HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-28, Page 7is..
1/VEDVESDAY, MAIL.. 88th, 1962
Mrs. Ruby (,Irwin) Riach,.
Ijpt /�e say�' W'oodstock-�-"Enclosed as a small
• 'cheque for the artificial ice fund,
Am very, happy to have the . _op-
pportunity to help, with such a
worthy project. It is really ;not
to.oamazing that . Lucknow has
produced sorrie outstanding men
and women *hen there are such
fine citizens with 'the forward
look.' Sincerely hope yeti reach
your e objective.".
• *
•1VIa'bel, McClure, Torortto—"The
people of Lucknow are once again -
showing their fine 'community
spirit. I wish thein, every• success.,
Time was when kyou could' skate
from 2 `o'clock . until' 4 on Sat-
urday • afternoon for 5 cents."
* ,:
:Calvin, and: Eileen McKay,.
Windsor—"Enclosed is a contri-
bution :towards th'e ice .fund..Sure
hope it.. is a success."
• * *.*. 4.
About Artificial Ice
Mrs: Mary (Porteous), Bell,
Sarnia—"I ant pleased to encilose
'a cheque for 'the artificial ice
fund of the . Lions Club. It will
• be Of great 'benefit" to. both the.
skating 'and hockey enthusiasts
of which Lucknow has. 'an abun-
dant supgly as well as a boon
to :.the town' itself.. I wish the
Lions gab every ,success in mak-
ing their objective," .
Mrs, Jean Haigh,"Scarborough_—
"Enclosed is .a srea11.donation., to-
• ward -°the artificial ice fund.
Wishing you . every success in
your endeavours,"
Charles Short, Wilton'. Grove—
"Enclosed. is a small cheque to-
wards the artificial ice . fund. On
this project I wish you the quick;-
est of ' ,success, •as a . success, it
. willb "
Russell Barr, Scarborough -- g;o!. en CeG'ftii.,ucknov,
1 the artificial , ice fund."
Left Here 6.2 Years
—"Good luck to Lucknow in re-
gards to the artificial ice project.
I well recall :the pleasant times
I had in the .old rink with'my
first boots and skates which were
obtained threng'h Eaton's cata-
logue for the sum of $1.00. Prior
that I learned,:' to skate on. the
Nine .Mile river on spring : skates
and survived without any broken
Bertha Allin, Toronto-- Er.clos-:
ed' is donation to the ice fund. I
wish I could send more. All our
family skated and each year rnY
father. bought a season's ticket.
Which • permitted..us to go to the
rink. at any time we wished to
skate. I recall 'how. some ,of the
pther Children, could .not under-
stand "how •we. got into `the rink
without . paying each time, Rest
wishes, and hope yeu may'get
sufficient: money , to . meet your
• **•
• Bessie Cainochan, Ottawa -"I.
am enclosing .ten.dollars•for the
S .. Ie. :.D•strict. Lion sClub for
• "Enclosed is•.a contribution to- Wauchope, Sask
wards. the . Lucknow artificial ice Dear . Mrs. James Valad and, Mrs.
.. . • " . Ielen M•acInnes, Windsor "When
fund.. This is a •really Worthwhile Enclosed find �a small donation ..•
'it ; , e. 8.2 I. read in the paper about .artifi
undertaking which. will benefit: ,to the ice;fund. It win b ' cice, I. thin'k'- o'f some of tahe
both old and young for years to, years on the 8th . of March since cial od hoc agenieskfwe. e of ie
come. ,• I'wis�h the ; old home town' I left Lucknow, but it is.:still the. . g° Y
success in, attainingtheir old home town.: watch, and always enjoyed' 'the
every . Chin boys' on the :line. Well Cam, •
' objective':• Read
in the issue of November our donation. for the ice fund - is
* * * ..8th, the writeup on Dr. Garnier we
•a Prince P wthich was in- sm•all, • but as .; old, Citizens.
Beattie Gibson; Detroit-- Please ridedr4,•
terest ng' I have a copy of 'Prince .thought we might help a. wee, bit. ,
accept my, small donation. Wish * *
you and everyone connected with Pedro.. . The Doctor, gave . it , to ,` To
"' -•.`• .ni .father John Good in 1877:. From. Melvin. Johnstone:, of
the project, :tl*e best. of luck. Y '.ronto and his mother., Ntrs. James
*.. The book is in fine eondition'stll.: Johnstone, who is visiting in .the,
Gordon ' MacIntyre, .Richmond I have a "'copy . of a Comstock
Almanac `Of 1856 and'a'catec'hism City with"Mel, comes a cheque.'
Hill—"Whether ...the name isfor $50. with "sincere .best, wish
lona' Or 'Clansmen,' it• is evi-'' brought. ;from Ireland• .in 1968, ,.;
dent the spirit irit of comrnunit.' . ser- ;also an' Irish ' clay 'Pipe of the es. ,for. success...
p Y
vice remains a1iVe in Lucknow. same 'year; and 'a ..Roman cone . ,
sti wear: a ring e ' �' � liri •terse.' • 'Ros;� Phill ,.
iV1rs.. C _s ( )., p
+: • eWeh.:"enou.h s:.enough.,'Best,i. ,.« .
