HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-14, Page 6F1.
W ..
The Langside W.M $ meeting
was .held at the home of 1 iss.
Minna Richardson on n ,Thursday,
March lath. In the absenceof. the
president .the 1st vice, Mrs. Wes-
ley, Young' took the chair • The
Worlds Day of Prayerprogram,
from, the Glad Tidings was used,
Prayers- . were given by . , Mrs..
Bessie Steel,' Mrs: Lloyd Moffat,,
Mrs.: Clifford Young, Mrs, tar=
ish. Moffat and Mrs. Doug 'imp -
Son. A very ; interesting reading
Was 'given by Mrs.,- Elmer Scott.
Mrs.: William Orr presented Mrs.
l'ar ish. Moffat with a gift before
extra with.
Extra" dozens of white eggs!
That's what you can expect:
frgm the Starcross 28:$ .
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1,isn IELD U.C. WOMEN' 'gave a~ reading Mrs. Peter Cook
z0 •
MORE .an•nst ument
al. A report:
average . � OBSERVE:•DA'Y •OF .PRAYER . Playedr
eisoe. tYtvnn nn +l.o ennui �*snr.ir'.
her departure for Wingitam. Mrs.
Moffat thainked the ladies. Hymn
671 was sung and the• 'meeting,
clawed with prayer; •The April
meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. • Orr. Roll call to be an-
swered' with a scripture verse
containing the wprd "cross."
. .Service
"abd's: love. ` for the whole
world" .wvas, the theme for: the
World . .Day of ,Prayer.. The aer-
•vice. wvas prepared: by women o;
Uruguay, . ' ' -
Nearly ,100 women attended the
'service •.in the Lucknow United
Church on Friday,. March ,9th.
Mrs. K. Cameron welcomed the
ladies- from the Anglican, Luck -
now' .and. ',South Kinloss ' Presby-
terian churches, She stated it Was
tite 16th•successive year and that
it was` estimated. that ' 120,000
women and . girls, members of at
least •eigh't denominations would
attend identical services in about
3,500 different "places in Canada.
In 'addition, citizens of another
145 countries, spread over. • six
continents, .would 'be meeting to
sing the • came hymns and pray.
the;sante prayers.
Leaders taking part Were Mrs. •
Etta 'Roberti and Mrs., . Ernest
Gaunt of . the Anglican, * church;
Mrs. Fraser 'McKinnon „of South
.a 1
Kit -4103s; and. Mrs R. C. 1VI cKen'-:
zie• of the Liteknow:Presbyterian
church Prayers were given. ' by
Mrs. W. °Hodgkinson,', .Mr's. I•i.:
Mole,, Mrs M.., Henderson,` Mrs.
J. '. Aitchison, Miss D. • McLeod '&
Mdiss H. Webster..
Mrs. Fred McQuillin 'capably
gave. the..address in keeping with
the theme', and' purpose •of the
couragements in the work. Mrs.
Russell and Mrs. Reid took part
in the'pray'er circle. Mrs. P.
Stuart favoured with a p g
solo . Mrs. M. ,Hedersonexpres-
sed the sympathy of the Auxili-
ary ,for Mrs, Ceok in the unex-
pected passing of • her. brother,
Mr. John; Gillies. The Aw ildary
decided todesignate a desk for
the dean's office ,for wart Col-
lege, in memory of the late Miss
Hannah • MacDonald. Miss Mary
MacLeod closed the meeting with
prayer and Mrs. Stewart and 1Vi;rs:
Reid' assisted the hostess in serv-
ing tea and a social hour 'was'.
enjoyed.:• The ..Afternoon IAuxil-
, iary will' entertain the (Mission,.
Band, and mothers' at. the April
• meeting, when the .certificates fSt
seals will !"-,T,. presented..
Lucknow C W.L
Rev. Father L., C. Thomas• pre-
sided over the March .C.W.L.
meeting 'held ' at. Mrs. William
Schmid's residence; There was a
small attendance of .nine ladies.
Members are, urged. to make a
better effort to 'attend the April
meeting. After the correspond-•
ence ,was d'eal't with, a nominat-
ominat-ing, committee was •appointed to
bring in the new slate of officers
for 19G2. 'Mrs.' Leonard Chns'holm•
conducted an Trish .contest: with
Mrs. Peter MacDonald, the 'win-
ner. • A tasty. lunch was :served
by` 'the hostess, ,assisted' by Mrs.
