HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-28, Page 31 • &DAY; . MAR. 28th, 1962; 1. !flu :Lt1CKNOW arrrum,picKNoV.,914TAV0 AGAIN WE MAKE Tat FLEA ' OF immix p rizAsz Cooked Spaghetti Heinz, Save. 15 oz. tuts., Aylmer Tomato Soup: Save. 10 .. oz.. tins Prem 12 0 z. tins 2 rl Peaches.T AI me Choice Quality. 20 "'oz. tins Scott y Famil Tissue 4c off pack, white or 'coloured, • • • • • • SYC 2-49c. 4-39c Save 10c King Size Surf:. Save 48c, 37c off pack,' 40c worth, coupons inside package„ Frozen Orange Juice 4-79c Birds Eye. .Save 31c, . 6 ., oz. tin BROWN;. 'N' SERVE TWIN ROLLS 25c Weston. regular 29c. 12 to pkg. FRESH ONTARIO MAPLE SYRUP Gallon and 1/2 Gallon at attractive; prices•. of vOhIJME N4. 11. ON, SALE, Golden 'Book Encyclopedia, only a PHONE 26 FREE DELIVERY ilii, , . . 'iii ii-ii•� ifi-iiiii� iiiiiii moi.--iii--•=,iiiiiiiiiiii�,�. IR CUT PRICES Effective; -April 2nd In compliance: with .. Western .Ontario Barbers' Association regulations, HAIR CUT PRICES IN LUCKNOW will be -as follows, Adults _ $1.00 High . School Students Children, 60c Mr. and. Mrs. Don Thompson week -end ` n' �axLd, Susan ;.spent the w se LuCOW1C s 'in Kitehener- with 'Mr.-and—Mrs: • Barry MacLeod. * Mrs. •Charles. Congrani is ill with.pneumonia in,'.Wifigiham:'hos ital. • Dr. D. R.' Finlayson •accom-` panied' 1iis: son, 13r.:.'and. Mrs:. Don- ald , onald`, M. Finlayson ,to ,,Toronto on .Tuesday, where he will make his home 'for the 'time being, ' LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Howard W. Strapp .Minister SUNDAY; APRIL .1st t0:00 a.m. 'Church School 11:00 a.m.--:Morning Worship. Lucknow: Presbyterian Church H• Rev. Howard MacLeod` • Minister ' SUNDAY, 'APRIL 1st '10:00 a.m. Sunday 'School 11:00 aril. Mornng Worshi P.� THE Lucknow ChrisIiani R�formed. :.church Rev. S. •Terpstra, A,B., Th.B. Listowel, Ont.,. Pastor ,SERVICES . . 10:00 a.m. in Dutch . 2:30 p.m.. in English 3:30 p.m, Sunday School . ��►0�11��wa,�wiYwlf}rfi�il4wi�rw�� Ides' Local: and:.neral.. W;. G. (Bill) Reed is. a ..patient,. in. ':Wingham hospital. Mr.. and Mrs. Philip '•Stewart spent' the past week -end in Ham- ilton am-ilto f with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart and Greg . ' • Mr. and Mrs M.' 'D. ,Osborne e of Guelph were Sunday visitors. with •- their aunt, Mrs; Etta.. Rab-+. erts. Jack ' MacKendriek's condition shows ' some improvement, since undergoing emext�g�ency surgery 10 lday5' , ' : Mr. and .Mrs ;J . D: Bryce. of Port_E1g in_visite'd on'Friday with his';cousins,, Mrs. Jack McKend- rick and .Madelyn McMorran. Miss :'Elizabeth Henderson and. �usmessan cies: .nn RUSSELL JOHNSTONE , Death ;carne suddenly on Friday. :to John Russell Johnstone, `Luck- How's oldest merchant, who. had been associated : in : the 'funeral. and. ,furniture btam� iness, for':an'y years. Russ, as, .. ne was intimately. known in the. community, had' not been hi' good health for ..sortie time and in . Victoria .Hosptral, London., His death; iow.ever; . came: 'quite unexpectedly • frons cardiac failure.. ' • • Russ was 11"`years of •age..' He was a .son '.of William. C..John- 'Stone and 'Helen` MacLean, and was:. born -in;; Ashfield Tow;nshi :on January 2nd;189:1. , f, • • Marjorie "Webster " are •Presently at Pinecrest Manor Nursing.Home, Lucknow Visitors. with Mrs.. William Bushell were, Mr Billy ColwelI of,, Edmonton; Mrs. •Riay ' Giliders, •Miss Eileen Collins, Mrs.. Jack Carrick' and Annetta . of Goderich; 'Mr.. and Mrs. Ardill .Mason, Rip- ley; : Miss Annetta Forster of Toronto. He was associated with. his late father, in the : undertaking busi- ness and was one : of the first licensed morticians' in Ontario, receiving his 'license: in 1914. Russ was a veteran ,of World War 1, 'and in September . "1919 was :married to. Mae Caird.at the Ashfield Presbyterian, Church' -Manse. He was an active •parti-; cipart in''baseball and hockey a rugged competitor in the latter Sport.' ' ..