HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-14, Page 9811 go. her ion, one, • of ,ers, also of 'last Sa,' • lea. ; • WON/I:MAY, MAR. 14tht I.9R • .9.4P.4"04.4.0"9"144,4".....099,0,94P000lks, ROY BENTLEY • PUBLIC 4* a • ACCOUNTANT • • OODERICH, ONTARIO Sex. 478 Phone JAckson 4-9521 .00#00"0.7••••••. HARPER ..ANDCOMPANY:. Chartered, Aceount4pt.s. '• 33. Hamilton St. s GODERICH, ONTARIO Telephone JA 4-7562 , JOIHNST911E'S FUNERAL. HOME . Modern and Convenient Phone 76 Day or Night •• Serving All Fait.hs ' • According to Their Wislies - • Moderate Prices • Established 1894 A. R.', DO NAL DC,sp.c. THE WCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNoW, MAN° •/ PAGE rinia DUNGANNON • M. and Mrs. John,- Conway, Brenda and Bradley of Eagle, •near Chatham visited the ladies parents, Mr, and, 1VIrs. jackson Rieves for the .week -end. Miss Mary Lou Sterling' of Goderich wasalso home for the week -end. Mrs. Robert Bere, returned, home Wednesday • after a visit' with Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, Wingham* and on Thursday at- tended the :funeral of the,. late Mabel Culbert of Clinton with interment in Dungannon ceme- tery :• Visiting on Sunday With Mrs. 'Abner Morris were her daughter, Mts. Douglas. Freeman and ' Mr. .Freeman ofClinton, • Mr. and '1VIrs, C. E. Vassella, Goderich, visited - Mrs. Alfred I m K • Tebbut on Sunday and on Wed-, nesday she was visited by 1VIr. & Mrs, Robert Phillins, Auburn. • Mr., Everett Errington pa- tient in Whighanf' Hospital With a heart condition, His• friends wish for him, a • sPeedy recovery. Mr. and •Mrs. Durnin Phillips are in Toronto this -week attend- ing the annual convention of the Mutual Fire Underwriter's asso- ciation of Ontario. .• • IVIrs. Falls returned to the• R, Durnin .residence after a month spent •with relatives in Southern Ontario. • Mrs.. Alfred' Tebbutt visited her sister, Mrs. W. J. Humphrey of St. Helens on Saturday. Mr. Mater of Blenheim and Mr. Jerry Weaver of London 'spent the week -end withMr..and Mrs. Glen Weaver.:, 'Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weaver last' Friday visited his parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. Lbvell ,Weaver, Chat - •The 'Worlds Day of. Prayer in • ac enzie this area was .held in St.. Pauls Chiropractor 'Physio and Electro Therapist, .Wingbani --- • Phone 300 .•.(Officelocated. in former ..C.KNik building on the. Main Street), INSURANCE AIRODCASUALTY IVIOCAtIE • AND LIFE , To Protect Your Jack, Insure With :Jack Today. J. A. MCDONAGII • Phone 306, Lucknow • STATE FARM:. MUTUAL AVT.QMOBILE ,...INSURANCE • Investigate BefOre Investing' --REVBEN WILSON • . , . R.R. Goderich • Phone 80,-i-8, Dungannon • R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, _ONTARIO .LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and Saturday. Afternoon • , • Memorial .Chapel• . FUNERAL SERVICE. • Services conducted *, accord-, ing ,to your ,wishes.at your' ' • Home, your Churc, .or at our'Memorial Chapel at no 'additional charge. • ., Phone 181, Lucknow, • • si Day or Night • ,,,,a444.0.4roo#4,,mow.m..Nd4 4,~ • Office in the Joynt "Block Telephone: • Office 135; . Residence 31-J R. S. HETHERINGTON•, Q•c7, Banister, Etc. Wingham and Lucknow IN• LUCKNOW • • Monday' and Wednesday *tocated ij Kilpatrick Block. • • !Phone Winghana: • Office 48 • Residence 91, • IMPERIAL OIL .pRoDucTs • • for prompt service, , • . and quality products, WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP • We 1Have • Been Memorial .. 'Craftsmen for "Thirty -Seven • Years, Always. Vsing • THE BEST GRANITES ' . Along With . Expert Designing and •WorkinanshiP. • Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty • R. A. SPOTTON --• Phone 256, VVingham Ontario contact:. °‘• GitANT CHISHOLM Phone,' collect ,Dungatmon 72,r-1 `.• Or.10 LuckhOW • N'4, AhkrtiYe‘ 1050kb 140 imperial • For The Best' G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick 'St., just off the Main St4 in WINGHAlVi • Professional Eye Examination ' Optical Services' • . For appointment • Please. Phone 770, Wingham ,k. J. MacKENZIE, 04.1 optometrist NOW INRIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY •Office Hours 10.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley 96-r-24 for, appointment. Anglican Church on 'Friclai af- ternoon' at .2;30 P.m. It was noted, that 'about fifty ladies attended. Mrs. Tom Young, president of St. Pauls Guild opened the met - ink and. Mrs: Stewart Taylor of - Nile, led with responsive prayers, as also did •Mrs.',K.• K. Dawson and: Mrs. W. A. Stewart. :The prayers *ere interspersed• with the singing of hYmns, accoinp- )anied by Mrs. Don Paquette, Other prayers were given .by Mrs. Lorne Iyers, Mrs. • Cecil • Blake; Miss E: Mrs: Mason 'McAllister,' Mrs. W. 'Rutledge; Mrs. W. 