HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-28, Page 4. • PCI. Earn • THE LucKNow =arm, wactiow. ot1TARIO • WEDNESDA.,14 MAR, 211th, 1962 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word, minimum40c. 'Notices, Cards ,of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum 75c, In Memoriam); minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10C for each bl1 rendered:. FOR,S LE - FOR SALE • . FOR SALE --a quantity of baled straw, Gorden .; Lyons, LuCknow, Phone 64-r,-23.: roR SALE 'electric Massey- • Harris hammer-anill. Keith Cran- ston, RJR. Lucknow,'Z,. phone Dungannon 14-r-15. • FOR SALE -- girl's brown tweed • coat, .size 10, freshly dry clean- ed, like new condition.Apply, to Mrs George Phillips, R.R. 2, Lucknow phone 44-r-41 CAR FOR SALE '•'--- 1949 Hudson "Sedan; tires A-1, in good' running condition, goOd' bedy., William • Brown, phone 164; Lucknow. • • ',••• • • 4 1;1 • BEFORE YOU PURCIHASE your, advertising .novelties, Printed pens, pencils; etc. see: what you can buy right here at home -The Lucknow .,Sentinel, phone , 35; Lucknow. • FOR SAL:E -,-- Bale stookers at new low prices, now made in '2 sizes for 6 or 10 bales. Post hole augers and manure loaders for any make or modelof tractor. Also 1 metal turning lathe with an 18" ssiring x 6'6" 'centre te centre It cuts all threads and • is in perfect condition, We also have a, 1950 Ferguson traetor for • sale; with a loader. See Morford Mac- kay, Welding and Ma6hine Shop,' F'0R'• 1mix ....-- Cockshutt 544, R.R.• No. 2, Ripley; Ontario or • I. fr'factor and 'plow : Lorne Luther, ..phone 6-r4, Ripley. ' R. 3, LuCknotq• , phone Dungan- .• ' • ' • . . non,6544 .. ''POR SALB-7-Wingham *ix, stove, Used: only oneyear, in excellent • condition. •Gordon' 1VlacDonald,' RM.' 1, Holyrood, ,phone 5-25,. ;RiPley. . ,• IF YOU are seeking the answer to an alcohol 'problem, you are invited to write in confidence to Box A, Lucknow Sentinel/NOTICE . Ti E • • • NOTICE , '• Spray school,sponsored by Kincardine Agricultural Society, Town, Hall, Kincardine, 8 o'clock • on Thursday, April 5th., Everyone. 'welcome.' Door prizes of weed spray:. FOR SALE freshly. 'dry: LuCknow. •••• girl's • blue all - mg• oat size 6, Cleaned. Phone, 33, • :FOR SALE L.•-• Holstein 'heifer •, dile' in reLweek..VirSerit'.A,uStin-, R-R-4rDun-gannori,Plionej4-r42. . , COWS FOR SALE -- one Ayr- shire, one 'Holstein and Hereford cross; both due to freshen in two weeks. Frank Ritchie, phone 69-r-12, ,Dungannon. Is Your Subscription Renewed? • An 'urgent ' orneeting of the Lucknow Business Men will be held on Friday, April 6that 8:00 p.m. at Elmer Umbach's apart, ment above the store. A -'dis- cussion is Scheduled of Friday night open and Saturdaynight closed,sinituner_hoursmand a new conStitution. Everyone MUST at- . , tend • ' CASH BINGO A Cash Bingo will be held in the . Lucknow Legion Hall on Thursday, March 29th at 8:45 p.m, .42 regular games for $10., 3 share -the -wealth. $5.0 Special game must go.• . • • SLIDES OF. INDIA • ' • • Miss Glady.s Hamilton, from Vellore Medical School, In- dia, will be guest speaker in the Lucknow United Church on Sun- day ,evening, April 8th at 7:30. All klieg young peoples groups are invited. Slides will be shown. Sponsored by the Luoknow Unit- ed Church 'Young People. • ZONE 2 'YORKSHIRE SALE •At Walkerton 1. ••• WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th. OLD. 'TIME FIDDLERS' JAMBOREE 'DANCE. Old+ .Time Fiddlera'. Jamboree Dance to' be held in Kinloss Township Hall at Holyrood on, Friday' April. 6th: All old time Fiddlers' of Kinloss Township are invited: Everyone .• come and 'swing your partner. • Admission 50C. Sponsored by the 1st Kin loss Boy ,Scout,Group Committee. CARD PARTY -1 A card Party will' be held in Zion Orange Hall on • Friday, March. 30th. Admission 50c.