HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-28, Page 1$3.004A Year In AdVance — $1,00 Extra To U.S.A.
LUCKNOW, • ONTARIO ' WEDNE7SD. Y,, MAR, 2&th, 1962
Single Copy 1.0c•
12 Pages
harked Golden°
ing AnniversaryLions Send Out
Easter •Seals Fier:
Crippled Kiddies
Mr, and Mrs. D A. (Dan) Mac -1,
Lean ' ` of Lochalsh, celebrated
thein 50th wedding ' anniversary
on Tuesday, March '20th and this
popular : couple were showered,
'with: gifts, cards ' and messages .of
congratulations. and best 'wishes:
• A family ,dinner : was • held at.
the Bruce •Inn :,at Kincardine &
at their home. that evening, open•
house was held When • many cal-
- ledto personally /extend their
good: wishes. .' •
Mr. and Mrs. MacLean.: have '.a
family , of - one 'daughter,.. Mrs.
Donald Martyn (Isobel) of Rip-
• ley and. two 'sons, Allan, of Col-.
lingwood :and• Ewan of ,Lochalsh.
..There are four` .grandchildren,
Doug and John Martin and • Lexie
and 'Duncan MacLean
The: ,,Sentinel o f . Thursday,
March' 28th, 1912, gave the fol-
lowing account of their wedding
of half •a' century :ago...:
The marriage of Miss .Fanny
Macken ie; second' daughter of
N r. -nd7``Mrs. :Jolie "' Neil 'Mac-
kenzie of ...the 'twelfth, to Mr.
Donald A. MacLean of',Amber-•
ley, was solemnized at the,' home
'of the; bride at three`. o'clock ori_
Wednesday afternoons the 20th
inst. The. ceremony 'was: perform
:• ed by' Rev. John S.: Hardie. Miss
Lexie MacLean, .sister of the
This community is again being
called on' to do' its 'share in On-
tario's $1,000,QOO campaign in aid
of = crippled children. '
Lucknow District Lions Club
is in charge of the local campaign
and some 1500 letters with Easter
seals enclosed are going into the
mails' this week; A generous 're-
sponse , is, anticipated .as the Club
does important • welfare work
from the proceeds of this cam-
. paign, which are used exclusive-
ly and entirely in aid of crippled,
handicapped and underprivileged
Your local Easter Seal service
Club, , with its dedicated volun-
teers, •looks to you as a• commu-
nity, minded citizen for a contri-
bution to the lives of ; others
whose activities 'have been temp-
orarily .or permanently restricted
through no fault of their own.
. This • week nearly. 2,000,000
Easter Seal mailings • are entering
homes, •offices. . and • factories
searching for helpers • of crippled,
children. Since 1947, Easter -Seals
have` guaranteed health r•estoring..
'facilities and new 'opportunities
for • crippled children. ` and oorri
munity. betterment.
march. The bride, who was unat-
tended, except 4tor her little cou-
sin, Anna Scott, as flower. tgirl,
was given away by her father.
She wore a most becoming gown-
of cream silk and carried a :bou-
quet, of :cream roses. The floral
decorations Consisted of• daffodils
and violets. At the marraige there
were about thirty • relatives and
immediate friends 'of the bride
and ,groom. The groom's. gift to
the bride was a beautiful pearl.
and amethyst `neck ,lace,' 'and to
the organist a • brown' Ostrich
plume : fan, and. . to the little flo-
wer 'girl
lower•'girl 'a 'gold• bracelet set 'with
an amethyst. In the evening. about
20.0 'friends and neighbours gath-
ered et .. the reception. The • young
couple .received a large number.
of valuable and useful presents,
showing the :.esteem 'in, which
they are''" held. Thee evening was
spent in dancing; which'continued
until daylight the next .morning.
'The ha couple left 'for'�Luck
now, ..after the reception . broke
up'•: to 'catch thie,10:30 train for
:Brantford. The 'bride's • ,going-
away costume was a brown broad-
cloth 'Suit with a ghat to . match.
Mr. and Mrs. `MacLean returned
to. their 'home in .Laurier yester-
Photo by Gordon Harris.
groom, ;played the' • ;wedding
Legion To
. Cross � Drive : Lucknow and district residents:.
:are beingr .0 stied 'to support'
�l,f PPo
the annual ' appeal for funds by
the 'local branch of' the Canadian
Red Cross
'Locally, members of the- Luck -
now Branch of • the Royal Cana-
dian Legion. wily•, do the canvas-
There is little .,need to empha`-
• size e
n '
ma rfor •-
servic e
Y P.
ed by the Red Cross. This •oom-
.'munity has become' well aware.
of these • through the.'Continuity
of -•
activity G y the local. branch
, during the war and in' post war,
years ,
But the • loan cupboard bears
repeating, This is equipped'With.,
many articles needed: in the *sick
room or in case .of emergency and'
'are availab the public when
the need
The free blood transfusion ser-
vice, cannot be over emphasized
either: Many false ,impressions
have been held, and possibly still
,are, in.. connection with , blood
transfusions. '
The fact is that ;anyone requir-
ing'-one or many transfusions re
celves them free • aS result of
Canadian Red Cross . blood donor.
clinics •.