(Donald MacKinnon • and Mrs.
George . Tucker, bringing,' a plea-
lea-sant . afternoon t'o a close.
Zion United.. Church Women
The March' meeting of 'the, Zion
:U.C.W. was held at the • home'
'of Mrs.. Charles Anderson on
March. 7th •with T8 : members;. 5
children and '1.;'visitor •present.
The president; • Mrs; am -.Hunter
World Day of 'Prayer, • Mrs. J. presided. The roll call. was . an
• W.'•Joynt's and: Mrs: R Ackert's' swered.' by .giving;. a "command-:
pleasing` '" uet,;;' `°Sweet Hour of ment,"' the devotional was taken
• Prayer"' accompanied' by Mrs'. R, .by Mrs. Allan',Ritchie With- Mrs:
Cumming added ',Much .to "the Earl Swan" reading the ;scripture
. • •e
serviceThe offeringwas x cei -
lesson: The:, chapter in,; t • study;.
ed 'by Mrs. a E.' Taylor and • Mrs. book was •.given• by Mrs. frank,
• G. McDiarmid .;$19.23: will be re- !Ritchie. A reading on citizenship
flatted . 'to •..,the .., Women's : Inter -4. .was.' iven..yb .:,+Mrs ,<R�obert °'Helnh
., g y X ,
Church'iCounail of.'Canada, Mrs Eunice Dunsmuir sang a'
WEDNESDAY, MAR. 14th, 1962
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silent 'Miss • .Johnston thanked,
Mrs. West for entertaining us in
her home.
South Kinloss W.M.S.
Mrs.' Sandy:acLeod was hos-
tess to: South .Kinloss W.M.S. at
her home on,: Wednesday, March
7th; • :Mrs; Fraser MacKinnon
presided, assisted ; by the Secre
tary, Mrs. W. F. •MaeLoonald Who
alio had charge. ' .of the ' . Prayer
Circle. An • Easter Thankoffering
disc s sed. The Bile
meeting • us.
Study• was : David's 'psalm:, ; 'of
praise No. 145. It 'was . established
that 'praise is the Only •thing we
can 'give to God and is a sacrifice.
most acceptable to iHim, to be,.
offered - wcontirtuallir. The { ;study.
concluded with the • singing.•o:
the Doxogy
lo .: Mrs:. Art IBreckles i
contributed a pleasing:, solo ac-
companied by'. Mrs: A. Hughes
and also a harmonica 'selection.
Mrs. Ted .iCollyer 'had the •study.
British Guiana . 'and •. Mrs.
Lloyd 1VIacDougal . read excerpts;
from a recent •letter. from Rev.
Alex Macldnald
regarding the
terrible riot in ''Georgetown. A.
.story :Of Waith -Rewarded" cal:+-
led .``The Empty Flour Bin" was
read by''Mrs.: Ira Dickie and`M iss
Martha Sutherland, read• a poem
"Flowers for the, living." Mrs.
Douglas ,Graham .;.gave news of
the MacMillans trip home • from
Formosa and their visit to Jer-
usalem and . to 'India. The direc-
tors for the• meeting, Mrs. Ted •
Collyer 'and :Miss: Dean. MacLeod
assisted the hostess• with,- lunch..
LEARNS,. s.gwiSG 'TIPS '
The fifth • meeting of° Colwan..'
ash Learning Lassies was held' at
Hackett's . Church !basement.. The
meeting' started' with.'. the 4=H
pledge and the roll call` was 'an
swered by: one new point I 'have
lear. 'ed: about cutting out and
markt g a, garment, .
'Notes; were taken on fitting.,
and ga: ent 'fitting.
.Th meeting closed with the
singing. • of the Queen played . by
Barbara .Nelson..
A honescke d weather man was
describing his •wife to a', friend,
`Hazel, speaks at, 150 worlds' a
,minute, with 'gusts: up .to 186.
299 eggs per pullet housed•
zhan test
01'MOR taverag•
per eggs ; pullet housed;
23 MORthan test
E' average ,.
(Tennessee -1959-601'
(Highest sgp production .in test) •:
.'More eggs., . '. higher in'
come—you're • ahead •
with °..Starcross 288 layers
from Swift. Order now from
your: dealer or
direct from
the hatchery..
en' MillingTreleave
Phone: Lucknow 9
The :'Ashfield. United 'Church
Women held the World's' Day: of
Prayer in :the manse on March
9th; Mrs. Bert Alton opened the
meeting 'with prayer and call to
worship. ' •'Mrs.Wes !Ritchie was
pianist ' for the afternoon, Mrs
Jim' Hunter of Zion, Mrs': Alex'
Hackett of. ;Hacketts and Mrs.