• lad- • les with lunch free. . • • CARD PARTY • A Shoot and Euehre Party will, the held by, the. Ladies' Auxiliary,' to Legion l3raneli No 309 in the egion Rooms on ,Friday, March, 80th at 8 p.m. Lunch and prizes Everyone welcome Admission, TENDERS • . . NOTICE HORTICULTURISTS Don't forget the invitation to attend the Auburn Horticultural Society meeting, Monday, April 1st at 8 P.m. Anyone with room for extra passengers in their car, contact. Ken Cameron Lucknow. • , • SEWING' 'MACHINE SALE — • Save ' $75 00 on Netv,:•Singer . or , White Sewing Machines at &nit- ty's Shopping Centre,Hanover„„. FOR ..SALE * . Westinghouse • electric stove, 4 -burner and oven, white, priced for quick sale. Mrs. °Mar Brooks, phone 6-J,, 1410.c: • now., • . • FOR SALE — 1954 Volkswagen Standard, recently overhauled, in goodshape inside' and 'out. Will. :sell for cash or livestock: Reicr, Produce, Goderich. • • ST11.1.14 A GOOD SELiECT[ON of Shower' arid Wedding gifts avail- able . at, 'savings of • 25% Off at • Finlay Decorators, • phone 218, • • WANT . :TO SAVE 'MONEY on your purchase of fertilizer, cem- ent and tractor tires? If so, in- vestigate before •, you invest. • Contact Bruce MacMillan,,Luck- • ;now. • FOR, SAILE —.two grade Holstein cows, one bred • Jersey, . due • April 8th, other bred Holstein, due April 10th, priced *reason- able. Alvin Hackett, Phone Dun- ••wi h b . grain Will. be held for Donald SERVICES AUCTION -SALE Allan McIntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow Phone 209-r-41 FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service • BOB PECK, 'Varna,' Ontario, Phone Hensall 696-r-2 • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED , Septic tanks, cess .pools, 'etc., Pumped and 'cleaned with med..- •ern• equipment. All. work guar- anteed. .Louis Blake, R. 2 ?Elms; sels, phone 442-w-6. VACUUM CLEANERS. • . Sales and 'Service , Repairsand bags for all models. of Vacuum cleaners and Polishers. • Reconditioned • machines of all ' BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, •Phone Hensall 696-r-2 . AUTOMOTIVE HELP WANTED responsible position'for. general work in feed inill..Apply . at Treleaven's Feed Mill, Lucknow. WANTED baby -Sitting, after- noons or evenings. Contact Mrs. Ken Barger, Lucknow, phone TENDERS will be received by the -undersign up to SaturdaY, April 7th for., ten cords of 'beech .and maple body wood,- 16 inches 'long, to be delivered to St. Hel- ena United Church by, June lst, 1962. , • Lorne Woods, Board Sec., R.R. -2, Lucknow. •AUCTION SALE WAN11ED -- Manfor part time farmingandpart time machine shop work. Apply Morford Mac- kay, Welding and Machine Shop, R.R. No,- 2, Ripley, or phone 6-r-8, Ripley. ' • PARTY WANTS TO BUY small house 'with a large lot or small farm in Lucknow area. Apply to Box' GS., Lucknow Sentinel. WANTED — girl's bicycle in goOd condition. Apply to Box „B, The Lucknow Sentinel. AUCTION. SALE Clearing Auction Sale of '40- Head- Registered and Grade Hol- stein cattle, modern farm mach- inery, hay and grain will be held for, Farish Moffat, Lot 25, Con. 5, Kinloss Township; 7Y2 miles north-east of Lucknow on Thurs- day, March 29th, at 12:30 pm. N,o, Reserve. Terms Cash. Allan Madzityre, Auctioneer. APPLICATIONS •AUCTION .,SALE , Clearing ,Auction Sale of live- stock, implements, hay,.' grain' ar household effects .at the farm of 'Sam Emmerson, Lot 50, S,D.R4 11/2 miles south Of Berrie on Saturday, March 31st' at .1:30. See • bilis for list. No, reServe. Terms cash. Donald B.' Blue & r.lorne 'MoLelland, Aucs. Sam •Emmerson, • proP, •• •AIJCTION SALE ol'eartrig ''Suction sale of live- stock, farm. implements, hay and Dan T. MacKinnon wishes to express his sincere thanks and „ appreciationfor the kindness of ' many friends, and for.gifts atici hc aarmd s . hospital thanks to.11, Corrin and the nurses • at Wing.' • The Family of Mrs, Elizabeth. Scott wish on her •behalf to ex.. press their Most ;sincere th'anIfs andne9 sa::sreoi ati received by o for mt the many kind remerobrances,, cards and on her 160th birthday. Special thanks. to' the Women's Institute and the staff of Pineerest Manor, • The family of the late Russell johnstone, wish to-expres.s their heartfelt thanks and aPPreciation, •to all those whowere so very :kin4ava:mciensympathetic linkstheir be Rev. Rod MacLeod, Jack Walker and Bob MacKenzie. Allen Gardner wishes to ex press his thanks to all who were so kind and thoughtful, 'sending' cards, treats and flowers, While 'he Was hospitalized, • • Applications . will be received by the undersigned for position of CLERK-STENOGRAPIllgIt • , OR TYPIST at Huronview, Clinton, Ontario Necessary forms can be secur- ed by contacting the undersigned. *. 'Salary in accordance with- ex- perience and County schedule .,. Applicationsto be submitted on, forms proVided and. Must iloe received by Saturday, April_7th, 1962 John G, Berry, Secretary, Board of Management; • Huronview. • • • otice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS ; • . IN THE MATTER OF niz. ES- TATE OF WILLIAM LLOYD BELL Of the Village_pf Lucknow, in the County of .Bruce, Agent, deceased. .