To sum it up =- blood donors
donate blood free at Red . Cross
Sponsored clinics, ' and patients in
turn receive 'blood free. It's, as
simple as that,, with' no ,strings
Reason enough, in itself, to
pport the Red. Cross- _generous
su ,' •.
ti " er is'the Lucknow
.. ;Beth Coop
District High School representa-
tive in the Free. Press School
l y.
Beth iso a grade ,XIII student .at
Lucknow . District ,High School
Where she has • maintained higih.
honor • standing throughout all
grades. Her parents are •Mr. and.
Mrs. Harold Cooper of St. Helens.
She has: won • the 'Grade IX
Eng1•ish' award and. is; 'an active
'member of the • school' glee cluib°,
the cheerleaders, Junior. Farm-
ers, and the church 'choir. • •
• ' Beth's essay, was on the ' inter-
esting subject, of photography.
Might To Be Open
Ciscuss ` 1hai
Friday . verus Saturday night
ope'n,. is a. Matter, to be ''discussed
by Lucknow Business• Men at • a
meeting called • for ,a week from
Friday ' — April. 6th at •8:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held in
F,1mer Umbach'is apartment, above
the store. Mr. Umbach. is•' presi-
dent of the Association.
This is described as an urgent
meeting. ° which, everyone must
'attend, . " • : '
Besides: the discussion on Fri-
day and. Saturday night open,
summer hours and a new consti-
tution for the , Association will.;
be on; the, agenda. '
In a number of district towns
stor,es'are open on Friday evening'
and closed on Saturday; evening
and it' seemed inevitable that the.
subject; • would: sooner -qr. later
come. 'offi< ially before the Leek -
110W Business Men's Association, JOHN. W:-. IIANNA
Hur n uc
Br �
e M. P.'.
A 'humanitarian • 'cause • to'
which he was: devoted heart
disease - •Claimed' the life of
-John 'Hanna, MPP. at 'hi's 'home'
in Wingharn • early .Frriday Morn-
ing. The fatal seizure' came tied
denly to the P4'ogressive-Coriser-
vative member 'for Huron -Bruce
who was 72 • years -of age.
,Y _ g
First; elected to the Legislative
Assembly in 1943, • Mr Hanna
was' re-elected in 1945,, 1948,
'1951; 1955 and 1959,' and gave al-.
Most 20' years Of: con.tinuous' and
devoted service. to his constitu-
•ency. He represented, Huron
Bruce with pride, energy and
Regardless of political, parti-
sanship he served all of low and
high degree, year in .and year
out and' his.''greeting •and • hand-
shake was as warm at all times
as in . pre-election; campaign,,s..
When " the announcement . of
his ' death reached the.floor . of
the Legislature, Mr. ' Hana's desk •
and chair' were draped in purple=
trimmed. black crepe •: • • :
The flag ,:outside ,Queen's Park
flew at. half-staff • and, the Legis
laturevoted..to adjourn half an
hour early.: as. a : mark of respect.
• Mr Hanna was in the clothing
business 'in Winghem .for over
forty ' years He was the son of
the late- John Hanna and Mary
Young, of Colborne Township .
His wife is the forlrer • sther M.
Campbell •of Woodstock. His only.
son, John, died in a car accident
(Continued. -On Page 12) 1 d h •
Dunga�nan.�al System P�gns
To Run. table To - Defence
The annual ~meeting :;of the
Huron and Kinloss Telephone
System Was,held in the.Town-
ship Hall, Riley on Friday, 'Mar.
23.rd with •a , small. attendance,
and those present indicating .they.
were well satisfied with the ser-
vice . and progress`of ,the past.
year.. • •
Miss Marie • MacKay read.'' the
minutes and the auditors' report.
The System had a net profit of
approximately.• $14,000..
• P• resident Stewart Needham ex-
plained ; the . 'business that had
been transacted and costs of vari-
ous phases of the work, such as
the Dungannon-Lucknow cable
installation. K •
Mr. .Needham. outlined plains
for • the: coming year, 'highlighted
by the installation of dial' equip-
ment in ' a new' building ' at Dun-
gannon.: • -
National Defence Tie In
Mr. Needham alsostated. that'
Miranand, inlosSystem •will.
Ks il
provideandinstall cable from
Lucknow . `to the ' National •De
fence 'project in the Zion `district
in Ashfield. •
Murray Campbell, commission
erg spoke mainly on the plant that.
had been constructed while Dan
A. • MacDonald, commissioner, ex
plained the Purchase of 'a new
truck, winch and digger and their
ers are Stuart N dham,; Murray
Campbell and Dan MacDonald,
There is a possibility of a. Rip-
ley-Bervie cable for long distance'
being installed in' the near future
to 'meet' the .Bell, Telephone "Cable
,on Highway No.. 9 from the Wal-
al §,.
kertor 'toll centre.,
Donald Donaldson of Conces-
sion .• 10, r Kinloss Township, is
holding - a clearing , auction sale:
of stock; implements, .hay and
grain on Tuesday, April 3rd. •
Don:: is 'having the sale to: de-
vote full time to his implement
business which he ; will• •operate
in ..Teeswater, effective. early' in
April, in •the, former M.A..Mae-
Donald implement shop.
