HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-21, Page 1•
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13.004..,Year In Advance -- $1.00 Extra To U.S.A.
IJUCICNONV,ONTAR.I 0 WEDINT.ESDAY, MAR. 241st, ;1962' Copy •10c
12. Pages
Review, Fire "'rot
no way cOnnected, With SOUtils
Up In 1950, Discuss $25 Hourly Increase
of Bruce met at St. Peter's for
• • •ing -commenced with the X'19.1.Y plans Made to launeh a fund KInI(Ss •
heir monthly meetMg• meet- SoTutithe 311oinrlod..4 of Directors
• • •
Rural MunicipalitiesrilVEHEIZANLEZ icikErt Plan Fund Raising Campaign To Meet
ection Agreement Set clzrroufesrA,Ailtrain Ciaiiell.; Cost Of Chapel At South Kinloss
Etepresentative,s of- Townships dnd the manning of it: .• „ .
adjacent to 'Lucle.PPW me,,t with ,. Since the original agreement rFr!laAnpipplea3iy'artd,h?Dilbt.. 'Iteasvecreelen4,. i%faathe anineworliya-r Cechtaepdel6aonudth hm16aun:
, Lucknovi'. village council last went into effect costs have in- 'brant, assisted by the' rector, Rev. -soieum at South Kirilos•s Ceme-
esday night to discuss fire. pro- creased'considerably and the fire-
• tection. The meeting was called ',mei) are being allowed more per Wilfred Wright- The' Prin6Pal toiy.
.. . .was speaker at the - the
.., by Lucknow.and invitations hour • for, fighting rural fires • meeting • The building. was . erected -last
were extended to Kinlpss, Huron, than when the originalagreement Rev Canon H. SOutheott Of t fall„ but some work still remains
'- Ashfield and West'Wawanosh ‘went • into force. Eight firemen new RenisonAnglican' Colle e to be done. The mausoleum, was
. Township coUncils, . ' of the twenty,rneri brigade are which is a part cIf thOjnhiersity available, hOwever, for use this
• Present. were Reeve RA.. Nitir- , Perrnitted to go to -rural fires °f Waterl°°' winter and ' to . date eleven teMp-
ray of Kinloss and cOuncillors and are paid presently at the , , '
, orary eritombments ' have '.beeri
Communion bt
y the Bish9P of raising canvasso meet the cots
Jack Ackert; •Edburt Bushell and rate•of $1.'5Q. Per hour. This leaves al
William . Evans, Deputy -Reeve i $38 for' the municipality. • r ion.' Repa
William R. ' Lowry of ;Huron, Reeve George Joynt presided
• '
counCillots •IRusse11m .. Needhaand for the; meeting
and told the
Russell 'Stanley nungannon .. .
arid Clerk-. rural representatives that eOun- PO
The 'canvassers who will be
calling soon in •seeking support
for the fund have been.. assigned
to the following areas in, Luck -
now and Kinloss Township.
Lucknow, Morgan Henderson
and Hugh Sutherland; 2nd Con„
Frank MacKenzie; 4th Con,
.Lloyd 11/agDougall:,, 6th and 8th,
'Cons., .Ross• MatIVIkikat and Al-
lister Hughes; ,, 'Con. and
North, John; R. Lane. and Frank
. •
• • . Maulden. „
..madeirs TO. .
. • •
„The full cost of the project Donations already, received are
will be about $5,000. The Board; as follows: %, •
treasurer, Earl Tout; Reeve Don- cil felt some adjustment should ' •• Extensive renovations 'are' be.,•
aia. 1VIaoKenzie of Ashfield, de- be made in regard to the present ing planned for St. paws: Parish
puty-reeve- Tom Howard, cowl; ch•arges for fire .protection. W
" - e Hall at Dungannon. These plans
anon Gordon Boyd, Howard, have no •••intenti°n of giving' the call for a. new roof, insulation of
Barger,, Girvin Reed and • clerk townships a "hosing" in regard to' ceiling, ' and also an auxiliary
. ' treasurer,' Donald Simpson. West fire costs, We value- our urban-
. the meeting, Reeve ,,Harvey Cul- Fire.was the ,eorri,,,, :heating unit.
