HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-03-07, Page 12rf� A jqr rif a • ;a. rj =t; it -k • PAGE TWELVE THE IMCK , OW SENTZNEG,. LLICKNO.. ONTARIO . N.••*••lN••N•••••r••••Nl••i•HN••® 4®!i "Dress Up" Your Home With. LOVELY CURTA11 and HC..0.SHI.,.HOLI PERIES ISHING.5 DACRON, PANELS ar.. M in plain or flocked pattern, $4•95 and $5.95 pi . FRILLED DACRON—. • in plain or flocked, price $5.95 .pair. Frilled, 'Dotted ],VIARQUI"SETTS" Ct7RTAINS— • reagon'ably pricedat . $2:98 • and, $3.98 • pair. COTTAGE SETS °= $3.39 : BY_..THE YARD -- ready hemmed dacron in flocked. patterns, small checks*. and dots, priced • from � 79c . to $1.15 •• • • DOTTED MARQUISETTE= in frilled or ' straight edge. 'Price, yard 49c L • • f. • • Made: To Order DRAW DRAPERIES li'ned •; or unlined any length required in, one, twa'or three widths -- ready to hang with pinch pleated ' headings . and". hooks. R•:. Very reasonably :priced and lovely colours and patterns from which to . choose. Come in arid look -oyer our :samples. ' 1,; Other Households Furnishings c 'REVER IBLE HEIRLOOM • TY PE '.: • BEDSPREADS --:1 1st' quality.-- .- nice only 10.9 . t q.. y p•$ .. •• •; ALS• O SUB. STANDARDS only.95 .:e • Sheets' arid Pillow 'Cases b °Wabasso •• ,Flette . Blankets : : Linen ... . , s • i• Lace aid Tablecloths. Towels • • • • ' 'AGENT , FOR-KINCARDIN. E° 'CLEANERS > it Free pick-up, and Deriver7 Monday':'and' : • #� ri► Thursday so - is •. .•. rc-ssz i,rr a: �,. e • •. ladies' . and Men's:Wear - Lucknow •' SUPPORT THE ARTIFICIAL ' ICE FUND • ioaioa••ae•••e'aili000•eieaie•e••••ae••i••.••••• 4 .BOY SCOUTS (Continued`' from Paige 1):: • act again were, Ernest Button,' Gerald' Rathwell • and '.Donald MacKinnon. Harold .Austin was in attendance: and agreed toact as a, new: member: Other_: former committee members and new men were ' suggested 'and :were to ''be contacted Volunteers; ..,will .be welcomed. ,Ken Chester expressed his wil-, lingness to .help but felt his time in . Lucknow. ' was ' •not` .certain enough to accept any responsi bility. WELUNGTONBRAND' Y -PASTURE' MIXTURE 30% ::Canadian' Alfalfa 30%: ' Canadian Brome Grass 12% . Certified Climax'' Timothy .10%' Perennial Rye ,Grass 10% Ontario Reil Clover 5% Kentucky 31. Fescue 3% ".Certified .Ladino Clover 100% Price :.42c . pound per 'Sow 20 .lbs.. acre: • Seed is., sold in " 1 acre ,or 2 acre; Sealed, bags ,and is treatedwith Captan 75W for prevention. : of root and . fungus diseases. The following is a suggested. Seed Mixture SUITABLE .FOR HAY AND PASTURE 8 lbs. ; Alfalfa 2 lbs. '.Red Clover 6. lbs. Timothy 4 lbs. Brume Grass 20 11!s per acre -Your cdst $6.60 , per acre Or '33c per All the 'above' Government Standard No. 1 • free of charge ,if desired. seed.. Will mix . FINLAYSON PHON>J 91,' LUCKNOW " By The Sentme! THAT Ty indherHamilton had • .a partfriends : on' Monday tomark her 7th birth - THAT Mrs. Wilmer Howey of Lucknow left at the week -end on a six week motor . trip to, Florida with her sister and hus band,. Mr.' and, . Mrs. Lloyd 'Edighbffer. of Mitchell,' THAT Miss. Marion Buckton, daughter of Mr.; and Mrs. `Her- bert •t$uck'ton.. of • Kinloss,, has. been awarded' . 'aa Dominion- -Provincial Bursary of $200. at ,Stratford.: Teachers' ; ;College. THAT .this,;week's report on Mrs. •Jessie A'hin's condition is that • "she . is coming .along fine. and; making good headway." Favor- able avor able reports are ` also ' receive'd , on the • progress ' being Made by Miss Annie MacKay. ; THAT ex service' personnel Arid their ,their dependents `who. may de- sire i esire.. information, on veterans' allowance. can . get, 'first hand, informations on Wednesday of' -next week: •when. ' a •' service :bureau officer1 will' be here.; Appointments 'cavi be arranged • by Ken Cameron. • THAT 'James. F. Parkes of Mis- sion, City; .p.c., and; . formerly of 'Kiriloss,sends along a 'don- ation to the ice :fund," enclosed with . his .Sentinel subscription. Up to the. time 'of writing they'. had about, ,ten ten.; days 'of, -_real winter.