Don has the ,Oliver: • and New
Holland" line of equipment; •
To' Bury 1: Miles . Cable.' • j
Manager of the System, Clay
ton .Nici �olson, explained that' the'
intentions are' to• bury` some 17'
miles of ,underground cable.this
spring on the- Dungannon. Ex-
chage.' The locations are:. in•'West.
W wa os Ir
gm' • a,, . n . h f,,giri Nilere�as,t 3 miles;
;As � fi" l` ,..kf'
h ..e d>. x Clottnt,�' = l`•oad . ;2fi,•;
west to Port Albert. on . Con: . 2,
and also the townsite:of ,Port; Al •
bert; two blocks `'west of Belfast
and from• Lucknow : west •& south,
to the site of the: National De-,
fence' project, as' Well as :some•
cable on Highway ; 2�1., •
Several questions concerning
the dial: 'system • were •discussed.
Mr., Donald: MacKenzie, reeve.
of- Ashfield Townhip, spoke en-
couragingly . of his interests in"
the system and. appreciation. fon
the co-operation and service given
in their, area..
The re•tiring;`commissioner, ..Dan
MacDonald, •was .re-elected for a*
3 -year -term Present commission-
Board. :-Scans
Pkrn Of Addition
;Meeting . last week with. the
representative• of the architectural
firm ' of , Salter , and Allison, the
Lucknow District High. School
Board, discussed plans''of the .ad-
dition' to' be . built • this. -year'' at
the school.
The plan, .which \1•ocates the' ad
dition. to the `,south of the : school
'from •• the kitchen area, Was: ap
proved, and .will be submitted
to the Department. of., Education
upon a •royal b :-'the:\Municu 1
• Board -:d �f-the', .financin •_. arrange-
Salaries Be ' Negotiated'.'
The 'Bard. `is. continuing"salar �`.
negotiations; with the teaching
;staff. The Boar'd's • offer to in-
crease maximum ; salaries •:in all..
categories by $200 was, 'we under ,
stand, unacceptable The �.`ff
ask increases'in the •minimum
salary schedule'as•'well.
The' : original • request. was.for
a: minimum. increase , ii category'
one of'$200 and $300.in categories
2, 3 and..4..•
The;. schedule which has .:been
in effect automatically provides;
for an annual increment of '$300
"across' the `board.",
'•Week s Receipts• 0
Donations to `the • Artificial • Ice
Fund last week , amounted: to
$832.88,•• sending the total. ''• to
$17,918;89, which f is'• pretty close
to the. 'minimum objective, • but
still far from the amount nece's-
sary to ' install 'the e , "equipment,
'provide , for a permanent floor &
other' . equapment :
The L' ucknow and. District
Lions : Chib have set the sights
on a debt -free Project upon com-
pletion, •so. they will be , able to
• en .. t eir financial support,
necessary, in' getting next win-
ter's initial operative 'off to: a
good start.
In Chesley practically. a • dupli-
cate campaign is underway, and'
they 'are setting their sights for
. In Lucknow the Ice Committee
has 'reviewed the list. of village
contributors and . find quite' ,a
few names missing; In some cases
it would indicate an oversight,
or. neglect`. of the • canvasser•,to'
Donation�is from rural and' for-
me'r res�iflen+s are predominate
in this week's list:,
Holyrnod Women's Inst, ';',,,$20;00
Rae Wagon ... ......:..,,... 60.00•
Wlliairri Rutherford' ...�,,,.,.,..;'• 10,00
Lorne, Woods ...;...,:....:,:.,,,.. 20,00
Alex.Purves .. .: „.: R,,... • 2:00
• Col* n•°MscDonald
..+..,. l a;oo
(Continued!' on Page 12)
5 Sent T e
Total To
Appointed . To
alkerton Post
H ',' D. Bud • Thompson has'
been: appointed • assistant -super.-.
intendent of Brucelea Haven at
Walkerton. ; This new 'mullion
dollar" senior citizens' hornet was
officially' opened last 'fall,
The present superintendent
who has been in. charge of the '
home , for the aged for a good
many 'years, is Russell .Wiles:'
Mr: Thornnpson Will, assume his
new 'duties next week, He will'
'continue to reside in Lucknow
for some time. •
•"Bud" is' a veteran of World
War II; sand `in post war years
has 'been quite active in many
phases. of .coinmiunity life.
For the past eleven years he
has been bookkeeper and office
manager at the • Treleaven Feed
•M1,11, which in recent years gwit=
shed from the m,anufactiire 7 of
.f'nnir.. to ,feed business;: •
The mill .is operated by Jack,
Treleaven, a • fourth generation
of Trele•avens in the h si= •
ne 3s. which was. tu.tknolV's •pion
ecr industry,: