HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-14, Page 7WiEDNOSDAY, MAR. 14th 49;62'
Well, Education Week . is ' all
over for another year, ' ,thank
. goodness, and, we •.educators can.
get back to the job of 'leading
horses to water, without being
urged on"by fervent articles in the'
newspapers and dull' panels on'
It's strange, . Education used
•. to be considered the. Most 'boring
,topic in the world., Now, it is
a. conversation gambit . that will
throw any gathering into, a verbal.
donnybrook ,before you can • splut:-
ter "Egerton Ryerson."
,Chief reason is that every
who got Past Grade
4 is an expert'
on the subject. Everyone has at
least • one cure for the 'illsof the'
school, system: '
People whoused. to he beaten'
.mercilessly .by their, teachers .for:
pure .sloth • will sit 'back there
with a big,- fat drink in their
hand and tell you• earnestly that
today's kids are "lazier'n 'hound
dogs."• •
• Women who ' couldn't stagger
'but of Grade 9'because they were
so'• absorbed in Jae, and who quit
as soon . as they were 16 in.• order
to. marry him, will declare ve-
hemently that `they all. "go
steady" and think about 'nothing
else but boys.,•
Men .who spend ours bragging
about what hellionsthey were at
school, scream ' for ' everything•
short of a Royal :Commission •to
investigate; when a teacher gives
their Johnny a. dirty look,: after
he •hasp tried to live up .to the.
old man's reputation.',
• Then there .are all the people
who. think' that the job of- the
school is not to educate people,
but to teach them how to make
a. living the bigger the better.
This 'being so "Why do they
teach them poetry and Latin and
all that junk they can never use?"
I'm riot adopting a 'holier •than -
thou' attitude toward all these
people. Before I wandered'. from
the Elysian • fields of the weekly
newspaper into tbe blackboard
j ungle,' I too, .sat on the veranda
of ;my glass house ' and fired
rocks at the sy.. steni,
still think there are many
flaws in. it, m, any ` gaps •in • the
process;.., and • a good deal of be
'wilderment about the dire4ticn in
.which' it's• •going, but I am also
aware of some of the . obstacles
in'. the way of making ' it perfect.
Perhaps' the biggest .of these'
lies in the materials used:In;
manufacturing, a'• product of high
'quality can •be tU rned .out if cer-
tain procedures are ,,followed:
btaining the best materials us-
ing the best equipinent; and fol
lowing . the most. efficient •.rneth-
ods. .
But in education, the unit.•com-
. ing 'off the' production • line is
made ' 'of flesh . and blood. It
breathes and; thinks and fears
and rebels and laughs. You. can't
mold :or ;press it into .the desired.
standard shape, and' size, cram
it into a package and . peddle
it, through an. expensive adver-
tising ' and sales j campaign.c7
.And it's 'a jolly ,good thing
you can't, because there are
plenty of people" :in the .world
'who would like to do just that.
In the' big Commie countries,
they are trying to do it right, now.
They are having apparent suc-
,cess, •and • that's why everybody
panics whenever the newspapers.
announce that. the Russians .are
now "turning out" 22 or whatever:
per cents more engineers, than we.
I'd like to make ..a little" ,pro-
phecy, Mark 'this: down and ' pass
it.; along to your children. Here
it . is: Those prduction line .edu
cation 'systems we '.-fear',-are cur
rently sowing. the seeds of their
own destruction, . :.
'• :Why? That's easy., Look at What
happened to the %western world
when they begari educating is
peasants.. Now we think we're.
as good as anybody. We topple
governments; ''we criticize kings;
we •demand; more .money, for less
work; 'we thumb our ::collective
noses 'in the' general direction, of.
Whit do . you get when • you
A complete range of banking services—because this is the site
of a newbranch:. of 'a chartered bank/ Future customers will come here`.:
• g, chartered bank•is it
to do all their banking, because only in a •
all one :roof /Each branch, large
possible for banking to by done 'under
or small, offers a full banking service, from cashing, a cheque to
financing foreign trade.Each has a, staff rained' and eager to render
. .
the high standard of service that features charteredbanking in Canada.
start educating the masses? 'You
get a lot of smart alecs.. Or smart
Ivans or srinai"t Wongs. -Mark 'thy
.Words, one of • these • 'days their
leaders , will wake up' to:. it, but
it, will be; too,late:.When all, those
educated commies get. sick •of: the
same old ideas' and start looking
around for some new ,ones, "there'll '•
be a .tremendous explosion. You
can't put everybody in a concent
ration b camp.. '
And with these ,few confusing
•thoughts, let .us' say farewell t r
Education Week -as it `slowly sinks
.out of ' sight. for; another "year.
And let us‘:s-pare a tear .• for my
son Hugh;. who chose ;this,..lof °a11
weeks,; oto come, home. with his
worst report card of the. , year,
: The community,: was shocked to: •
.hear of the: fire: at' OKNX Turs-
day. morning. It seenied. like' los7.
ing a . good friend out of ' our . .
•homes, iHowever, within minutes
the radio. was: on • the' air and
a ,few :hours later TV w,as ori...We,
Wish' to: ' eoari'gratulate• r. • Cruik-'
shank; •' the . , staff • • and
• ,:everyone.
connected ,yvith. the :quick work.:::.
Good luck' in the future to GKNX.
Several: ;residents. _of tte. com-
munity• sighted ground :hogs `;last
'week: out on the', : snow:', °
�1VIrs ' Frank 'Brown' .and < Reg
spent. Monday evenixtg .with. Mr.
,and. Mrs, Ezra Stanley, Kinlough..
. On Friday. morning, . Mr. ,'arid,
Mrs: Torn Hodgins:and Mrs, .Asrt
Hodgins left. :,by ,:par .for Sault
'Ste.. +Marie where .Mr. and . Mrs..
Hodgins. spent. the week -end
with . Mr. and' Mrs.. Art. .Graham;
.while Mrs`, Art Hodgins visited
her sister,'Mrs,!Norinan C,augl ill:,.
Mr: and ' IVlrs ::Frank' '' Murray
:have returned home and will take '
up residence on the: ; groo'm's• .
farm, 12th con.
• 'Miss tide. Wall, London, spent
the week=end' under theparental
roof. f
Mrs:: Frank ' Brown. and ,Reg :
spent 'Sunday evening with . Mr.
. and •MrS. ,Harvey • Nicholson and..
Huh,.: 'Bervie. .
'The' '2nd' Lucknow Brownie`
Pack met on Tuesday with eleven
girls present.. ;Mane Jamieson
was welcomed as ;the new Pack
Leader. Valerie Morningstar was
Toadstool Fairy Following open
ing games, the pack , 'practised
Fairy ,Ring and ; the new six
'Songs. . Fairy Gold was. 'collected'
and the girls. :were inspected;a for ..
neat hair.. •'The; ;Tweeniea were '.
asked; to bring` a brush .or comb'
to, the next meeting.'Practice *as,
held for the:. enrolment of , the
'Tweenies which will be held •
'March 20th. •The Tweenies 'prac-
practised the Grand Howl. In Pow-.
ww, Brown Owl read the
Brownie Story, All the. girls -told.
of. good turns they had practised
during the past week. Notes were
handed in from parents. con,;..
firming .'the 'Tweenies: had' wash-
ed dishes at home,. A closing song „
was practised and the meeting
iosed with: prayer and Brownie
Taps. •