The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-28, Page 9B It' h • ie ie of t,: ie of ie n of i11 ,fe of ve he c1' of h's ip". of ale es' • 14i fs , WIEDIsTESDAYt MAA. '28th;,, 1962; .ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC :: • ACCOUNTANT THE. LUCKNOW' ' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO GODERICH, ONTARIO , Box 478.. Phone JAckson 4-9521; .':A.. M HARPER. AND COMP &NY 'Chartered Accountants 33 Hamilton St.. GODERICH, ONTARIO. Telephone: JA. 4-7562. JOH.NSTONE'S•; FUNERAL HOME.' Modern and Convenient. Phone. '78 Day. .or Night,: Serving All .Faiths. According , to' Their Wishes • :. Moderate. Prices' Established 1894. A R. DU.VAL�• D E., Sp.0:. Chiropract'or ' Physio and Electro • Therapiit.. 'Wingham - Phone: 300 (Office located in, former . •CKNX building:` on. the Main Street) INSURANCE, ,FIRE, WIND, .CASUALTY' AUTOMOBILE 'AND. LIFE • To , Protect Your. • Jack, Insure With ack; To'da1► ) % A. McDONAGH phone 306,. LucknoW • STAT, F EARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before .:Investing REUBEN WILSON -. R.R. 3,. Goderich• Phone ' 80-r-8' Dungannon R WCANDREW .. Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN 'LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday ' Afternoon KINLOSS Miss Carol Stanley of 'Strat ford 'spent, the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold • Stanley.. Mr. and • Mrs. Warr. en • Zinn & family. visited :Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Evan Keith and family: •.Sunday, visitors at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloy, d MacDougall were Mr. and Mrs. . Harvey Mac- Dougall and Isobel"of .Owen Sound and Mr, and ,Mrs; George Mpncrief, Jane, and Russell of Ashfield. , • JVIrs • . Gordon' MacDonald and, infant daughter, • ,Mary spent ' a few • days• last week . at' the home ofher aunt and uncle;. Mr: and 'Mrs.. Fred ,Gilchrist. MTs. Ray Taylor ' and son, i er- wyn of Walkerton visited on. Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ha-. ey Houston: i Office in the` Joys* Block Telephone:. "Office 135 . Residence) ,31-J: ▪ HETHERINGTON, •'Q.C. Barrister, Etc. F ' Wingham and Luckngw IN IiUCKNOW .Mondays and Wednesday Located . in, Kilpatrick • Biock 'Phone Wingham. Office 48 Residence :97 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS .for prompt ;service, and quality products, contact: 'GRANT CHISHOLM Rhone collect' Dungannon ' 724-1 or 10 Lucknow 'A1Ways Look To Imperial For. The Best'• ; 444.44.0 .,... MacKenzie Memorial Chapel. FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord- ing to your wishes at your Home, : your Church, or at our ' Memorial Chapel at no additional charge....; Phone 181, Lucknow,; Day or Night, WI NGHAM: MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been 'Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Along g With • Expert Designing, and. Workmanship Prices Most Reasonable,/ Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario: pAaz rata •■ao ■aonaaao■■aeassinss. • �ooen!laaoeeeeaeeoo��!aatar•L, ■ BOY SCOUT NEWS OneMonth OnIyectal Foy /2..°2►�r. 1ST KNLOSS BOY SCOUT'. GROUP. Back ••lashing: was introduced Thursday night and !e 'don't mean what that sound's like. Back lashing is weaving; the . end of f ira:., ▪ i i0ii......(m=u.1ImI, _d__ ,tiy isilii • 118aMraii . ■: ■ ■ .; A' Duro Softener us makes allyour water " *.• a . rope back on itself' so it :cannoa • fray. It is quite: difficult bo master ■:. ' and we hope,' by this week the •• '. boys will " be able topass their their • test on it. .• Lifeline throwing: was started last' week also and will be con- tinned' . this week as :well. ' • • ' The Group Committee have de cided to' hold .an Old Time Fidd- lers Jamboree Dance , on April • 6th and all the Fiddlers of Kin loss are invited to come. We .have a : list of '20. and in case we have forgotten •anyone we : hope all will come. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie King, who will.. be 'our new neighbours at Silver Lake have. promised to come and join' in the fun. .The .annual ; ,spring . .salvage drive :will be held;, on 'April 14th with emphasis: on saleable bot- tles,' your co-operation last :year was. appreciated : and we hope to have a good drive again .now., • The Ladies' Auxiliary held a kitchen shower last week..to 'pro= vide camping .'utensils, for • the boys • when they . go camping: ;. A • large number •. of , assorted ..pots and utensils are conning.,' in, and we are all .gratefulfor this help. Two • Cub Leaders, Barry and- Ernest, andErnest ;arid. two ScoutLeaders,, Lloyd, and Wally attended • the Basic Training Courses : , at Wal', kerton on Sunday:• • G.:ALAN`: WILLIAMS- Opt?metrist Office on Patrick; St, just .. off, .tWINGHhe MainAM St. in Professional •Eye . Examination Optical Services For appointment Please Phone 770, ` Wingham • .