• Well •and widely known,• many paid :their respects at the ' John-; stone ' :Funeral Home, where •rnembers of the Lueknow,Braneh of the Royal Canadian _Legion helda memorial service on• Sun- day . evening... On .Monday after= noon .the funeral• service was 'con- ducted by l3ev.. Rod MacLeod - of Lucknow Presbyterian Church; With . interment at' Smith. Kinloss. Cemetery. The pallbearers were Soe Mac - .Millan, Fred', Jackson, Howard Agnew, W. H. Clark, John Mac- Donagh,' M. L. 'Sanderson, Mr. Johnstone'$ wifepredeceas- ed him. setreral. , years . ago. Sur=- viving are 'two sons, `Donald M. Johnstone of Kitchener; William •C.• Johnstone of Lucknow one • daughter, Mrs, Jack . Treleaven. (Jane) of Lucknow and one bro- ther, 1?. M. Johnstone 'of London. • WAY.TOPAINT USe MOORE'S UTILAC SPRAY • FINISHES • For wood, p taster; metal .. indoors or out ' Smart dorator: colors Benjamin I PIM !NISH M Wm. Phone. I 0:Lucknow � Cointng PAFtIS-► Adult Entertainment .�/,t- ooze park Again • we find if necessary to- stress; to :press secx Caries . of the many ganizgtions in 'the community ors :we must have these p,. imrned ately after the meeting.. . Many are received Prompt- .1Y, rompt.ly, but. unless we keep "need- ling",. reports start coming. in later and later, • ' We can't commence to: ex- plain the mechanics of print- • ing ,the paper, but on Monday and Tuesday the Linotype is "bogged. down" with news- ' copy Reports of Meetings. held the previous 'week can be set. up on..Wednesday, Thurs- day or .Frilday, as our other .work permits, and are ,ready to be made .up with the first four pages. of our' Monday'.,. 'Press . run. "A rule of thumb" that we, have tried to strictly -, enforce is. that. reports must be -in The • Sentinel Office the: week they, place. However, meeting :reports ;should , be.. received the day after:they occur. • Week: after week 'our. ca ttirne, and editorial ; columns are crowded. out by late copy,.. We. again appeal for eration in this regard, and failing 'to receive it, late re-. • ,ports- are likely' to end up in, , the•: waste paper basket. "Put. it t iii next week," won't : do, SET DATE FOR LIBERAL NOMINATING CONVENTION.' • The Federal, Bruce.` Liberal As- sociation has called ;a nominat- ing . convention for :: Wednesday, April lath in,, the Saugeen ,Dis- Dis- trict 'High School Purpose:: of, the rally . is to sel- ect : a: Liberal candidate to con- test the riding : in the next Fed- eral .:election,,,the .date of which stilly is. shrouded.' in. . mystery. The guessing. has. been,for.