' Wawanosh Township was not re- rural 'relations," The work will be done entire-
.' Presented at' the ' meeting. Since ' merit of Mr. Joynt. ••• ' ly: by voluntary labour. of. the
Chief . George Whitby •congregation, throughout the
'but informed the Sentinel that spoke in regard to the Costs /Of summer and fall, in Order that
'despite the fact that the notice Maintaining fire protection, • d
-n; the building may be made More
was postmarked- the Thursday stated . that present situations - Comfortable and that it will have
prior to the meeting; it was not Were different than when the greater use, both to. the church
received by him until • the. day agreement- was drawn in 1950. .and the. community
followirigrthe meeting arid he was Comparative figures were . used ' Most Of:1,the costs which will
unaware that the meeting .Was in explaining -fire arrangements be. approxihiately. $600.00. . will
being , held; • ' . • , ' ' :• , made" with Other, 'toWns. in the have ito be Met. by the • small;
:In addition :•td, the Lucknow area. • ,, .: but :loyal congregation; and any
•,municipai officials Present, 'fire Reeve Joynt told the townships
chief George Whitby deputy -7 that he Was not at the meeting
chief, Bill Johnstone, secretary, to suggest how much they Should,
Stuart•C ollyer and Stuart•Jamie- pay .LiacknoW for their fire pro -
son of the •Lucknow Fire Depart- tection, and, that he expected the
molt . Were . in attendance, townShip representatives : 'to:
Lucknow serves' Most of Kin- agree to a.. reasonable. figUre..
loss Township, and the biggest Township representatives , were
portions Of ,West Wawanosh' and just as., emphatic in their Cori -
Ashfield and a-smali 'pOrtiOn tinued questions at to "how much
' 'Hilton by a. fireprateetion agree- do you want for fire•service?" •
Tient drawn 'up in 1959.• By that Overall cost of inairitainingsthe was. held March 12th. • -
agreement Lucknow fire .depart- Lucknow Fire Department in After discussing estimates of
•• merit res onds ral fire 'call§ .1.961,was $3:928; 1960 $4 369; 1959, receiPts and experiditutes for the
offers of assistance
aPpreciated. •
we understand; has around miss Jessie MacKay 1.4 $1100:.
$2;000, 'as a result of donationsMiss 00
already receivedandfrom a. 100. '
surplus in the fund for the seeme-, 50.;
.tery memorial. gates which were Mac4-4uaig.'Sis•ters
ebraeciatraet1 a t'et*hatetaimrse The
et RMIVierry.* & Mrs. Dou,gias Graham 50..
asidefor the time that. the Mr, Alex MacKenzie . 1Q.
ce..; .
roj.ect would • ,ib! Mr. Mrs. Harry1.0.
un2s •
• Mrs. R. Douglas " 5. '
The 'building: is . on the east Mr. Mac Keith- 5.
side of South Kinloss Cemetery Stouffville, Ont.
adjacent to the road. :The chapel .Mr. 8z Mrs. Mark Johnston 5.
is on 'the , ground levelwith a Mrs. Robert, ACAS • , 25. '
committal .•room .- below with a Whitechurch, Ont. •
capacity for 33 temporary en- Mr. & Mrs: Lloyd.:McDougall 25:
tombments.: . :•• J. Fe. Johnstone • 50." ..
• The South Kinloss Cemetery Mr. & Mrs. George. Lockhart 25.
Corporation is an independent Mr. Alex Macintosh 10.
provincially incorporated non,. Mr. .& Mrs. Riabt.:MaCKerlif
'the lot holders through a .Board' Messrs. Donald and Tennant•
:of Directors elected annually. Henderson, Wthgham 45
• The personnel of the Board at Mrs. Margaret, .(Henderson) •
present is: Allister Hughes, Wicks, Port Credit • 'ao:
man;, -s Morgan Henderson, Vice- 'Miss Kate MacCrimmon25. •
chairman.; ,Lloyd MacDougall, Toronto, Orit.• '
secretary; . Douglas Grah'am, Skelton. Memorials. . . 10.
treasurer: John R. Lane, Ross Walkerton, Ont. . ••• .•
. Frank MacKenzie, Mr. Donald 'Henderson. . . 25.:- • ;
Hii.gh. Sulthetiand • • ,••• Lucknow, Ont. ' • .
. Contrary to what some believe, Mrs. Rod 'Campbell '10.
the Cemetery Corporation is in Family,. late Angus Graham, 200:
Art Graham, Sault St. Marie 10.
Mrs. Agnes: Chadwick 10.
will be deeply
profit organization operated by Mr. & Mrs. W. Anderson 25
' • • • •
In The Summer
The regular' • meeting. of the
Lucknow Public School Boards!