•�. K,J-a KE ZIE,,. 0 D Opometrist• • NOW IN RIFLE•.. EVERY ' WEDNESDAY • Office Hours , 10.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Phone' .Roy •.' MacKenzie; Ripley' 96-r-24. for,. appointment. R.W.B,ELL OPTOMETRIST' - GODERICH ` F. ,T. Armstrong Consulting :Optometrist The : Square .(Phone .JAekson 4-7661) :LUCKNO,W DISTRICT CO=OPERATIVE INC. Phone' Lucknow 71 • • TED COLLY'ER Registered -Master Electrician • ELECTRICAL ; CONTRACTOR Specializing in.: ' • Electric Heating, Electric • Wiring ,,. and Repairs. •• and '. All electrical Appliances Phone 208-r-25, Lucknow HOiVrsdCarl Helps; Ice Fund; (HOL'YR000 ' NEWS)/ softer'thaw RAIN! For glorious 'suds. For thot . bubble. bath For.thot Halo look, For Soft shining hair; ` , Let us show• you how you can have oc.aps of. soft water and sovi money f.o:. .Duro 'Water, Softeners are mode ;and guaranteed by Pumps & Softeners. Ltd., .London, ■ • ,■ ■ • ■ ■ Fully dutomatic $38Q installed Semi automatic lnstafl.ed ■• as■ n . Purchase 'A Water ` Gon 'tion+ �t... . Eefgre .'You� >• .' �. ■ .contact . ■.. •■. ■. ■. ■ .. ;: . V 5� , , . • . Y. . NA EN ■• • Plumbing and Heating Phone. 73, Lucknow. : f:` PartyI uee ii■■mann■■n■■ unoneai■■iee■n■ana■i■onnnn ■i • • At the Shoot 'Party • in Holy- rood Hall Tuesday : evening there were 12 . tables' of players.. High lady was Mrs. liardld Congram; 2nd high, . Mrs. John Finnigan, both 'of • Wingham. Nigh man was Donald. McPherson with , Joe Hackett -Ripley, 2nd., r . Many thanks.. Mr. :and ..Mrs., Sam Farmer., ,Mr. 'and Mrs. Ray- nard Ackert and Mr. and 'M'rs. J. Mansfield . for donating special prizes. Winners' were: door prize, Mrs. Herold' Campbell, '2nd. don.. Kinloss; Lucky chair; Miss Eva Culbert; . Marked Tallies, • Mrs. Lorne . Eadie & Walter Chesbro; Birthday; dloses'tto that day, 'Mrs. Frank Maulden. Twenty dollars was raised for. the :Artificial :'Ice Fund.' The Victoria Mission Band , . The , ,first.: meeting of the . ,year:. was held on Monday, March ' 26th in . the church' basement .with .34 members present. • The opening hymn was sung, followed by sentenced prayers by ,five. of the1members. 'The scrip-' tura 'was read by Carol. Brown. The motto, "4We..Win the. World' for Christ was repeated; 'in �'uni- son. The• newly elected officers for the year were , instal'led by Rev. .Mr. MacLeod, who was also the guest speaker.. Gail Jamieson thanked Mr.' MacLeod, • Hymn 768.' was 'sung and. the meeting,wa's closed with.•a prayer by. Mr.• MacLeod.. .• • FURNACE* OIL, STOVE 014, KEROSENE, - GASOLINE-' See or call `WWI. A. "BUD" HAMILVON Phone. 220-W Lucknow District Agent for Cities Service regular week -end trip to: the Royal 'Conservatory' :of Music ended in near -tragedy for Claude Chislitt, music teacher. at Elmira` District High School and concert- master at the K -W • symphonic' orchestra, when .his car run into 'a., lifted `,blade.' of a snow plow that took off the .roof of ,the' car at . head,' level 'Only instinctive ducking at the last :moment saved Mr. Chislitt from ,being decapita ted. His right arm. .which- he must have used :• to cover' his head seconds before the ;•crash was completely:., shattered ,with. no' bones. lift intact' '.between the wrist and the elbow With a municipal sewage dis- posal system sbeirig discussed~ in Teeswateri the publisher , of Tire. News . says that "the`` taxpayers are, ,adults,"• and in • Indeffect can' makeup their own numb for or against• the :'project without` any r• THE. WEST WAWANOSH . MUTUAL FIRE .INSURANCE: CO. Head Office; Dungannon: Establishe-1. d878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth :R 2, Auburn; Tice -Pres.; ,Herson• Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors, Paul, Caesar, . R. 1, Dungannon.; : George C' Feagan, Goderich; Ross , Mc- Phee, R. " 3, Auburn'; ' Donald • MacKay, RipleY; John F. Mac. Lerman, R. 3, Goderich; Frank Thompson; R. ' 1, 'Holyrood 'Wm Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn For' information on' your in surance, call your nearest ..direc- for who is . also . an: 'agent, or' the secretary, Durnin. Phillips, ,Dun gannon, phone Dungannon 48. "pressure" 'from the paper ether. way.. "Letters' to the .editor" are welcomedfor those who wish tci put their opinions in print" 1D) ew For 1 6 cHicfls FREE !Ith Each 100 : Your Choice :of any breed or cross -breed out of Government approved "Hatcheries:. ' . h "Wew life" $Medkated CHICH STARTER CRUMBLES and GOOD CARE and MANAGEMENT. yon might just haye that 110 at the' Season's end. WM. RNECHTEL p an SON L Lucltnow Branch, Phone 78 !THERE'S A :NEW LIFE PEED FOR EVERY 'NEE._ .a