The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-28, Page 5Ifs !ry W ,NES,DAY, MAR. 28th, '190 THE LUCi OW :sgNaiisrex, LUCKNow, .(NTARi District Meeting Of.WI. •Atflolyr�od BI UGAR. aua Mrs. Victor Emerson was hos tess at. her home in Whitechurch: ;when twenty,ei,g•ht ladies met C ,for the annual district directors ��(7Lmeeting of Bruce South 'Women's be held Institute.p Mrsm �erson,. district - 1000111111. • president, resided plans were Made for the nils-. By 'Bill Smileytrct'•Annual, which. is to �'. . I, • • at Holyrood on -May .18th., . The !Grey -Bruce rea president Long ;winter got • you down? Feel a bit frazzled? Ulceracting up? 'Worried 'about ,the ,bomb? Let's take a. ',straight look at things, and see, how we feel. If people paid.any,.heed to: the • warnings; dirk. predictions and appalling. ,statistics with which they are. assailed on every hand, the, human race would be made up of . drivelling. cowards, cringing under their respective beds., Reach . for. a coffin nail with 'your morning coffee and. paper, and a headline hits you, between the eyes:. ' SMOKING, LUNG CANCER., .: LINK!ED, TESTS PROVE. Turn on your car radio. as you , drive to work•:. and tike announcer •'tells you, triumphant- ly that riumphantly.that week -end 'fatalities, hit 72,` bettering ` last year's record. • iby • eight; . He. souri'ds happy about .. ;it. *. */* dust look as though * you feel like a'beer,' and somebody,. pro bably your wife, will start reel- ing•off .the latest:.tigures on alcor ;••..,holism. �" ',Start putting away something for your. old age, and smile cheer --� • „P, AS& D COLLYER ELECTRIC ful vulture will inform you, with' ill-�conc paled satisfaction, that the •hw ian race will be obliterated.by nuclear 'weapons.' within: the cur- rent decade, '• . 'Put' in; an honest 'hard day's vNrork, and some magazine' article will trumpet the news that you're heading for a .coronary. `' . Besides . these fairly deadly forecasts, we,. are: subjected. to `a barrage" of minor threats and in-, sults most of them of a personal: nature. The ads leave nothing. sacred. They 'shout. that we have:, body odor; loose scaly •dandruff; unpleasant breath; slipping den-.. tures; .'treacherous • kidneys; acid stomachs and that we are badly in. need of a new . truss for that. old • hernia. They, don't leave', a atone,. not even 'a gall -stone, un- turned! They imply that we are :sickening ,creeps. Fortunately there ' is a wonder- ful *,* • Mips Gerie Sittler of St. Jac-; ford Teachers' College practiee Mrs, Donald McCosh announced that4 the . "Slides Project ,was. •almost completed 'and these slides` wotd, be available for..;the.'use of the branches. .• A district .'celebration of the sixty-fifth anniversary of the founding.' of the Women's. Insti- tute was planned for Monday, April 2nd at �Reid'sCorners. -' Mrs. Harvey iHouston • expres- sed appreciation to the officers .for `their: contribution during, the .year and to the ' Whitechurch. members. for their hospitality. PAGE'. P V'S • • LATE • •' MODEL • , . �� . •• • • • - • • •• 1962 Pontiac . L,aurentian, Sedan .automatic fully equipped • Two 1961 Pontiac' Laurentians, •pow`er steering,. automatic 2 fully • equipped.. •' 1961. Pontiac Stratochief,; automatic 6 • ............ ; tic.. rdto automatic. e •,n ' V-8, 4 -door laa p� , • 1961 Pontiac• . auren is. airlane 500 Sedan, automatic and power steering automatic • • 1961 Ford , • 1960 Chev Belau Sedan, • •• •:. • •• • 1959 Pontiac Sedan,. automatic,, •fully equipped '' • 1959 Buick '4 -door hardtop, automatic • 1959. Chev Sedan, • automatic, fully equipped • •• ;1958 Pontiac •Sedan, automatic. r • •• 1957 Ford 2: -door:: Station Wagon 8 1957 Chev Sedan, 'standard • 1957 Buick: Sedan, automatic • 1956 Ford Custom Sedan, automatic • .1956 Meteor • Rideau, automatic • ,. Oe 1955 Chev sedan ch KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Gary 'Grahani & Rickey moved.. on Saturday to 1VIr. and Mks. Te -d Evans and Linda spent the Week -end, with -Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'Nicholson. .' Relatives and frierids *attended, Walter 'Marshall at Walkerton on. Sunday. , She „was the, former .Phylis Haldenby,...daughter Of 'Mr:. Roy Haldenby and..the late 'Mrs. • MANY OLDER IVIODELS TO CHOOSE FROM • / TRUCKS! TRUCES!! • 468 Dodge Half-Ton,Pick-Up • • russels otors Phone -1M. BitisseLs.. •• HaldenhY n(:1 . a niece: of'. Mr. visited .ott. SnridaY at the hOzne S. k rar DOUglas, COOk3r...'Of •ti'Ci1,177 dashing bout t e two, pc s- MeafOrd,, Students. at . the .Strat- day man whO reads•the lung. can,. ford • Teachers' '. College are' cer .storY; . pales slightly; then spending this Week practice tea - lights a fag and blovis c9 -It Abe thing, Under the .supervision :of ' smoke. with. the devil-May-c7are Katherine Collins. bow; ,9f tti3O condemried. spy fac Cartick,and Annetta; Miss Eileen 'There. is 'something ,heroic. in Colwell of 'Edmonton, / Alberta, ..the4tari. who hears the Week -end Visited' a. day during the -week fatality 'figures while ..driving: to with their grandmother, work; and Merely' Sets .hig jaw; J, .W COI ell, „' ;trairips on the gaS arid loullS Mrs:..13 rt :Nicholson held .a through the ',traffic, with 'all the. quilting at her home on Tuesday: for, ,danger 'Of a Ben' Our at the er's With Mrs.:HarOld.