Clansmen inscribed' on ifs "inner' . g son London lease find en=
surface as a daily reminder of of luck : to• the' Lions in their ef- o B
Yclosed thy oheque in, the • amount
good tinges - spent 'p anti:ing how. fort Bill Good. F .
1/ * * * of $10.00 to: assist• you in , your
:to raise money : for the arena,. worthy 'cause. 'I am 'indeed leas
^, , p
itself; some 25 years ago;• and Art Graham,: Sault Ste. Mare
I 11 with 7The of the third century
* *
ed • to be one of ,your contributors
trust.the : ;folk now..es�•king to --,-"Just a line this: evening. Im.toward ' your. goal: No dotbbt,in
add the ' artificialf ice machine; -
•may have . similar ,mimories."•
. `
* ,*
• Grace and George Liril
ey, De-,
triot— Please find _enclosed this
cheque for our little donation..
towards. ' the Lucknow. , ice'"'fund.
• This occasionrecalls many hap-
py. times.in the past, skating iii
`the old 'skating ` rink .'in,
now.' Best of luck.'.' .
Flora.•and. Olive` Webster; : To-
ronto -"We .do not wish ,to be
`out. `of sight, :out of. mind.'.' En=
closed'our cheque with bbest wish
.es for artificial ice :fund:"
* * .*
Mary Weston, Willowdale..
"Thank you for giving' the an op-'
portunity of contributing the .en
closed small, ;'amount .towards the
;instalation Of. artificial ice. -Wish
g you s
uccess n�Your
rider -
taking." .:.
Bill and Jean Reid 'Strathro
"l see by the .Sentinel that' the
. ,. Lions Club. ,ice ' fund isgoing
strong. :I still put on my • • old
hockey, skates once or twice' a
year, to' see '.how` it: feels on skates
again..You' will:' find enclosed a'
small amount for .the good. cause.
Best of „luck."
-sending.-along;' a cheque for the I„dear ",grandchildren wi11 'benefit
ice fund It.: is small but I sup
pose every ,bit lull ,,help„ I,t is
nice. to ' knowthings are going
ahead' . in..'' the old ' hoirie town
which ' ,we so often mention
•around here7WF7havem.h a. arm
extra:. touch 'of winter. So far -they .
say. it is the, ,worst in 22years;
but will be 'able to. survive it.
Wishing the Lions every sue :
cess in. the Arena undertaking.”
* * •
:Mrs. Arlene . (Jewitt) Taylor.,
Sarnia —"Please• accept my .:small
donation•to ,yourIce fund.:I only
wish it' could be more. Won't Bill
be pleased when he knowsl. the
old rink has artificial , ice. Much
success in your project;. and my,
best wishes." • •
• Mrs. T. A. (Thelma). MacDon-'
ald,' Taronto—"Enclosed please
find my donation to the . arti, ficial•
ice -fund.' Isn'� • it wonderful ow
`everyone • has responded and '1
am •sure ..the Lions. Club are to
be commended •for taking:. on
this 'big project. .I also enjoyed
your editorial 'on Artificial Ice
for the Village and 'hope..you can
find: time to write some more.
• * *. s .
Mrs. • Marion Reynolds; Toronto
I `greatly 'from the: arena in the
future.: They area the 'children of
Mr.. and Mrs..'' Allan . Hackett... It
i.s_..always nice to_ be One_of: the
old tivaer�• of o home tow :
dear old •.Lucknow."
DUNLOP, TIRES (Most Sizes In 'Stock)
Replairs 'to All Makes of Cars and Tractors
3 Licensed Mechanics
►heel Al gnmetrt.end Bilancjog.
Name Emergency
Measures K Men
Lloyd. d Jas er
y .p , , Co-ordinator' of
the •Energen�cy Measures organi-
zation in' Bruce County�.,`says that
plans ;,..are . under' way to; •hold,
various ,courses in.:the:coun'ty in
thefoilowing months which will
aid in tirries of-.eniergencyy by hav-
ing, trained ;personnel .,ready. and
with the knowledge to • know
what to do if disaster' : strikes. ` '
•• ,Bruce County. has been divided
into, fourteen districts' comprising
the areas serviced by its":fOurteen
fire .departments.: Ke` r personnel
from within these, 'areas swill > get
:their' instructions from officers :of.
their own individual committees.
• Plans are under Way.' to hold a
short .::orientation .' course 'during
county.` council week •."in June..
Further courses. in survival and
rescue 'are planned in, First Aid.