P • ,u • ,
in those areas and the village' is .$4,081 plus About 000 ,debenture . 'year 1962 it was decided to carry '
paid at •the rate • of $50 per hour . on the fire truck, 1956, .$4,361 plus out the plan .' of having • the
• or any. part of an hour.' Lucknow :.about $900 debenture on%the fire school windows., replaced during (iris Holl To Be 'Radeliffe;..-England.
is responsible for, the buying and truck _NPAP of'•these .figures „in, • the- summer holidays; Efforts to ; . • ; MrS• MacLennan 10
Ripley; Ont.'. •--- ;• •". - -•
' • niaintaining.of all fire eqUipxnentl' ...(CoSinned On Page 9). receive:a gratit this expendi;
, • .
on . , . • • ture, have .been ref,used-to• date. e icate .,In . June Mr. c3c Mrs. Currie.,Colwell ; .
Children Near Chesley Save 400 Coppers
. . .
To Aid LucknowillArtificial Ice Fund.
DnatiOns of $720'82 during the Mrs. Robt. Bete, Dung .... 2.00
past' week sent the Artificial Ice Dick Park, Dungannon .... 5.00
Fund total to $17,286,04.
The big "human. interest" story
in this week's list of acknowledg-
ments is a 00 donation by Ron-
nie, Patsy, David and Donald
Wilkins of R R 1, Chesley. The,
• children are of public • ',school
and pre-school age, and their
donation was made .possible by
saving their pennies. The 400
coppers which they had accumu-
. -lated were ,presented to Charles
Webster, chairman of the ice
fund. •
The foursome are. the 'children
of Mr. and Mrs., Harry Wilkins,
• 0 • ' formerly‘sof this community.,
Mrs.. Wilkins is the former Grace
• Cook, daughter , of Mr. and Mrs.
William Cook of. .the Chesley
• district, •
The "big lift" during the, past-
week came from caorx, as well'
as, other /generous donations,
among them one from Murray
.4urdoch; the original 'holder of
the . title of '`The iron Mari Of
Hockey," now hockey coach at
Yale University
1 Stuart Collyer .$20.00
1'Herb MacLennan . 2000.
.0 • Delbert Hedley ' 5,00
• Leo Murray .. . . 4.00
• 11
. •
Farish Moffat ' 5,00
Ford Cunningham . 5.0Q
Milvert Reid . . .. . .. ,5.00
Austin _SolornOri ...., 5.00
Marjorie Solomon, London ., 5:00
Uhited Church Sunday
School, Dungannon . . 10.00
Harvey Culbert, Dungannon 10.00
Chas, Fowler, Dungannon-. 2.00
John Spivak, Durigarmbn 2.00
Arnold Stbthers, Dung......... 5.00
John Park, .DungaritiOn 5,00'
CKNX Radio &. TV, ..'"":• 200,00
Murray .Murdoch, • 25.00
New Haven, Copri.
J. L.• MacMillan ' 25.00
Miss- Audrey Fiederlein 10.00
.Isaac Nixon • 2.00
Beverley MacNay , • , 5.00
Leslie Ritchie 5.00
Earl Wightman 3.00
Wallace. Miller s,10.00
Wm. Eclmbnd (Ted) Collyer 15.00
R.R. 5, Lucknow •
MR...2, Auburn
Leonard Brindley ° 50
•Arthur - Young 500:
Thos. Webster 10.60
'James 'Errington. 5.00
J•ack. Leddy • 5.00
/Harold. Errington .10.00:
Nelson 'Ciilbert
' 4. ..00
George Errington 5.00
Thomas Young 5.00
Harvey Alton 5.00
Peter 'Jefferson .. 5.00
Ea.. Robinson • 1.00
Jack 'Reeves,
James Leddy „ .; 2.00 ENGAGEMENTS
undrys'accoimts amounting to
$334:25 were ,approved s'• paid,
with a balance of $20.61 reported
as of the end of -February •
Books for 1961 were reported
audited and Financial Statement
forwarded for Grant •purposes.
Murray Hunter In
Leader's Club s'
Murray Hunter is the Lucknow
District High School representa-
tive in the., Free Press Student
Leader's" Club. • . •
Murray ' is the 19 -year-old son
of Mt. and Mrs. Vernon' Hunter
of Lucknow. and a Grade 13 stu-
dent at Lucknow High School.
His aver,age has been in the mid -
seventies since grade nine and
was 73 per cent at Christmas this
year,. -' . •
He is a member of ,the United
Church group, a 4-11, Club
member, a participant in track
and field, a member of the school
basketball team and the Lucknow
Intermediate hockey team.
Murray' hopes to study law
after finishing. high school.