-Haldenby reins of a'chariot: and Mrs. Torri.Hodgina assistant You can't helP adMiring• the hostesses! Mrs,.. Roy ...Schneller cool coneern of the: heaVy er is, he PerUse.5 the article . on quilting On :Monday afternoon his fourth rye arid Water. Trou- ./"'" ble is a lotta these people ire Tile annual Meeting • of the vveak,.-an' they 'get too fonda the H.WI. will be held on Thursday Detroit; Mr. ,and Mrs. Dan . of kingarf visited over the Week -end with Mr: arid 'Mrs. Sharon. and Arthur. Stanley; visit- ed 'On Saturday evening with Mr. :and Mrs. R. J. kaake and, tarry • ',Stanley' at. Kinloss. Mr. Dougiai Cook: of .the Stratford".Teachers', College spent 'the week ,with'•Mr. :and, Mrs,. -Eire., Stanley. Miss, Gene Sittler also of Strat-. :ford Teachers' .College spent. the week -with. Miss Edna Boyle. • • will be: hostess' for another stuff and they •can't hannel afternoon,. April 5th With Mrs. he muses, as he reaches for the Perry Hodgins and Mrs. Jaznes Smith hostesses. Roll Call, pay - Ment of . fees.: Reports of• stand- ing committees, election of of - fitters, Demonstration, Decorating Easter Eggs Mrs- Lloyd ACkert . Directors,' Mrs. Perry liodgins; Mrs, Jarnes Smith. • Miss Elaine 110,dgins of kinloss • ki old Fitble tells the ataxy ° Of aevend boys idly throwing . atones at &group of frogs in a pond. 'Boys,' complained 01111 Of 'die frogs at last, "this may be fun for you but it h death for us." ..for others-7for exaMple, spending our, money solely for pleasura Acithout regard for our fornili'a, future. How'Much better it` tvotdd Of Sun Life of Canada's modern life insurance policiei.. Lift insurance is my profession and .0. I ant at your serukei Why not You seitt be Under SUN LIFE ASSURANCE 'COMPANi OF CAN'ADA: VVrn. 11 lk itl a ha n • 'quart arid knocks the lamp •••off It is difficult to, withhold.'ap7. plause at the spectacle of 'the. type' who .diSdains the immin- ence of, _sudden arpihilation by H-bomb because he s tOo busy fig- uring Out angles , to 'diddle the *goVerninent out of death duties' on his estate. • Aiki.stirelY' One cannOt refrain from a, ronsing cheer for tile man with a bum ticker who, Tetired .after thirty years hi, a -sedentary job, immediately starts slaving like neyvy, building, tearing fetching and carrying,, shovelling snow arid cfitting grass, and' - generally Showing ' a fine scorn for • living. to a ripe. 'Old' It must' be horribly exasperat, ing to scientis,ts, traffic authori- ties, temperance peelet tax col- lectors and aoctors, bui there's something unbeatable irf human nature, It's a sort of "massive, charming stupidity, a • superb recklessness, that has made peo- Ole ignore all warnings. and .de- liberately 'seek. out disaster, ever since the daY Eve was warned not .to fool around. with that apple • • LANGSIDE Next Sunday, April .1St, Sim - day School :opens for the sum - !her. and. will be held' at. 2 p.M.. Lynda • of -.Rexdale were .week- end visitors with his parents, ,Mr. Mr. and Mrs:: William EVans Miss Mary' Anna- McIntyre Visit- ed 'at 'Victtria 'Hospital, London with patierits on Thnrsday after-. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller visited with r'elatives in kincard, ine Wednesday afternoon. ' Mr. •and Mrs. Charlie Tiffin mis- ited with •Mr. and Mrs. William Brown,. tucknow, on Sunday, Congratulations ' .to Mr..2 and Yrs. Harry Swan 'oh the new ad- ditiOn to the family, which. ar- rived 'on. Saturday. .. Mrs- Elmer Scott is,in Wirig;• ham hospital having undergone Keith Bregman had his tonsils reznoVed in Wingham hospital 'last week.. To Restore h. tt Penmans of the In' SerVice ,Training•course Association OF the Federated Wo - Ontario. The ...,ChesleY Unit was Public 'School' On:Saturday,: The. instructors, Mr. arid Mrs. Fred Richardson of Ottawa,. are'. experts in the subject. Mr.• Rick- ardson teaches penmanShip' in the High School of ..COnimerte; trierly, held a similar position in is.Chairinan of ;the Ot- are both 'members of the, Inter- national 'Association of Master Penman and Teachers of 'Hand They are :exponents :Of the arm moVernent method' of Writing ,&• :neVer Cease bringing pressure •to bear on:the Department of:, ' cation to 'have .it :restored 'again in all grades frorn Grade 1.: and.: • 'those attending from LucknOW Webb and Miss Helen ThoMpson.:2, • HOLYROOD 4-11 CLUB ELECTS ..OFFICER,S The' first !fleeting of the liO1Y- rood No.1 4-H Homemaking Club . wag held at' the Holyrood Cen- tral 'School. 'Election Of 'officers resulted , as follows: President, Sharon Stan- ley; vice-president, Diane Hew- itt; secretary,' June., Ackert; trea- surer, Mrs.' Ed Thompsori; press rer:Porter, Jean Sutton. • There was a •discussion on the proper way of Measuring • and demonstrations on measuring. MONVMENTS Few sound -counsel arid *; fair Price on a monument