•'with.18•. inches of .snow. But it was. all gone and spring-' like weather •prevailed with a •. temperatures of , froni 45. to 60 ■n . � Special .'S�% ng. degrees: : ■ ' . i' • u WEDNESDAY, MAli.C1I 7th, 1962 arket NEAREST TO YOUR BANK and POST OFFICE. Nescafe lflstant. .Coffee, jar 89c Large 6 oz. 10e off habel...Save. up to 20c.: Margarine Super Safe • 4Ibs. 95c Delmar For All Your Household Use... Save 21c Soda Crackers On Sale . 2 lbs 65c Cb is -tie's Premium Salted or Plain.' Save 13c. Tomato.Souip Oe Sale,' 1 ' iOtiflS99c Campbell's 10oz. Saye: up to 36c. Bargain: Ivory Snowpackage 30c. off •:Label: 'Proctor &" Gamble's Mild. King Size. $I.29: aap Powder. ATTENTION Teachers,. Parents, Pupils!- Did You Get Your Canadian 8111 of Rights FREE With Purchase Of Stripe Toothpaste. Values Effective We Sell For Less March 8, . 9, 10 Phone: 119, Lucknow .. Memorial ` Chapel was conducted. by 'her • pastor,',. Rev. :T, J. Mc-. Kinney.. Temporary entombment', was .in SouthKinloss; Mausoleum, the pallbearers,. being, Alex, and Hugh MacKay, Maurice ;Mac] on ald, Russell and Jack ` Barr'. and Jack Hodgins, Interment wiah, be 'in Greenhill' Cemetery. Bereavement .. has been. . fre- uent of late at.the Percy borne. Her son:Harold predeceased; `her 'last December. Harold's 14 -year- old son David was :killed in' Jun. e' of 1959 and David's. mother died suddenly a few' years before 'Mrs. Percy is survivedby ion, Alex Percy 'of Kinlough; three ,daughters, Mrs. John (Cora) of . .Kinloss, Mrs .Pe IHcsdgins (Hazel) of Culross •a Miss`: Winnifred Percy, on• home farm who has devote. cared for.' her. mother • and been a mother to Harold's fa 'fly since Mrs. Percy died. Th are 13 grandchildren and 11 'gr grandchildren.. Surviving also l sister, Mrs. Neil McKay ,of cardine Township. • .Mrs. Percy's.. hu`s-band . pr ceased her ;over ; 22 .years. • tuiaeummummi a uirm ean■nueeie.miane■aes ee sasei THAT' .for a °nenfinalcharge, :-'members: 'of the., Horticultural' Society'- and " those wishing to. become -members, Can join' in a bus trip to Niagara. Falls on • March 15th far. the. Ontario Horticultural' Society conven- tionnd: tour of Niagara, Falls.. ,A ' thirty-six .seat bus. : 'will be going' and •at time • of writing ' , on .Monday, twenty -sic had in-. dicated, their intention Of going. THAT Mrs: Jack McDonagh & Barry and Betty .McDonagh attended. the wedding in • La .comb; Albrta, last week of Mr. and Mrs "Chuck" McDonagh: While in ,Edmonton, Norma was a- visitor with 'Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Webster and .also .called. 'on Mr. and Mrs. William . He; wat (Frances Thompson):. It Was 41, below zero when Mrs;' MaDonagh arrived in Edmon .. ton; • •Passel Awdy .ln- Ninetieth Year MRS. WILLIAM PERCY Just :two• weeks past ° her.: 89th• birthday, death 'came for Mrs. William Patterson, Percy at her home 'on Concession 12, Kinloss on ' Monday,. February 26t:_. • Mrs. Percy had been in failing /health 'for a time ' and ' had been. blind for several years. Death re stilted from' :a cerebral hemorr- hage. She was born ' in '•Greenock Township onFebruary ,11th, 1873, and . was ..theformer Marion 1�iiacDonald, daughter of Alexan- der Ma0D.onald and Mary, Anne .M'aeRae, both natives _ of, ..Scot - :land: It was at the bride's home in Greenock that ki and, Mrs. Percy 'were. wed .n ,Ap 't 17th, 1901, and took up arming in the Kinlo'ugh district n Kinloss, Mrs, Percy was a xxletnber of Kir/lough Presbyt-rian Church and , a, :life memb = of the W.M.S. The' funeral' ice on Thursday, March at - .the MacKenzie 1 1 .■ . • i:S�flworthy • ■ Ready Pet■e ;a••, ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■• ■• ■. ■ • Mn: Full Swflg ...See our large selection. of pattern> and Semi Pia . ▪ . : wallpapers, ,in READY PASTED • and unpast • quality for every °room•in the house. TERRIFIC • VALUES ■ �ro 35c Viand . 45c� erl ' �n Ie p 8 Ready Pasted at 49c 'Tan Also see our regular stock of 150 wallpapers for 1962: win -Tec Wallpaper V .s'nable :---- CoMplete Mailable At: cr ;single r (Watch for sample folder in ' the Mail) Mnoal SPRING. WALLPAPER SALE ■ ■ •■ ii t ' From • Still A. Good Selection To Choose ■ . ▪ " Finlay DecoratOl! ✓ Wallpaper -- C.I.L.. Paints . ; =- Floor 'Coverm ■ ',' Phone 218; Lucknow • ..• 1 ■• euet■si�a�■ia■■e■■araaaaasaaisuesstasMssc ■ •