'Wiggins. s. (Rev.). Wil- fred Wright :as.guest gave an. addieSs.' on ,`God.'s Love'. for the WholeOrld.''' • Disagreeable • circumstances ' . !•44.;,•4.•.•ey. R. W.:BELL.- • OPTOMETRIST GODERICH „ . a , • • • F. T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The' Square (Phone JAckson 4-7661) • .were met by Mr. Wilmer 'Erring, ton 'when he went'down to • the 'United Church. Saturday tq. cheek and get ready for •Sunday moth- ing service. The oil -burner furn- up, that LUCKNOW. DISTRICT • CO,OPERATIVE INC. ." Phii'Lneknovv :71 • • • ",,,•~0.0,0,004. TED. COLLYER Registered, Master Electrician • 'ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • SOecializirig. In., *Electric' Heating,. Electric ,Wiring and Repairs and* All electrical ApplianceS phone, .LiicknoW , • • • • f'•11 • 4 ,•; 11 c OP SE • now Dis • • 4.4 .;.`• "' ; ace pipes had blown caused a lot,. of dirty soot on the • Phone' :71 floors and, ceiling -especially in the furnace room and in' the :ehspir room inst above. The choir gowns were heavy with grime and soot. Ken .Pettitif-,,•<Kineartli* was suniniendecl to come-'& get Things .gOing again; They and/ Mr.. Ar- thur- • Elliott. • worked diligently till away on late) Church .service was held as usual and It.ik not ,knoWn ,whY the .Catise of the cat- astrophe', but re Was lucky no one ,Was • hurt Withthe blast or, more serious damage.. . • - <. Mr; and and. 'five children, Clinton, rented:an apartment from Mrs. Tom Koviak ;and moved ,last week. ;•• . Mrs: Toni .KoViak,. Pamela & Town 'Jr. spent last •Wee15..•-end. in Detroit. ' . •• ' 'Prize winners at the:. Sigrria arty .at Cedar • Valley on Mon - dal night were Mrs. . Russel BrindleY;. Mrs.. Lloyd HOdges, Nelson .Pearson and:Bryon Black• With nine .,tablgs: in play• • •.• At the euchre in the. Orange, Hall On Monday night winners were Mrs. Russel Irvin, Mrs. 'Lorne Hackett, Herb' Finnigan & Tom, •Rivett... • The: second ',meeting: of ,the •Whitechureh, Vegital ,Gals ,Was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mit. Peter Nor: - man'. The girls brought veget- ables .•to the meeting both:raw arid frozen •and . they made raw Carrot jelly, carrot .sticks, cream- ed pOtatoes' and parsleypotatoes. The girls Made. Creamed cabbage and peanut butter:arid raW, car- rots mixed together. There were girls present and the next. meeting will be held at the hen* of Mrs: Garnet Farrier. • • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacMillan •of Holyrbod.. and-, ..1VIr. and Mrs.. George Tiffin' visited .on :Siinday at' the home, of Mr.. and Mrs. Wes : - • • ,Dr: . and Mrs:. Donald Watt will' leave .Bella C011a Wand,. E.C.. on, Sunday to attend a two week medical Convention. in Bermuda. and Mrs..John.Gatint, Mrs. .Mearle, Casemore''of .Winghain and. Mr. and. Mrs...Tim Gaunt.of Morris visited en Surida,y•; with Mr. Toni, Gaunt :in . • • • toria Hospital: . Mr. and Mrs'. Melvin, MeClen- aghan of Waterloo,: spent Sat.: , HITEcHURCH • • Mr. Ben 'IVIeClenaghan received word on 'Friday of the passing of his siker, Mrs, Susan Pelton in her 68th year in. •Denver, Color-, ;ado. She was the former Susan lVfopenaghan and lived with her, daughter in. San Jose, California. . The Whitechurch United Church Women wil 'Meet on Wednesday of Mrs.f."*.G. ' t Farrier, roll call °tile. • the 21st - March at the rhome Using . the word law." ." • ' .........:0•44.,......m.'."4""N".•"•••1,0...^,4 • FURNACE OIL, • STOVE GM!, KEROSENE, GASOLINE • - 'See., or Call • A. "BIJIi". HAMILTON Phone 220,w,LucknoW District Agent for Cities Service • ttrday at the home and. „. Mrs: Ben IVIeClena;ghan:. • . • • , Ir and • :Mrs. Albert Coulter and Diane and Mr: and Ars. lack Coultes visited on Sunday at the home • of Mr. and Wilbert ' .Schyvielitenberg. at SOuthanipton. ' • : Mi. and Mrs Douglas Simpson and Currie of Tees visited ' on•Sunday .at the hoink °of Mrs:. Hughie 'Simpson.. • • Mr. and:, Mrs:: George Thomp- son and family *Of Feversham spent the, week< -end at the home . of Rev. and. Mrs. John: Watt.. . • Mr. and , Mrs. nitsSel• . Gaunt • .4 I spent Wednesday and Thursday • with Mr. and ,Mrs. Donald Ders-' • tien in Brantford and visited: with • Mr. ?Torn Gaunt 1.4ondon • Vid-, • , toria Hospital. • • •44 'Mr.. and Mrs.. Ben ivre;cienAg- han :and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Me.- Clerraglian visited on Thursday . at,. the .home .of mr.. and Mrs. ',Ix - *in .MdClenaghan in St. Thomas. ' ,'.••, .147 • , • "My -wife talks to herself." •"so des mine but she doesn't realize:it. She thinks I'm listen, • .4...•••••••••• '"; NEW :.CONCENTRATES balanco yourown grain economically NEW; FEEDSare blended for besi results ROLLED K. D. CORN• • For Your, Fattening Cattle • BULK; BLOWN DAILY SERVICE . WM. KNECHTEL afld SON LTD. • Lticknow Branch, ?hone 78 'THERE'S A NEW LIFE FEED FOR EVERY NEED" • t, ,