•• ••• • •. NOTICE IS HFREBY GIVEN that. all persons haying a claims demands against t e Estate •of William Lloyd Bell, aforesaid, who died on or abOutthe 5th- day. of December, AD. 1961, are re- quired to file proof, of their claims, duly verified . with the undersigned executor's on or !be- fore the 27th day of April, 1962:' ' AND NOTICE' -IS FURTHER GIVEN' that after the said date the undersigned executor ...will proceed to distribute, the assets of the said , estate, among those entitled thereto , and will •not be. 'liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any one of whose claims they shall not then have received hotice: • . Dated at Ripley; Ontario, this 21st day, of March, 1962, 'Mr. William Brown, now; Ontario; Mr, Charles Tif- fin, R.R. Lucknow, ':Ontario, 'Executors, I wish to thank all those who sent cards, ..flower, fruit and gift's. to. Ole; While.. Is Was in hos.. pital. Special thanks th the South Kinloss W.MS. and to my class- mates in° 10B. • These many acts of kindx,iess will always be re. arierribered. Sincerely Eileen Etat, We Wish to sincerely thank all those who called, sent cards or gave gifts' on the occasion .of our Golden Wedding. The thoughtful= ness and goad wishes were deeply' appreCiated, and wiOEl be a cher 'ished .memory • to us always. Mr and Mrs . tan MLothLealasilli• Our deepest thanks extend ed to the many frierids and neigh-, bours for their kind, expressiOns of syrripathY in, our recent be- reavement in. the loss • of a Icind arid lOving. wife and mother:. also for the many beautiful tti- 'bUtes. Donald R: Finlayson and' Family, ,ec anical and o y repairs, gannon' 73-18. Donaldsen, Lot .231 Con. 10 Kin- . ELECTROLUX Window replacemer,it, Radiator, east of LucknOw on Tuesda * Wheel 'alignment and • balance, ',loss, 61/4 miles north and 3.miles t, 4 d • • _ SALES • and SERVICE • Bonded, franchised 'dealer'. • Va- cuum cleaners, floor 'polishers, etc. Buy Canadian. Bert Harris, 109 Newgate St., phone JA 4-7911, •Goderich. ' 'HOUSE FOR SALE — 2 storey, 3 bedroom home; in tucknow, insulated; • centrally located, inll good condition, forced air furn- ace, wood and coal, fu. cement basement, Contains 3 -piece bath, • room, modern built-in • kitchen cupboards, two -car garage. Rea- sonably priced. Contact mrs. . Howard ,Rebinson, Lucknow, :phone 2314 ' •• • •repairs, Protect against rust with Uridaspray. • ' ,• • , DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No. 8 Hwy. • Phone JA 4-7231 • • Goderich, Ontario' • • Remember, it takes but a moment to place a Sentinel Want Ad and be money in poc ket. To. advertise, *just phone 35. • 'CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beefand perk sold in any quantity. Custom butchering in GoVernmefit licensed. abattoir Pigs' every Tpesday, Beef from Monday • through Thursday. y, April 3rd at 1::00 pm, See .bilis for list, No reserve. Allan' Mac- Intyre, AA:ie., Donald Donaldson,' IN', MEMORIAM BveKINGRAm, kiving 'memory ' of 'Our sona.,4,1don on. the anniversary of his 'death, March'. 22nd, 1047. ' Beyond the gate your loved one Finds :happineis and rest, And there is comfort in the thought That a loving dod knows bet.. • BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET Mr, and 1VIra. Wan. Buckingham. Dead Stock Rem °lint. .Service We 'are licensed to remove your dead o crippled farm aninials for •sanitary •.disposal. Old horses .4c per ,p6und GORDON TA*LOR. Collect 44=r-24,' Lucknow Lucknow 24-hour service Licence NO4, 173C62 IN. wmplom... CURRAN -- 'eying memory of Herbert C. Curran; who passed away April 2nd, .1961. It's sad: to 'Walk the road alone, Instead of' side' by • side,-. But. to. all there •comes .a moment When the ways .of, life divide. The world may change 'from: esz • to year • ' And friends from day to day,. But never Will. the, one we love P1/4rom memorY. lade . away. Ever remembered by Wife an( 'CAMPBELL -In loving raemOr. of r,.;Yall Bradley CaMpbell, wh passed , away ten years •ag( March 26th, 1952, Leaves and flower s may while. Evening Suns may set, But the hearts that .1nved 'yc • dearly Are the hearts that'wOnt forge Ever remembered by Mahe Father . and Family. -111'kRAit FARMS • ABATTOIR HOLYROOD The home of 'choke . meats :BEEF,. 'PORK, IJAIVT, any quantities Schneider's Cured Meats • WE ; ALSO DO CUSTOM •'MOAN° • • and hang' your meat in 'mod( codlbra as long as desired, lj On Tuesdays and cattle evi day. No' appointment necessa • ItAYNARI) ACItERT,, 101-r-13, Lucknow