich 10.00
Dr. Wilfred Black, Aurora10.00
Mr, & Mrs. R, S. West, 25.00.
Elbow, Sask. ' •
irene &, Gordon Johnston •.15.00
Scarboro, Ont. •
Jas. Duncan Atwood ., 10.00
Michael Duncan, Atwood .:,1.00
Ken Finlayson, &arboro .:.a; 5.0A'
Earl 'and Evelyn Cray ..,,'' 4.00
• North Bay •
Dave Barkwell, .....r.,,.„,4,,,,q .•5,00`
'Longueuil, Quebec
Mrs. Grace A,, Switzer and
Mrs. Helen Anderson
Londori . •
Have You tenewed ''Your• $ub-
MAT Mrs. R. J. (Birdie) Button
who .• has 'been, spending, the'.
winter. in Florida, has complet-
ed . • a 7 -day Caribbean cruise.
She sailed from Miami ' on the
S.S. :Evangeline to,, Jamaica,
gati and Nassau..
THAT "here it.. is :'spring, and.
' there are quite . a' number : of• ..
.subscriptions which .. expired at
the'end of the year which have
not 'beenrenewed Would ap-
preciate ` payment `of these ; to
save the::Aime_and expense of
T1TAT Allesr Gardner, son', of'. Mr.
and Mrs.- Sidney'. Gardner, re-
turned home recently after two
weeks in , hospital in 'London.
prior' to that 'Allen. had been
in Wingham hospital from 'Jan-
uary. 10th to March '3rd.
THAT The Chesley Enterprise..
.makes 'reference to, the success
•St. Peter's Guncl ladies had in`,
selling 'turkey pies' for the arti-
ficial ice fund. Chesley.
rently has. ,a campaign . on .to
raise $25,900 . for artificial • urea
equipment and, a cenierit • floor
in the Chesley arena .similar to
the • Lucknow ' campaign. ,Last
week .the .Chesley fund:, had
reached $9,220:
THAT Mrs. Jessie Alun is re-
ported' to be ;getting along "re
markably well,", and.' is able to
move about on crutches •A
heart ' condition which caused
an embolism,. required Jessie'
.to undergo' a leg amputation
operation. Later, with her life.
dependent on it, ..Jessie therf
underwent major ' open ' heart
surgery.' Het life hung. •in the.
• balance .for' marry `days after the
operaation, until • •improvement
in her condition became 's'lowly,
apparent. ,
THAT Ross Errington ,of St. .Hel�
ens has resigned as teacher at
S.S. No. 3 West Wawanosh: ef
festive . the end of June. .Ross
has taught 'at this sehool, which•
is adjacent to the township hall,
,for six years. He has r' as, yet
accepted another teaching pos-
ition. •
. ,
-mttAT a. district farrier has • snag-
.gested that The Sentinel (lay
stress: on . the importance of.
giving explicit 'instructions .in.
case of a fire. call. In the, haste
and excitement of placing and.
receiving a call; the chances of
error axe ..considerable, unless
care, is taken ifn giving name
clearly - spelling it in fact . --
as 'welln as specifying the eon -
cession • or highway 0 and . the'
•proximiity . east west, north or
- 'psoutoinht,, to sortie distinguishing
Shredded Wheat Sale. pkg. 19c
Large 18 Biscuit King size. Feature.
CorfliIioflP�wdered: Milk 95c
Large .12 Quart Size. Really Save. Pkg.
Fancy Pink Salmon Saler tin.
'Pink Seal Brand. Tall 16 •oz. size.
Alien's Drinks On Sale.: tin
Orange, Apple, Grape, Fruit Punch.
Pure Lard Sale. : 2 lbs. '39c
Coleman's For All Your Baking. Bargain
Yes, •We Have Fancy Spy. Apples By The ,Bushel.:
Vslu ` Effective ; • .We,Sell- For Lae.:
Mardi ':29 30, . 31 Phone . 119,, Lucke»ow
•THAT Harvey . Ackert,: son,, • of:".'THAT a boy was born. in Toro
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ackert of to Dr. and. Mrs. Edward:8i
town, lids been elected presimons (Joyce-•FnlaysonLAi
dent of the B'ruee County Beef.. 11:00 asn.. on Monday, the d
• Producers: Assoeiation.• 'of the funeral, of Joyce's n
cher. • The .safe arrival of 1
TifIAT Allan McQuillin.;' son of
infant brought a ray of joy
Uri' and ` Mrs:• • .Dick McQuillin the• : sarrowin�g family, "' Si
is employed,' :at The ;Sentinel` s .bereaved;
Office. Allan acquired . some .•
knowledge of printing in Lon
THAT 'plans are being: discus
don,. and wishes to learn 'lino for. the publication of a 'h
type ':operating. orical booklet in connect
THA'''. Gayle Carruthers, '18 -year with:. the 'centennial of.
aid` daughter . of ' Mr: and'` Mrs. ,wt hvknow United ''Church; T
John Carruthers of West Lorne, tatrve: steps' 'were taken; s
has been . chosen;. torepresent jest to • the approval of
West Elgin District .High••Sc�1}col Official Board,, at a. meeting
-in ':the Free Press Queens'. Club. Monday evening, at the 1rc
THAT the Teeswater,.Chamber of: of Mr and ;Mrs L. C :Tlio�
Commerce met recently and
among the' subjects discussed
THAT the sudden and unexpect:
ed • death 'of. 'Russell Johristonie.
ori Friday, .occurred while
members of his family, . Mr. &
Mrs. Donald Johnstone of Kit-
chener and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Treleaven of Lucknow were
enroute•• home from,Florida.
They arrived here early Sun-
day afternoon: It '`.was ironic
that while Mr. and Mrs. Don
Johnstone were on a' Florida
visit two years. ago, ,that .fire.
swept their highway Furniture
"Market, Don's father was visit-
ing with them at 'that time
was "ways and means of bring-' •:: Wingham ' Council is to'invt
intSaturday night trade• back gate the matter of parking mei
to' -=the old . busy nightstatus." in regard to location and co:
that stay calor resh:
• Ciltone Paint offers you a
marvelous selection of fresh new
colors that stay color.fresh,
Washing after washing. Won't fade,
• Ciltone liaint •is easy to apply
-dries quickly -no painty odor.
Choose modern decorator k
colors in flat, semi -gloss or `gloss
finishes aiid latex -base satin.
.Wallpaper CALL. Paints Floor Cov"etiii
Phone 218, Lucknow