;Graduates of these and: other
courses' will be available as in
structors t for ' secondary courses
for citizens throughout the county
until enough volunteers are train-
ed .to, participate in any •emer-
gency, local or national, which•
• rnight arise. ; .. •
.Comxnittee Chairmen 'for :vari
ous ,services 'are as follows:-
Health, Dr. R. Allen,: Medical Of-
ficer . of Health; Engineer Servi-
ces, Eldon .Yund!t, County' Engin-
eer; Fire ' Service, Irwin Lobsin-
ger; Supply and. Billeting, Carl
Larsen; Police, Chief -Dim Gil-
christ; Welfare, 1-1. 'S. 'Congdon,
Welfare Director, Clothing, Har-
ry !Doughty; !Feeding, Joseph
Meyer Chief of Rescue, to be
named; •
,Subcommittees will be estab-
lished .in the various ' area as`
'soon as possible. .
The main j'ob'of the,Fmergency
Measures Organization in Bruce,
would be to provide facilities ,for
evacuees from more 'd•ensely pop-
ulated areas of Western Ontdrio
in' the' event. of a nuclear attack.
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SERVICE . ...convenient, "Close to -home" se, •vice from this'
local firm:
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Or call us direct: •
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z••i••lei•••ii•••ia••••s••••••••i +•*!•••r•e•�
A, detonation. over the. County
of Bruce itself could •be an : acci-
dent only as there are no strate-
gicn thas. area '
It is likely the. threat of radia-
tion could !,pose a- .serious: prob-
lem for ;.people living In Bruce
County., and there are booklets
available f gee of charge fro n.the
Emergency Measures ' Organiza-
tion office, that give. guidance as
to what should be done` in •case of
a nuclear attack and consequent,
The Co-ordinator Mr Jasper, is
•available to`speak on Emergency'
Measures. to • any group.
During the: college Royal in
Guelph, Marjorie • Kieffer; a stuT.
.dent . in home economics at
Macdonald; .Institute, 'won the.
trophy awarded for .the diploma
student having the' highest points,
for participation..' in the, Royal
Marjorie'. is .a daughter of M'r; •
.a d, 'Mrs. Oscar`: Kieffer,' R.R. ;1;
Wingham. ',She- also had a part .in
,Curtain; Can,. the college's • an-
nualdramatic,production. •
,Advance Times.
Hugh. McLean of Port Elkin,
g. g Y
well;: known race horse • driver,
lost his right ::hand' in ':a snow
blower accident. ,From his:hos-
pital' • bed: he• declares he will
drive again -7— , with an artificial:
C�IIect Uteflsils
ForScout a ping
The •March meeting • of .,Ladies' •'
Auxiliary •. • of 1st . 1Kin1oss'•'. ' Boy
Scouts, .was held March, 22nd in
the Scout Hall at ' Holyrood.
' Mrs. Lorne. Eadie, the president,
Presided; 18 mothe s repeated the -
Scout • •Mother's• remise. Plans •
were .,made for a lunch booth at •
the * Scout: •. dance on April. 6th.
The main. • project ' : at. this
meeting was collecting used.
cooking utensils ..:suitable '. for :.
:camping: 'If 'anyone iii the tom.
rnun ty has an article to donate,
either:,send it .'to' . a'` Scout meet- •
ing or contact Mrs ;Lorne Eadie
or Mrs:. Currie • Colwell.,'befd?e . ,.
April 12th,: `
Mrs. Lloyd' Ackert read an arti-
cle by Pierre : Berton entitled "My
Love. Affairs with - the ' Scout
Move ment." z .
The meeting was• closed by .all.
repeating' the Scout Mizpah•and:
a social half hour: enjoyed.
• The•.Bruce County : Farm Safety
Council is sponsoring two. safety
promotional competitions. One is
',a 'contest forthe best poster 'de-
picting farm safety and the other
is for a ,scrap.bookdepicting var-
ious aspects of farm and 'home
'safety. Both' competitions are op
en •to 'any resident of ..Bruce
It is.ex ected that there will
be a . good number of .entries in
the competition as the rules and
,regulations have ben mailed to
all •s;
chools in the C�i.:ny
t `'
as well
as to many other rtral organiza-
tions. .Any• individual or farm.
organization may enter.
• March 6th in • her 81st .Year.' Mrs.
Eedy was the former Grace 'Wil-
Wilson and` ' taught school.:.
years ago : at St. ,Helens.
•* 1.1`
Among the.committee'members
of the Win -harn-iBl th ' United-
g •y,
Dairy, -Poultry 'Cd -operative are,
Eric .Hackett,' 'R. 3 Lucknow. and
Hugh MacKenzie, 11'3 , Goderich.
* * *,
The `death of': Mrs: Lorne..,...
q A.
Eedy" occurred ' at St. • Marys on
too a Safe 5% Investment'
Cus4am Butchering
Mondays Hoge, $ 2.00 in by 4
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Cutting and Wrapping, 2c . pound
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Sold iWhole,' Half •or Quarter .... or Better; Service,,
And Lower.. Prides Call Ripley 100, '
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