Chris: Cooke of Blakes acted as
leaders.. Offering prayers were gi-
ven -by Mrs. 'Gordon Kaiser,"fyits:
Charlie' Anderson, Mrs . Dynes
Campbell,, Mrs.' Ervin 'Zinn and
Mrs. Keith; Cranston." Mrs.' Wm;
Andrew, the guest' speaker, 'ex-
plainedin a', few Words haw the
World Day of:Prayer Prayer encircled
the globe in a•• few- hours. Coin-:
mencing in . the Tong° . Islands,
then • slowly westward, lending in
St Lawrence 'Islands in .the At-
tic. Shethen: spoke on the theme•
for the day "God's !Love tot.. the
Whole World.,, _•
Two solo's by Miss; Barbara, Nel
son ,accompanied by Vfis& Joahiie.
Alton at the piano, were nluch
.enjoyed. The, --offering of $7.70
was •received by Mrs; Frank Rit-
chie • and Mrs. , Dynes Campbell
ard , Mrs. Bert Alton led. • in
prayer: The meeting, closed with
'benediction by Mrs. Bert Alton.
Lunch was served by: Mrs.
Kaiser 'and the '. ladies . of ' the
manse' committee.
•Lucknow Presbyterian W.M.S...
The 'Afternoon Auxiliary, of
the W:M:S of, the Presbyterian
Church, met in Mrs. .Jahn Ern-
erson's home for. the. March meet-
ing. •1Vtrs. Clair Agnew' `presided
arid twenty.+five ladies answered
roll ,call. Mrs, MacLeod gave the
Bible Study , on ..":the 'parable of
the sower, A letter from Rev.
Alex MacDonald:. of. British •IGuia.
na was read in which' he related
something of the troublethrough
Which that South American coun-
try is passing at the ,present time.
-Mrs. Rayner gave• the •Bible Study
on the' mission and the church•
h ' Br'%tsh Guiana, and told the
history of the church there, and
of ;the 'discouragenents and :en -
Three .:quilts had been ;quilted
since the' last . meeting • and t'he.
ladies had catered for the Lions:..
supper 'and arrangements were
made for •the•:quilting of .another
quilt at, Mrs. Charles Wilkins on't
March , 414th:. It .Was decided to.
paint' the :church floor and ' a
committee. of 2: ladies; Mrs Peter..,.
Cook and Mrs. W.' G. Hunter.
was appointedto ..see about it.
The visitors to thsick. for the
next rn.onth• are Mrs:.: Gordon,,
Kirkland: and • Mrs. .Wes .,Ritchie
and, the. •program for . the next
month will be•'pr?eparedby,Mrs..
Charlie Anderson: The net
meeting will be Anderson:
on April.
12th at Mrs. Rayn'ard's, The
meeting closed with prayer ; by
Mrs. Kaiser . and lunch• was .serve-'
ed by the Hostels.
Ashfield: Presbyterian .W.M.S.
The March meeting 'of Ashfield,
Presby'terian•'W-M.S. was held at
"the •home. of our third' vice-pres•i.
dent, .who •was also leader' ' for,
the -meeting. 'The World Day Of
prayer , programme ,followed." The
roll call was responded to with.
a 'verse on love.-' 17 ladies were
,present, :no • visitors Devotional
part was taken- by, Mrs. Hugh
.MacKenzie; •who 'chose several'
verses from different parts of the
Bible and gave an inspiring Medi-
tation • on them followed by
prayer;. Mrs. Gordon Robb 'gave
a reading on .the wondrous love
of God. Mrs' Bill MacDonald read
an article' on "The world day, of
prayer." The offering' was receiv-
ed and. Mrs. Warren .Wylds gave,
the dedicatoryprayer. President,
Miss S. C. Johnston took the chair
for the business of the meeting:
Plans.'were outlined for 'the ini-
tiation -meeting of. the' Explorer
group, to be . heldr ' March 30th,
also for our'' •annual Christian Fa.;
rrily Night, April .:24th. Meeting
closed with hymn ' 67+1 and the
benediction. Grace was' sung. and
lunch served by, the hostess and
committee in charge Leader;
Mrs. West thanked all who •help-
ed with the programnne and pre-
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