•. June''. or: Qctc ter,.:_ The. ,riding, '''o , ' pre- sently: f ,Rrtice� ,is •pre senttly represented by Andy Ro ;binson, 'Progressive Conservative l member, • In :,Huron, , too, there's activity. •with a •Liberal nominating- con - g vention called, for ' April 6th in Clinton;' to name a- Federal can- didate. .The riding, is -presently •represented by . Elston .Cardiff, ?rogresss�ive Conservative mem- ober. •. . FISH.' $40.' A ,POUND A true; fish story was brought back from' Florida by C. J. "Hap". Steinman. He and 'Willia'm Duck - low, . Ted . Corbett ,,of ' Woodstock and Bob Mciintosh of ; Lucknow went deep.s'ea fishing out of St Petersburg, . but owing • to .a high wind' and rough . seas, the 'party had, to. return to. land. However, there is a cash- prize; ;awarded for the,:'biggest fish. caught" and as Mr. Ducklow . had caught the only : fish, he received a cash award of $1�5, which figured 'out to about: $40 a,„ pound, the fish. • weighing but a few ounces. : .---Tavistock 'Gazette Is Your Subscription Renewed? PAP* Ting* Liofls Visit � Local Club Zone Chairman, Jack .Ma+CD9n- aid of Brussel* paid, his of ficia visit to Lucknow and, District. Lions Club on M onday .evenin. g and was. accompanied by over 25 Members of the Brussels :Club on a• fraternizing visit. Frank;. Thompson welcomed the ''guests and George McCutch- • eon, president:: of the. Brussels Club, expressed appreciation.. of the hospitality, . •• Rae Watson vvis "welcomed' hack" and a word• of condolence Was expressed for Pr; A. R. Finlayson.: •A $•25.00. donation was made to, the re -organized Lucknow' Scout troop,• E. H.:'Agnew reported .on 'the Easter seal mailing, . and cal- led for volunteers ''to "stuff" .the letters which go out this week. ' Bob Finlay; treasurer of 'tom` a'no'tat artificial; ;ice fund gavep detailed report with ; a • break down of donations 'to' date,. �Char1 s Webster, chairman of the. fund, referred to the: excel- lent response, but• � Pointed- ;out that the . minimum; ` objective did not • Include a permanent floor.' Grant$', of sonic $4,000 are:an-: ticipated and Will reduce bible contract Price>•of-$22,00q to arotuidt }the $l8,O0Q mark for equipment; installation ;only. „ • ' 'Mr. • Webster referred to a, list of 63 names. of Lucknawites,.: ; "who look like' good prospects,"'. and either have not been contact ed, or are' waiting: for their Om - tion to be picked :up. Personal contact 'should be 'made' and don- ors 'should not have to bring in their money, . he ,said as ointed Out that there Stu .P. may.'. be " a few cases . where' •no One ` was home with the same re - Sults, when, Call ,backs "were made. A..hion�s when. :of Elwin Hall, Frank •Thompson; Bob ::Fmlaz., Raynard Ackert with acooinpani- 'merit ' by Mrs; -Cummings,: gave a 'Couple" Aof ' selections and ;re-.. cei�ved a 'big.' hand `, • Donald : Mac nnon 'introduced Zone Gli�arman /Jack ,MacDonald,, and he ,was thanked and' present :ed with a„ gift by Alex ;Andrew; Mr. MacDonald • referred to the: ice..fund :results as "truly amaz=. Elston -Cardiff, .M.P, :for Huron; and member ` of . the .Brussels Club,; spoke briefly and comms mended ` Lucknow for the ' ener getic •way they •condluct, •their meetings,' and: felt'', that the com- munity .must have .,been "ex tremely generous"', :in .stipport''o ' the `• ice .', fund: • ..Referring• to the .sociability. of . . the.: evening,: he recalled similar good fellowship, before- his 'days in. parliament,' when he ;',:accom paned the; Brussels 'Checker Clue for; a. match with ' local errthusi- acts.• ' They made'the trip to- Lucknow on the late'train,'. play- ed checkers all night, and 'caught. thee' morning train home.., The prize. draw was won Jack MacKenzie. The Aiir Conditioned C ODERICH For Comfort & Entertainment Ow', Playing-- "THE COMANCHEROS -- John Wayne and Stuart. Whitman. 'In scope & ,Color: a • great adventure ;