• .1
Stuart Charriley 2,oa
Gordon' Harkes• 2.00
Alvin Berr .. , . . 2:00,
William Cranston ' 10.00
Leonard Chisholm 5.00
Robert McAllister 5.00
Mr 'J It Lane 100 •''
' St: P, eter's ,4-,Marth4 Sutherland 50.
Committee • hope- to be able to
finish 'the Parish -Hall.*within the
next ;few .months : The main
tfactOt that hampers the comple-
tion .is the lack . of' funds for the
washroom which will be located
in. the Church basement....
The 'work has been mainly' vol-
untary, with .a few people have
given many hours of labour and
ski The stOtal. percentage of
money paid out in 'labour' costs
has only been 14% •of the money,
spent so far. • ' • . ,
It is hoped that both the Lord
Bishop of. the Diocese, •' the Right
Rev.. G. N, Luxton, D.D. as well
as Bishop. Appleyard ,will dedi-
cate. the building in, June.. Fol-:
• •lowlng 'tile Service Of Dedkation,
the Parish. plans to have an Open
House for the , Cominunity., The
details, of these plans will. be an-
nounced later, .• ' •
The midweek. Lenten serviCes.
at St.. Peters' take' the form of a
topic discussion every 'Wednesday
at 8 p:rn..The schedule may be
obtained from.the Church or Rec-
. .
On. .Business Trip
To East Coast.'
.• Ivan IVIcQuillin of Elmira, son
of Mr. and Mrs., Fred McQuillin
of West Wawanosh :is on .a busi-
ness trip .to, the East Coast for
the firm of. Naug,atuck. Chemical,
at Elmira, Where 'he i employed
in the development of plastics.
un Friday Ivan flew. to Lim-
eriberg,„ Nova Scotia, to assist in
the use of his firm's product
Mr. :8i MSS. ROSS MaCM1111411' 20.
Mr..8z Mrs. Frank MacKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. -Frank Maulden • 5..
Mr, •IVIurdock Morrison 54
Mr..8z.•Mis.: Alex MacNay 10
Estate of R. J.' Harper 50
'LeneY, Sask.
Mr. Si•Mrs. Gordon .Brooks 16;
Firemen Fail To
Find 'Friday. Fire
Someone got, their signals mix-
ed last "Friday ,morning between
ten and eleven man. in a fire call
to the farm of Omar Brooks,,
west of Lucknow , on Highway
86, and'. tenanted by Lorne' Kiep.
, .
In the excitement of ,giVing
taking a fire call,- at the fire
hall,, together with the noise of
the fire siren and fire truck. in
the other ear, .the directions to.
the fire were determined as be-
ing on ;Highway 86 on ,the i road
to Amberley. The time Kiep,
being comparatively new to this
area..was not clearly received on
. •
the phone. . ,•
The farmthe forrxier 'Pob
Campbell plate, was passed' ;by
the fire truck en route to the
styposed area with, no sighs t)f
trohble. A• car of advance fire;
men drove all the way to Am.:
berley when they phoned the
Dungannon central to check again
oh the source of the call, The
truck was, turned' at • Gordon El-
liott's place at 'Amberley and re- '••
turned to the Kiep farm: Fort-
unately it • was a chirnne fir
2.00 . • .
George Smyth • 5.00
Gordon Smyth 7,, • 6.00
Ted Redmond
Jack Erring,ton .. ... 2.00
Donald Thompson .
Murray Wilson ., •
Morley Johnston
Cyril Boyle .. .. .
David McAllister 44.
William Redmond
Mt. and Mrs. Harold I'Anson,
Oakville, , Ontario, announce the
engagement .of • • their; daughter
Jean, to Allan • F. IVIcCharles of'
Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Oliver McOharl'es R.R. 3,
,Lucknow. The marriage will tale
place on Saturday, April 14th at
St. John's ;United •,Church,:'Oak-
ville'. • -•
• ..
• • y. e.
5,00 and no serious consecitience that
5,06 . had been extingtiisli'ed
5,00 Gus Redmond 2.00
5,00 janies Greaves . ....„... • 2.00
2,00 Joe Bowler' . .. 2.00
2.00 (Continua on Page 10)
being used ' to build a i 40-ioot Ai least two of the firemeri,
Atlantic ' fishing bolt. - ' in checking to End the 3ocation • ' ,
Iva,p, expects to 1..16. at the 1 of the fire, understood it was
East cat' at least a Week, • ' on the "roact to Iuna.1
• , '1 . •
• ".;
.4 •
• r • "
• • .1. .1
, it•